Newspaper Page Text
gaasggatataoaasfiflKgaja m m V- ,i It. I i ' 1 ,1. n ft. ' '.Ntt M a M W VI m t 'A i. i 1?hc (Socouiutf Shiu. C. M. Funston. Editoh. THUKSIMY. MAY 21. 1896. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. OnoYear Six Months 126 ThreoMonlln M A"ddres all communication and make nil remittances to C. M. Fumton, Flagstaff. Arlrnna. Advertlntns rate glverr upon application. Entered at the Flagstaff post office assoc- onil-clHsi mutter. AfStVVsV THE0000! r I ,P WW) lCALEN- V t DARJ i WWfrz K'fik mm t mi i jTSr- lJW Ui iTlifnrnt i I B1 I fill' r 5UNM0NTUEWEDlfM fRI SAT "CTC I 2, J0.1L12.J3 J4J5 J. IZ1S J 20 El 22 3 g25i20l27l28l2930 WKATIIKIt. Below Is given thehlglieKt and lowest points regtsu-ied ty the llicimuineler In Flugstaff during the month to this date: MAY. Pate. Maximum Minimum i.... t. . r ... 4.... 5.... 6.... . .n . .;a. ...... . ...'.0 , ...63 . . 61 . ..81 . ..61.. 9 . 10.. 11.. U . u . it., li. 18.. IT.. 18 . U . 20 . 81.. .60 , . 61 .64 , .M , .61 . .61 . .to .11 , Memorial Day l'roclniuiitloii. TEnniioitY or Aiuzona. i tXtCLTlVK UtFlCE. f Tho 30ih ot May Is Memorial Day. lly leal authority It Is livid and set apart as a public holiday. A day devoted to the momor of men who c trend uptliulr live upon the all ar cf tlielr country, ami who died that tho Ko might 11 o and I ho union ot the states be ouo and IiiM.-p.uuu c. Tlielr heiUc achievement su 111 II vo In story anu la soog a Ions as clvlllz.u.i!i exists, and tlnlr vluues will be extolled and emulated by ull wlioloc liberty and icvercpatilotlsm. ' On Fume's eternal camping ground their i-llciH ienisaies,Kud. "Auu .loiy guards wlih solemn round the Uvouauor the dead." Now. therefore. I. llenjamln J. Franklin. Governor of Ailzoua. do heioby ti commend thai the 3 th day of Muy buobscrted by all lliu people of ibli teriltory as .Momoilal Day that the Kravesuf the fallen soldi r be dec orated with flowers, and that appropriate tcrvlccs be held In tilbute to tho memory of the heroic dead. Uoueat I'hocnlx tho Capitol, this 16th day of .May. 1838. Uy tho Governor: D. J. FRANKLIN. F. II. Devmifux. Assistant Secretary of Arizona. A RECENT liensnrv .statement shows the citculalioii to bu $21.65 per capita. Where in Ihtimler is ii? And Theodore Durrani is still alive. Can any oiu wonder that a disgusted people will sometimes resort to tynch law P THE old ait of lilnod letting should rerlalnly ho rotiveil in the casu of , Spain. Koibing else will euro tbe fever in her w-lns. In licr dealings with Spain Ameiica is fin ceil to levcil to the old song, "1 can light uilli the linn Unit rvars in m face, but I can't bear a cur at my beds." Arizona is fingiug ahead with a vengeance. Lat eal Ibe copper oltl Ull was fi0.CCO.CC0 pouuili-; this car il Is isiiuiaied 1U0.U0O.000 pounds will bu I cached. Wiiili: lepotls from I lie sbeep ills iriels am eMieniely f.ivoiablo as legatds lauibiiig and I lie geiieial con dilioli of Ibe slnep. sheep raisers aro in c.l it mis il ti ieait in the nbiiiiiinally low pi ices leceivttl fnf wool. Tllt, lioufter, in n wry Iiui.'ful Hint the next ndmiiiixirntioii will wipe out tbe wiongs ii.flitii'tl i ibe D.-ntocrals. How tlinlik'lul shoiihl wo bn ill Arizona! While uholclowus in Texas are being laid wasto by Ibe viud and semes of human liws sacrlliced, and while certain d;suicis i.i ftlissotui niu deluged as if God forgot his promise and determined once more to destroy the world by flood, (w go on tho even tenor of our way dally iu creasing in iiroKpej'ity and all that tutids to uiaku lifu beautiful uud hupp;. We are in receipt of tint third num ber of tlio 'Orl" publislioil by Howti & Porter, at Bishee, Cochise rmmty. It is ii neat, clean sheet, and wo wish it over' success. Albuqueiiqcu U kicking tlial the. cminlj cxpenaes nin much loo liijili, but lit8 tbti blame, not on Mih county eonimissiimeis but nitlicr on the terri torial laws which giant oxcssslvu salar ies. So say we. THE Gallup "Gleaner" in engaged in a worthy cause, rejjunling the etitilng down of ticbool ti acher' salaries. The duties of school teaebers nru very onerous ami arduous in the extreme, requiring a large, expenditure, hihI much lime and pallia and study to qualify I hem for their important work. It is mistaken ei'oiioniv in reduce llie salaries and get an inferior if not an incompetent clas of persons to teach the. jouug idea bow to shoot. FAREWELL RECEPTION. Departure of Itev. Mr. MofTrtt for Itntou, XrW Mexico. On Tuesday morning last Rev. T. O. MolTett left FlngsiatT, wbeiH bu lias ministered for ibreu yeavs as pastor of Ibu Piesbxlttrian cblireb, to lake charge of the church at Uatoti, N M. In this event tlagstalT sustains a los will be oaiiifully felt. Mr. Mof fett is one of the raru few whose places, unco vacat'tl, am seltlom if ever tilled. Endowed with ehoicesl talents, cultivated and scholarly. ouii:; anil zealous, bu is withal a gentleman of Ibu tlllest ami most per fect type, a man whose goodness is a tribute to humanity, a friend ami neighbor whoso kindly offices and timely charity bespeak the true Christian: a minister whose breadth mill liliio'iilitv. mi li'Ss than Ills kiiiillimr ." eloquence, attract anil bold in living bonds tint beat Is ot men. Ills labors in this community have been highly fruitful, and he leaves with thn best wishes of all who knew him. He was especially esteemed by Mm voting men, over wlmm ho exercised an inspiring ami elevating influence and to whom he was a helpful exenipler. To sat that ho will bu missed hardly does ji, slice to tho deep-seated regret ami sense of loss that follows him. He will be remembered as "out of the one," mid a thousand heartfelt gootl wishes attend him in bis new lield. On Monday evening an informal iccepiiou was icndeicd him at Ibe re-i. tleiiee of E. S. Clark, at wlii-h the universal esteem in which bu is held was fieely attested by tbe very large number who came to bid him good-bye. Flagstaff is ever appreciative of taleni ami genuine worth, anil in this in stance her appreciation was spontane ously manifested. Mioultl be Sent. At the Democratic convention to be held-at Phoenix the 8th of next mouth, our popular citizen Hugh Campbell will probably be a candidate for dele gale to Chicago. Flagstaff is certainly entitled to this distinction and our brethren, the enemy, could not more worthily rotifer the honor. Mr. Camp bell has filled and is lilling many im portant positions in mercantile ami other channels, and lias embellished them all by force of character, diguitx and ability. Farmers aie busily engaged just now in planting potatoes. Plain Talk There is something wror going on in this state, in this county, in this town, and, maybe, in your home. This wrong can be righted. We are aware of the wrong you "are not and we know the remedy; but, if you apply the remedy, you hel us. What shall We dp? Shall we keep silent because helping you helps us too ? As we do not pretend to serve you except for eur own sakes, it cannot bz said that we are hypocritical. We merely say: "Your interests arid ours- belong together. We shall tell you. of our com mon danger; and, it is for you to say. whether we shall join our forces against it." Tea Mo -hams A Schilling ;& Company HERE AND THERE- Movements of llouae Kolka and Notes About Visitor. E. S. Clark made a business trip to Williams eslenlay. W. A. Wilson of Kansas City, was a visitor liem Wednesday. L. L. Lvon of Denver, registered at the Hank Hotel Monday. Mrs. L. 11. Couklirr; of Brooklyn, V. Y., is a visitor in town. " C. A. Bush and C. J Babbitt hart been appointed notariespubllc. CJ. Korris unity lias been laid up the pa t week with a sore throat. John Love has returned from his winter's sojourn in the Verde Valley. Ike Howser, representing the Mis mo mi Paper Co. of St. Louis, is in the city. W. L. Van Horn leaves to-morrow for Tempe, after a business sta of a eek in Flagstaff., Geo. W. Glowner has been spend ing a few days in Los Angeles, re luming Ibe early part of the week. Our efficient postmaster, T. J. &. left for Berrjville, Ark., Wednesday. He expects to bo away two Weeks. II. C. Bush and wife of S.i.i Fran cisco, are on a visit in town and purpose visiting the Grand Canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Giiorgu II ix worth and Mis. Harry Hoxuotih left ibis morn ing for a live weekV stay at Creek. G. M. Uoivm-in and wife of Sin Jose, camu in on No. 1 last Tiiesda and will remain in the city for a few days. Dr. H. K. McClelland of San Fran cisco, who has been sojourning here for the past few days, leaves for Williams to-day. Mrs. S T. Elliott, Miss R. T. Pills bury. Miss Clara L. Kellogg and Chas. E. Howard left uu a lishiug trip lo Oak Creek to-day. C. H. Coble of Milton, was elected Grand Master of Exchequer of the Knights of Pythias at the session of the Grand Lodge atPresuott last week. G. W. Hocbdcrffer left Wednesday evening fur Denver, Col. He goes as a delegate from Court Coconino, 1. O. F., to the High Court soon to bu held in Deliver. Shei iff Cameron yesterday took ad vantage of the stagnation in the crim inal business and visited his mines at the Grand Canyon. He is expected to return to-monow evening. A party comprising G. M. Bowman ami wife of S.iu Jose, Mrs. L. il. Coukliu of B kit ti, N. Y.. ami H. C. Bush aud wife of San Fiaucisco set out lo explore tbe wonders aud beauties of the Grand Can on yesterday. D. It. Brighatti of Tempe, who ha been the guest of A. A. Dutton at Mil ton thu past week, left for home Tuesday. Mr. Brigham has recently completed the erection of a handsome cottage at Tempe, and rumor has it thai his hurry home was to complete a contract with a tenant he has been in negotiation with for some time. II. A. W. Tabor of Deliver, Col., who was at one time one of tho wealthiest men hi llie United States, is in Phoenix in connection with his old property, the Villi lire mine. This mine has already j ic hied (11,000,000, though thu sur face has been little more than touched. Mr. Tabor hopes to retrieve his fallen foi nines by means of it. Gloom Of 111 health, despondency and despair, gives wav to tho sunshine of hope, happiness" and lioalth, upon takiug Hood's Sorsaparilla, becauso It (fives renewed Hfo and vitality to tho blood, and through that imparts uervo strcu gth, vigor uud energy fflikV lo the whole body. Read TB f 'l lutter: Hood's 8r li t-aparllU helped me wonderfully, changed sickness to health, gloom to sun shine. No pan csn describe what I suf fered. I wsj deathly sick, bad siclc head ache! every few days snd those terrible tired, despondent feelings, wn ann troubles so that I could not go up and Sunshine down stairs without duping my hand over my hesri and resting. In fact, It would almost take my breath away. I suf fered so I did not care to llTe.yet 1 had much to live for. There Is no pleasure in lite If deprived of heslth, for life becomes a burden. Hood's Sarssparllla does fsr more thsn advertised. After taking ono bottle, It Is sufficient to recommend itself." Mas. J. E. Sjuth, Belolt, Iowa. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is tlio One True mood Purlflr. All dnigtrtsts- $t Prepared onlyliyC.l. Hood & Co.. Lowell. Mass. mj ji. riu cure all I ver Ills, lallotis HOOd 8 PillS b .hsadaca. ceauu AOOIDENr ON THE A- & P. Freight Train No. 31 Dernlled and Six Curs Uurued. The second section of train No. SI, under charge of Conductor Hollabaii and Engineer Trucnyt went into iln dilch last night aN.ut one mile west of Crowley. When the cars collided mn of them that wero ioadetl with peti ol eum products exploded, burning the entire six and also catching Urakenisti Diiggan, fofiueily jardniHsiernt Wil liams, ami had it not been for the heroic work of the conductor and a pas"eiiger (name unknown at present) he would have Mirely been roasted alive, as it is he is badly injured, but it it Imped not fatally. The aeeitleul nee ui red about midnight and tin main Hue was blocked until noon to day. m i m TeuvllriV Kxiimloutloo. The teaeher' second quarterly ex amination for Coconino coiiuiy will be held in tlie court house in Flagstaff on .Monday aud Tuesdav, June 1 ami 2. 1(196, commencing on Monday morn ing at 10 o'clock a. in. Teachers de siring to appear befoie the boartl ol examiners aie expecied lo be present at the date aud time. N. G. Layto.n. Coitntt Superintendent ol Schools. liucklen's rulcu Salve. Tbe best (.alve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei Miles, tetter, chapped hand", chilblain-, cuius and all skin eruptions, and poi lively cures piles, ol no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price, 2d cents per box. For sale by D. J. Uraii ueti. Flagstaff. Alizoua. NOTICE OF NEW RE3ISTHATI0M Of Voters In Coconino County. Ari zona. NOTICE IS HEUEUy OIVEN THAT AT the regular meeting ot tbe Hoard uf supervisors ot Coconino county, Arizona, the tullowliiK order was mudu and duly entoted upon I lie tecordsof said board ou thu Uli day of April, ltUvl: Thu liuml upon motion orders: That a notice lw published fr ut least four months tlial a now ie0'Utr.ulon ot tlio 'Mter-i o( tils county must ue hid (or the ensuing eleciUn. us required by tct .So. 7 ot the do-ulju Laws of ltWD. Territory ot Arizona." Ueglsterliif olllccrt and all concorned will take notice and be governed accordingly. Koiilstratlou will close t enty days ix-fore tho day of election. Uy order ot the Uoard of Supervisors of Co.onlno county. O A. BUSH. Clork. first publication April 21. S. F., P. & P. Baiiway, ....WITH THE .. fl., T. U. Mallroafl, Is the Shortest Had Quickest Itouto to Den ver, Kansas City. St. Louis, Chicago uud ull FoInU East. Tbe Scenic Line of Arizona, The Best Route to California, Cnly North and South Line in Arizona. f Grand Canyon of the Colorado. retrinea roresi, O i eui l'l ne Foi ests, ,K cliff Dwellings. To the I Great Milt 1(1 ver Valley, And numerous other points of Interest. Beautifully Illustrated book free on applica tion. Through tickets to ull points in tho United States. Cunnda and Mexico. All the comforts ami conveniences rf a first-class road, with superb equipment. Iiu P. Smith. Commercial Agent, Phoenix, Arlmna, S. i, P. &V. Geo. M.Sarokkt, General Passenger Agent, S. V.. P. & P.. Prescott. Arliona. E. Copland. Oeneml Agent, A. T. & 8. F. 8. R.. El Paso, Texas. Oio. T. Kichouox. General Pnamiser BARGAINS! 25 PER PENT DISCOUNT. COTimencing may 1st ag Coniinuinj Tiiiny Days. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, .BOOTS AND SHOES, AT A DISCOUNT OF 25 PER GENT. FOR CASH. H. A. ROGERS. "One Tailor Is just as good as another, and if anything a great deal better." Some people have this indefinite way of looking at things, but most of us know of several important qualities that mark the distinc tion between good, bad and indifferent, successful and unsuccessful, tailors. One of the prime quali ties of success in this business is the ability to select material that is sure to give perfect satisfac tion to customers. We warrant both our work and material. A. Allaster & Co., BABBITT BUILDING. Atlantic k Pacific R, R, ;ondnl Time Table No Effective May 3, 196. 41. WEST. EAST. 8TATION8. No. a. I No. 1 No. 2 No. . iojp 224p l.v ClllCACO Al 9 43 a a imp' LvTvA.NCIl'VAr Lv DCNVEll Al 11 -I'M) 2 4S 8 1 J ! 9 luii 12 1H 1 3D . 4 05 I iv Albuquerque ui KI5p lllIIKUlu Gallup UoIUixioW luslow Klutrslaff Wllllttins Abli fork KliiL'iiian The .NeeUlt'D liluke DuKifett twp 3 25n 1145 a 10 40 a 8 50 7 30n! I4tti ft Up 620p 30a 4Wa IU35P 725p J50p lUOp 12 31 p 950 a i 30 u u t;p 1 35 u ai 7 26 it 9 00li 111J1 J50h i 00 u 730 a 1 00p 1 30 k H2U 600 ar Uarstow h 0UU tr Mojave h I I'M. 0 Jvl(, r lOiAin.'t'le l.v 10 4jh tr Mill Dii-ko L rMan Kran'co l. 8 00 a 10 Mi a oop All freight trains carry pis-entrer. Kpeu lar fiotirdc trains o ist-liound due at Flan staff at 11:20 a. u. and 4:05 r, m.; wesi-hound, 7:16 A. M and n;M) a. X. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars dally Ihroueh hetneeii to Auxelei and Chtcait and Williams and San Francisco. Pullman TourUt Sleeptnit Cars dally through between i hlcat-'o mid jun Franc sco and Culcaso and Los Atme'eg. PorKonally conducted Tourist cars leave Ban Fianclsco every Wednesday and l.os Angelei ovory Thursday, running through to Kansas t.lly. Chlcagn and Umtm. Ask for a beautifully II ustraUd book which will bo mailed In e. DON A. SWEET. O. neral Passenger Agent, Albuquerque. N'.M. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. nnniestead Entry No. ftlo. Land Orrica at I'ukscott, Akic. t April 21. tws , Notice Is hereby given tlmi t.e fol.owlng named settler 1ms filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of Ills claim, and that said proof will lie made before. N. O. Layton. Clerk of Probate Court, at Fliti:- staff, Arizona, on June II. 1-W.vlz: Etrk It. Jones, for the 8 KNK h snd 8 K MVw, I Section S2. Township 21 N. Uanireft E, He names tbe following wltnewes to prove IiIh ' continuous re-ildence on. amlrulllintlon of said land, viz: Charles A. Hush of Flagstaff. Arizona; A. E. Brown ot Fla'tttaff. Arizona; B. G. Newman of FlsirMan. Arizona; George Uoffjoau of I'Ug.Utr. Arirona. . If. D. KC-88, Bi-tUtW I ytmysbllotwa Ajril as, am. Santa Fe, Prescctt I Phoenix Railway Company. 1 IVE TAULE, IN EFFECT DEO. 23. ISS5. Mountain time Is standard used. SOUTH. 8TATIONS. NOKT1I. ho. 31 1 tu.l o. 2 I i. M 2:00 p 8:02 p 4:13 p 4:50p 5:50 p 7:00 a lv Ash Fork ar 5:20 p 4:35p 3:4.1 1 3:30 p 2:40 p 12:01 p 11:00. 9:Ma 935t ;:45a 8:40 a 8:38 n 8:65 a 9:45 a Hock Butte Del Ulo Jerome Junc'n rrefccott SOUTH. 1CVCC) ii. NOKTII. No. 41 No. 1 ho. 2 .No. 43 Iv Prescott ar Mn 4:10p f 3.3t)p f 3:ul p 2.38 p 2:14 p 1:SJP 11:50 a. 10:40 a. S:18a. :25 a. (.00a 7:4ia. Summit Itamsiiate Uull Valley Klrklaud ItllUlde Congress Wlckenburg Peoria Gleudale Alhambru .r Phoenix I t 2:01 p f l:Bp i:up 12:3:1 p 11:52 a, ln:59a I0:25ai 9.00 a 8:50 a 8:41a, 8:311x1 Trains 41 and 42 run on alternate day Information as to what days same ulll tun will be furnished by ugenuon application No. 1 makes connections at Ash Fork with A. & P. vebllbuled limited No. 3 from the cast No. 1 also. onnecu with A. Ss. I'. .No. i ftom the west. Persons deslrt g to stay oer at Ash Fork will find the best of accounnodH linns at Fred llurtey's Hotel. No. t makes close connections at Aili Ko k with A. & P. trains Nos laud 4. A.l'-.N") reaches San Francisco 10:45 . m. second motnlng. A. & P. No. 4 Is a vestibult-d train throughout, lighted wllh I'luteli gas. dining ear running tbrouidi. Los Angeles to Clilca;. Dinlin: cars under the management of rrrn Harvey, with his unexcelled service, care and ullentluii to his guests. Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Jerome Junction with trulns of tbe United Verde A Pacific Itallway for Jerome. Connecting at l'rus oil wlih stage lines for ail principal mining camps; at Congress with stage llnesfor liar qua llala, Stanton and Yarnell; at rhoenli wllh the Maricopa & Phoenix lUllwsy for Oiintsoit Southern PaelUc Itallway. The Santa Fe. Prescott Phoenix Itallway Is thu best route U tbi great salt Klvti valley. For Information regarding tins valley and the rich mining section irlouiarj to tins road address any Santa Fe route rep resentative, or. Geo. M. Sarobnt. (Jeneral Kielghi and Pa-, sender Airenl, Prescott K. E. WKI.M. AssNtant General Man u-er Prescott. Ariz. 8. F. P. & P. Itallway. GEO. T. NichowoS. Giueial I asstngei Agent. Chicago. J.J. Fbkt. General Manager. Chicago. A T.&s. F. Itallway. NOTICE TO FREIGHTERS, 1.000 teams wanted to haul coko from Fort Th mas to the town of Globe. A. T.. hi copper back from Globe1 to Fort Thomas. GILA VALLEY. GLOBE NOUTIIEB.N ttAUWAVifO. . ,,,, Ily W4, Jstt.A.- " 7:00 a 9:55 a 7:33a!fl0:2 8:01a 10:52i. 8:30 al 11:35k 9:oOa 11:52. :4Ha, 12:31 ll:3Jal 1:joi 12:30 p 2:05 1 2:33 p 3:28. 3:00 p 3:3 3:25 p 3:4. 3:45 p 4:0.i. 1 Jk. dk ' ": -'ihv &i; f-:a !, tPr ,- T 'smmmFKsm