Newspaper Page Text
-JS38COMJjaraW&'. V gghc oamiutf Siro. GOOD TEMPLARS' COLUMN, Edited and Muimued Under the Aus pices or FliiCHinll I.odse. 1. O. U T. Contribution ot tin appropriate nature ara lollclted lor tills column, und should bo ad dressed to Box 121. KluKstalT. All such con tributions, however, aro subject tnuppioval by the editors. Lodge meots overy natur day evening at 0. A. It. Hull at T:33 o'clock. Visiting uiembors Invited to ttttond. 0. N. Batv. Chief Templar. ITho editor of Tug Sun Is not responsible tor for unythlng tliut may uppear In this coluuiu.l Our Jesus. ''Cftuo unto nv, nil yo Unit luboraticl aie lieu.v laden, and I will tive you rest." That premise couM not lnn been oiada luitl not our Jesus been divine ns well as human. Omnipo tence only is equal to tliut wondious woik of cnnfni ting all tlie weaiy ntifl liHixy laden of the in 111. Our Jwus demonstinted his ni.melnus love unci conipassion by djinij for us. A teacher tlrtciiUtl to her Sunday Echonl class tlm ciuunof tlioinsthat was put on this bimv of ClnUt in his mock ti ml Slim tly after, one of the class was diseoxeied twining n wto.itli of rare flowers I3i'i.i; asked what he was doiii", he irplied, '"Long n;o Jeus wore a crown ofthoms and died fur me; and now I am miking him a witath, to show how much I love him " How- much better to make uitMtlis to show our love than to enter u school for ethical culture. It is f aid that nfter one of the ser mons of St. JJeriiaidiuo of Sienna, de livered in the great square of Santu CWe in Flounce, the listeners com memorated it by erecting a monument on the spot and iutct ibii); on it tin. single name, Jesus. Theru is a beautiful story told of a brine caahy ctlicer, who was dying of his wounds. He thought himsell on the field, nt the head of his gnll.wt men, and fancied that a heavy nun was just in fiont of them, n-ady to be tiled. His dutiess was At length he thought the gun had been filed, nnd his men, bully cut up, weie retreating. Heie I intei posed, su)in.'. "Tlieio is no yun there You ms safe among fiienils." "Let me nlune," he btej nly replied "I must lecover my oomiiiand and reuev the attack.' "Ni,"sai(l I; let us talk of Je-u." 'Jht meiitinn of imiuii M-emed to exeit the poweiful influence I had heaid ascribed to it," said Mr. Ilnwy. "His ait.itiijii ce.tseil atnncf, his de liiium passed avv-iy, a smile lit up lii pallid feutuies. After a moment lihtice he said in a low voice, 'JriUs,' Je-ul It is he who Miid, "Come unt me all ye that labor and ate heavy laden and 1 will give you test." 1 want lest. I am weaiy.' Soon nftei he intend tl.c jjonous lest of heaven " it is stiune ihul any one needs t be urted to come to Jesus. Luthei fcnifl: "I would lun into the nuns of Chlist if he stord with a diavvn swoirt in his hand." A Cluittiun mollier was oiue showing her little girl, about live yenrs old, n pictuie reniesenting Jeiu1 holding un infant in his arms while thr mothers weie pushing their childten towuids him. 'Theie Can if," said her in, tlier, "tins is what I would have done with you if 1 Intel been theie." ''1 wouldn't bs pushed to Jesus," Mtid little Canie, "I'd go to him without pushing." Whut n lesson in thn child's answei for fotue childien of older giowth. A (keptical suldier, in the hospital at At lanta, sent for a chaplain und in vaii ous waystiied to get lid of his doubts. " Upon the wall was hung the Scriptute, "Whosoever cometh unto me I will in no w Uo cast out," which ceught his at tention one night. In the morning he asked to hu en letter fioin his mother read to him. It was an earnest entreaty to nccept Clniat. The leader came to the words, "whosoever cometh unto me I will in no wise cist out." "Theie," said he, "That's I want I thought mother said that. Read it "gain." It was lead. "Mother says that does she?" "Ye,." "And it's in the Uible, tool" "Yes" "Then it must be tiue. Jcus will leceivo me. I will come to him. . Hern Lord, I give myself up." No niti,t in the world could do justice to the face of our Jesus, with foigiveneas on hia lips und love unuter able in his eyes. THE FIRE FIEND For Over Fifty Veors. Mrs. WIiisIow'h Smithing Syrup has been used for over ilfiyu-ars by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect succo.-n. It soothes 111" chilil, Hoftens (lie gum, allays nil pain, cures wind eolie, mid is the best remedy for diarrheca. It will relieve the, poor littlo sufferer inline tlintely. Sold by druggists In everv part of the world. Twenty-live rents a but lie He sure and nV for Mr. Window's SiMitliiug Syrup," and take BO otUur kiud. Played Sad Huvoo With Gallup l'roperty. On Friday morniug'last a tiro which quickly increased to alarming dimen sions started la a house of ill famn, ovviiedby Pat Kennedy, In Gallup. In addilion to Kennedy's place, Stella Brown's, Reltz & Johnson's meat maikel and two other houses were desiroy ed. The storehouse of Gregory Page, including two nirlouds of beer, mid Cameron's bakery were also burned, the store of the latter, how ever, being saved. The estimated loss Is: Kennedy, $2000; Don Veruett, $600; Keiiy. & Johnson, $250; U. Page, (800; V. U. Maxwell, $1500; Stella Brown, $3000; Sieve Roat, $1000, nnd Carlo Vidal, 200, partly covered by lusur-mice. How's This I We offer Oue Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. K. J. ClIEXEV & Co., Plops., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 ears, and lielieve him perfectly honorable in nil Iiiimiicss transactions ami financially aide In carry out an obligations made liy ihcir linn. West & Tniax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. Wattling. Kiiinau & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catai ill Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tlm system. Piiee 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hunted to Death. About 4 o'clock last Friday morning, Mis Katheiiue Agues Lacy, who resi ded in the rear of the Phoenix gas office, met with a horrible death. It appears that having lighted the gas stove to prepare the morning meal she inadvertently threw the burning mutch near the curtains and they having caught tire, in attempting to exliuguixh i lie Haines shu set tire lo herself. De fore assistance could active she was burned lo such a cril"l extent that she never regained consciousness until death released her from her misery. r"BooK j ! FREE j Our Summer Catalogue for the season of 'ii is now- ready. It vv.ll be nisikil FRKH tonny uonian who asks for it. This boc- is fully illus trated showing all the cry latest Niw York and Tarts Fashions la Capes, Jackets, -Suits, Skirts, Waists and Children'sApparel This book not only cues on a correct iJta of the recent fashion, it is cliccVfull ti infor mation about prices and qualities. Your name on a postal briugs it. Parisian Cloak saaNuMHM-a-M-MHW and Suit Co. HHMHHPI,,3-MnMHI 221 South Spring St., Los Angeles The Largest Cloak and Suit House in the West limtHlfMIHMlimTimMIIMIHIllMHHI HIIIIMHIIM 1 x .... -k L j-rtfi Hi ALL Merchants Who Retail TOBACCO, orrrcc or BLACKW-Ll'S DURHAM TOBACCO COMPANY. DunHAM, N. C. Dear Sir: "You ara entitled to recelvt FREE from your wholesale dealer, WHITE STAR SOAP with all BlackwelTs Genuine Durham Smoking! TobaCCO you buy. One bar of soap Free with each pound, whether 16 oz., 8 oz., 4 oz., or a oz., packages. We have notified every whole sale dealer In the United States that we will supply them with soap to give you FREE Order a good supply of OENUliNE DURHAM at once, and Insist on getting your soap. One bar of Soap FR E E with each pound you buy. Soap Is offered for a limited time, so order to-aay. vours very truly, Bi-ACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO COMPANY. II yon btyt any difficulty la procuring your Mwp, cut out inn notica ana aena it wlta your order to your wholesale dealer. fv CANCER AND TUMOES. HoKalfaar Palal Ho Fa Till tared! Write ftr 6pae Treatise sad Home 1 testimonials pf many vwtirfe! cures, BJttfj in women's breasts. A K. CHAHUr, II. D. CtKrbult-,4'.IW.TtiUll Oflci.JXl W. First ht LOS ANOCLla. ei PLCA': SPNO THIS TO SOME ONI WITH CANCER OR TUMOR. BRAND: iy .& fbe Best of all Cough Medicines is Dr. Acker's English Rem edy. It will stop a cough in one night, check a cold in one day, prevent croup, re lieve asthma, and cure con sumption, if taken In time. It is made on honor, from the purest ingredients and con tain" neither opium nor mor phine. If the little ones have croup or whooping cough, use it promptly. Three Sizes 25c, 50c -tut $1 per bottle At Druggists. ACKER MEDICINE CO, xS and xs Chamber Street, Mew 'York. Utiel!(ht lint will Lr'ncnrr at bit rImwii rlniiiltiait' )on. lljr 11 7,111 will . ho -t n an.) vlc.Mii, ymir now w UK bodt nil 1, ma's Mil lan I, for nun. Tik ure.t II 1 Iv n I. 'o ',e hj'l oiil' fiocn tna Me. 11 al In atltiiw. Tnl. wouilerlul U s,'..,err was mlt br the .pcrhll.t, ot Ihe 0,1! famous llmlimc U .1I--I 1 siliula It Is tlieatroiirt ail mo, p tt-rful vl a.lzer male. It li n no rprf 1 ha II Is ! mil' w.iu u-rful how hirmlcs It la Y u ran -.'ft 11 ( 0 i nownme fro n rho tumni U deal lii...e.i vvrliofur circulars au 1 u. tlm .limit ilil rit'iortl iarj P.eaTfna'or Is tho mo-l won.ler ul lKo irerr of 1I1 axe It ha, bee 1 en 4ir..:l r' tho leallugaclcutldcnieaol fcurop anil in-rlra II U --VAK Is purelr rezetaMa lit 1VAN .0m pri'm.lur' rh'ill, eh.r 1 imp ilv.lar, fnres I.OHT MAX HOOD. lOintlpa Ion, d isluas. la iinsuu-a-tlou., ucrroas twlicblu.ol the ciesanl o.her r. 8 rng hn, Inrlmra-nmd ton" tnllr ay 1 li I. iMieap a. a oilier r 'idi, HL'DVAIS riirfs drbCltr, i rT mn-as, amlMii a 1 1 i:r lops airl rtr w a or riit. I' I . In tbobiL-k. losei bi .In r rniincil q ilcKljr. Orct ini pilia.e luioraa uen's. rn-marnreness raeni Impot-n-jr In the flnt state. It I, ajrinp om nfaanlnil wakne.i ant ha r line. It 1 an bi s nppj.l In twen J Java bv th-llo of Huijran coats UO -r- Ihni any other r-matr 8 n for Ir-n'ir. an I 'ra m llala. TAINTRD BI.OOD-.'iiimre'-'ont dn tosjn is i"l a iliaurl r crlc n-,y ul of I'icMir e'Tis Tn nco'nraann t'irat, plinpl a, copiier. lnre 1 anota. ill. ef In inor hi old a rea in I n 11 u hair. You a.i sura t trip to lint -prm . wrltmr f.r 'BioaI Book' to .h ol I iihrolcMiH of 1 ie HUDSON MCDICAl, INSTITUTE, Htoi'Eton. Market ami Bill. Sta, AN raiNciitco, Ca.lfo.ula I l Ear murks, silt In rnch eur; honrs and mules. Al, rlcht lilp; Increase, Al on riKht Hnnuiuer. r. u. naureaa. naKsrnir. Arizona, Frank M. Livermore, Ooncral Manager. Alfrrrt J. W f ut Brandon right aide as In cut ear marka crop off lef 1 and ulli in caiiio; ranitu m nu I''rancl&cu mouniainb, I'osltoHlco, KlagBtafT Arzona. Horso brand. Ah' bar. on right shoulder L ARIZONA LUMBER 00 Poeteflooa draaa, Vlr t-S,ArlM- Uasia. t Franelae 9mHU ! VM Hora.mU - -. If f f' -"M ESKHMHgBbruM m la s a a , CMtU suitMn. eeMemttlrelT ls efceek. 8ECHET SOCIHTIES. H BABBITT BROS. Poatofloa aililiaee. fUv awn un fniwiai: lksUf anUaal rariaktsldsi Xaattla, araa.u.u. staft. Artaoaa. Itann, ilark'a TaOaK lloflnlloa Boaataiaj Brand aa abo? ont. All yeant atoek bMB. ad on both aldoa, wiU wallow fork and ea. daebit la each aart els Hoot T, S ti. aawbat Hoot. T, s M, aawbat Boot eaikl. roa-f aad W a oaa aa rUataliat Waa It 1 T-IU 33 Nan. aUkt mlg onrheaat of FlafataC YiTi pal 00017. UtiU braadad J t an ltt riba; aar marks sqnra rot on nab I aar, vr aloft a Ml Poulra.llraa. I'larauS. Artaaaa A. ft TT wrf.ifiQTicPTnnnr v t . Meuta everv Tliurhdav nieht. in O. A. null. Vlsltlnir Workmen aro cordially In vited. J. A. WILSON, M.W. I'. It. WEATiiERroRD, Hccordor. COUUT COCONINO. I. O. r, NO. eft), uieeta ovrry Tuesday evt'nlng.ln U. A. K. lull. Visiting urethren cordially Invited to attend. U. M. rUNSTON. O. It. J. M. CLARK, R. S. IT LAGSTAFF LODGE. NO. 7, F. & A. M. r Hcgulur uipetlngson the nrst Saturday night of each calendar month In Muhonlc Hull. Kllputrlck building, bujournlug brethren cord ally lnvltrd. J. UUTIIUIE SAVAGE, W. M. T. E. Piiluam, Secrotary. JHLt? 't.L Caveats, nnd Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat -t bualncxs rraducied for Modcrato Tec. Our 0'lce h Oppoel'e U. S. Patent Office, and wo can nccitro patent In less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. Wo advise, If pntcntahlo or not, freo ot charge. Our fco not tlno till patent is secured. A P 'mohlcl. "IInw to Olitaln rntcnts," with names of art ml cllen's InyonrState. county, or town, sent free. Address, C.AnSNOW&CO. Oppottl Patint Mm, WiHilngrt-, ft fc FOREST CAMP, NO. 1, WOODMEN OF the World, meets Hrht and third Mondnv evenings In each month In Commorclal Hull. Visiting sovereigns are rordlally Invited to attend. 11. 0. KISLlNa&UKY, consul corauianuor. O. A. KctXER, Clerk. SEWING MACHINE SUPPLIES! I furnish Needles. Oil. Hcltlng, Shuttles, etc.; also all parts nnd pk-ccs for thirty one different kinds of sowing machines. Besides being agent for the above, I sell the World's famous WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE, Cash or Installments. Wrlto for prices and pDrtlculars. GA. R.-HEGULAU MEETINGS OF , Itanbom Post. G. A. Ii.. So. 4, Depart- iiieiuui nrizunu. mu uujiuiu in u. A. u. jihii on second and last Saturday In each month. L. L. BURNS. Comtuandor. E. II. Cress, Post Adjutant. T O. (). F.-FLAGSTArF LODOE. NO. 11. I, meets every Friday evening In Masonic hall. Visiting Urethren cordially invited. J. W. WEATHEKFuUD, N. O. CilAS. Clauk. Secretary. MOUNTAIN LODOE. NO. 15. K. OF P. meets every VVednesday night In their c.siie hall In U. A. It. hall. All visiting brothers invited to attend. ., . " w BELL, C. C. C. II. Coiii.e. K. nf It. S. C'HUItCII DIKKUTOKV. C'ATUOLIC CHURCH, REV. F. FRERI. , Pastor. On Sundays) First Mass at 8 o'clock a. in.; second Masqat lo a. m. Sunday school at II a. m. Evening service at 7:3u p. m. On week days Mass at 7 a. m. On the second Suinluy of each month prayor meet ing at lira. m. Sunday school at'll a. m. All cordially invited. UIRST'M. E. CHURCH. CORNER OF V."" u.n" L"ux Streets, B M. Dan tiirdl'astt.r. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 p. in. Sundays; Sunday xohool at ID u. m.. Oscar Gilison, Superiniendeiit. Class meetings at I2H6 p.-hi. Lpwwth League 0:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 Everybody welcome. ,. W. H. CLARK, Holbrook, A. 1. m r.TnST PRESnYTERIAN " cittlRGIT: Jr J'.I'V J",ttn,:'?c0 irt.ret' Thotiias O.' Hoffett, pastor. Sabbath xervlcesi Preaching i ll.a. m. and tliisp. m. SundaVachoot. ID a. I m.i V) P.S. Q. E. prayer nieetlrrg. fAi n.m. .. Mld-weJOTri andprayer.fhuriijay A All. -r,,, RIPANS TABULES Are Just an old, old remedy In this new shape. &3M e Doctors have always given this prcscription-rrin.waterl-We have them in this shape simply for 'their haziness. WPAXB T-BDLE8 are like ea Engineer golac orer u Stcaad powerful macblDT ttrtng a Ctt?t.itaJBtf Nai, Ti yl( to PUpm TRbute.!? t'iy : .I ' t f . CHTTM. TWO. On and after the first day of January. 1896, the subscription price of the COOONINO WEEKLY SUM will be reduced to $2.00 a year. OOCXWOOOOOOO. ARIZONA CATTLE CO.', Rango, San Francisco Mountains. SUBSCRIBE NOW. All subscriptions at this rate must be paid strictly in advance, for at this price no subscriber will be carried be yond the date of renewal. oooooococoo T1E WEEKLY SUN Is the largest weekly in Northern Ari zona and has the largest circulation of any newspaper on the line of the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad. It is by all odds the Best Advertising Medium in Northern. Arizona. oooG&ooooox: TttE GOUNTY PAPER. Only those who have lived for years in the country or in a small town can realize the power and fascination of the home paper. It occupies a place that no other publication can fill. The home newspaper comes first always. Every body looks through every column to see if the editor has put his or her "name in the paper." Advertisers should make a note of this. iS&COCOGOCO&S TJiS 00HIMO SUfi FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA. THE IW TYPEWRITER IS B WW --MMI U L .nvlra. VEMP-V-VM " fr?8 rlKr-nf-rr)t7 ".ivEily M-i-P4i-lKKrv BSlPfei a4MZtrdUKHi? i HMR' SPECIAL POINTS. SK 00 wtuw kluU. I rt'J-- Tn ajl Does the neatest work, costs the least to keep in order, has interchangable Steel Type, writes all language Its many advantages are too numerous to nrntion. A HIGH-GRADE Z'.tA-t n-ilmlnrs. RTAKin-bn'nc cvrci i cimr nuul"alul ru TV-7;NV:-nviii.L.w. m-PllSOK TYPEWRITER COIPpr '4r ' i -' : . i: ik-jr'. afrYa-ia.' VrflT l i r nmrrT ewtQAOOt 'wV --..nvirT.., ..., . rfmm-m ...-- tfji- bR:- ? V1- ''!.' !i V T , MB v .