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;- . -sf-W ias .M. -y .?,, U ? :4aasi f ,:w sWaC". tiTSTT ,- ,-( : r- l tfV .jetiw"- w I :m -..Ti-r ,. wwli "!i ?VJ". 1 : flje ,,. -,.. ir)Hirie toekty It! I M flf 19. H I-? FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA, THURSDAY, JUNE 1 J, 180G. NUMBER 40 VOL. XIII. p "i3. CocoHimi 111 tt f Modest Boast. Mr. Thackeray once wrote these wise words: ''There is no hcirmjn being respected in this world, as J have found out; and if you don't bray a littleor yours" elf, depend on it there is ' no person of your acquaintance who will tell the world of your merits and take the trouble off uo u r hands." is in a similar spirit that we venture from time to time in this space to tell you how well , wc think we can supply your taints jn the ,r lumber line and how mtich test we have to " charge for it than. others. socoooooooooc The Prices Are Right! ooooooosoooo THEARIZONA LUMBER & TIMBER CO., FLAGSTAFF ARIZONA. NO WH1SK&RS1 News without whiskers for Arizona in the LOS MNGELES TIMES Red Hot News. Full Wire Service. Very Friendly to Arizona. Clear and Vigorous. Largest Paper on the Coast. A Day Ahead of all Rivals. OOOOOCOOOOOO" J The Times is the only paper with a special Arizona News Bureau, and publishes complete Arizona correspondence. The Times reaches Arizona points 24 hours ahead of the San Francisco dailies and from 48 to 60 hours ahead of all papers coming from the eastward. TEN TO THIRTY-SIX PAGES. By Mail, $9 a year . . - -. Carrier, 75c a month. ITSUBeCRIBC WITH THE BANK HOTEL TIIK l.KADINi! 1IOTK1. Or Tourists and commercial travelers will find the above named hotel complete in all the modern im provements of the day. '1 he management -will spare no pains to cater' to the wants of his patrons. BY THE Dlf Also Dining Room attached, where nothing but the best the market affords is served to Guests. T. J. Coetlti-, Prop.,- FLAQ9TAF F.ARIZONA. NEWS DEPOT. . .OHA8. FANCY GROCERIES, FRESH FRUITS, AH the Dalioaoio3 of tha S3agDn Fr33h from the Market. ' You are invited to call and inspect my Stook VUGSTAFF, 4MZWA . ', , . TMEC t-O0U AOKNT. NOIlTIIEItN AlilZO A. WEEK Oil MONTH. A. KBLLER, PsiopHiai CANDIES, NOTIONS, . TOBACCO, STATIONERY, ' . CIGARS, THE FIRST HIVEBSRRY. TUG EpSOU Hi SCFIOOI A GOOD SHOWING FOR THE YEAR A'' Large Increase in Attendance and Proficiency.- Crowded Attendance n't t'lcnlc Tlie s sport Conducted Willi Vim The l.uneli Whs Itevlierrlie mid a Good Time Wub Spent. The celebration of l ho tbsl annivcr sary of iln Emerson High school whs joyous event. It was intended to be so. Mateifamillas wcio i here, tlu-ir faces wreathed in smiles anil full of ex pectation of (Iih great nml gloriole tilings Hint Here lo lie m-liieveil In ihji itTiifijir. Nor him i In. patei line w lilt less jtlliiliint. To nee some "I tlielll when I heir fining hopefuls 01 prelly bulls came out lo speak theii parts oiiu would not feel inclined to give credence to the giving can net ndil mi Inch In hi Hint lire" Ai inch! An inch wasn't in it. 'Iheynoi alone seemed to grow half n foot lallci as they rrautd llieir necks mid stood oil their 'tp-locs in order to uhlain more favorable view. Iml their whole bodies expanded in piiipnitinti. Noi was ll a case of swelled helld,, eilher, but a ju-l, honest, niaiih piide such as nut parent woilh of the name could mil not help but fee'. Hill how des cribe the buds mid pretty blossoms with the charming little lots, nio.cli arraw'1' '" l",,"H wliltu and spot less as the angels they so faitlifullv repn sented. ' I was a charming scene, or rather a succession of charming scenes, lo view them iih they wended through the iimssy evolutions of the vaiioiis drills, mid thn perfection nl tallied by lliein relleels tlm utmost credit on tlicir teachers Prof. Wimoii, Mrs. Olney, mid the Missus Uertli.i Smith mid Huiinessv. as well as themselves, for so much cMelbiicn could not be riMched wilhout lulinlli1 pains, patience mid-care. p Nor were the little fellows one whit beliii'idhiriiil. Stui dily tliey bore tlicir mimic ban ners in the Hag drill, and gave ever token that if in the future their country should call upon 'them to bear arms in1 their defence, tlm lessons of discipline inculcated in these drills will not be los't. Perhaps' rim.' scene that pleased' most was lliu Good- Night" di III, when a numW.of .little tots nrrajcil in night gowiie and nips and each cunning a lighted cniidle. went through what was forTcblJiJreiitif their age a very Intricatei1i' Two of them, the children of E. H. (.yaharo. were then placed in the niid'ifle null In their sweet, ctilldishV. piping voices sang -the good-night smig. It was a scene to make bacheloit .forswear single llfo. and proceed to at once roke themselves lo somu divinity. A Miss Doyle mid Mr. Edwmds, brought tliis pint of (lie programme to a close, when Iho visitors iidjiiuriu'd to one of the spacious class rooms lo he regaled witli the following PROQ RAMUS. Violin duet. Miss Doyle. Mr. Edwards Prologue Leslie Mayflower Rectt'n-ltock of Ages Jessie Pattu Man In the Moon Fred Grim ' When the Woild Bursts Through.. .' Willie Jones " Utile Kosettl... ..... Bessie Haggs " Trior to Mis Belle's Appearance.. , .....MaMilo Doyle Howl Savid bt. Michael's ,....,...' Kuby Greenleaf .TIio.Last'llymn;..- Lottie Beul " IAti.wii Humorist .Joe eheplicrd " Address Murgarei Wallace Dialogue Four girls Keclt'u Aita l'iim Pliyslolojry Di 111 I'rlmary Department..'.... Keclt'u Uiiitidinotuer Joe limns " Topcom Man Charley Jones A Kittle Boy's Troub!cs..Geo. Burns " The Itciisou buitonGillu f.Ul (Jlilrlc " " Anna lali-chlld , Wheie all was le.tlly excellent it would hu iuUdintis to select any for lenticular iimise. Litllu Leslie Mat-1 thiwer lold tin; audience I hey should ','m-u n'liat liny lots could do" mid i hey saw it. The' humorous mid gaj was interspersed "ilh the grave and serious until sober people were illiven almost out of their senses by the knowledge, of human anatomy dis placed by the primary department. I'hnsu lilllii people seemed to have been in' lilt! nriirilluliou business nil their lives so well acqM.tiiiled with lliiMi' osseous cousiruciinii went Ihcj. If at any lijno ihe) bleak "or dislocate .1 bone llitVII know where 'lo locate the hurt without much trouble. At Ihe conclusion of the piogrnmme .Mr. E. S. Cl.nk was called upon for a speech, and nfji r u few remm ks said dial from mi investigation of statistics he found that Ilaly expended 2oc pet capita annually in suppoit of public schools. Ailslri.i 3t)c. France 80c, (J leal liiitmii $1 30, tiiu United Slates morci EMERSON it HIGH SCHOOL. thin 2.60. Arizona pas un re than her average and her people eoutrilillle a larger sum in propoiilou to Ihe mini bei iif her iuhabiiaiits. We pay higln r prices to our leaehers ami we have Ihe lie-l jiulilie schools In tlu.' United Stiiit. Ill couelltsioii he nilvNed the pupils alwaxsto maintain I hit, coiilidetfee in ihemselves lliey h:idshowiilluitdiy alld I hey would be bound lo succeed. Ur. Uianueii next delivered ashoit a address. In refeiriug; Unite statistics. given by Mr. Clark ,be said he could remember When I lie people of this coiumiiniiyjiaiil 20 per capita to edu cate the children aiiditr "wns not grudged. Hu said barbarism, vice ""'' misery by an inimuVnlile'iaw of iiHtlllu were -inseparable, mid' hu ex horled his healers Jo educate llieli children mid they would tnako bflte.r. cliieiisaiid ITcfier iiii-ik- 1h. conclusion. hniulvised Ihe chihlreii lo enjoy llieir vac.'ition, .liutl'it. the fiinm time lucx must lea'rd 'olftvide tin School loom as well as In It. 'They- uiiist persist in tlie- gooil wiirk begun; they must. keep. 1i 'lip.if lliey .expVcled jo become; IJaTfitd' or educaled.L 'N Piofertijr Ws8on AV thisstagn s'afil idlo-thaftHie names' of- Grace Smith lie had iniemled'. tohave MveinirMljIand- Ge(irgivJt,aggs, bit uentloied as sfiine pariiculars as to I he work that, .having been4 til ntttendaucu every day i.i.i i '. - -., . t ,..'..! ,-'?....- .i-.t..r,.w... .1...1'.... ..-.. unu -i'ii,ucciiiipiBueiaocNlies. 4iuer matlwr Hut owing iiVthe inslifflcieiicy of room lm would -not. detain" lliciirany longer. U spoke 'itilii'li. teiriidjif-tlio assistance tliat had been rentletwVliinirlrchcltaliSui "grades Jare. given by tlio.teachers liml acfuifard' iHid.ulso of the sitppnn-hehadt received fmm the supiMiu'teirtreiri. Ilo'lso.ilmukd, the pal roiis of tlte-'M-hiMirfol'4he"kfiiit- LEVI -STRAUSS & CO. FACTORY-SAN FRANCISCO CAL. COPPER TRADE JIl. .- . -LmpA' Jkf"4HDTBfiufVHK jQ&BESBBSM mm'BSSStttt OVERALLS AND SPRING BOTTOM PANTS. EVERY. AftMENOUABANTEED. EMPLOY OVER 350 GIRLS. sahl that- lull particulars as to the working of ,liie, school would bo found in the local piipers'and ur;ed all who were interested in education lo give i hem n careful perusal. After making some miiiiniiicemeiits in connecliiiii wiih ihe picnic the professor was about to dismiss ihe audience when a vociferous call was made for a recitn lion and he responded by giving the old-lime but ever tavorablv received piece How Rube plated." in all inimi table, manner. This closed the pro ceedings mid the meeting dispersed. A OOOII SHOWING. Report of Ihe Principal of Emerson Illgli Hcliool. Helnw is the report of the Flagstaff public sellouts for the school veareuded June 5, 1896: Total enrollment ., ; 231 preceding year 113 Per cent, ot Increased attendance over preceding year. , M Per cent, of enrollment over preceding jcar ; 88 .Number promoted ,., i;o Hemotcd 3 " Primary grades..,.. 119 " .Or.immar grades 40 II Igh school grades . IS " Visits liy.U.iardot Education.,. 6 " VI ltois clnrtng enjlre year ex clusive ut .those piescutou last day at I'' closing exercises 682 Number chm o( expulsion 0 suspension , 0 " " corpiral punUhment... 0 Approximate number manuscripts ex amlntd 9.000 Thu above report will give to our patn'ms Sonie fileaf-fhiT' status of 'inir schools for the past jear. ' Lastfa'll our school was ivgraded. jm.!W departments added mid a High -chuol course introduced. Our wi.rk now consists of sevun.ears in.graile "u and three J ears iilthej High school. - Our course is. ns it iiotv'-Btauds. well itpto jhlisliunlaid of any High scltiol in thoterriiory, preparingtor the Ter ritorial -Univeisiiy mid udmiltlug to the Territorial Normal wilhout exam ination." ; f ". We desire specially to call the atten "iloitTif 'ouivpalroijs lo ouiCiucreased eurollmeiit ajid .average", aiteiidauce of riiepVecedlug rj,r'af. ' Of the 800 of fe'red' use itL-h'ouus to be apportioned among" liie'Ulsfricts' of the"county in '" "...J. !... ! ... .!...! ! I I proportion mi i lieu nicienrii niieuti- nnco over last, year, our district re-c'eiVd,t600,-;li?iug au ntteiidaucu 51 Jiej'cent: greater than last ur.. It is i Mm lug iiio'.pu,riie,rni. Oiir"sistiraof grading .13 provided fur, ItuOttrMnijfraeiif sttidy h'as'ftroveii especially satisfactory. From our whlcli,;,ftigejUer -with the regular iho'iit lily 'eitHinl mil ions, make the aver- beior'tht' mniith at tha. clnsi 'of the kirsrteriir (Bve'fiiiratlis)? SA teVm ex- EX m fto -- fcr Est MARK wiili.ihe average, for the. preceding months, make the average term grmle. When a study Is completed anil thn pupil has kept up his or her average to 90 per cent., the student is given a p isslug grade without an examination. If the grade is below 90 per Vent, the student is given a final examination which, together with the preceding lei m average must equal 80 per cent, in order that the pupil may pass. By this system every pupil is given tile advantage, or disadvantage as 'the case may be,j)fevery recitation during liie.year. Our manuscripts ate on file and we would be glad to have any vue inter esied in education inspect them. They run from tive. to foity pages, legal rap. mid we think they would do credit to many older organized institutions in the east. luc intellectual alertness and kind ness of our pupils, the harmony of our corps of instruction, the guidance of our win thy Miperititendent. the Inter est of our Board of Education as shown by their personal supervision and the readiness with which they have retpnnded to the necessities of our institution, the commodiousm is of our building with its substantial fur nishings mid, bust of all, the place oiir school has won in the hearts of her pal pin's, as can, be attested by a list of ueat'j 700 visitors during the all lhes iire.certaTnly gratifying and will militate much for the good of our schix.l. And I can wish the EMKRSON Hion School uo brighter boon than ilfat in future jcars ehu wilt hare reaped what she .now promises the intellectual, spiritual and psychic de velopment of immorlal Mollis. J. ( 'Ultra U'asson. Principal. TUE I'lC.VIC. A Gay and Itappy Time Was Enjoyed The picnic was an unqualified suc cess and all present, to the number of fully 400 persons, enjoyed themselves to the utmost. A better site than the Wfiiilover place could not hare been selected, the scenery beinx charming, while the fresh oZJiie VTifted thlMUIi the trees and over the surrounding lulls instilled 110. v life and vigor into nil who inhaled it. There was ample space for the various sports and they were conducted with all the abandon of childhood, the elders for the lime being forgetting that the ctre of a sordid world had entered into their lives, mid committed themselves unre servedly to the gira-s which had made life bright and hippy in their xounger il.ixs All kinds of amusements were indulged in the priucipil being the baseball game and thu tug-of-tvar. The Sheppinl clan defeated Ihe DoIe contingent after a hotly contested game on the diamond, and the honors ot the uig-of war fell to the nine otuhr the captaincy of J. C. Grim who tuide the oilier side look very grim indeed. Professor Wass in and his staff of able assistants Mrs. Olney ami the Misses Hetinessy and Bertha Smith cannot be praised too highly for the admirable arrangements made, while the thanks of thu community are due to the Arizona Limber & Timber Co. for havjng so generously loaned their engine and cars-nud providing a crew to take the visitors to Ihe scene.- Cure for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of head ache Electric Bitters his proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure, and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches jleid to lis influence. We urge all who are afflicted to pro. cure a bottle and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual ran stlpatiou Electric Bitters cures by giv ing the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this mediclue. Try It once. Fifty cents I. t A ft 'I ' h.. I, Ml K I s II l" 4 ' b. !,.! M "!! m-v vla auet, . - ??V ',, v ,'l , V - tJ TKf;