Newspaper Page Text
'&& . fc , V ' J9"" !, t t V C V 3JSS.- KRS i.i rait .1 1 tHLffi?M ' nl,3 if ii I 'f M "lira nMff l' nil 4J. MB ' f W: l f 7 v-. .. ; p ' ' . V :ftL r l1 I f'-ik .. H'W I . i. v . r . ' ' tJii iU m m Ji ti ft.' '4: iT ) i J- 'i ' , '. iH,J H i !. . . ti i: ? 4! r 1 S 'd .- H ! ('.'ii m i l-l If Mil 5 !.! ft t im r'-" .! - H She (ftoxauiiur jinu. CS GOOD TEMPLAES' COLUMN. Edited nnd .Managed Under tho Aus. plccsof rinsslniri.oUse.I. O. O. T. Contilbutlomo! an appropriate nituro uro solicited for tills column, und should bo ad dressed to Box 151, ringitutr. All such con tributions, however, avo subject to approval by tlio editors Lodpo meets ocry Satur day ccnlns utO. A. It. Hull at 7.30 o'clock. Vhltlns members Invited to ittend. 0. N. IUty, Chief Templar. ITho editor of Tug Hun Is not responsible for for anything that may appear In this column 1 As tliulocil political kettle will soon begirt to simmer it might be wull for temperance advocates in this commu nity to exntniiio their foicos with n iew to taking political action in regard to roguhting or suppressing tho liquor traffic. If public sentiment cinnot bu atouseil to tho oxtont of closing the saloons altogether, thoy certainly can bo closed on tho Sabbath day. Gamb ling ami music can bo prohibited. If theso restrictions woro placed on tho saloons ic would bo u decisuo step in tho right direction. Tim temperanco reform mowment has mido wdnderful stiides in tho ton or tweho years last pist. Every State in tho Union has made some progress toward prohibiting tho salo of liquor. Suven or eight States have absolutely refused to longer tolomto the lipuor tiaflic, and ntarly nil hao tho local option law in force inor.o or mote communities, 'lhcro is no State in w liich some restriction has not been placed on the saloon Even tho Southern States, which hao gener ally been supposed to bo favorable to the liquor traffic, are well up toward the front in tempcianco reform. If tho sale of liquor is not wrong, w hy is it so generally restricted! If it is wrong, why is this Tenitory so far buhind the times in this mmoment? Elsewhere tho suppottersof tho traffic liivo been met on every field of dobato and driven fiom it. But tho people of this Territory, and particularly this part of it, who are in sympathy with tho temperanco cuuso seem to be slum bering If they would arouso from this letlmrgy and go out on tho highways and by w ays and ruako tho d irk recesses ring with tho expression of temperance truth there would bo a wavoof local option sentiment sweep over this county tint would be irresistible. It is a fact that -mot of tho solid, substantial, law abiding people of the various religious creeds andoery po litical faith aio in favor of abolishing tho saloon nnd gambling business of this town. If these forces were united there could be no doubt as to tho tesult. It is well known that thero arc quito a number of men in this community who havo political aspirations, and it would bo a pretty safe wagei that they would follow Garfield's advico nnd not pitch their ttnts in the graveyard of dead issues. Thoy and their friends are suro to cater to public sentiment, and when it can be shown that public sentimont is in faor of local option tho battlo will bo practically w on. In most States prohibition has made its progress and won most of its vic tories through local option, and it is generally conceded by well-informed men that tho local option plan is tho bust yet pioposed for throttling tho saloons. For ono reason, if for no other, it does throttle them. I am well aware that people cannot bo legislated into a stato of purity. hat depends upon their home and religious state of training. No law, human cr diviae, can prevent abso lutely an) thing man is forbidden to do. But it is well known tint in tho prohi bition States and local option commu nities there is less drinking and less of all tho evils that follow drinking than over btforo. It is said of New York that crimes committed on Sunday have fallen ofTmoro than fifty per cent sinco tho Sunday closing law went into (-fleet. The f aloon is antagonistic to every thing that is good, and under no cir cumstnuces or conditions can it havo nny influence other than btnoful in a community. For that rpiuon I think it is tho duty cf ull Christian people who desiro to exerciso nppteeiablo moral force to take nn advanced posi tion on tho subject of temperance. Wo an. told that prohibition will como in God'b own time, and it appeals that most of tho good people of this lownnro waiting for that good titnit to come. It is u veiy ;ood thing to have faith in God, but he is not going to vote down the liquor trillic. That is our work. God is leady for prohibition new, nnd is waiting for his people to vote fot it and leave results with him. Notwithstanding that thero havo been great local option battles fought and are still boing fought and won nearly all over tho country, Arizona still sleopeth; but when the"n wakening does come soinn ono will hav o to stand from under, 'for awakened sentiment nnd deep cotiv iction means nction. G. Noams Daty. Deafness Cannot he. Cured By local applications, ns ihey cannot reach the diseased poition of tho car. Theio is only oneway to cuio deafness nnd that U by constitutional tcmedles. Dealness is caused by au inflamed con dition of tho mucous lining of tho eus tachian tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a tumbling sound or Impel feet healing, nnd when it is en tirely closed deafness is tho tesult, and unless the inflammation can bu taken out nnd this tuboicstoicd condition healing will bo destined forever. Nino cases out of ten mo caused by cntntth, which is nothing but au inflamed condition of thu mu cous sui faces. We will give One Iluudied Doll. us lovynid for any c.iso of Deafness (caused by catatth) that cannot be ciued by Hnll's Cntnuh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. BgiuSoUl by nlllliuggisls. The old Hillside miue has again been slatted up, it having lo vetted to the oiiginal ownets, Jnck Lanier and Judge WelLs of 1'iescolt. This mine at one timo had the leputntion of being lite i ichest silver initio In tho uotld, and attracted a. gtcnt ileal of at lent ion. It was sold for 1800,000 ami piiliiiH) paid for when some tiotible at use over the balance of the ptiichase pi ice. Thu oio is of a vety high giadc, lcquiting watchmen and aimed guauls to pio tect it iu tiansit. Two cm loads me now on the track at Hillside switch read) for shipment. It is the hope of the picsent owucrj to soon ship n em load per day. Tho otu catties good value in gold, although the gtcat value is silver. Cornier. Great Offer. 'Send me tho names nnd nddiessct of three or morn good eanvnsseis, with 25 cents iu postage stamps and I will mail you copy of "The Wot Id Family Regis lei" neatly tubed, packed nud postage piepaid, Hint sells evctvwheto for $1. Elegantly engraved, size 22Jn28. It cost $2000 to produce. Add. ess R. H. STROUS. Indianapolis, Iml. Two c.ti loads of Mexican laboicts passed through on No. 20 last night for Beaumont, Cal. Thero was over one hundred ftoni EI Paso, which number was cousidetably increased at this poiut. Their iiucatthly veils on m liv ing and depttting vvcie enough to catty old settlers1 minds back to the time of Apache laids. Citizen. Tito St. I.ouls "aiobo-JJctuocrnt." Of unusual Interest 'to eveiy leader of this paper is the announcement nude elsewheic in this issue by the St. Louis "GIobe-Demociat," unquestionably tho greatest of Amciican ncvvpnpeis. The mail subset iption pi ice of the daily nnd Sunday "Globe-Democrat" is lcduced, nt ono blow, ftom twelve to si dollms nycnr, placing it within tho leach of all who deshe to lead nny daily paper dining the coming gtcnt national cam paign. Tho "Weekly Globc-Dcnto-ciat" lemains at one dollar a joar, but is issued in semi-weekly sections of eight pages each, miking it ptnctically n large cmi-vveokly papor. This issue is just the thing for the f.n nicr, mer chant or pi ofesslonal man who has not the time to lend a daily paper but wishes to keep promptly and thor oughly posted. It is made up with especial lefeicucc to the wnuts of every member of tho family, not ouly giving all tho news, but also a gt eat vaiietyof interesting nnd insttuctive tending matter of all kinds. Wiilefor ficosamplo copies to Globe Pi iu ting Co., St. Louis, Mo. For Over Fifty Years. Mis. Winslow's Soothing Sj nip has been used for over lifty jems by mil lions of mothcis for their childien while teething, with petfect success. It soothes thn child, softens the gtiniF, allays nil pain, ctues wind colic, and is tho best lcmcdy for dlaithcea. It will leliovo tho poor llttlo suffeier imme diately. Sold by druggists in cvety pal t of the wot hi. Twentj -live cents n bottle Be suTe nnd ask for "Mi". Winslow's Soothing Sjrup," nnd take no other kind. ftltf m a Free Silver-i 4 WKWILLBBND FREE One a& Scarf Pin For 12 Coupons en, roit 2 Coupons and 12 eti. WB WILL AL80 BCND FREE, ONE PAIR or Solid Sllvtr Link Sleeve Buttonsj For 30 Coupons on, ron 2 Coupons and 80 oti. You will find one coupon Inside each 2 ounce bag, and two coupons imide each 4 ounce bag of BLACKWELL'S GENUINE DURHAM TOBACCO. SEND COUPONS WITH NAME AND ADDRESS TO BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, If. C. Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the coupon, which giv es a list of other premiums and how to get thera. 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED. CANCER AXD TUMORS. IfO Knlfs or Pain t iVO I'aj Till trrcdl Write fr r 6j pajje Treatise and Home , testimonial s of many wciltrfcl cures, c:tti7 iu womcu'i Dreasis. 8 R. CIIAMUY, 1.1. D. CcyHo!nihl.4 STir!!!l ,0ac,211W.KIrtht Loa ANctLra. cal. PLEASE SFND THIS TO SOME ONE WITH CANCER OR TUMOR. Danger Signals Mort Ibjn half tbt victims of consump tion do not knvx they te it. Here Is x list of symptoms by w hieh consumption can certainly be detected : Cough, one or two slight efforts on rising, occurring during the day and fre quently during the night. Short brtatbiug after exertion. Tigltntss of tbt cbtst. Quick pulse, especially noticeable in ths evening and after a full meal. , Cbillnttss in the ev ening, followed by Slight ftztr. Perspiration toward morning and "Paleface and languid in the morning. Loss of vitality. If you have these symptoms, or any of them, do not delay. There are many preparations which claim to be cures, but Dr. Hcktr'i Csjliib Remedy for Consumption has the highest endorsements, and has stood the test of years. It will arrest con sumption in its earlier stages, and drive away the symptoms named It is manu factured iy the Acker Medicine Co , 16 and IS Chambers St, New York, and sold by all reputable druggists. THE OREH w t&r JrrtJF jfSwS 2MtrMr& iiiWS ITS' - ? nWfx 4? 4tggg This extraordinary UcJuTC.-.ator H the m1 wonderful discovery tf tlio a It h .1 bce.i eadoiscd by lIioKrtlnrcl'"iitli.orau" of Ku opa II u 1 y a ii 11 purely voge tul.le. Iiiulynn itop, jf PfemjUrcnc!? 3oflhodlchargcfcr' ". iwcABfrioorj Con'tlpatlon, Dlzzlncs rnllln; r M Nervous Twitch iuof tno(tSh .do I r ) Btrenlljeiis. invigorate (inI t.n a u lyUeni. Iluilymi emes Dtb. Its", Ci ii. JmlS3l0Dfl, and cvtlni(.s tut Kaim -organ', l'alns In tho Uiti, lo Ha 1 y c'.i night aroHopicd nuicLly. Over a,riO p i endorsements. rrcmatnrencssmearslmpolcn''y In tl a IW. ltago. It isa)mptoraofum!i-l-cnkti( in d barrcn-css. Iicaiibenopptaiu.Odfij-'il tie tueoflludyaii Thoncwul'icovcry'ncsmtde lw t'io crorl"l ItHo'tlioold fiunnui iiikihimi Eioilit.. l insii tuto. ItH IhofctroietM vitalhor iniub. It fa Tcry powerful, but harinksn. tc 6rnd for Circulars an 1 resllnnmaW Stockton, Market and Ellis Sts. i SAN fKANCISCO, CAL. sncitiir socieiius A O U. WV-I'LAGSTAI I' LODGE, No 1 jr, Me'tsoery Tliuitdiv ntRhl, InO. A. II. hull. Vlsdtlng WoiKmen inn cnrdliillv In cited. J. A. WIL'-O.S, 31, V. T. K. EVTHEUFono, Iticorder. fOVKT COCONINO. I. O. I'., NO. b1), Vlaltlns brethren cmdliir J. I. CLAniC; U. S. , luoetaoviry Tuesday evonlni; InG. A. It nail, v i3iiiii urt'inrvn conn illy ItnllKM attend. C. 31. I L'NSlON, C. It. T?LGhTAIT LODGK. NO 7, V. & A. M -IP Itcgulai inectln,'son the llrsi h iturdny VMl1 "J,.1'."0'1 r'llcnl11".. mouth In Musmilc llall. Kllpatrlck building. Sojourning brethren Lord illy Invlti d. J. cii i rii mi: s.wAar;, w. si. T. E. ruiMVM, Secitt.irj. OW CAgKVIT WILw NOT CURC and ILOOper pacsana. Bamplea free. -IfO HA Ji sprite TOOTH POTOSH SuFor safoby W.'"R. Edwards, ' Ga. h-iikgui,ak Mi.r.riMiS or . ItiinMim roil. O. A. It. .No i, input imiitof Aliron i. will Ih'IhJiI In (J. ,. 11. hull on biuiud mid last !- iluid iy in uich month, t. .. - I' '.' ."UKNs. (.oiuiiKindcr. V. 11. CheiS, l'oit Adjulint. t o. o. iv-ri, asTAi r lodge, no. n. (l'.,"";V,ts,.0.,cry1i Uly m-"l"n' In M imiiiIc hull. Visiting brithn u (ordl.illy luii d. n .1. . WEATHUltl'oltl) N.ii. M OUNTAIM LODGE, NO. 15. K. 01' V. imita ovcr.v cdni,icliiv nlnlii In ihoh CHitlu-hull In 0. A. K. hull. All visiting brothers in ltcd to attend. r. , . " w BELL, C. C. C. II. C0B1E, K. 0 R. 8 AKIZOXA CATTLE CO., Kanw, S.iu Tiancisco Mouutaius. DRAND: J3 Ear in irks, silt In each ear: horses and liiiilc". Al, rlirht hint Increaso, At on right Mioiiiucr. r. u. aaureis. r lagsiarr, Arizona 1'it vnk 31. Liv KiiMOitE, General Jlanagcr. Alfrril J, XV Fant Drand on right side as In cut ear mark crop off left ana all t in same: ranco in an I'ranclsco mountains, I'osltotllcc, Flagstaff r Mnnn Uono brand, AT b ir. on right bhoulder ARIZONA LUMBER CO. Poatofflcaa. in, WIt staff. Arlaona. Haute. Ba, rtiBonti anai Co, A. r. HoitM.mnlca and oatll M U brandad cot. CtMl nambsrad oont eaUrtly on laft BABBITT BROS. I'oato&oa addnaav. VUav ataff. Ariaoaa. ltnnsa, I'larVa TaUty, 'AIbbbbbI aiocuiiB aaooBuiiDa VB Brand aa ahoT cat . All jon atoeK brasa. ad on both sldoa, vita swallow fork and an. darbtt la Mch aari also owntha following: Boot T, X U, aaWhan a th tide of animal. Boot oaiila. road hraad If pa rlaatsldai T oatua, oaa aa DraBa,u.u. m da. road bread W rlkt aldat keta JiK L TAIL. JB aaltat lacstas, Raaca aUkt aeutbeaat of Fli Th v in&l aomitT. Lattl brandad J 1 on laft rlba: ear marka. quart cat oa rUb ear, oyer aloa ob ml ear. Poatoffice aldreaa. I'IarU9. Arlaaaa SEWING MACHINE SUPPLIES! 1 furulih NtodK's. Oil, Bolting, Shuttles, etc.; nlso all pirts and pieces for thlrty ono dllfertut kinds of sewing machines. Besides being agent for the above, I sell tlio orld' famous WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE, Cash or Installments. Wrlto for prices and particulars. W. H.. CLARK, Holbrook, A.. T. RIPANS TABULES Are just an old, old remedy In this new shape. Doctors have always given this prescription in water 1 We have them in this shape simply for their handiness. "mPAXSTABULE Engineer golns or powerful maebfn little necessary 1 ' MPAX3 TABULES are like an OTerniaDitaaa Inerv Blvltup a. necesaary lnlirlratlnir tn the needful parts i Rl p-A-Sfl avvliio uo uua lor xuu . Constipation, Dlzxlness, Nausea, uyspepaiaana Aiai-rMutrttloa aus eld to Rlpana Tabulcs. At Drug Stores or Bent by UaU for U Cents. lurAxsCmtiucii.C94 lOBpruce Bt. Hew York 1 ,- ' CT IN TWO. On and after the first day of January 1896, the subscription price of the OOGONINO WEEKLY SUN will be reduced to $2.00 a year. aOT oooooccooooo. SUBSCRIBE NOW. All subscriptions at this rate must be paid strictly in advance, for at this price no subscriber will be carried be yond the date of renewal. ooooooooocoo THE WEEKLY SUN Is the largest weekly in Northern Ari zona and has the largest circulation of any newspaper on the line of the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad. It is by all odds the Best Advertising Medium in Northern Arizona. oooooooaoooc THE COUNTY PAPER. Only those who have lived for years in the country or in a small town can realize the power and fascination of the home paper. It occupies a place that no other publication can fill. The home newspaper comes first always. Every body looks through every column to see if the editor has put his or her "name in the paper." Advertisers should make a note of this. Tfie eoeoMiHO sup, FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA. fi P Mag azineii 4 a & iracS?w$V$i35' JS ri rjt itf tjj fj, $fi Jj A Great I nt tviripi lAn jl. j. un "TVlO mrttif intr.ctJrv fiinn S al wwi. unuboiuig ix,iiju m . j. M 9 UUV .'. V The ereatest artists. l-olor-work illustrations. Everything the best that money can buy inai is The Cosmopolitan Magazine f Giving ye ,f.. tiiAA if xf i nnn. 'lfctrA- S r vivuig)Mciiiy jtt pages, wnn more man uuuu'"- j Cffi tions. The equal of the most exoensive magazines. Mo fy '" i ' r . . V J, . Xvr - .Mil at '4 uons. i ne equal ot tne most expensive magazines. i home is complete without this magazine, women and A men, v young and old, will find in it amusement and in- r in what can a dollar be better expeno ia- struction. in what can a THE DECEMBER EDITION, - 400,000 COPIES. J, if Send one dollar lo A Thf CAItnnnAllran frtr V mAHtk ...!...J the greatest recognition from advertisers vi Kvcii iu mny HlBgalXine irom 3.4000 10 I&9000 more was tvif rtiihliha4 In anu r.-.....M ... -..,, ... I l3Ct!. In inv fmintrv nt anu why a magazine ranking with the best In iki.iuic Miiuriin Dciwaai ivt. it cup; rrom advertiaera e j,enJ one dollar lo JB. Ine. It contains J , tig $&$& 6 'Ihe Cosmopoliian M..S3S nw,?h,C,ehe itl'n8 '9--thXTi,rl '. -t. .. .. Jt. .t. .. .. ... ... j. ... A . 7 J.'8ai3 MMPWMMS1 U I ipma ti ia . "WV Jg