Newspaper Page Text
&&&&&& )Kaafrffawfe-jidu; I p will t ' t j rf at ,' ' It. Jtort 'i '' Ttmif ii . . rJr&i i '-C. A I, m fit i' a.. t ; jii I! i8' I' i SB H ') W li - '1:1 i t,fi I S ) "I ..' r i !, ' tt;f .iffl M Mm 1 . ! ' N'W 12 U 14 15 18 11 18 U 29 II 13 jy M i in'tt Mil1 i" 1 'i'"' ! " If1 v 'i4iv , .v ft 8 'i W ? "in - 1 l' ''If. i: mil-' i-if?l!'fi !UJ M (&otonhxQ Jwu. C. M. Funston, Editor. T11UUSUAY. APRIL 16. 1896. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. OnoVear 8 8 CO 81 Months IS Three Months 75 Address nil communications andmakoall remittances to 0. M. Fu.nsios, Flagstaff, Arizona. Advertising rntos given upon application. Entered at tho Flagstaff post offlco as second-class mutter. fTr::;wM .n u i. -w - Ka . ,..,r5. J UNI r . a 7a a. vf '; fA' . . BaLxa" ' V '2MZ&J n ' w'W' yi i xiV vsl., i r, i x . M,Vl ! I ".' 411 , UW i sva . s ' iPisab 6HN MS 1UE WEO Nil) M SA1 JL S3 fi 6 A 5 P ? 12 13 4 J 5 7 9 19 20 2 22 2J 2 2J 26 27 3 29 Jd? ( 3L WEATHER. Below U Ktvcn the highest and lowest points registered by the therniomctor in Flagstaff during tliu month to this dute: APRIL. Date. 1 t. .. t .... 4.... 6 6 7 8 9 10.... Maliiium Minimum 18 10 2 25 28 26 4 26 3U ..10 . .60 , ..6J. ..(2 . ..w , .. . ...01 . ..61 . .. . ..48.. .... 33 23 21 .... 2d . ... 20 40 31 . ... 24 8 23 20 32 31 2u 11 47 55 5 BJ 58 50 43 49 .. . . 5J 61 53 6J REPUBLICAN TERRITORIAL CONVENTION, BCACQCAniEllS IiEPl'BUCAX Tl.tlUIORIAL I Ul.NlltAL l, 1'ttublX, Arl.UUu. iiuiun Ji, itltj. ) 'io tuu liepuUlcun Voters of Arizona: A deltgatu (.oiiuiitlou ol the Kepublltan party ot tliu'leriltoiy ot Arizona Is htitl) culku U tutiiiUt Hi the clt ot l'boenlx, Anzunu at lu o'clock a. li.. ou Wednesday, April 20, 1810. 101 the purpose: 1. liiu SLkct.ou or six dclejates to tho Na tional Uupubllcuu (.oiivvutlou to Lu laid lu thutltyol St. Louis. Mo., ou Juno 16. lbOdi and tliu 3Uc.tiou ol uu kluiuaiu lor eacii tbtiuor. 2. Uhu ncmlnatton of u candid ato (or Pele gtttc to LtDkUbs. lioldeu, however, that It iheLOiiuutlcu thull diem it Inexpedient to ncailt.utc u cauuluato ut this time then said tcntut!on btall ucteimluu a dute tor such nomination, and thu manner In which the sumo snull be uiauc. 3. Uhu ktrlectlon ot a Territorial Centra Committee. 4. I he transaction of such other business hs uiuy ptopcili conic before said ton veutlon. Uhu basis of representation In this conven tion will Le one uchjjate lor every Blty votes, at d cue ttUguiu lor cuch fraction ol tlty OMr iwim:-fie, cast for Uou. N. o. uuiph) lcrLel).uteto Congtcssalthe No traLer cUctlcu olltU. ahu representation ofthescMral counties will tbiiclorubo as follows: Apache 5 CoUilsu 10 Cocouiuo 8 Gila 2 Graham b Wuricopa 21 Mohuvu 2 tvavujo 4 I'lrau 13 I'liml Yasapal Yum.i ... 0 ... 2i ... 3 Total numbcrofdclcgjtes., l3 It Is otdirtd that proxies In this conven tion shall lu held by regularly elected delegates from tho rcspcctlvo counties to Said convention. ltlsoidcied that tho credentials ot dele gates shall consist ot the statement that the. following pit tens naming them havo been duly elected delegates to the Territorial con ventlou, and this btatcment shall bo dated and signed by thu chairman and socrotary of tho county com entlon. A full attendance at thtsconvcntlon of not only tho delegates, but ot representative Be publicans, is earnestly desired. By order of tho Kepubllcan Territorial Cen tral Committee. JOS. II. KIBBEY, Chairman. It. L. Loso. Secretary. With wool soiling at four ccuts, tho tariff kliould bo uppeiniost in every Ametienu woolgi ower's mind theso dajSj The Amuiicau peoplu desiro an Ameiicnn policy, fiiendly to Ameii can industry and piomntivu of Ameii cau piospoiity, aud they are going to demand it. Yuma is noted its a giavoyard for ncuKpupcis. Yet tno new ones weiu Stalled thuio last week, tho "Adver tlet" and tho Sun." Befoio the new year commences tho "Sontiuel"ylll publisli tlivlr obituary uoiiccs. .mMinu 1. JSXTm' ta- ' If thu old s.t)iii that "Argot's Miilnu so goes the Union," is true, Tom Kt'cd has n cinch ou thu presiden tial uiiniiimtion. , Tub RcpuUlliMti Triiitoiiiil Coinun liuii will have uoutustud deluations from thu coiiutifs of Maiicopn mid Yavapai. It would bo highly pi oper fur thu Republicans of thesu coiinlies to settlu their dilTeitiiircs at liorao in stead of asking thu Republicans of thu Teiritor) to tuuoguitiHhum at I lie con ventlou. Factious havo uo pluco iu thu Republican party. TnG St. John's "Herald" Is booming Judgo J. J. Hawkins and thu Mniiavu ".Miner" is doing thu sauiu thing or E. . Elliuuood for tho nomination of delegate toCongitsson the Democratic ticket, lloth alo good men, but thu SON would liku to know what the editors of thu above papers have against thesis men that they should waut thum to givu up tho fat offices thuy now hold to accept tho nomination for an ulllcu that their 'eleclion to, iu these degencratu Demociatio data, Is ex tremely doubtful. Ho Used Ills Itlflo. Chaties Hunt, an overgrown cow boy, shot aud almost instantly killed Dutid Blown at tho hitter's 1 am-h twelve miles south of Hackberry, ou Iho Atlantic & P.icitic. The causes that led up to tho shooting, as reported in tho Miner, are as follows: Hunt had leased H13 horses of Brown and was to biand tho colts equally for himself and tho latter. On tho moiniug of the tragedy Brown had gone out on the raugc and brought in a number of inai es and colts, which ho said ho in tended to brauil. Hunt protested and said ho intended to turn tho animals fiom tho corral. Brown said if he tinned tho animals out ho would kill him. Htiut went to his house aud got a Winchester title, camo back and be gan to let down the bats. Brown called to him from outside the corral to desis't. In response Hunt picked up his title aud tired point blank at tho old man. the bullet sti iking him and break ing the left arm above tho elbow. As Blown started to run toward his house, which was 150 feet distans, Hunt filed .igaiu, the bullet going wide of thu maik. Another shot liicd as the old man reached his door stitick him iu the back and caused his death within a fow minutes. Ho ui.iu.iged to erawl into tho house nod fell upon his bed. As soon as he had liied the fatal shot, Hunt got on Ids and went to Hackberry, whet 0 ho told the story of thu tragedy. Dr. Knight went fiom Kingman and held uu autopsy on the hody. Hit found that 0110 of die slims had euleied tho fiout of tho left aim nboto tho elbow and passed out nt the back p.m. breaking thu bone. Tho other shot hud Mtiurk in tho back above thu hip, ou fiu left side of tliu luck bo lie, and had seveied the iliac nitcrv aud a number of small intestines In its passage thiough the body, and came out to tho left of tliu navel. Tim coronet's jury, after inquiring into llie matter, hi ought in a erdiet chaiging Chillies Hunt with thu death, and tliu coroner issued a an. tut for his at rest. Ue was brought to King man and lodged in j ill. ... A l'oltilciil Corpse. 'I here seems to be a unaninnus de mand among tho Democracy of tho Teiritoiy for the nomination of Mark Smith for delegate to congress. Phoe nix Gazette. The Gazetto is sadly mistaken. Maik Smith is a political eorpso never to be icsuscltated. His last two terms iu enngiess were flat failures. It is ad mitted that Murphy lias douo moro good for the Tenitoty in the last four months than Smith did dining his lust four ycais. Tho Democracy wants somo one who can di sometliins; iu Washington. Maik Smith has been shelved; let him Vest, and get new blood, some one who will lepretenttlio party as well as does Mtupliy tho Tor litoryand his party. Tucson Star. A Hundred Summer Homes Aro to be built nt Flagstaff. That is to say, they would be by incoming wealthy residents if its matchless cli mate, grand and picturesque scenery and numberless advantages as ahealth ful place to recuperate wero made known to them. Our Special Illus trated Edition will reach those seeking theso benefits at every point of the compass. Subset ibe to it. . t Ducklcii'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in tho world for cuts. bruises, soies, ulcers, salt ihciim, fever sores, tutter, chapped hands, chilblains. coins and all skin eruptinus, and posi tively euros piles, ot 110 pay required. It is iruar.ilitued to civu lierfi-nt mitl. faction or money refunded. Price, 25 ceuts per nox. tnr sale oy u. J. tfrau uon, Flagstaff, Arizona. HE FLAGSTAFF TWELVE. Tlpr Pleasant Trip From Flagstaff to Phoenix and Eeturn. The Grand Army Encampment Party Have a Jolly Qood Tlmo on Tbolr Overland Trlp-ltaiisom l'ost Hcturns Thanks for Cour tesies Received. Tho parly that visited Phoenix dur ing tho Grand Army Encampment, whose departure was chronicled in the Sex. returned last week, and fiom the reports which our society editor hai been able to gather they must hare had an enjoyable trip. From 0110 or two of those who went on tho trip we have gleaned tho following facts: Camp was aroused each morning b,) the bugle call from two of tho old sol dier members sometimes sounded so early that response was very sluggish, and almost resulting iu mutiny from tho bruuette-haired member, who objected to getting up at 3 A. M., even to cross a desert. Tho paity was feasted on gamo all through the tiip. but tho birds were so wary of tho crack maiksmnn of tho company that the fled in dismay (?) before (aud after) his tire. The on if other athletic symp toms developed was the finding of a baseball musk concealed in one of the wagons, but no one could bo Induced to claim it. There seems to have been a reiu of seutlmentalism .ruuning through the p.uty, as one of the elderly (male) membets was so enamored of the charms of the landlady at Bumble Buo station ho could scarcely bo peisuaded to continue tho trip, and several of the ladies wuro very loath to depart from the scenic and other attractions about New River station; while it Is rumored that a marriage license was discovered, somewhero on tho journey, tho con tacting patties named iu It being the most eligiblo old soldier member and ouo of the fairest ladies in tbo com pany. And so strong and so wide spread did this feeling become that even tho moro youthful members were attacked with it, one of them falling a victim to the coquetry of tho chamber maid of the hotel in Phoenix, aud an other being claimed asau old acquaint ance by a "fair" inmale of thu insane iistlum. Iu fact it was with difficult that these two members could be in duced to leturn, and only ou condition that they might "come again." Dining the visit at Phoenix evert emu lesy was shown the puny by the Iniidhtily and daughters of their hotel," and nil the Phoenicians seemed to vie with each other in making it pleasant for them. Visits were made to the sin rounding ranches, to tho public insiituiions. the ostiich farm aud a number of points of iu'erest. l'liu leturn Hip was madu in live dus, thu only occurronces worthy of note being thu broncho tiding of the L'happion of the party through Black Canyon and thu visit to the flourishing mining camp of Messrs. Stinu & Smith near Bumblo Bee made by somo of the company. At tho latter point tho vis itors were Very hospitably received and entertained, but wero not permitted to visit tho mi no, no stranger being al lowed to enter it. Everyone got in Thursday night, in lime to miss thosuow storm, and voted it a lit st-c hiss outing In every way. Ono Who AVus There. To the Editor of the Sun Dear Sir: At a meeting of Ransom Post, G. A. R., S.ituiday, a lesolution was unani mously adopted tendering a vote of thinks to Owen Post, uAhu Women's Relief Corps and to the citizens of Phoenix who extended so many com testes to tho flagstaff "twelve" during the recent session of the G. A. R. en campment in that city. In behalf of those who attended the encampment I will say that nothing was left uudono to make it pleasant dining our visit. Of the pleasant fea tures of the occasion was tho thhty milo drive through beautiful farms aud 01 chards, and on tho return from the drive the entertainment given by the Women's Relief Corps, and the even lug spent nt tho theatre on tho invita tion of Col. Cbtisty. Among, thoso who especially exerted themselves to make it pleasant for our visitors wero Commahder-elcct J. B. Sampson, Com rade Gray and lady, Comrade John Marshal and lady, Captains Powers and Parker, and many others whose names cannot now he tecalled. Tho Lemon Hotel and tho Mills HotiRo hospitably entertained our dele gation. Tbo press of Phoenix should uot bo forgotten, although they do not seen; to be familiar with the names of the towns iu Northern Arsons, and Boils It is often difficult to coiviuce peo ple their blood is impure, until dread ful .carbuncles, abscesses, boils, scrof ula or salt rheum, aro painful proof of the fact. It is wisdom now, or when ever there is any iudicuion of Impure blood, to take Hood's Sarsanarilla, and prevent such eruptions aud suffering. "I had a dreadful carbuncle abscess, red, fiery, fierce and sore. The doctor at tended me over seven 'Weeks. WhotTthe abscess broke, the pains were terrible, and I thought I should not live through it. I heard and read so much about Hood's 8emparUla, that I decided to take it, and my husband, who was suffering with bolls, took it also. It soon purified our Blood built me np and restored my health eo that, although the doctor said I would not be able to work hard, I have since done the work for 20 people. Hood's Bar saparUla cured .my husband ol the boils. Sd we regard it a wonderful medicine." H. AJWA PZTEKSOir, Latimer, Kansas. Hood's Sarsaparilla U the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists, ft u-a- n:if eurellverllls.casytotake, tlOOU S PHIS easy to operate, tuceutt. they should be supplied with a map of our Territory. However, the best wishes of the Flag staff "Twelve" is extended to the good peoplo of Flmeuix, and may their sky always be as blight as when we vis ited thorn. In L. C. L.. One Vho Was Therb. Two Delegations. Tho Republican County Convention of Yavapai divided itself into two fac tious and nominated two sets of dele gates to the Tenitoi ial Convention. Tho Akcts delegates are: W. S. Head, R C. Powers, R. E. Shun. Wales Arnold, J. S. Calles, R. F. Moi risonTFrauk P. Moi 1 ison. Grant Cai tei . J. E. Moinson, B. F. Muiphy, E. B Gage, Thomas Roach, Gcorgu Wickler, A. L. Smith, George W. Viekeis, J. C Martin A. C. Gilmoie, C. II. Aker-. F. E. Andrews, F. D. Myers, W. S Maiks, T. W. Johnston. TlieStoddaid delegates ale: E. W. Wells, J. M. W. Moore, A. O. Biodie, F. G. Bieeht, Joseph Dotigliciiy. S. untie! Hill, Frank iiitfer, Doanu Mel rill, A. E. Jocelyu. John S. Jones, L J. English, I. T. Siodd.ud. S. E. Uilglu, E. M. Sauford, J. E. Va. ..Her, George Mciwiu, Gunrgu E lirow-n, B. H. Siniih. John S. lti.i, J. H. Lee, P. A. William's Tom Smith. J. A. Fleming of Piiiiuuix. went to Globe yeileiday to examine coppei mines and lake a look at that country. Mr. Fleming is just leturuiiig fiom Denver where he has been for a mouth. -Bulletin. Tor Over Fifty Years. Mis. Winslovv'ri Soothing Sy 1 up lia been used for over fifty yeats by mil lions of molbeis for their ehildien wliilo teething, with peifuct succos. It soothes tliH child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and i tho best remedy for dianhooa. It will lelieve the poor little sulTurer imme diately, gjjld by dutggists iu every paitof tho woi Id. Twenty-file cent a bottle Be Mire and wsV for "Mr?. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Homestead Entry No. CIO. liAKD OFFICII AT rilESCOTT, AllIZ., I .... , . , , April 21. 1898. 1 isotlce Is hereby given thi.i tno following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In mpport of his claim, and that said proof will bo mado before N. G. Luyton. Clerk of Probato Court, at riag staff, Arizona, on Juno 11, ls93. vlr: Escck K. Jonos, for tho S HNK 34 and S X NWif. Section 32. Township 21 N, ltangee E. He names the following witnesses to provo his continuous residence on, and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles A. Bush ot Flagstaff, Arizona; A. E. Brown of Flacstatr. Arizona; K. E. Newman of FlairbtalT, Arizona! George Hoffman of FIugitalT. Arizona. H. D. ROSS, Register. First publication April Si. 18W. NOTICE OF NEW REGISTRATION Of Voters In Uocontno County, Arl ' zona. NOTICE Id HEREBY OIVEN THAT AT thO rOZlllar mtintlii.- nf fl.a lln...... of duporvlsnrsof Coconino county, Arizona. i" uwis wium .n mauu ana auiy ontoied upon tho tecords of said board on the 7th diy of April. 183J: "The Bo Hit iipqn motion orders: That a notice bo published for ut loast four months that 11 now reiUtrillon nf thii..iti,ini .hi. county must in had for tho eiHulntr election, as required by Act No. 7 of thu ieiija Laws of lssj. ferrltorvof Arlzoav" Ksglsterlnit o Bceri and allcjnconied will take notice and bo governed accordingly. Ifrtirldt fnr Imi nrlil aiau. ...... .1 ". - tho": aaror election;'"" '"""' "' Ur,oro Uv oider of tha Itnirrf nf -f Coconino county. iMiMtaiM pmV-"UB"' a"' Exclusively for Cash. I desire to notify m general that on conuuer. a strictly T uctll lrAn tin ""' " """ uscijueiicc 1 Sjall do away with the expense of bookkeeping the loss occasioned by extended accounts a result I shall be marp-in of nrofit. o -- r . money by buying for cash. All mv old natrons and the nnhlir n..ii invited to take advantage of the bargains offered at? my store under HE. A. ROGERS, -DEALER IN- DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES. Atlantic & Pacific R, R, 'ondrtnuud Tlmo Table of Trains. EST. EAbT. STATIONS. Cal. Urn. t)Hl. Ev. C.lilc. I Atl. Llm. I Kx. HUM' IUW) I.v C111UAOU Al 94Ja 103ip 6.l5p ,(Xla SJua, S15p I OH 1 Ml) LvlvA.SCll'V Ar 1 Dtp 7 Ou Lv 1ILNVEU Ai JZJp I 68 p USp JIOp J Up t -MP ,1(WU tfftu Iv Albuquerque ar SOUK 4 0.i a SI5p 305i 2S5p lU40a 9. IS ii 727 BCVh 4 fill a UX!p 855p 725p nn'uto Uullup Holt) rook Wlualutv i'malulf S IllUuis Ash fork Kinsman The .NeuUlrs lilako Daggett DlUU 3(0 a 12 Jip UilWu i cap 4 Zup DUOp lH5p up S4l)b ; la a I 45 u I lup 1 &u 4 (Uu d an II ton iaip 3Jp Bl ffiUii JXOu lUtUk 8.101. 3 45 b JfJl. 1 40 p Z.1JL JlOp i VSV ur liaratow ur Jlojuvii J UP fiOfltl Vr Los Angeles Lv BUUp ilOn O0UD lUUjJ p vi- Ban UifKO Lv Vrfean l'ran'co Lv a sop lu is it SOup Tho limited trains leaving Chlcaco west ound at 6 p. in dally and Los Angeles east fouiid at 8 p. m. cla'ly curry Pullman's latest ind moat elegant sleenlue cars, reclining hair cur. with an attendant to look after the .ussengern' co'ufort. and new dining cars lirpuuu vvltuoutchango between Los Angeles ina Chicago. In addition to tho regular dally equipment i luxurious compartment sleeping car. con amlng two drawing rooms and seven family ooms. will be attached to the Chicago LI m uii leaving Los Angelcson fueadaynand llie 'allfornla Llinlicd leaving Chicago on vvrdnebdays of each week. TlioUhlc.iKoExprovi. tast bound, and Call .ornla Express, st bound, carry Pullman t'alaco sleeping cars through without change jotwecn Chicago and san r rancibco. with n mnex car between Barxtow and Los Angeles; t'ullman Tourist sleeping cars through with mt change bctwien Chicago and San Fran :Uco and Chicago and Los Angelcscvcry day; iwico a week between Los Angelosand St. I'auli onco a week between fat. Louis and Boston. SUMMER OR WINTER, The "SANTA FE RODTE" Is tho most com fprtablo railway between California and the East. Iho meals at Harvey's Dining Rooms are in excellent featuie of the line, and aro only equalled by those h rvjd on tho now Olulng Cars, which are canlo I on all limited trains. The Grand Canyun.o? tho Colorado can bo reached lu uo other way. DON A. SWEET, O.'neral Passenger Agent, Albuquerque, N.M. Vlio hates men will not bo intcicslcd in tills (itV n limit wedding iiiviin lions), bin tlie niani- .igeitlilu jonng lady is, nmi w want to talk to hor. Pm-. Imps ym.w ill iviuil lo send out some invilalions rood join self. Can we make tliem for ton? Wo HI1V in tin1 lnisiiii"i4. Have mado n Mini,) uf it. We engrave and print both. Ak ns for s.ininles. Wc can plcaso too. Calling lmi ils liiinti'il fromeiiL'inveil platH 11'per 100. II. M. Leu & Bn.. 140 N. SuiillL' Rtreet. Los Anir..,. B Grumi li-"-! vfaVr" Cul. Mwullou tbls paper. my customers and th t.. and after March 5 irqa t . I casn Dusiness. hnnlro Ti on-. enabled to sell goods at a 1 and mv rn cf nnm..,. . j -"""'"a win save the cash system. Santa Fe, Prescclt S Railway Company. TIME TABLE, IN EFFECT DEC. a hS. Mountain time Is standard used fcOUTH. NOUTII .No z o & STATIONS. Jvo.3l I No. 1 2.00 p 3:02 p 4:13 p 7:00a lv Ash lork ar 5 20p 1S8 Rock Ilutte 4 ttpi n 0C Del Kin 3 lin: 9 4, 8:48 a 8:39a g.65a :4Sk :p fi.S0p Jeroiuc Junc'n 3 jopi b.jsx I'rcscult J(0pi ;ti SOUTH. Tevi ) ;i NORTH No i .NaC No. 41 No. 1 lv t'lescott ar buinunt Ramsjaie fckull Valley Klrkland lilllsldc Conitic Wlckenburg l'corla Glcr.iljle 33 p I Up CI pf 3.3(1 p WpUvlp Up 2 3tp ,:ip, t up iii i:ip Via ll.Jji i"j ljlOl 00a feJti 51 a ('.a IU t ttn In Alhambri ir Phoenix I i Trains 41 and ii run on alternate dap. Informational tovvlmldajs suae lll rua will be furnMied by agents on application No. 1 makes connections at U l"ork xlib A. &. P. vesllbuled liiniledNo 3frouitbett. No.l aisoionnects with A. &. V Noihora the west. IVraous deslrl g to slay oert Abh Fork will tindihe beat ot aaouiuudi tluns at Fred Harvey's Hotel. No. 2 makes close connections at AsbFuk wlib A. & P. trains Nos t and 4 All1 loaches ban Francisco iu 45 a. ni wanl morning. A. & P. No. 4 U a veitibulwl train throughout, lighted with I'liiuu irasdlnlu car running through. Los AngelC', toUiloago. Dining cant under the mauauiitni ut Irto Harvey, with his unexcelled tervke cren attention to his guests. Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Jerome Junction with tialns of tho United Wrde & mow Unilway for Jeromo. Connectlug at l'rcsi-ptt with stage lines tor all pilnclpal ulnlns camps; at Congress with itaee lines for llu qua Haia, Stanton and Varni'll, at 1'hoenli wlih tho Maricopa A. Plicunlx Hallway for points on Southern Pacific Kail ay. The Santa Fc, Prcscotfl I'lioenli IUlInj Is the best route to the gniii salt Wv valley. For Information regarding ma valley and tho rich mlnln' section iribularj to this road address any Santa 1 e route rep resentative, or. Ceo. M. Sargent. General Fi eight andras sen er A vent, Prescott R. E. Wells. Assl.tant General Manajtr, Prescott. Arli. 8. F. P. 4 P. Kalluraj. Geo. T. NicnoLso.v, General I assenfer Agent. Chicago. , , . J.J. Fhey. General Manager ChlcufO. A T. & b. F. Railway. cnuitcu muuuiouv. CATUOLIO CHURCH. REV P FhEKI. Pastor. On fcundaya: iirt Mi4tJ u nock a. m.i second Mas', at 10 i m !uiJ school at 11 a. m. Evonlng ttrvice at , mv in. On week days Mass at 7 a m Oniae second Sunday of each month piajer "' Ir.gatlOa. m. Sunday school at il a m AU cordially Invited. THIRST M. E. CHURCH 10,!-m. JT Church anil Lareux fciiicf. It M" lord Pastor. Preaching at 11 a ni Sundays! Sunday school at 10 a mo" Gibson, dupcriutendent. Cla-b u.etlnjg 12:15 p. m. Epwortb League 6i P. Prayer meeting Wednesday e"-nint. Everybody welcome. T?1RST PrfESBYTERIA i.l"' P Norlh Ban Francl.o street T jomis i JjoUett, pastor, babbathservlct- ('' 11 a.m. and 8:15 p.m.; Sundav -.' ' m.; Y.P.a. C. E. pnijcr meu t. 5 Pi o-Mid-week conference audpraiir rnuftay evening. A cordial Invitation xtinccuw all. PKOFKsSIONAL. DR. D.J. BRANNEN. riiysiUAN A burgeon. Flagstaff, Arirom ' , , spond promptly to all calls from "!' Kmcc on tho Atlantic & Pacific Ka troad umcc and drug sioiij opposite the depot. EM. SANTORD. ATTOinrV Aj LA'f . Prescott. Arlrona. Will practice"1" tno courts of Ailzona. EM. DOE. ATTORXEV AT LJ' . Office two doors wet of the n" hotel, Flagstaff. Aliioua. Ei 8. CLARK. ATTORNEY T M ,, Offlco in the Babbitt build K j, staff, Arliona. i'racllco before tlie uepartment a specauy. JOSEPH JOHNSTON. Notart Public axd PmCc, Justice or ins rv 7:00a 9.S5u :J3afto:2ia 8:01a 10: Uu 8:30a ll:35:i 9.00a 11:52:. 9:4a a ll:3.ia i:joi 12.30 p 2.05) 2:3:1 p z-.t&i 3.00 p 3.3! 1 3:25 p 3:4, 3:5p 4.0i) BmU tie g4 Mank io use Jn tJ rtwry.