Newspaper Page Text
&tffU IL.Slii'1 rs&L jit . SftfefcA ' tttt&t je&&ttftr .JdMaSUzStiP iWJSasJeau-iU JSiSEiitit- K&SS3W " .r - hW' 4m' ! . ; ..' fMIB rf i HH 1, r " . i 1. ,1, . m i 1 j j ' , C'JI jr " '?.. t (i If' Ltft!k4'. I'. 1 ' iiE'1' ! i 1 VI I'll I, f- Ui- TO j ' IM i a -' '! - i Ii ' Jill . M'tiW ' Si - LIP ! K .Till rfl V, If MI liltfc1 Rfr" wld IK t k. . tu t r ' i atb Jje dteouinxy gun PUBLISHED KVBBY THURSDAY At Plagtaff tho county scat ot Coco nino oounty. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXlXX FEBRUARY 1896. Sun. Min. Tue. Wed. Thur. Frl. Sat. 6 13 JO n 12 14 15 B16 17 18 19 20 27 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 Fr'FrF; CURRENT COMMENT. A census of tho entire world la pro posed for the yoar 1000. Pat UowAim and George Riclmrd accomplished tho feat of rolling two beer kegs from Green Buy, Wis., to St. Louis within CO days on a wagor of $700. A rush of miners for the gold fields of Alaska is reported from the largo cities on the Pacific coast. Some of tho prospectors say there is moro gold in Alaska than in south Africa, and ,that tho precious metal in our Arctic territory is widely distributed. The New York World lcccntly stat ed that naval ofllcers in that city nnd Brooklyn declared that it was tho intention of tho government to place the navy on as complete a war footing as possiblo in time of peace and demonstrate what tho United States can do in tho way of a coast de fense ileet to guard our shores, both on tho l'aciflc and the Atlantic Anthony Comstock, of tho Socioty for the Suppression of Vice, will ask tho Now York legislature to pass n bill prohibiting tho appearance in public of women in knee dresses, tights, bloomers and all feminine raiment. Living pictures, burlesque shows and comic operas are also to bo suppressed by the Comstock bill, which has for Its object the elevation of tho American stage John I!. Robinson, of South Africa, Is thought to bo tho richest man in tho world. His fortuno is estimated at 5330,000,000. In 187S Robinson was in debt. lie had kept a grocery storo in the Orange Freo State, but ho could not mako both ends meet. Ho and his wife begged their way for 300 miles to Kiraberly. Hero Robinson laid the foundation of his enormous fortune by picking up a rough diamond worth cl.'-'OO. His ambition now is to be worth Sl.000,000,000. EoiiEiiT BoitcnoitEViNK, tho Norwe gian explorer, is arranging an expe dition to tho south polo next winter. The scheme that tho explorer has in hand is to travel over 1C0 miles inland on snow shoes and sledges, with three Norwegian companions, till ho reaches tho south magnetic pole. He expects that it will take him moro than two years to do so. Ho says a commercial company has been formed in England for the purpose of whaling and this company has agreed to send out an ex pedition next September. Eleven tcientistsaro to go with the expedition. Tun cattlo growers of the United States will probably have to encounter in tho not rcmoto future a vigorous competition in tho European markets from Australia. That land of vast areas of cheap grazing lands is capa ble of producing an enormous supply of meat and the quantity is increasing from year to year. Shipments of livo cattle from Australia to Europe havo not been very successful, but it is said that chilled beef has been sent from tsydnoy to Liverpool in such good con dition as to sell in tho markets at tho prices obtained for bcof shipped from Chicago. Mr. Srr.mtv's bill to provide for de livery of letters In towns and other places whero no free delivery exists Bays that whenever not less than 20 persons who receive their mail matter through tho same post office petition the postmaster at such office to appoint carriers to deliver and collect the mail from such person tho postmaster is to do so. The carrier is to receive from tho person to whom tho mall is deliv ered a compensation agreed on, and if no agreement is made, thoy may de mand not exceeding one cent for each letter. Thoy are to rccolvo no other compensation. Tun news comes from Brandenburg, Germany, of a discovery which excites the deepest interest in scientific, com mercial and industrial circles. Dr. Sollo has contrived a photographic in strument which will in minute details reproduce the various colors of objects, persons and landscapes brought within a specified range of tho camera, the colors losing none of their original brilliancy and shade. Dr. Sello sent a number of photographs in colors of roso bushes, peacocks, crazy quilts nnd tropical butterflies to some experts for their examination, which were greatly admired. Mr. Cyrus Edson, who was at one timo tho commissioner of health of the city and county of New York, has made a discovery which, it is said, may' solve tho problem of the euro of consumption. After numer ous experiments ho lias produced n fluid which he calls nseptoliu. It con tains 2.75 per cent, of carbolicncld,and to every ounce of it there is added one hundred th of a grain of a newsalt called pilocarpin-phenly-hydroaide. The r.sep' tolln is injected under the skin and into the blood. It lias also cured every case of malaria and la grippe in wlitc it hus been tried. NEWS OF THE WEEK. Gloanod By Telegraph and MolL rEItSON-AI. AND POLITICAL. Tiik right of the women cf Ohio to voto for members of school boards was sustained by a close decision of the su premo court at Columbus on tho 7th. Tub president on the 7th signed tho bill prohibiting prize fighting in the territories and District of Columbia. William II. English died at Indian apolis, Ind., from inflammatory rheu matism, superinduced by nn attack of tho grip. lie ran for vice president on tho democratic ticket with Winfiold L. Hancock at tho head in 1SS0. (!i:. John GinnoN, the famous Indian fighter, died at Baltimore, Wd., re cently, of pneumonia, aged CS. A siovkmknt was reported among leading republican politicians of Indi ana to send ex-President Harrison to tho national convention at St. Louis as ono of the delegates nt large. Tiik local option bill was defeated in the lower houso of tho Ohio legislature at Columbus and tho senate passed a bill to increaso the liquor tax to S500. Tun National Farmers' Alliance and Industrial union, which has been in session at Washington, adjourned on tho Cth. Tho "sub-treasury plan," to which the allianco has been committed for a number of years, and the demand for an increase cf tho circulating me dium to SS0 per capita were eliminated from tho platform. William R. Morrison, Interstate commerce commissioner, has denied tho report that he had sent tho Illinois democratic leaders word that tho freo silver Idea must be abandoned or that ho would refuse to bo a candidnto for the democratic presidential nomina tion. Skxator Marion has issued an address calling for the organization of the silver party in North Carolina which has caused somewhat of a son sation. Edwin P. Uiil, assistant secretary of state, has been tendered tho post of ambassador to Germany, to succeed tho late Theodore Runyon. Gi:n. Campos, in an interview nt Corunna, Spain, declared that tho troubles in Cuba should bo ended either by forco of arms or the grant ing of Cuban autonomy if necessary, as tho island could no longer provido tho necessary cxpeuses for further warfare. The National Farmers' Allianco and Industrial union met at Washington on the 4th, nearly every stato being rep resented. J. P. Willets, of Kansas, was president. MISCELLANEOUS. The clearing houso returns for tho week ended Fobruarv 8 for tho follow ing cities were: New York, S500,SC2,OS; Chicago, S84,8C',,451; St Louis, 823,803, C09; Kansas City, S9,C0I,7C5; St. Joseph, S1,2G2,C00; Topcka, S152.445; Wichita, S3SS.679; Omaha, S4,417,4Ui. An unknown man was decapitated by the wheels of a Hannibal & St. Joseph train on the river bridgo at Quincy, 111., on tho 7th. So far identification has been impossible on account of tho fact that the head fell into tho Mis sissippi. Stanhope Rovster, who shot and killed Banker McFurland for betray ing his daughter, was acquitted of murder after a week's trial at Boone, la. The jury was only out five min utes. When tho verdict was announced men and women rose to their feet and cheered, hats wero thrown in tho air and handkerchiefs waved in every hand. The Congregational church in Au burn, Mass., founded in 1770, has been destroyed by fire. Tin: treasury officials on tho 7th completed the computation of bids of fered for tho new bond issue, from which it appears that tho amount of bids above that of J. P. Morgan and his associates (SU0.C877) was 500,788,050, and that tho amount which will bo awarded to the syndicate therefore will bo 533,211,350, or approximately one third of tho whole issue. Tho number of successful bidders was 781. Joe Merrifield, aged 12, shot his brother, aged seven, with a Winchester rifle at Hcdrick, la., on the 7th, and then blew the top of his own head off. The father had left tho boys together in tho houso and they quarreled. When neighbors came in both boys lay dead on the floor. Recently the women of Black Jack, Tex., called on two men there who sold whisky and malt tonic and asked them to quit the business, and on their refusal a largo body of women gathered at tho Baptist church and from there walked Into tho houses whero tho whisky was sold and began tho work of destruction with axes, hatchets and hammers, totally destroying all they could lav their hands on. The failures for tho week ended February 7 (Dun's report) wero 323 in tho United States, against 231 last year, and 03 in Canada, against 53 last year. Benjamin Ratcliff, tho slayer of tho ontiro school board of Jefferson district. Park county, Col., was hanged at tho penitentiary at Cauon City on tho night of tho 7th. RomiEKS entered tho homo of Mr. Casper Wagner, near Pittsburgh, Pa., and bound him nnd then held lighted matches under tho bare feet of his wife to compel one of them to tell tho whereabouts of their wealth. The husband finally told them where to find it and tho robbers, after getting it, then tortured Mr. Wagner to see if they could extort any more. Mrs. Wagner was reported dying from her injuries. Tine sultan of Turkey has repllod to the autograph letterof Queen Victoria, which, it is understood, was a personal appeal to the better nature of tho sul tan against the condition of Asia Minor. The sultan sympathizes with the hum-in e sentiments expressed and declares that the reports of the mas sacres wero spread by evil disposed persons. Ho also asserted that it was tho Turks who were first attacked while praying in the mosque. It was reported at El Paso, Tex, that Schlatter, the Donver healer, had been frozen to death in the New Mexi can mountains. Mr- and Mrs. Shaunnesst and two children wero usphyxiated on their farm near Carbondale, Pa., through tho gas escaping from a kitchen stove. The steamer Lamington was driven ashore near New York on tho 0th and 14 men were in poril on board. The life savers made many attempts to reach tho men with a lino and had failed, tho men wero in the rigging and too exhausted to catch the lines. Tho llfo savers had given up all hope of saving them, as tho vessel was being pounded badly by the waves and threatened to go to pieces. The Pocahontas dam tit Morrlstown, N. J., broko on the Cth. Twcnty-fivo peoplo wero reported, missing and may havo perished. Tho break was fol lowed by a great flood. Men, women and children were in tho windows of houses, completely surrounded by rush ing waters. Boats wero procured and brought many to places of safety. Tho current was so swift that it was im possible to reach tho more distant houses until the occupants had been swept away. Tun barn and stables of Henry B. Gaither, near Vidalia, La., wero struck by lightning and 20 head of horses and mules were burned, besides much feed. A man named Jerry Scott was jailed at Jackson, Mich., for beating his eight-year-old daughter and then lay ing her on a hot stovo and roasting her from tho effects of which she died Tho jail was strongly guarded for fear of tho culprit being lynched. Six workmen lost their lives nnd nino others were barely rescued from tho icy water of tho Pequoboc river, near Bristol, Conn., on tho Cth. They wero pulling nn old bridge down when it suddenly collapsed and they wero precipitated into tho river and the broken mass of timbers fell on them. Gen. Wiehoijin, tho Russian chief of police lit Warsaw, Poland, was killed by poison administered by nihilists. Ho had the reputation of being tho most cruel henchman of the The high wind which prevailed at New York on tho 0th did great damage to property. A three-story brick build ing was blown down in Brooklyn and threo workmen wero killed. Morton Finell was warming up some sticks of giant powder in n stove at a quarry near Anaconda, Mont, when there was an explosion and ho was blown into an unrecognizable mass. Two others wero dangerously injured and the cabin was wrecked. The British steamer Lturcstina, which sailed from Baltimore, Md., for Ireland about two months ago, has been officially posted at Lloyd's as missing and nil on board, 20 to 25 men, were believed to havo been drowned. A fire started in a lumber yard at Boundbrook, near Plainfield, N. J., early on tho morning of tho 7th and the place was thought to be doomed. Tho inhabitants had tho choice of either burning, bwtmming or drown ing, as the dam at the placo hud broken and many houses u ere swept away and the water was waist deep. Owing to no direct communication witli tho place the news was somewhat meager. Farmers of K county, Ok., were re ported trying tho experiment of sow intr wheat in February. W. W. Hayes, treasurer of Anderson county, Tcnn., has been found to bo over S18.000 short in his accounts. The steamer St. Paul, which ran aground on tho New Jersey shore sev eral days ago, was floated on the 4th amid the tooting of whistles and went on her way to New York. MIDiriONM. IIISI'ATCIIF.S. Peter L. Atkins took .Maud Kelloy out driving on the night of the 9th. They crossed Wallkill river near Mid dloton, N. Y., and In the darkness At kins drove off the road into a flooded meadow. A man went to their assist ance with n lantern, but could not suc cor them nnd the two succumbed to the intense cold and sank beneath the flood after an hour's suffering. The schooner Florida, coal laden, was discovered half a mile off Salis bury beach, near Amosbury, Mass., in a sinking condition on tho 9th. The life-saving crew attempted to reach tho vessel with a lino but failed, and soven men were drowned. Fire started from an unknown cause and burned an unoccupied cottngc at Brooklyn to tho ground on tho 9th. Later in the day while a crowd was viewing tho ruins the chimney fell without warning and instantly killed two children and seriously injured a man. James Hendry, 14 years old, stabbed and killed his older sister, Sallie, at Greenville, Tcnn., on tho 9th. The boy became angry because she would not prepare his supper quick enough and plunged a knifo into her abdomen. Frederick Zuerst, living near Cush ing, Ok., who has been beating his wifo and children brutally of late, was dragged from his bed by a dozen masked men, tied to n tree and given 100 lashes on his baro back. He was then informed that if ho kept up his brutality ho would bo hanged next time. The derailing of a truck on a Cleve land, Canton & Southern mixed train near Doll Roy, O., on tho 9th throw a passenger cbaoh down an embankment and tho car caught fire. Eight persons wero severely injured nnd a miner was badly burned. At a church in Clifton Prairie, Tex., tho Williams boys met tho Walker boys on the 9th and there wts a fight between them, pistols being freely used. One of tho Walkers was killed outright and several on both sides wero seriously wounded. It was tho climax to a feud of long standing. Caul Daiilkb and Herman Dahlko brothers, fought a frightful duel with knives at Chicago. There had been a family gathering for the christening of a babe, when the brothers nunr- roled and Carl buried his knife in Her man's head, entering at tho left eve and the unfortunate man fell to tho ground in agony. Carl then, made his isscapo. SATURDAY'S HOUSE, Blr. Towne Spenkt for Free Silver nnd Mr. Hall for "Sound Money." Washington, Feb. 10. The debate on the freo coinngo substitute for the houso bond bill was very spirited Sat urday. Mr. Towne, of Minnesota, a republican, claimed tho attention of tho houso and galleries for over nn hour with an eloquent effort on behalf of free coinage. Mr. Hall, a democrat from Missouri, announced his conversion to "sound money" in a rather sensational speech, in which he charged that eight sen ators who voted for freo coinage, ac cording to "creditablo information," had privately said that they believed free coinogo would bring upon this country national and individual bank ruptcy and ruin. Ho declared that n high officer of the administration had said that the silver agitation had al ready cost tho government S202.000.000 In bond issues and in tho course of the next 12 months tho bond issue would increase to Sl,000,000,00a Mr. Corliss favored tho passage of a bill tosecuro international bimetallism by an agreement with other nations than Great Britain. FIVE YEARS FOR COLEAN. Embezzling Cnnlilor of the Fort Scott Stato Hunk henttncecl. Fort Scott, Kan., Feb. 10. J. R. Colean, who a few days ago pleaded guilty to tho embezzlement of S9,000 from tho Stato bank, although his shortage amounts to 51,000, was sen tenced to five years at hard labor in the penitentiary. Before receiving his sentence he mado his first statement since being arrested. He said that al though some believed that ho had some of his stealings hidden, it was not so, and that lie was penniless. He then broke down and sobbed piteously, al though his wifo tried to comfort him. While delivering the seiitcuco Judge Walter L. Simons took occasion to con demn vigorously the inequality of the picKcnt state law which places the maximum penalty for embezzlement nt five years, while the maximum pen alty for burglarv is ten years. TO EXTEND PENSION LAWS. CnncrrMitiAn Clark, of MWftourl, l!nn lllll to Inrludu IMllcrrn nml I'rlvutt-M of the Mllitln. Washington, Feb. 10. Congressman Clark, of Missouri, introduced a bill In tho houso which provides that the present provisions of existing pension laws bo extended to ofllcers and pri vates, their widows and children and dependent fathers and mothers of militia men raided in tho states from 1601 to ISC'i, who performed service to the United States, or h ere subject to call for a period of 90 days. It is also provided that a certifi cate of discharge from either tho stato or federal government shall be prima facie evidence of servico rendered, and shall entitle the person named therein or his heirs to receive a pension. A FATAL RID. A Yuunc Couple Drllo Into Nino Feet of Wntrr Hint Are liroirnetl. Minui.fcTOUN, N. Y., Feb. 10. Peter L. Atkins took Maud Kelloy, uged 23, out driving last night. They crossed Wallkill river at Hoskin's bridge, and in the darkness Atkins drovo off the road into the flooded meadow. The water was nino feet deep and the two stood on the scat of the wagon calling for help. A Frenchman named Bauprc went to their assistance with a lan tern, but when the water reached his hips ho was obliged to retire. The two succumbed to tho intense cold and both sank beneath tho flood after an hour's suffering. FEE SYSTEM MUST GO. Oulted Stiilm MnMhl hihI Attorneys Villi Komi lie l'laceit on Htilurlen. Washington, Feb. ia Tho sub-committee of tho judiciary committee hav ing in charge tho bill to abolish the fee system for the payment of officers of the Unitod States courts decided to recommend that the bill, as amended, pass. The bill, ns changed by the sub committee, and ns it will be reported, will provide that all fees be turned in to the government; that United States attorneys and marshals shall receive from 52,000 to 55,000a year, tho amount to bo based on the amount of business transacted. CREW OF SEVEN DROWNED. Schooner riorldn dum, to Pieces Off tho M anftAchuBottn ( oast. Amesiiury, Mass., Feb. 10. The schooner Florida, coal laden for an eastern port, was discovered half a mile off Salisbury beach, in a sinking condition. The Plum Island saving crew attempted to reach tho vessel with a lino but failed. At ten o'clock the Florida went to pieces, when tho masts gave way, letting the seven oc cupants into tho sea. Two of the bodies weie washed ashore. Tho life-saving crew could do nothing, as no boa could stand the sea. TWO CHILDREN KILLED. Caught Under Fulling Chimney Whtlo Viewing the Itnlns or u Fire. Brooklyn, Feb. 10. Two children were instantly killed and ono young .nnM snrlnilslv Inlllrml n tlirt nt a firo which occurred on Fort Hamil- ton avenue. Tho cottage was unoccu pied and tho fire started from an un known cause and tho building was burned to tho ground. Later in tho day whiio a crowd of children and oth ers were viewing tho ruins tho chim ney fell without warning, burying tho threo mentioned. English Was Wealthy. Indianapolis, Ind., Fob. 10. Tho funeral of William II. English occurred from English's hotel, tho late residence of tho deceased, yesterday afternoon and was one of tho largest ever held in this city. Mr. English was tho wealthiest man in tho city, his prop erty being estimated at from 55,000,000 to 87,000,000 Fine Ulft to llethany College. LiNDSDona, Kan., Fob. 10. The Bethany college people and the citi zens of Lindsborgnro jubilant over the gift of a fine 53,000 three-manuel pipe or?an, donated by the well-known M. I. Moller, of Hagerstown, Md. DUEL WITH KNIVES. A Fearful Fleht Hetween Brother at a Family C'hrlztenliiK. Chicago, Feb. 10. Carl Dah'.ko and Herman Dahlke, brothers, fought a frightful duel to the death with knives last night In the rear of No. 208 Black hawk street, the home of their sister, Mrs. William Stuy. There had been a family gathering for the christening of a babe, when the brothers quar reled. "Get out your knife," cried Herman, "and come into the yard." Pushing the women nway, tho two men sprang down the steps to the yard in the rear ot tho house. Each had a keen-bladed pocketknife in his hand, and with screams of anger jumped nt ono another like tigers. In a moment they wero slashing and cut ting in fury. Suddenly Herman gave a scream of, agony. Carl's knife had shone under tho window-light for an instant, nnd then was buried almost to the hilt in Herman's head, entering at the left eye. The unfortunate man foil to the ground writhing in ngony. In tho meantime tho whole neighborhood had been aroused by tho wailing of tho women and the children's cries of fear. Men and women were ranged about the fence, watching the deadly duel between the brothers, but no one had tho temerity to attempt to interfere. A policeman arrived just too late to catch Carl red-handed with his brother's blood. A child had run to the corner and informed him, but after Herman had fallen Carl jumped over the fence and made his escape. THE BIG FIGHT. Preparations for the Meetlntr Hetween FltZMltiimons and Maher JSeln? I'llflheil. El Paso, Tex., Pel). 10. Bob Fits simmons and Peter Maher will meet in tho ring in spite of official action, and there is strong probability that several of the other carnival events will take place. Dan Stuart so declares and the preparations are being made as thoush no bar had been placed upon tho events. The only effect of tho action at Wash ington has been to make tho promoter ind his associates more secretive as to tho jplans. At midnight Saturday rnucll of tho piraphernalia for the Mills was taken from the city. Great :are was taken to keep the matter uict The material presumably- ient across the bolder into Mexico at i point north of here. At a meeting of Dan Stuart and his lieutenants it was decided that on Ihcdny of the big fight Bat Mastcrson will be given charge of tho train and will have 100 men under his orders. Jim Bates was given charge of the equipment and Secretary Wheclock was made master of transportation. The New Mexico border is protected by a posse of deputy bheriffs. At Juarez, Mev., there are five companies of Mexican national infantry, two of the companies having been transferred to the Juarez barracks within the past ten day,. TRAINS WRECKED. Mock and Pansenger 1 rains Collide Near Hannibal, .Mo. Hannihal, Mo., Feb. 10. Fifteen persons were moro or less beriously hurt, and one cannot recover, as the result of a collision at 12:40 o'clock yesterday afternoon, between an cast bound Wabash stock train and a St. Louis, Keokuk & Northwestern pas senger train coming south. Tho colli sion occurred near atunnel, ono mile north of this city. The stock train, which had just emerged from tho tun nel, struck the passenger train, crush ing in the side of the ladies' coach and throwing it over an embankment, almost into tho Mississippi river. There were 15 passengers in tho coach, and that none was 'killed is a miracu lous fact. All were more or less bruised, but only the following were hurt seri pusly: II. P. Hudwell, of St. Paul, Minn., arm crushed; Miss Eva Pcttit, Hannibal, Mo., eyebrow badly cut; Miss M. Whittey, Quincy, 111., hip fractured, recovery doubtful; J. C. Cohen, stockman, Minneapolis, head cut; Mrs. Tricster and son, Hannibal, botli cut about the head; D. C Web ster, engineer Wabash train, knee in jured. Train llloivn from the Track. Georoktown, Col., Feb. 10. Tho reg ular passenger train which left Denver at eight o'clock yesterday mornino- was blown from the track half a mile from the depot here at 12:10 o'clock. Pren Van Sicklen, of Chicago, editor of Fowler Truth, a bicycle paper, was badly cut about the head. Mrs. Van Sicklen, E. A. Eager, of the Union Manufacturing Co., Toledo; S. C Gil lard, of tho Dunlop Tiro Co., Boston, and J. P. Bazy, of the Referee, a bicycle paper, wero all more or less hurt. The train was blown over at a point within 1,500 feet of whero simi lar accidents havo occurred several times before. Went Over nn Embankment. Cleveland, O., Feb. 10. Tho derail ing of a truck on a Cleveland. Canton &'Southcrn mixed train near Dell Roy, v., lato yesterday afternoon threw a passenger coach down an embank ment. Tho car cnucht firo. Eiirht persons wero severely injured and one. J. B. Tripp, a miner, was badlv biimnd. Illmctnlllsm In England. London, Feb. 10. It has been noted that there will bo a strong bimetallic representation in tho next parliament. The committee now numbers 125 mem bers and is much stronger than ever before. Tho bimetallic question, it is jaid, will certainly come beforo parlia ment during the montli of March. A "New Woman" Not Wanted. Chicago, Feb. 10. Voters of Edison park Saturday decided that they did Hot want a "new woman" for police magistrate. The town has 97 voters. Fifty-three turned out, nnd of these 31 roted against Miss Florence King and 22 for her. Tho "horrid man" who japtured tho prize is Charles A. Whel Ion. Reward for Train Ilobbers. Jefferson Cur, Mo., Feb. la Gov. Stone has offered a reward of 8300 for the arrest and conviction of tho rob bers who held up the Missouri Pacific freight near Nevada, January 15. FATTENING HOGS COSTS nv. 7T" The editor recently heard of a fa! fattening hogs at less than one ?' pound. This was made possible thrm, ? the sowing of Salzer's King Tj2'1 yielding over 100 bu. per acre Goi a Triumph Corn, yielding soo bu a acre, and the feeding on Sand iJT Teosinte, Hundredfold Peas, etc with such yields, the growing of J,omT' more profitable than a silver mine Salzer's catalogue is full of'-M things for the farmer, gardenerandci? iron, and the editor belieies that iT would pay ocrybody a hundred-fold .! get Salzer's catalogue before purch-? ing seeds. uS If you will cut this out and sect, n with 10 cents postage to the John A Salcr Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis thev will mail you their mammoth seed cat logue and 10 samples of graSSes grains, Including nbote corn and bar ley. Catalogue alone, 5c postage. (K " "How nice to get such a hearty cncnrm sho said, as the half-bick wa "caSedbvv after an au-yard rum-Harvard LaiipooX Very Awkward Indeed. This is precisely Uio kind of mistake a man makes If ho "turns out" on tlicwrnt sido of tho road v,hen a chicle lomcsfi! ward him. No lefs absurd is tho error Tt tho individual who takes drastic medlcir. to relievo his liver. That organ is on tS right sido, and tho road to its relief is UnC. tetter's Stomach Bitters, a medlclDc a'so adapted to tho relief of dyspepsia, constipa tion, kidnoy and rheumatic ailments litA tnalarU. u A DiwivcTiov.-''DIdn't you tell nc that Miss Design was nn artist I-' "Oil nn I toi.i you sho piinted."-l)etrolt lVm, Is what gltes Hood's Sarsaparilla Its great pop ularity. Increasing sales and wonderful c.rts. Tho combination, proportion and process In preparing Hood's Sirsaparllla are unUnoira to other medicines, nnd make It peculiar tc Itself. It acts directly and positively upon the blood, and as the blood reaches uerj nook and corner of the human system allthr nerves, mucles. bones and tissues coc un der the beneficent influence cf SarsapariSSa The One True Ulood Purifier. All dru?sists. ?L Hrrr1'c Pillc cure I-'1" I"'. "sv t UUUU 3 1 1113 take. Cisy to operate LV ASK YOUR DEALER FOR . Douci&s SHOE beWldThe ii )ou pay e to ?o xor snocs, ex- gi - amine the V. L. Douglas Shoe, and v$ L see hat a good shoe j ou can buy for v OVER 100 STYLES AND WIDTHS, CONG HESS, iiutto:;, and LACE, made In all Llnilncf thebrgtseU-ctid leather by skilled work men. Wo make and sell moro $3 Shoos than any other manufacturer In the world. None genuine unless name and price is stamped on the bottom. Ask jour dealer for our 85, 84, 83.80, S2.50, S3.S5 Shoes 82.50, SZ and 01.75 for bos. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. If jourdealer cannot supply jou, send to fac tory, enclosing price and 36 cents to pay carriage. Mate kind.stle cf toe (cap or plain), sue and width. Our Custom DeFt.will fill jour order. Send for new lllus- iratea catalogue to llox 1;. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. nssssasBs&wm TflSc !: flip f? CUPID hair pin. It has a j5i double set of spiral 5 curves and will not $ slip out of the hair. lf It is made by ij Richardson & De- h Lonp; Bros., manu- ja; facturers of the fa- mous DcLONG :jQ HOOK and EYE. QS ! The Greatest Medical Discoery of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL 0 COVERT. DONALD KENNEDY, of ROXBURY, MASS., Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cure-. e erv kind of Humor, from the worst baolul down to a common Pinple. . , He lias tried it in over eleven hundred cases.and never failed except in twotascs (both thunder humor.) He has now in hi possession over two hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles 01 Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is alwavs experienced from tne first bottle, and a perfect cureiswarranteJ when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes 6hooting pains, like nuedles racing through them; the same with JheLuercr Bowels. This is caused by the ducts M Ing stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach is foul or bilious it ui cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever nccsary. &x the best you can get, and enough 1 or . Dose, one tablespoonful in water atow time. Sold by all Druggists. WE HAVEbna?S er at 6oiu " " , ranwd. 100 style etc" " KHKiKrfii ness 1,411 , i dies. rite for catal.e ELKHART Crr!c"',lf!C Ellhart, Ul. . B. 11UTT. Socj. MERIT JPf F556r YyisffJV)Syy?J w lite; . ' ' ", '-'( -K