Newspaper Page Text
va, K,JWL, xji 'aUeiKstigaateBs-. .ost f'li 1. k&4 . 4li. ITl.I j f 1. . ' ,tf : Mi .. iPi .i W ' 1 t . i .nw.if 11 ! ' '' iW U T ! i I kN i , S . ! H fir.r ' -7 V ttsv i .i i r I '-VI ivi j K & 1 1 S ,'. K. " ' .1) i, . 1 Hi '.'. Ili::!l! S f . tr I K!R1 ' w. ', , i hi-1 1 V 'll,? f ' i I'lMHv Hi;, Wit 7 ' IWi ! J wun 11.1 i' ''In hil ! '. Is. II ' V ll hc (Suramin jsfwu. $ A. GOOD TEMPLARS' COLUMN, Edited and Managed Under tho Aus pices Lodge, I. O. U. T. Contributions ot an appropriate nature are solicited for this column, und should bo ad dressed to Box 121, Flagstaff. All such con tributions, however, are subject to approval by tho editors. Lodge meets every Satur day ovoning at 0. A. K. Hall at 7:30 o'clock. Visiting members Invited to attend. 0. N. Batv. Chief Templar. ITho editor ot The Sun It not responsible for for anything that may appear In this column.) GOVERNMENT 1JY BREWERY. Tho following nblo nrticlo is from tho pen of President Georgo A. Gates of Iowa college unci appeared in tho "Arena:" Office of tho ra'lwoy, Chicago, Illinois. September 16, 1895. Mr. . aL'ont . Wis. Dear Sir: Please noto and return tho in closed papors. The action ofur employe at is. as vou see, seiiously affecting our business. The brewing companies are particularly touchy in toward to tins matter. Ye do not caro to interfere with the private opinions of our employe, but in it case of this, where tho corapiny's interests ore uffected, the employe should be given to under ui.deistniid that he is expected not to bo specially nctixo and obnoxious. 1 do not know in what capacity Mr. is employed, but desiia that you see him und explain our wNhes to him, and lequett him to ceabe his nctiwty in this matter. Youis truly, t General Superintendent. In a ceitiin Wisconsin town of about 2,000 people Mr. is an em' ploye of tho railway, He is also a member of the city council and oted for an anti-screen petition which was signed corporately by four churches and twotemperanco organiza tions, and later by a largo number of individuals. He did not circulato the petition. Being on tho ordinance committee lioxoted in faorof recom mending to the council tho passago of such an ordinance. Ho also oted with others in the council making a majority in favor of such an ordinance, and the ecteens of tho saloons came down and hao been down since thnt timo The Milwaukee browing interests at once sent their representative to tho town, who secured from the saloon people and their supporters many signatures to a petition addressed to. tho raihoad compiuy icouestinK tho removal of Mr. . Tho only astonishing thing about this document is that it should have got awav. How tho leakage occurred is unknown to mo. In other words, evory onoof nearly a million of railway employes in America is enjoined from taking part in (he community in which lio is a citizen, in movements which not only tend toward suppressing but oven tend toward regulating tho saloon - business. How generous, that an em ploye may hold any opinion he chooses, but instant decapitation awaits any expression by word or act of such an opinion! Why, I would almost bo wil ling to havo tho devil a member of my household under those conditions. This is the method of government in Russia and Turkey, but in thoso coun tries the conditions are bettor than these; for thero it is an open ukase or firman, S-ead and known of all men. The people can rise up and cut off Charles I's head, for the head is visible and, when enough of the people desiro it, accessible. But "our business" is private; only by &ome accident can a document of the above bo published. Let there be no misunderstanding. I am heaping no objurgations on the ruilroad companies nor on the brewers Were this at tide dealing in personali ties instead of discussing principles, names and places would appear in the blank spaces of the above letter. The purpose in calling attention to this mutter goes veiy much beyond any personal criticism. This is simply cne sti iking illustration of tho general con dition of American democratic life in tho stage of development at which wo now aro. To undeistaud tho impor tance of tho matter it is necessary to reflect how significant a phce the rail load interests of the country ocuupy. especially in the great agricultural do mains of the West where this corres pondence took pi ice. The civilization of these vast prair ies is a railroad ciwlizttion, and during tho Init ve years it has been largely created by tho railroads. They push ahead, tpen up tho -country, in vite and cultivuto settlement. In thou sands of small towns the railroad fac tor is a Nery prominent ono For in stance, it is u fact hardly doubted by anyone fairly informed that in the strongly Republican stato of Iowo, J Govornor Boies, a Democrat, was elected by tho railroad vote. Governor Larrabee, his opponent, had wr itten a book sharply criticising railroad man agements That vote numbers any where from fifteen to twenty-fiyo thou sand, diroctly or indirectly controlled by tho railroads. That is enough in nioit years to constitute) tho bal ance of power. If tho raihoad vote did not deteimmo tho eloction abovo referred to, then ono of tho most promi nent railroad mon of tho country is mistaken, for he said to me, '"Wo rail roads determined that election." Then, too, tho saloon problem is ono of tho very largest in all parts of tho country. It is more or less in the poli tics of otery stato. Politicians havo made many attempts to get it out of politics, and havo been to a grcater'or loss degieo and in certain localities, temporarily, successful. But wo all understand that wherever the saloon exists it is becoming every year more and more a political powtr. Tho abovo is an instance of thee two great powers so vitally connected with tho public lifo of our nation walk ing in the nicest and sweetest harmony Tho general superintendent of a great raihoad ii, in lespect to csitain mat tois, under tho obsolulo domination, and subject tntiirly to tho dictation of brewers in a ceitaiu city on his line. Of course a common cairiermust lie subject to tholuws which govern cum mon canying. He u as much under obligation to ciny tho products of brewuis as lo cany chuich building material or tr.inspoit teachers and cler gvmen on pissenger trains. But has it come to tins, that the American citi zen mustnbrogito his common rights of oitizetibhip; must shut him-.elf outrfrom the practical and ethical iuteiests of the community; when great questions of public welfare aie up for discussion ho roust kipp silence; when the inter eats of his boys and girls, his honfe, aie ut stake, he must be as indifferent as an Egyptian mummy? In other words, he must repudiate his manhood in older to be considered competent to build a a bridgo or vvoik on a section of a tail rotd that runs thiough that tominun ity. To bo concluded. Catarrh Cannot bo Cured. With local applications, us tliuy cannot reach the seat of the disease, and in older to cine it 3011 must take internal lemedies. Hall's Cilni'ili Cuio is taken internally, and acts diiectly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catuith due is not ti quack medicine. It was piesciibcd by oue of the best phsiclaus in this country for vcais, nud is a i cgular pi esei iptinn. It is com posed of the best Ionics known, com bined with the best blood puiilieis, acting directly on the mucous sur faces. Tito perfect combination of tho two Ingiedicnts is what produces such wondeiful tesults iu cuiing cntniih. Send for testimonial:), 'ficc. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Pi ops., Toledo, 0 Sold by diuggisls, piico 75c. ' M k r?1 &f I'll I I v k-M -"-W-m--M ) orrict or BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO COMPANY. OunHAM, N. C. lit ALL Merchants Whs Retail TOBACCO. V Dear Sir: You aro entitled to receive FREE from your wholesale dealer, WHITE STAR SOAP w'th all the Blackwell's" Genuine Durham Smoking TobaCCO you buy. One bar of soap Freo with each pound, whether io oz., a oz 4 oz., or X a oz., packages. Wo havo notified every whole sale dealer In the United States that we will supply them with soap to give you FREE Order a good supply of OEMJINE DURHAM at once, and Insist on getting; your soap. One bar of Soap FR E E with each pound you buy. Soap Is offered for a limited time, so order to-day. Yours very truly, BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO COMPANY. y - II you havi any difficulty In procurlncyour sotp, cut out tnis nouco ana stna 11 uin your order to your wholcialo dealer. PRELIMINARY PAPERS AND ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION.' -OF THE- GLOBE, FLAGSTAFF & CAN YON RAILROAD COMPANY. CANCER ANOTUUOBS. JToKolfoor Pilnt florcjiiuierrai , Write fr r 63 page Treatise and Home I , testimonial s nf many vnlttftl cures, rnsiUy In women's breasts, & ft. CHAMUr. H. D. CanefEnaUHUl.TiillSt Oflc,ilW.FIrtSt 101 ANOCIK. CC PLEASC SFND THIS TO SOME ONI WITH CANCER OR TUMOR. ARIZONA CATTLE CO., H.uige, S.111 Fi.inciacu Mountains. liRANrr, Thehitmlof (jto Inn- rs or.-r thi tiiiu. lh yontl wlioln error l. Ji ni llioni,. if liir to Ibo fluor. It Is 11 f ni 1, Ik, itf lie -: Itrons as uo (oils) 10 u mm ,- t itu tomorrow. It li a no!. ..111 1 am lr j!. nl be heeded, ot h jou-cl .i-Uk-iii 1 .if Hun- you cunviuip jour el ! ' GKIMT IS" JV.r4 will help yon llu-lynn I 1 n- I, cx-'.vi preparation, b'lt la a pow nil mo Ilmlyau res'oroJ, rebi.ll ie-ic . rh Urcm life. It Is lor .nr.T It ;. : t .' :i i,, , you siifTcr frun Moatnc f-.ii 1 1 f r' manhood. II jou hue 11 il up hi'i 1, lujnnd jour llur joi j o ,1 1 vri r I - , ill about tho droit Ilu 'jn 'intilu. , llmonlals free KfaSOS Hi:i)3t A i T-Vh'Vl. "V atOCS 01 n ,, 1 ,,, 1 , l.f rMC.i... Il nil. . AMENDED ARTICLES OF IN CORPORATION OF THE Kern River & Los Angeles Eleotrio Power Company. 1, tho undersigned, Henry S. McKco, Socro turj of tliu annual meeting ot the stockhold ers of tbeUem Utter & Los Angeles Elec tric I'owor company, held at tho olllco of the suld corporation, la tho town ot Flagstaff, County ot Coconino, Territory of Arizona, on tho 3d day ot March, ISM. do hereby certify that tliu notice of said stockholders' uioctlng, stating tliu time, place and object of said meeting, had been published In tbo"ETonlng Express," 11 newspaper published In the city of 1.0s Angeles, county of Los Angeles. State ot California, and In the Su.f. a weekly newspaper published In tho town of flagstaff, county of Coconino. Tenltory ot Arizona, once u week for four consecutive weeks previous to tho dato of said meeting, and Unit tho following Is a copy of the notice so published In said newspapers for said period of time. STOCKnOLDEllS' MELTING. Notice Is hereby glcn that tho annual miettng of the stockholders ot tho Kern rhcri. Los Angeles Electric Power Company will be held at the liauU Hotel, In the town of Flagstaff, Coconino county, Arizona, on Tuesday, tho 3d day or March, 1800, at 'I o'clock p. M., for tho purposo of electing a Hoard of Directors for tho ensuing year and for the purpose of amending the articles of Incorporation and by-laws, aud for tho trans action of such other business as may properly comu bufom the meeting. The stock transfer books of the company will be closed on Saturday, the id day of February, 1KX5, at 5 o'clock r. m., and will remain closed until Widdcsday, the tn day of March, 1SW, at 10 o'clock a.m. L. J. C. bi-nCANCE, Secretary. uy order of tho Hoard ot Directors. That at the tlmo and placo specified In said notice more than two-thirds of tho then Issued stock of suld corporation was retire senttd. and more than a majority of the slockholdrs of suld corporation were icpre tented, and that n ote being taken upon the question or amending tho articles of Incor poration of said corporation, the holders of moro than two-thirds of the tlieh Issued stock and moro than a majoilty of the stockholders otid In fat or of amending said articles as follows: Artlclo III was amended to read: "Tho principal places of transacting business ot the corporation shall bo In the town of 1 lag staff, county of Coconino, Torrltoryof Ari zona, and in tho city of Los Angeles, county of Los Angeles, Stato of California." Article VII of the articles ot Incorporation was amended to read as follows! "Iheaffalrs ot the Corporation aro to bo conducted by a ooaiaor seven directors," instoaa or "lav atlalrs of tho Incornorutlon are to bo con ducted by a board of eloven directors." Article XII of tho articles of Incorporation was amended to read as follows: "These articles of incorporation may bo amended at any annual meeting of tho stockholders, or at any special meeting of the stockholders called for that purposo by a two-thirds vote otall the stock then issued noting In favor of such amendment." In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand thlB 13th day of March, 1806. bigncd HENRV S. MoKEE. Hl Ear marks, silt In each carthorses and mules. Al, rl.ilit hip; Increase, Al on right shoulder. P. O adarc. Flagstaff, Arizona. FnANK M. LiVErtifonE. General Manager. IsHW fairrtw r Alfred J, W J-Miit Drand on right sldo as In cut ear marks crop off left and silt in mini;; range in 'an I'litnclsco mountain. Posttoltlcc, Flagstaff Anon a. Horse brand. AF bar. on right bhoulder ARIZONA LUMBER CO. TIM -JE3L PcstoSocaaV dress, Flf U9, Arlaoaa Haste, Ba Frtcolici BOSLtalBA ikTuyu M. I Hoi Co, rM,inBlM Snd eattls randsd aa la cat. CMtlf BBabtnd onscotlrly oa Itft okxk. H8BB1 jwnUUi folluwiuic tho side or anuul. HiDBiTT nrtos. Poitoffle addfMS, Hi tan. Arisoaa, Itsnce, Clark's TsJlty, MogollnB aoantaiat Brand as abov cat All joang itook bruad. d on both side, wltk willow fork anil mn dsrUt la mca Mr) alia Boot T, S II, aniwutr s Boot oattl. road hrand W Saruktsldsi r oattl, ou a rlgktua; kon rami, a a . 4. TAIL. Kc( lht mllei ontht of Flngttafl, Yi.t ipal coantr. Cstil brandtd J en lft rib; ear murks sqaar cat oa rlab ear, orr slos oa Itrl ar. Poatoffic sildret. Flarstaff. Arimaa Recorded at request of L. J. C. Sprua'ncc, March 16, 1658 at V o'clock A. u.. In Book 1 of Articles of Incorporation, Kccords of Coco ulno County. Iseil C. A. BUSH. County Recorder. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. fbe Best of all Cough Medicines is Dr. Acker's English Rem edy. It will stop a cough in one night, check a cold in one day, prevent croup, re lieve asthma, and cure con sumption, if taken in time It is made on honor, from the purest ingredients and con tains neither opium nor mor phine. If the little ones have, croup or whooping cough, use it promptly. Three Sizes 25c., 50c and $ J per bottle. f . At Druggists. r ACKER MEDICINE CO, SO ewd 19 Chamber trtet, New York. Estato ot Elrenls A. Roberts, decoased; Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned, administrator of the estate of bltcnls A. ltobcrts, deceased, to tho creditors and to all persons having claims against the said de ceased to exhibit thorn, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after tho first publication of this notice, tossld administra tor, at his office In the town of Flagstaff, Territory of Arizona, tho offlco of said ad ministrator being In tbo office of the Bank Hotel, tho samobolng tho placo fortho trans action of tho business of said estate in Coco nino county, Arizona. THOMAS J. COALTER. Administrator" of said estate. Dated flagMaH", Arizona, March 6, 1800. SEWING MACHINE SUPPLIES! I furnish Nocdles,. Oil, Belting, Shuttles, etc.; also all parts and pieces for thlrty ono different kinds of toning machines. Besides being agent for the above, I sell the World's famous WHLER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE, Cash or Installments. Write for prices and particulars. Wc, the undersigned, James A. Fleming, Klcbard Fleming, Sorter W. Firming. V. A Abrams, L. 11. Chalmers, hoieby subscribe tne amount set opposito our names in the ag' grcgate um ot more than two hundred aud 11 fiy thousand dollars iUM.WQi of the stock ot the proposed railroad company, to bo con structed, owned, operated and maintained between tho termini, to-wit: Beginning ut tho town of Globe, In Cilia county, Arizona ieriltory, running thence In a north westerly direction tbiougu the counties ot Olla and Coconino to l'laggiuff, in tho county ot Co conino, territory or Arizona; thence through said county in coconlno. In a northerly direction to a point ut, or near thecuuiuon Point, near the (.oloiado lunjon, 1 he dis tance to be ono ltundied and eighty-two tls-'j miles, more or less; also u branch to said railroad between tho minim, 10 wit: Begin ning ut a poln 1 ou tliu mam line ot suld rutl loau, us luulcuied uoove. 101 ty -Uvo itaj miles, more or less, noun ot flagstaff, iocuuiuo county, Ailzona leriltoiy,-uud running lu -i northeasterly iwrtxtion slity Uvo tui lunes, more or less, to lubuclty, in the county 01 Coconino, icrrltoiy ot Ailzona, iiiu aggie o'ato nuinuer or imles iu ihe u.ulu line 01 .uiu ailiuau and oiauclits to ia. two uuuutxUuuu .urt-sevcn Uiu lulivs, luuru ur ics, iiiu aegri.kute umuuut ut sulu kituscupuuu ueuit mole muiicue ihuusinu uoli-rs vl.uW; pei iiulu torsa ( load uuu bruiielies. Tliut ibo liisituuicnt ber-cto uunoxeu maiked Lxlilbit "A" Is u duplicate 01 the original bubsciipuoii agiecin-ia lor SalU slock SO bUbsCUOeU, ULU lliO S fclKltUl ts SUO- siriuiu lUtieto are tliu tenuluc bl6uuiuics ox tnu peisuns wnosu iiuuie uio tiitieio uu sciIulu uuu iiu.etu st.1 101IU, lualsa.o o.l tuai sUusiip.iuu ,s lielxuy liicui iwidUU .u auu lilaUC park ui inesu arlKs ul associa tion uuu lucuipoiui.uu, uuu mat uA m 11, c lUcts Uieielli sialeu anu o.l io,lu uie uui. lual Li li. v.uauivis, uuu 01 luu sUysrlu eis 01 tuu illOiisalU j.uvk, was iiereiuluic duly uupoiuieu iu i.ilhy sam suuvliiuvis u uuncu iu wihl..e IwCmii a ieutliiK rui liic pulposti ul uuopiiuif alitclcs ui l.jcupia liuu and elciilug pUi-suaut tu iin piotuiuus 01 cuauier V, iL.u .vil, 01 inv. -.uls.u etaiuitu ui .viUona, uy salu Uu .iiuuia. IMA iiiOappoiukiocabUisaiui.uui uilUcu was iu wruiiit, uuu is uu.eio uuucacu, uiaiKta ibAUiuu' i. uuuiiiduea pal tucrcui. 4Jiaituti lu wniiu was bent tu and iixeived uy vacu Ot said suUsCrlOeis uiuiu Ih.iu Uvu days uefoiu Uiu lime nud iu said uunue lur feau uicnur una luat pUisu aiit iu saiu, ut the llmcuud place ujtu .luutU luireiii, ull ut thu sam sUOsCilouis to iueiut.Kul uiosuld proiwMjd rultrudU welt picseui uuX uid mutt lur tuu puipuse or auupuurf tUtsu aitUits ot incorporation aud uttxUug nve dirtciois tivui aiuoun then numoci, anil nereuy do lucorpoiatw una or ganize themselves into uu association, aim incorporated couipau, und adopt 1I10 toi lowing urui-ie or lucorpoiatiou us lieiein utter set foitn, pursaaui to the Uovised atatuttsof Arlzoiiautortsald; and tbattnere weiupix-siutat said meeting the following named suusirlotrs, who suuscrlbed for the loliowingnuuiUiruf sn.irci, to-wlt; amuof suusuuour. James A. 1 b-ming.. Kicnutd Me mg .. i'urter W. titniiui li. A. Abrams u li. Lii a liners .. ?o. of Amount of snares, suostriptiou. . ..UvW tAW.UUu l.'j lAouu lij 1K.6VU lii 130KA .. Ui U',0U0 W. H. CLARK, Holbrook, JV. T. W CaToits, and Trado-Mnrks obtained, and all rat mt business cnjdaclcil for Modfrnte Fees, Our Office Is Opposite U. S.Petont Offloe. ttdv.ocanfeeiire patent In less tlmo than those remote from Washington. .Bend model, drawing or poto., v Ith deserlp llon. 0 ad-. Iic, If palonia)j) or not, freo of tbareo. Our feo not dnc till atcijt is sircd. A PaqipMel. "Ilow to Obtafn l'atctds,'' with names ofnelnal clients lnyotir8tate. connty.or town, cent free. Address, ' C.A.SNOW&CO. Oppotllo Patent OfSc, Wsthlnjton, p. fr. I RIPANS TABULES Are Just an old, old remedy In this new snaps. Doctors have always given tills prescription in water 1 We have tliem in ths shape simply for their .handinessi SOUKS TABULE3 llko an Eaglneer going oru nu bltr and cowertul maoblnary airing little, necessary lubrtratlng to fJtftJEwedral pirtsi RI PANfl TABULEfl do tDtt for VOU, Constipation, DIzxIimm. Nsusm, all yield to Rlpans Tabults. At PrasJltomctjsaDtbyUtUfortOQmtx. EirAjrCaBCiciiJssprac8t.IteVlorlc m That thu following articles of Incornorn liou were thertupoii uuopted by unanimous vole or uu the said suuscrmers wno weie prtseut und uted utsald meeting, said ui- ncles of Incorpoi.-ulon being us follows, to-wlt: AKTICLES Or IXCORPOKATIOX OK.TIIE GLOUK, FLAOsl'AlV & CANYy.N KAIL- KOAIJJJOjil'ANi. We, the undersigned. h.ilnz subscribed und'uelng subscribers io the capital stock of mo coutemplated railroad, which U herein after fully described, und being desirous of running ourselves into u corporation for the purpose of constructing, equipping, uwnlug. operating and maintaining such railroad, und fur that purposo und to tuut end we Hereby adopt thesu articles of lncorpoiatlon under and pursuant to the provisions of sulu chapter V, lino XI I, of tho lterisua statutes of tho Territory of Ailzona, as hereby set forth und stated. AKTICI.E 1. That tho statements herein above made, contained, reciicu aud set out are in all respects true. ARTICLE S. That the said subscribers to said stock, whose names aro lieiein before set out and herein snbsciibcd, hereby form ihcmsehes Into a corporation under and by irtuo of the Ueriscd statutes of the Territory of Ari zona abov o mentioned. ARTICLE 3. This corporation hereby assumes tbo namn of "i'liooiobe, Flagstaff & canyon Kailroad Company," and It shall hereafter be known by that corporate name. ARTICLE 1. That this corporation shall continue In ex istence for and during the tormof fifty (50) yeursfiom and after tho day of filing theso urdcies of Incorporation In Hie ofllce of tho decrctary of Arizona. ARTICLE 0. That the, capital stock of this coiporatlon shall be eight million dollars it&vmtKXP. which shall be divided luto shares of one uunarca dollars tfiw; each, and which said uinount of capital stock Is the actual coutom pl uted cost of construct ton and equipment of said road, together , UU the cost of tho right of way.aiotivu power, dopot 'grounds, build ings and all the appuitenances and appli ances nocessaiy to the lawful completion of aid road, as nearly as can be estimated by competent engineers. ARTICLE 6. That the names and numbersof t he direc tors to manage tboaflulrsof this corporation, and who shall hold tbtlr offlco until others are eiccicci uu t,nall be provided by the by laws of this coi poratlon. shall be fi e 16) and their names ure us folio, vs, io-lt: JumesA, lleiulng, Itlchard Utmliu', 1'oricr f. Flem ing, I). A. Abrums and L. II. Chalmers. ARTICLE 7. That tbo placo from and to which trie pro posed railroad 'Is to bo constructed und the counties through which It Is Intondefl to pass, und Its longih us near us can bo set forth. Is us follows. to-wt: Resinning at tho town of Olobo in Gia county, Arizona ulng thenco In a northwesterly dliectlon through the counties of Gila and Cocouluo to Flag&ttiff In tho county of Coconino, Terri tory of Arizona! thenco through said county of Coconino In a nortlioily direction to u point ut or near tbo Cameron Point, near the Coloi ado Canyon, the dlstanco to bo ono hun dred Ulld ClhtY-tWO 11821 inline, mnrn ..,. w.. "ulso a branch to said railroad between thi termini, to-wlt: IICKlnuIng at n point ou the main lino of safd rallioad us Indicated abor, about foily-flj o fjj miles, mbro or less, north of ri.lgfiir,Cpcptiinoppiplyr' Arizona Terri toiy, und running In a northeasterly dree lion sixty-Hi o miles, more or less, to Tuba City In the county of Coconino, Territory of Alteon a tho ngcrccato nunilxtr tt mll i main line ofs lid raihoad und branches to be two hundred anil forry-sev en miles moro or loss, aud all of said road and branches there of all to be In the Territory of Arizona. ARTICLE 8. Tho principal ofllces of said "incorporate ootnpa6sbl be at Flagstaff, n the county of Coconino, in said tcrritnrT a branrh nfiin. . . ""Wry of ai, by theboardVdtrrs'af " ! or places au said bSSSj " 'J In witness whereof tha Um CCr" di-iiff .aid stock of said proved rl'lU re-? JAME3 A. FLEMING Phn. , .hares, 1300.000. ' Ph0enllt. A.T.,,to RICHARD tLEMIXO Pt. . .hares. Iinsoo:' FIaBMaff. A. T te POKIER W. FLEMI.NO Ph. . 126 shares, tUJUK ' Ph)"ll, Aifcaj. D. A. ABUAMS, Phoenix nu,ArIt0'.iathtol L. U. CHALMERS. Phoenix a, .hares, tlijux. uuemx, AHton TtKKITOUV Of AB120NA I comity of MurlcuP:,s .,, day of March, a.ij. T ir 0nuUi(n Early, In und tor saW SS,,! ""- J K pervinally appeared JaCs ( 1 ". 'en''lf. Porter .tlB'S. Abrams unu i.. li. Chaiuiers, Uo,', "' be the pervjus whose name, are ' i J B H the toregoing lu.trument a,m 'wMMl tu me thut ttiey euch or UaX r notone tor the other execntttt fi!.' ," the uses unu pu.poses tbtrxin ep'e Witness my liana and ??" U this lull. WZffi EXUIIIU' -A.' BOPUtAlfc BtBstUlWlu ,. te, tue uuaerl6ueu, ime ,niwL . dohereuy suostnuu tUe si ura . , ""' suuits unu stve.a. ,UUl, w ,..JI1'U,"' upjAue uu, Hduits, v,uitu MKlu J " Uu uttu ud .tuipiutu tuuiuititu tflulu .v .ufc B,u. ... ... . IdlUUdU, IU uctuuuulw UtlKUU tut I....... lU"UC lu-u. .tkiuulu at ,nc ...u... . . .'"U'J". oilu touuiy. ni.xu.ja .t.n.uiy. .T" tueute iu u i.ui.nt-.itily Uireti.Ja !i ' tueouuiies or ollu and ivjfi? oi AiUoua, to riaastaii, lu tie S? ul cutuumu, teiri.u.y w'a,,.! ...luUbu sula tuu-u, ui tuTui T a uu..i.tuy uuctilau IU d iiu, ai J ' tuu utii iu.ui, .,t., lue J wa.oui tuu u.stutt lu uu uut ?" tiftiivj-iwu uai, u.1.f lulv , te. ""J u.Ututua.u.a.nuu u t,.t., iUcl)!l' w. uv.iuu... at d OJ..u 0u rj ..UU ul sd.U , a.l.UdU a. lUulaitU .wrtt,.,J , , .u.o-uvo ,.a, ui,.Cj woraur llil"1 . .as.uu, tutumuu tuu.u, Ariwu ,trr .u.t.uuu lua.i.u. ju a uj..uoi.,i ul. " ..UU SlAlJ -UXU ,W, l...t., U1U1 Uf lv " wii. m uiutuuu.y ui cutumuu, leiuwrjS .ii.iuua, tue dg..xKa.e uumucr ul ia.u,u lue uidimiae ui odiu lanruaa aim unjl njuaiHO uuuuixu au iur.)THui :,, m, T -iuiu u. .uss, diia dii ul sia ruaa .ui uiuucuus tut-n;ul lo oe in ine ttiriwrut Ar.zuuui tuu uggregdtu uisttvunj. StllpliOU Uvl.l 1U1 Ml uu,, UUo xuimud uuiiais (tj.uvii tr mile iur said roan .J uiautues, uud we v.eraily jlte tu p., inereiur us uy law pro iuu. amoof .o of suusc.luer. Jumts . tiemlug ;,imi meuara t leuuug 1a, i'urter V. tleiulug l2j u. A. Abr.ims ia i.. rr. inalniers m AoiDUUltf SUUStllllM 14J EXHIBIT" II.' We, the undersigned, subscribers to tho capital stocK of the uim,.. n. . staff aud Canyon Ualiroad wqijuuj, da hert-oy certliy that tue ston to ke amount or at least more tuaa one tiiun.,it Uuilurs (tl.UuJ per nillu fur each aud evtrj uaiiu ui i uiuuau auu orancu projimwl to ut uuut by tue same cuiinuiiviunmn.n,. strloud, und that U it. v.iiiimers Isntreij appointed a cOuiuilttee to call a mwilmt ud iu give notice lu tue suuscriuus to tue w,. tal siock or said ruiiruad to meet and jaji articles of Incorporation, pursuant to tut provision ot chapter V ot title All of ut uevtsed statutes of the Territory ur Aruusi. und to eiect from among sala suuscrlutn to salu uniclo no less tuan Uvo (3) uuruwre tulrteuu lii directors. rsauieof No. of suuscrluer snares James A. Memlng 2uvj Jticnard Fleming 1.3 forter W. Hemiug l I). A. Abrams W L. 11. Chalmers lj Amount ot suuscriptioa liM EXHIBIT "C Notlco Is horoby given that a meet ing of tho subscribers to the capital stock of tho Ulooe, flagstaff sad tin yon Railroad Company tor tne purpose cl adopting articles of Incorporation punnirl to tne provisions of Chapter of line All of the Itciised statutes of Arizona will t hold at the city of t'iiomlx, Tenllor) ot Ari zona, on the lum day of .Mirib, A. v. Wi, it lJO clock a.m. of that day, aud jou are re spectfully requested to be present and to take part in the deliberations of said raert Ing. L. 11. CHALMKKs, committee We, tho undersigned, subscilbers to tin capital stock ot the Globe, Hajsuff ml Canyon Railroad Company, admit due ser vice and receipt of a copj of the notice aSove set forth on this 1th day uf .March, A 1 Pft and duo fh c days' notice from committee of subscribers to the capital stock of tho blot Flagstaff and Canyon Railroad Compu; previous to tho 10th day ot March, A. V ISA at a meeting ot said suoscrlbers for tbo pur pose of adopting articles of incorporation and electing directors from among the sub scribers, in accordance lth the KevW statutes of the Territory of Arlrons A mount of suuscnpilM IJWIW KM HMO US 110 Recorded at request of C M lunstoi March U, A. D. 1KW, at lo o'clock a h- Book Ono of Incorporations. pigetO et ). Records of Coconino county, Arizona SBALl C. A. BUali. County Hecorfcrr By W. M. MILLER. Deputy Name of No, of subscrtocr. shares. James A. Iteming . . . 2,000 Richard Fleming 125 Porter W. Fleming .. . 123 1). A. Abrams .'!' L. U. Chalmers 13 Bail S. F.; P. ft P. . ..WITH Till , I & S. F. Is the Shortest and Quickest Kouie to ver, Kausas City. tt. Louis, Chicago ana w Points Eust. Th8 Scenic Line of Arizona, The Best Rente to California, Guly North and South Line in ml To the si . I.altll. f Grand t'atijon of the iou. I'ctrlued loresi. s Gre it IMne I'orcsl-. Cliff Uwellliigs , Great salt Uiitr Villej, And numerous other points of '",,,. BeautlfUlly illustittcd bookfiecoi PP j, tloi..' f m-oiigi tjekefs to all points u United Viator, Canada and Mclw )isl comforts and conveniences rf "' road, with superb equipment. IiU p. Bmitb. Commercial Agent, n Arizona, 8. F., P. A. 1'. .,,,, Oio.M. Sargent, General I's.-cngern. 9. Fm P. & P.. Prescott, Arizona. , E. Copland, General Agent, A. i- B., El Paso. Texas. , PlsKtp' Gko. T. NrcaoLSOK. General Aftnjt, A. T. & S. FV E. B , CbJctfO. IU- Ci .til -4- "TF" -iff iW TBffi f T