Newspaper Page Text
Of ?- HSlS ikii J? ., u tf . ' J I iH4 It. .Tf- , , U 'j. 'P 'Ita S3 ' s ; ill :.: i'fc "r V1 !iji jii JM1 ' fcl . ,' ... If t Vi 1 1 : U, . 'Mi;t f if .' ''-'irA1.. 1 5 '., nvmi I 1 j s .RE . i ;: I t R". Kji .!! i; h $ V ,Mt.! it! l! S I1'' l iffa fen ; - r .? -ij" m ru i ' K Bi i iiii hljl Mm I r ' ii She Cocouiu0 Jnw. C. M. Funston, Editor. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY" 13. 1896. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. OnoYcar I 8 CO Six Months 1 to Thrco Months 76 Address nil communications and make all remittances to C, M. Funston, Flagstaff, Arizona. Advertising rates given upou application. Entered at the. Flagstaff post office as second-class matter. rpc&'i'jjyv -TPHB. avn 11 scjn 7M TUF m Tim TRT 3r Wl. SL 2 f JL to 22 7J 15 W TT Iff 22 SI SJ W w VKATIIi:it. Below b given tbo highest and lowest points registered by the thermometer In Flagstaff during the month to tills dato: FEBRUARY. Date. Maximum Minimum t 18 21 t 52 21 3 81 20 13 0 6 40 0 6 33 4 7 39 12 8 32 14 8 II 18 10 IJ IS 11 33 1 13 33 12 11 10 11 The Semite is sitver-plating tbo laviff bill. Keep ngiiutiug the question of water woi ks. One neu -paper proposes to turu Wary Elizibeth Lease loose in Turkey. Tlmt would m.iku the Sultan take to the womb. If Jameson hud know u i bat Laureate Austin twm lil write such a poem about bis liile hu would Imve walked. The rumor Governor Hughes Is to be removed is again in circulation. The Sun believes that Governor Hughes will serve his toim out and that bis successor t ill be a Republican. Whenoiiu t cads of the water troubles here and tbeie in this Territory, says the Mesa "News, as well as elsewhere, he lmluiiilly concludes that water causes mote trouble, especially in this arid country, than wliitky does. TnE sheiiff of New Yoik City is said lo have saved $35,000 in cash and a block of down-town dwellings worth $40,000 nut of his fees us sheriff up to date. He expects to retire from office at the end of tbo year with $100,000 to tbo good. The Rochester (N. Y.) "Uemocrat Chioniclo" sas: "A restoration of the duty on wool is demanded at the pres ent lime for tho sako of revenue as well as for tho strengthening of n great home industry in which capital and labor aro extensively Interested, aud tho prosperous coudltion of which would bo essential to our welfare iu caso of certain grave emergencies which have recently appeared on the hoiizou of possibility." TnESumnier Scliool of Science is a good thing, and now that tho matter lias assumed tangible form our citizens should nid it all they can. The loca tion of tho school at this place would add much to the reputation of .Flag staff. The holding of the first session of tho school here is a compliment to our town and nothing should be left undone to makn tho session a success. Mr. Cleveland's new loan, says the Now York "Ad vci User," is very much over-subseiiboJ, as everyone supposed it would be. Mr. Cleveland needed onlyatilflo of $100,000,000, but the bids opened yesterday aggregate over $558,269,850. There aro several well known and distinguished names among tho bidders, but wo scan tho list in vain for tho names of any of the "plain "people" in whoso behalf Mr. Cleveland has been suciilieing himself Upon the altar of bis country. At the same niino it is well enough to stick to the regular foim and refer to this went as a "popular loau." idBEClH The postoffieo authorities have re cently Issued an order that all towns and cities having two words shall hereafter be written as one. Canyon Diablo will be written Canyondiablo, Ash Fork as Asbfork and New York City as Nowyorkeity. Tho order emanated from tho fertilo bruin of the third posttuastergeueral. According to a statement published in a recent issue of the Los Angeles "Times" Charles W. Shannon, col lector of internal revenue for this dis trict, says that be had been offered the appointment of governor of Arizona, but refused it becatiso he wants to be senator from Arizona when admitted. Tho Democratic party will be pretty bard up for senatorial timber if they select Shannon. Necessities born of social life and advancing civilization aro the real measure of wages, says Hon. Thomas B. Reed. This question of wages is all-important as .bearing upon the question of consumption. All produc tion depends upon consumption. Who aie tbo consumers? Iu tho old days when the pioducts of manufacturers were luxuries tho lord and bisretniuers, the lady and her maids, were tho con sumers, a class apart by themselves, but to-day the consumers are the pro duce! s. Long ago tho laborer con sumed only what would keep him alive. To-day ho and his wife and children are so immeasurably the most valuable customers that if tho shop had to give up the wealthy or those whom it is tbo custom to call poor, there would not be a moment's hesitation or a moment's doubt. "THE NEED OF THE H0UB." Mr. John and Mrs. Hughe Will Address the Clttxens of Flagstaff. A letter received from Mrs. Laura M. Johus states tbaj she will address the people of Flagstaff on the subject of woman sdffrage on Wednesday and Thursday nights, March 4 and 5. Mis. Johns will bn accompanied by Mrs. L. C. Hughes, wife of Governor Hughes, who will also speak on the same subject. The ladies, who have been attend ing tho recent meeting of tbo National American Woman Suffrage Association in Washington, D. C, will come from tho east, and they will hold a meeting in Holbiuok on Febiuary 27; in Snow flake February 28 and 29, and In Wins low on March 2 and 3. Mrs. Johns is the lecturer and or ganizer of the national association, and expects to organize local' associations in each place. Mrs. Johus is a fluent and eloquent as well as a logical speaker and is one of tho most ardent workers in the cause of equal rights for women. Charged for Two Trips. Major Lewis of Phoenix, bank in spector of tho Territory, during his last visit in this city examined tho books of the Yuma Building and Loan Association aud the Citizens' Building and Loan Association and charged each $54 and some cents, so we are in formed. As the former association is over five years old and has several thousands of dollars invested, and the latter only a little over six mouths old, with a few hundred invested, the stockholders ot both associations are wondering how it is that the major could flguro out tho same amount duo from each, and then again they say he only cauio hero onco aud charged up expenses for two trips from Phoenix. Tho major, no doubt, on his return from tlmt city somo time in the future will kindly explain matters to the angry stockholders. Sentinel. Will Prove Voluablo Property. R. H. Camerou received assay re turns this week from some ore sent to Denver. Tho oro was from tho Last Chance mino in tho Grand Canyon. The assays were from six samples and ranged iu value from $90 to $186 per ton. The roturos show a fair percent age in silver and gold. The. greatest valuo of the ore is in copper, ranging from 50 to 84 per cent, of that metal. The Lost Chance will some day prove to be the best property in Arizona, as work on the mine has developed a large body of rich ore. Surprised His Friends. On Wednesday, February 6th, a quiet wedding took place in one of the parlois of tho San Felipo liotej iu Al buquerque. The participants wero J. R. Kilpatrick of Flagstaff and, Mrs. Effle Ellison of Augusta, Ga. Tho cer emony was porformed by Rev. Beattle. Tho happy couple arrived hore Thursday night, where, they will re side. Mr. Kilpatrick has a wido circle of friends in Arizona and the Sun joins them In extending congratulations to the brldu aud groom. mmm y"fMffli'MMi ilin 11 if laTiiTi 71m i ,;BSjV ..?' Nervous People should realize that the only true and permanent euro tor their condition to be found in having Pure Blood Because tho health ot every organ and tissue ot the body depends upon the purity ot the blood. The whole world knows tho standard blood purifier is Hood's Sarsaparilla And therefore it is the only true and reliable medicine tor nervous people. It makes the blood pure and healthy, and thus cures nervonsness, makes the nerves Arm and strong, gives sweet sleep, mental vigor, good appetite, perfect digestion. It does all this, and cures Scrofula, Eczema, or Salt Rheum, and all other blood diseases, because it Makes Pure Blood Results prove every word we hate said. Thousands o! voluntary testi monials fully establish the (act that Hood 'S Sarsa parilla Be Sure to" Get Hood's c ures ' "I can eat better, sleep better and am better in every way since taking Hood's SnVsAcarllli 110." C. C. Davis, Box 625, Salina, Kan. Hood's Pills cure all liver tils, constipa tion, biliousness, sick headache, Indigestion. 2Sa NO MORE PRIZE FIGHTING, The Oatron Bill Has Become a Law, The mil Makes Prize Fighting Pun Isbablo by Imprisonment for Not Less Than Une Year. On Febiuary 5th Delegate Catron introduced a bill in tho H.msc to pre vent prizo fighting in the Territories and the District of Columbia. The object of the bill was to prevent the coming prize light which wen supposed to take place in Nuw Mexico. Governor Thornton of that Tcnitoi,) was disposed to let tho tight come off, and will piobably do nothing tti inter fere with it if lie can avoid doing so. , The law is broad and covers any kind ot pugilistic encounter, and in futuic there will bo no excuse for the officer of tho Tenitories not preventing slug ging matches. The following is the full text of tho bill as it passed the House and Senate aud was signed by the president: "That any peison who in any of the Tcrriloiies or tho District of Columbia shall voluntarily engage in a pugilistic encounter, between man and man, or a fight between man and bull, or any other animal, for money or for other things of value, or for any champion ship, or upou tho result of wIiMi any money or an) thing of value is bet or wagered, or to which any nd mission fee is charged, either directly or indi rectly, shall be deemed guilty of felony, aud upou conviction thereof shall bit punished by Imprisonment iu tho peni tentiary fur not less than ono 3 ear nor more than fivo yws. "By the term pugilistic encounter ' as used in this bill is meant any volun tary light by blows, by means of fists or otherwise, whether with or without gloves, between two or more men, for money or for a prize of any character, or for any other thing of value, or for any championship, or upon the result of which any 'money or nutlliing of valuo is bet 61 wagered, or to see which any admission feo is charged, cither directly or indirectly." The big prizo fight is set to come off to-morrow and Governor Hughes has taken steps to prevent it taking place in Arizona. He has ordered the militia along tho Southern Pitcilic railroad to be in readiness for action at a mo ment's call. .But it is probable, if the light does occur in Arizona Unit it will be over beforo tho authorities aro aware of it. Condensed Testimony. Chas. B. Hood, Broker and Manu facturer's Agent, Columbus, Ohio, cer tifies that Dr. King's New Discovery has uo equal as a Cough remedy. J. D. Brown, Prop. St. James Hotel, Ft. Wayne, Iid testifies Unit ho was cured of a cough of two years standing caused by La Grippo, by Dr. Kind's Now Discovery. B. ,F. Met rill, Baldwlnsvillc, Mass., says that ho has used and iccommcndud it and never knew It to fail and would rather have It than nny doctor, because it alwavs cures. Mrs., Hemming, 2-22 E. 25th St., Chicago, always keeps it at hand and has no fear of Croup, becauso it iDStantly relio'ves. Free trial bottio at p. J. Brauuuu'a drug store. CllUltCII DIKKUTOHY. -WTHOIiIO CHURCH. REV. F. FREBI. v. Pastor. On Sundays: Flrkt Mubs ul 8 (clock 11. ni.; second Muss at 10 a. m. Sunday bclxiol at II u. in. Evening service at 7:30 p. in. On wouk days Mass at 7 a. ro. On the second Sunday of each month piayor nicet U.K at 10 a. m. Sunday school at II u. m. All cordially Invited. F'IKST M. E. OIIUKCH. CORNER .OF 1 Church anil Luruux Struots, II M. Dan toid Pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 p. 111. Sundays; Sunduy bchool ut 10 u. m.. Oscar (Jll)bon, Superintendent. Class meeting at 12:15 p. in. Kptvoitb Loague 6:30 p. in. Piayer meutliiK Wednesday evomni; ut 7:30. Everybody welcome. TJMKST PUE8BYTERIAN CHURCn. J7 Ninth Sun Fiunclnco street, Thomas U. Aioffctt, p.istor, babuuthnvrvlces: Preaching 11 a.m. and 8:15 p.m.: Suniluv bCliool. 10 u. m.; Y. P. S. C. E. prayer mcellng.7:n p.m. Mld-wcelc conference and pruycr, Thurbd.iy oenliK. Acoidial luvltutlon Is extended to all. l'KOl'KSSlONAI,. DR. D.J. RRANNEN, PHYSICIAN AND Mirgeon, KhiKstrttr. Arizona Will iu npuiid piuinpily to all calls (loin any point on tho Atlantic & Paclllc Kallroad. ufflcu and drug sloro opposite tlio depot. EM. SANFORD. ATTORNEY AT LAW. , Preicott, Arizona. Will practice In ull me courts of Arizona. ESI. DOE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. , Olllcu two doors west of tho Dank hotel. Flagstaff, Arizona. ES. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. . Olllco In tho Uubbltt building, Klag htatr, Arizona. Pr.ictlcu before tho Land Department a spccalty. JOSEPH JOHNSTON, Notary Public and Justice or the Peace, Williams, - Arizona. Has all the legal blanks In uso in tho Ter ritory. PORTER W. FLEMING. ATTORNEY AT Law. with E S. Clark, Flagstaff. Arizona. ANNOUNCEMENTS. I hereby announco myself as a candidate for the oilico ot Supervisors of Streets ut the April election of the town of Flagstaff. W. A. MAYFLOWER. I hereby announco myolf as a candidate for tho office of Marshal ot the town of Flag stall at the April election. HARRY KISLINGBCRY. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the olllco of Marshal of tho town of Flag sialT at tho April ele 'Hon. GEORGE HOCtlDEUFFER. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for theoftlcoof Supervisor of Stroots of tho ton n of FlngUalT at tho April clo -tlon. FRANK L. DEAL. I herohy announco myself as a candidate for tho office of M tribal of the town of Flag stair at the April election. OTHE BACK. I hereby announco myself as a candidate fort In; olllcu ot Marshal of tho town of Flag stair ut tho coming Ap II election. CHARLES MCLEAN. I hereby announco myself as a candldato for tho olllcu ot Marshal ot tho town of Flag staff at the coming April election. B. F. DONEY. At the request of many ot my friends 1 hereby announce myself as a candldato for Marshal ot tho town of Flagstaff at tho com ing April election. J. B. SMITH. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING, Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting ot tho Stockholders ot tho Kern River & Los Angeles Electric Power Com pany will bo held at tho Hunk hotel in the town ot Flags t iff. Coconino county. Arizona. 011 Tuesday iho 3rd day ot .March, 1893, at 2 o'clock p. m., (or tbo purpose of electing a Uoatdq Directors for the ensuing year, and for the purpose of amcndlns; tho Articles of liicorpoiation and the by-laws, and for tbo transaction of such other business as may properly conic boforo tho meeting. Tho sto k transfer books of tho company will bo clo?cd!,oi Saturday the23J day of February, IgOO. ut5 o'clock p. in., and will remain closed until Wednesday tho Ith day ot March. 1896, at 10 o'clock a. m. L. J. SPUUANCE. Secretary. By order of tho Board of Dlicctors. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Homestead Entry No. W3. Land OrriCK at Puescott, Aitiz., 1 January 21. 1890. 1 Notlco Is hereby given tlmt tho following named settler hub filed notice of his intention to mako final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before John Vorlcs, Clerk of tho District Court, at Flag staff, Arizona, on March 23, 1S90, viz: John O. Harrington, tor tho S Yt NE H and N M SE H. Section 22. Township 20 N, Range 7 E. lie names the following witnesses to piovo his continuous residence on. and cultivation of said land, viz: John W. Francis of Flagstaff, Ailznnit, John Diamond of Flaibtaff, Arizona, W. J. Watson, of Flagstaff, Arizona, L. Doughorty, ot FlagUaff. Arizona. II. D. ROSS, Register Tlrst publication February 13, 1898, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Preemption Declaratory Statement No. 2187.1 Lamj OnriCE at Puecott. I January 29, 1800. I , Notice is hereby given that tho following named bcttlcr has filed not leu of his intention to make final proof In support o( his claim, and that said proof will bo made beforo N. U. Layton, Clerk ut Prob.tto Court, at Flagstaff,- Ariz., on March 13, 1836; viz., E. S. Clark, idmlnlstrutor estate of W. W. Pren tice (deceased), for tho SE H Section 8, 1 own Nhlp21 North, Range 6 East. Ho names the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon and cultlvat onot said land, viz.: C. A. Bush of Fliikbtnir, Arizona. J, A. Marshall of Flagstaff, Arizona. J. A.' Lam port of Flagstaff, Arizona, Leo Newman of Flagstaff, Arizona. II. I). ROSS, Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of William W. Prenllco, deceased: Notlco Is hereby glvon by tboaindcrstgued, administrator of tho estate of Wllllum W. PrrnttfO. rincnilftt'ri. tt flirt fru,lttr,.a n. ... all person having claims against the said deceased to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months aftor the Hist publication of this notice, to said administra tor, at his olllco In tho town. of Flagstaff, Territory of Arizona, tho office of bald ad ministrator being In the second story of the Babbitt Block, the same being tho place for tho transaction of tlm hneinocu n 0.1.1 ,.... ,-.--- -Vw mo ua tifcww V 0AU uiv4LW In Cocoulno county, Atlzona. E. S. CLARK, T . , Administrator of said estate. ytcd Flasstuff, Atrrotta, January w, mm. ' ki M. '!s6r THE ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, The Great-n National and Representive Republican Newspaper REDUCED SUBSCRIPTION RATES, BY MAIL, POSTAGE PREPAID, DAILY AND SUNDAY SATURDAY EDITION. 16 pages One Year. Jijo SUNDAY EDITION. 28 to 10 pages Ono Year.2 0j. DUilU'll CWUJ AT, Issued in Semi Tho C4 nhP.lleinnp.rat. ...w .,. - BEsT ,,t Am,.,.,.:l, wsjuii.-i-s. :uji ,it these REDUCED RATES it Is also THE CHEAPEST. Thp Globe-Democrat p"11"' f"r il'"' 1"'!,,ls M0!JE XEWJ "'" nit? vjiuue-.Lreiiiui,itii; illiy olllt,t. )111(il. iM llu, UiiU & It will b intlispeiisible tliiriug the cumin;? National Citihui ,,, niul tlm low PRICE placus it within thu reach of all.- The 'Globe-Demoerat S.HJE'm. Td for the Sunday issues. Delivered to regular subsciibcis, I)ijv Sunday, 16 ceutsa week. CO cents a month. If tour local cli-ilni ,llt.. not handle It, Insist upou his procuring it for iti, of semi ournl. sctiptlon with remittance direct to the publishers. Particular attention Is called to THE WEEKLY (JLOHE-DEMOCIUr. issued in Semi-Weekly sections, eight every Tmniiay mid Fndit. m. ing it practically a la it ok semi-weeklv paper for oxly ONE DOI.I.AIt A YEAR. This issue just tills the bill for the busy nun. who has not Hi tim,. t read a daily paper, aud yet desires to keep promptly and tlioroiilih puMud. It goes to every State almost to every poslofQce iu the Union. All Aniciict isjts legitimate field. No matter where yoti live, you will liud it invaluable ;u a newspaper and home journal. Sample Copies Free on Application to GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, St. Louis. Mo- Atlantic & Pacific R. R. ekindxnied Tlmo Table of Dally Trains. WEST. EAST. STATIONS. Cal. Llm. Cat. Ex. Chic. All. Ex. Llm. 8 0"P 10 UO 1 5., I.v CHICAGO Ai 830a lOSJp 9 Ida LvTvAX"clTV Ar 5UUp 700a 4 nop ' 00 L Lv DENVER Ai 8 Sua snp 13 10 D 300 8 25 lv Albuquerque ai 9 0Ju I OS a 3 40 a 815p S05p 235p 19 40 a OWa 727a 05a 460a 1132p 865p 725p 235p 210p .000a 1 58 p 5 2Jp 8 10 p 0 10 p 11 Wp 9 10 12 30 nmiaw Gallup Ilolbrook Wlnslow Flagstaff Williams Ash Folk Kingman The Needles Blake Daggett Baratow h MoJaTQ 1 12 20 a 165 I 20 6 00 7 40 155 4 10 a a ti 45 12 15 6 00 UU5p Sup li aa 1 15a 5 18 a P P .14') p 2 301; a a a a P I 7 50a iObOu 920a 830b 3 45 a J20u 1 40 P StlOp 5 Mp ft Wl Vr Los Angeles L 8U0p 2 50p 700a lU20p Vr un Dtcgu L I0 45H rhan 1'rnnVo l, ap 0 The limited trains leaving Chicago west bound at 6 p. m. dally and Los Angeles cast bound at 8 p. m. dally carry Pullman's latest and most elegant sleeping cars, reclining chair car. with an attendant to look after the Dassenirers co'nfort. and nenr Hlnlmr rare throuzli wlthoutchango between Los Angeles ! and Chicago. 1 in natation 10 tne regular dally equipment a luxurious compartment sleeping car, con taining two drawing moms and seven family rooms, will lie attached to the Chicago Lim ited leaving Los Angclcson Tuesdays and the California Limited leaving Chicago on Wednesdays of each week. The Chicago Express, east bound, and Cali fornia Express, west. bound, carry Pullman l'alaco sleeping cars through without change between Chicago and Sun Francisco, with an annex car between Barstow and Los Angeles; Pullman Tourist sleeping cars through with out change between Chicago and San Fran cisco and Chicago and Los Angeles every day; twice a week between Los Angeles and St. Puult onco a week between St. Louis and Boston. SUMMER OR WINTER, Tho "SANTA FE ROUTE" Is the most com fortable railway between California and tho East. Tho meals at-Harvey's Dining Rooms ore an excellent feature of the line, and are only equalled by thoso served on tho now Dining Cars, which aro carried on all limited trains. Tho Grand Canyon of tho Colorado can bo reached in no other way. Jko. Btrke, General Passenger Agent, Los Angolcs, Cal. C. II. 8pcers, Assistant General Passenger Agont, San Francisco. Cal. II. 8. Van Slyck, General Agent, Albu quurque. N. M. Oipidt whispering something in thtjoung lady's ear, and its about Cauls. We mako them Itsourousincss. Nothing 1 an excel in beauty and fiuisli en graved copper plate work. 100 finest limitations with double, envel opes cost from 10 to$15.AlittlehiL'h j on thinkP But you only have to buy in your life belter pax- a- them, ouco little more and have the x-ery best. ' Our printed weddingo, aro the finest iu the West. We take especial care lo make them look like, thu engraved ones. Cost you only $5 to $6 per 100.- Ask us for samples. II. M. Leo & Bto., U0 JT. Spring St., Los Angeles, Ca. Wvutta) this papvr." ' ' J --V ? , :& "H-,' WEDDING One Year. tfl.OJ; Six Months. 13 00. - Weekly Feet Ions. Eight paeej cbcii luvBuajmiiu rnuuj, id pages ecry week. One Year. fl.CO; S.x Months, to cenu. fs universal ly conceded to I.. " ". "' " ' " '" "" the Santa Fe, Preset!! Railway Company. TIME TABLE, IN EFFECT DEC. 2J. 1:95. Mountain tlmo Is standard used S0UT- STATIONS. N01tT"- :o.31 No. 1 No 2 o.f! 2:00 p 7:0Ja lv Ash Fork ar S.JOpl'iJlp 3.02p 8:4Su Rock Butte I.B, II Wi lIUp HiSia Del lllo 3 lop 9 16a 4:50p 8:55 u Jerome J unc'n i.Ju S.J51 5:50 i :45a i'reott I -'.t0. : iS S0UT"- STATIONS. NQKT"- No. 11 No. 1 .No i .No. (J 7:00a 9:53a lv Prescott ar 2.33p lOp TjaJa.flOiu Summit f2 01pf3.3tSp 8:01ai 10:62u Itarasgato fi:p(3Up 8:30al ll:35n Skull Vullcy 1:1.) p 2 38p 9:00a ll:Un Klrkland l.':iip! 2 lip 9:19a ll;4l lilllslde ,1152a UJp ll:dja l:A)j Congress lj.,VJa 11.51a 12:30 p 2:05) Wickenburg 10:25 a 1 '.Da 2. Sip 3:28 l'eorla 'J.Ov f.iit 3:U0p 3:38 Glcndale 5ja E2U 3:25p 3:4Ti Alhambra I g.lta SOOa 3:l5p' 4:01) tr Flioenlx 1 I'.JOa 7-lls Trains 41 and 43 run on alternate days Information us to what days same will run will be fumlhhed by agts on application. No. 1 makes connections at Ash Fork with A. & P.resUbuled limited Xo 3 from the cast No. 1 also tonnects with A. & I. No i ttvn tho west. Persons dcslrlig to suy oierat Ash Fork will tlnd tho best of urcounuud tlons ut Fred Harvey's Hotel. No. 2 makes close connections at Ash IVk with A. & P. trains Nos 1 and 4. All'MI reaches ban Fianclsco 10:15 a. m becund moinlng. A. A. P. No. 4 Is a tc-t.bukd train throughout, lighted with I'lntili gss dlnln; car running thiough. Lo Angeles to L hicao Dining cars under tho management of Irtd Harvey, with his unexcelled set ice caie aoo attention to bis guests. Nds. 1 and 2 connect at Jciotne Junction with trains of the United Xirde A I'aciBO Railway for Jerome. Connecting at I'rcv ott with stage lines for all principal mining Camps; at Convrcb with stage lines for 1 1 a r qua Hula. Stanton aud Varnell; at i'lioeiiii with the Maricopa & Phoenix Kallnuy for points on Southern Far tie Uallnay Tho Santa Fe,Prescott'& PlioenK Hallway Is the best route to tin. great salt Kivir valley. For informatlnn regaidmg tills valley and the rich mining section inbutary to this road address any tsauta Fe route rep resentative, or. Geo. M. Saroest. General Fi eight and I'as senrer A vent, Prescott It. E. Wells. Assistant General Manager. Prescott. Aril. b. F. P. & P. Railway. Geo. T. Nicholson, General lastnjer Agent. CblCAgo. , J.J. Fiiby. General Manager, Chicago, A. T.A.S.F. Railway. S. F., P. & P. .WITH THE I, T. k S. F. Is the Shortest and Quickest Route to IKn vcr. Kansas City. fat. Louis, Cblcrgo and an Points East. The Scenic Line of Arizona, Tha Best Route to Califonia, Cnly North and South Line in Arizona. I Grand Canj on of the Colorado Pctiilk'dloiet, Great Pino Foieits ClIIfDttcllliigs. . Great Salt lilver allej And numerous other points of ln,ct Beautifully lllustrtted book free on appHia tlon. Through" tickets to all points "' '"; United States. Canada and JJcaIco A comforts and conveniences rf a lint-cw road, with superb equipment, In. P. Smith. Commercial Agent I hooci. Arizona, S.F.. P. A P. Gro. M.Saiiokm, Gene1.1l Pa'smS" ul' S. F.. P. & P.. Prescott. Ailzona. ., K E. Coi-LAM). General Agent, A 1 A -R., El Paso. Texas. ,r Gto. T. Nicholson-. General fw' Agent, A. T. & S. F. R. R.. Chicago, III NOTICE TO FREIGHTERS, 1.000 teams wanted to haul coke fioia I d Thomas to tho tonn of Globe. A ' copper back from Globe to Foit Tlioro-' GILA VALLEY, GLOBE & NOKTUtn. RAILWAY CO. pyjat- Adnff: Pcfww, A. 7. &$&. fiaiiirt