Newspaper Page Text
-J &$& .u& ymmcj ''. ?.,.". &&&'. .A-E.g A, ill viic ocouitt0 Jton. JitSUAY. JUNE 11. 1890. MH'lt'KTO TIIR I'UBUC. AII contracts and bilk for advertising pay- rSra.e.8iTennpon.ppllt!on , . locals 10 cents per Hoe tor Brst In- VLBd Vccnts per line for each subse- ri , I iniPttlon. rX-nsixo c Is plessod to contribute "iffiw but all nolle, of Mink ",P me"ln socle""- PP. ftlTand mention of marriages, births "'JTm hi bevond the regular aonounce '" B, "l W charged for at regular rates. CITY SUNBEAMS, Cni'H' fl"'11 S,M,,I l,,',k- Remains f'"' l",",, ,or ",lo'" Ciiiii' I),iicii.ii i'" 'i'i nt CaimllV ftmih Ki-stJiiiriit. Suit' in:"1'' '""" "5 ""' l)n", n"M'1' ,', fi up. at AlliMer & Co.'s. j, w U illi.imi oilers hi rviwf f,' r.imih Jiinl ll:nK-t washing; also nliiiitt.ilii"H- Jjim- A LsimiMUt wnslnvesiigsllny ,i.f.:i.ilili" ' hi iiilng water from LoaUir-l-'"' Wednesday. jlt. .(lino) misters f this tlistrici , ,'o o'clock iliU afternoon to clear up il"' business of the year nnd to f.lnt icarhcis tiv the new school j car. ' Tin- W'"'1" Union will furnish ' u Iriins "f lllB Kntiin:l Republican ronu-i't'"" at St. Uuis (or tint benefit 1 iIk- public The bulletins will In nuttttl i 1 It- window "I" l1' SUN office. 1Iii-'j.iu Herunrdiii" Steam Lauutln aP5 lh t class wink at reasonable rllt.,. (5. II. Coffin is th spent, and villi m-ii'I otir laundry on Monday id M,hiek ami il "ill he returned on Sailings. Jliilin-I ' l Shillrock two excellent flHiVinplii-ic will locate iu Flagstaff ,t,iu Jul 1. Tney have a Well-fijuippi-l 'jalleiy ami our citizens ran uttaiii tint-ehM I'liotogiajih work from t!iriu. 'Jlic PhoeliU "(laZctte" sa.6! Matl TscaliniH of rimeiiix have ileriileil tiitMml llieir money in lite teirilol Mn kiivhi. No Min.nier climate fan l. ( I in cmnpaiu with Flagstaff iinl llii' (ii.iml Canyon. '1 lie in lnt- i-ait ami -100 feel of weu- .nlilnl to tin- FUHlalt tire ili--aiiiueiil ihU wek. Chief Hush i pimal of I lie new earl sa thili llir tiirdipailiui nt i in goal lwpe to tghl tile if natcr eall be olraiiird. Siieiintemleiit of Slitets Majtlntver up the slri-etl of all Mill Lcli. Nnu if lliti Mauhal will gel jtlir tlinri lil'ueim who have lieglccte lo i-lt-an up their pi endues, the town sill U- in good shape mi far ascleauli- Ml l I'olii-eriinl. Jml'e V. N. 1'eniii, treasurer; K. A. S.nui'1, I'li-ik, ami U. Flake, J. M. HAu ami V 11. Uurhage, Navajo cuiiiil' ileleatiou to the gathering of tl.t- Ui'iiiueratiu hosts at l'luieliix, pinl tlii'uiih tu tiiiitu to thu capital oi S.iiniil.i. 'Hie slii'iiii'tit!i of rattle (luring the jn-t witk hae been eomparatlvely liglit. M. C. Catiipliell seven wrti.ils in D.nljje City anil Babbitt Bri,. tliijipi il .six eai loads to Katieati t'iii this week. To-ilay four i-arloadi oIMiei-pnere ilffp.ilclivil by Win. Fair t'i AHiiiieiqiie. Hie A. & I". railroad is offering 'I'ninl ixiiiihiou rates lo the coant for lit-Minum t liMiiiihe. '1 he round trip fntii rlMpt-iff, tickets being good foi SO ilayn ni, slay-over ptivllege at n l!ci n.ii dino, tu Log Angeles s"1,a MniiiiD, H,(, mil,. Be aih anil Sail Dii-;:ii is inily 8i ((). L'l'li i SI 1 1 iff Fleleher Fall ebild and E. tiaiikforier returned Suiidm 'fin a lriii(l tin- iinitlieiii purl of Hie iiimt. .y eotnpluled the aes """t nf that pint of thu i-ouuty. T"-y it pnii il,,. trip !t imi, ilii.-ty one '"l clii ean-e anil bad. onii of their Wvh ,,i f,.lim ,B eaiH.u f t. Jli r. U'l'lirfilu-iirf Falrehlld while on bli "'"l1 nip. met W. M. Johnston 11 Kiimli. Mr. Joluiftto.i aliout six """m a a fell a load of bay at w Firry, injuring his aplne ho that Mia I),.,.,, ,.w ,s bed ever ''"'i. He !h iinprovliig slowly, but 11 Wl" I'i'.lMbly b,. mime mouths ret be-J0"- lie ) fny m.ver from his I'jiiric. "'le U iiiiiliiiijrtlmt eauoes Women 6 p'llei' lli-d'ninfMI I anil mluui'V limn tli "- ". F "- f'n'liuuly leeuriing headache. "My ifn i i.i. ... . . -nnii was very iiiniiit-reni. Ml"K heailieliH eonltnuillly, and just '" IMeka-'es f Sinimiins Liver tteiril- '"'"l d her from all headache '"I IMVe tmu. ,i vlj,,,,. t ler whole ""' I have never regretted Its "-H- J- tsrd, it. Viuon fy- Hood's Pills euro all liver ills. Q Examiue millinerj- at Rogers'. Great reduction in prices. Carroll's Family Restaurant is as popular as McKluler. Suits made from $15 up pants made from 5 np, at Allastei- & Co.'s. The Carroll restaurant always gives full value for your money. Everything neat and dean. 'My husband was afflicted with cramps In bis stomach, and he began taking Hood's Pills and Hood's Sar- saparllla and he has not been troubled since." Mrs. W. C. Norman. Wins- low, Ariz. Children's Iav will be observed at the Presbyterian church by a service of Ihe Sunday xchoul at 11a. t., con sisting of songs, recitations and an Id rest by the pastor. Regular preach ing service preceded by Christian Endeavor meeting In the evening. Summer Excursion. The Atlantic & Pad lie railroad bars made a special rate of 3l and return to the following California points: Los Angeles, Redoudo Reach. Santa Mon ica and Sao Dlwgo. Tickets good for continuous passage o San Bernardino. Stop-over at plea sure beyond that point. Th return limit of the ticket Is uluety days with continuous pnssago east of Sau Bernar dino. Tickets will be sold on the following Hates: June a. June w. juiv I, diuv 15, July 29, August 12, August 26. Parlies in this territory de.iriug any information in regard to the summer exciimiiuis to the Pacific coast should apply to C. N. Davltf, agent of the At lantic. & Pari lie railroad at Flagstaff, who will cheerfully give auy informa tion desired. Nrud Tlieui II.. Prof. J. C. Waeson has received a communication from Prof. J. S. Sar- treut of the Arboreal dentrimeut of Harvard Unherslly asking for some flowcris of the white pine and bjilsam Hi- said lo grow on I he San FraucUco mountains. These specimens are said in be almost entirely unknown to botanists and Ihe flowers are required for Oie purpose of being engraved mi steel plates III order that a better knowledge of iheni may be (lUsetn ilialed. Piof. Wassmi will esteem il a favor if auy oee llndiug auy of ihe fjowcrs lifirnd lo would lei him have t nill. Cjrllnic Note. The run of the Coconino C i-lhiir club for Sunday next will be to Lillle Spi ings. The start for llmso who w ish to go by the eitrit side of mountain will be at 8 a. lii., for wci-t aide ,ai II a. in. The supply of circulars pertaining to Grain! Canyon trip of the Cycling club has been exhausted and 500 nioio have been ordered. The club l.s dally in receipt of infor mation concerning thu Canyon trip and expect lo have a large crowd here to patticipatu in the run August 18. Our business men should help it along if called upon to do so. 'i i n ' UooJ Ileal 111 And a good appetite go hand in hand. With tho loss of appeti'.e the system cannot long sustain itself. Thus the fortifications of good health are broken down and thu ay stem Is liable tn attacks of disease. It is in such cas;s that the medicinal power of Hood's Sarsaparilla am clearly shown. Thou sands who have taken Hood x Sarsapa rilla testify to its great merits ai a pttriller of thu blood, its powers to restore and sharpen the appetite and promote a healthy action of the diges tive organs. Thus it is not what we say. but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story and constitutes the strongest recommendation that can be urged for any meilTMne. Why not take Hood's Sarsaparilla now P m Threu reason for buying Schilling's Best tea. (1) Money goes further. (2) Money comes back if you want II. (3) You get something finer, sweeter, nmre iiouiixhiug, more In spiring, than money. t Awarded Hifhest Honors-World's Fair, DR. CREAM BAHNfi P0WWB MOST PERFEQT MADE. A piw Grape tjnjtm of Trtar PedWJ? ttAmmtW Alum r tav h adutetnt m The Silver Question the Para mount Issuoi Mat of Delegates and Temporary and l'ermnnent Organizations the IMatform-rUeleEatee to Chicago. Monday last was a red letter day in Phoenix on the occasion of the as sembly of the Democratic territorial convention, In honor of thu occasion and also to celebrate tho centennial year of the existence of thu territory thu hall where the meeting was held was profusely daeorated with llowerx and evergreens while thu national and territorial colors floated proudly over all. Iu addition two pictures of Silver Dick Bland were prominently hung in the hall, showing that it is mire than a mere sentlmunt that actuates the peo ple of this territory iu favor of tin white metal. At about a quarter to eleven the Hon. R. A. Fickas called the meeting to order, after which the Hon. Sam Purdy of Yuma was elected tumporarv chairman and John J. Blrduow ot G rati am county secretary. The following are the gentlemen who attended from the several coiintiet. as delegates: Apacho-W. U. Burbaxe. W. W. I'aco. 8. .V I'rexg, W. 11. (Jlveiu. Alfred Kulz. Navajo J. E. Dt) Hosier Sawyer, Junius M. Klake. O. 1). Flake, K. A. sawyer. Dr. It. C. Dry den by tiuwyer. Yuma M. J. .Nuont, Sam Puidy. Uurai Msstenon. arapal-II. II. Carter. W. A. Rowe, J. Woods by Unas. OodUard. J. U. U-auon, J. K. Lowry by Sam Logan, V. t). Adam. A. A. Moore by U N. Frederick. J. llobbs by It. M. LtnK. E. J. Wan en by J. V. Utrrnduii, A. 0. Oliver, It. E. Uowre by G. E Uogers. J. I. Storm by II. 1. Kuu, W. N. VtrUbt by W. W Hulder, J. W. Moitun, M. Ooldwater, J. c. Ilvrndon. Ulla P. T. Robertson, W. 0. Gate. David Denvore by Robertson. Cochise Scott W'lilie, Martin Costello, V. A Sweet and W. K. Stylek by Uolello. T. .N. Mc Usv, Allen It. EuglUli. J.J. Pat on. UMbatn Jnbn J. lllrdnuw. A. II. Bennett. W. W. Oamron. Ueo. A. Olney. U. K. Norton and U. II. Ming by Olney. Kulit. Mulley. Her man Keppler and II. '. Norton by W. h. Jone, lteury H. Jelter by Jouci, 1'uter Mlcbi lana by Oluey. Maricopa J A. liuon, J. M. Burrows. 11. i'. Hosfft, u. It. Ilaike. W.I). urun. J.i. Ooodwln. Al lilKer, N.Sliaip, II. Darelipou by c.Diaukaid, U. Ua.uer by I'. . 1m iui. I . Uuxter, V. A. Luke. L. II. Clialmers, K. 1' irott, U. 1. Uallaid, It. K. Doll. U.l'rlUell. W. V. Hudge. lien Crawloid, II. M. Willis Ju-epli Campbell. J. I.. U. Aieniuuer. I'lin.i J. Haiuj, I.O. Uualies. N. W. Hei narU, U.A. Hod. Jan. Lualiy. J. II. cmt. .M. (Jcrvais by Luvcll. IVdru I'tllmi by lluinarii. 0. A. Uruwu by Scott, J. Malonty by Leahy. ..j. u. samaiilego. I'laal-W. D. Truiaan, W. V. I'rlce. P. It. Brady. M. Have W. J. Murpliy. HarveJ llubbs. Coconino I', o. Bunch, A. T. Cornish. Max Salim&n. Frank Morrell, E. U. Ripley. Some ditciisslon arose as to I lie re port of thu committee on p-iuiaueiit organization ami order of business. the niluoiliy contending that the com mittee oil platform and resolution). should consist of one member from each county to be named by the varioii delegations instead of by the chair as suggested by the maj irity, but tin difficulty was got over without auy friction, thu minority n p irt being adopted. 'Ihe election of a territorial central committee was deferred until thu next convention. Ou mot ion of Judge Lovell of Pima county, W. A. Rowe of Yavapai wa appointed permanent chairman and was escorted to his chair by Messrs. Scott, Bunch and Alexander. The platform repudiated the financial policy of Ihe pref-etit administration and declared unequivocally for the free and unlimited coinage of gold and sliver al thu ratio of 1G to 1. ir respective of other nations. It oppoxed the retirement of greenbacks and in structed the delegates, to Chicago lo vote only for the free coinage candi dates for president and nce-prcsident. It further demanded I he, admission of Arizona to statehood. The following were appointed dele gates to Ihe National convdiitlou to be held al Chicago: W. It. Burbage. of Apache county; II. E. Campbell. Coconino; Wiley E. Jones, Gra bhm; J. L. B. Alexander. Murlcopu; W. 11. Barnes, Pima, and J. F. Wilson, Yavapai. Thoslternuteswore: M. U. Bcr'lbner. i ochls-; K.J.Edwards. Gila; II. Hubbs, Mohave; It. C. Or) den. Navajo; W. Y. Price, final, and Murat Masterson. Yum. Excellent speeches were made by Messrs. W. A. Rowe, Marcus A. Smith and Joseph Campbell of Maricopa. It was decided to hold the next tei rilorial convention at Williams. Kor OTer Fifty Tears. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup lias been used fur over fifty xcars hy mil lions of mothers for their children whilu teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best' remedy, for diarrhesa. It will relieve the pour little sufferer Imme diately. Sold by druggists in evert part of the world. Twttiiilive cents a bottle He sure and ask fur Mi's. Winslow'B Soothiug Syrup," aud UWe 99 otlnr ki4. PURELY VEGETABLE.. The CIicirMi, Purert and lt:c Kamily Medi cine in the world 1 An trpi ctual Sreciric for ail diaeuftca ol the Liver, btomach and Spleen. Regulate the Uvcr and preent Cllllns AMD KEVE. MaLAXI- ot'S FnvEits, Vowel LoxrLAiNTS, Kestlb s- NtSS, jAl'r.DlCI AND Nausea. BAD nilEATHI Koth'ng Is to unpleasant, nothing te common, as bad breath ; and in nearly every case It comes from the stomach, and can be so easily corrected if you will i take Simmons Livf Regulator. Do not neglect so sure a remedy lor tms repuuivc disorder, jt win aim improve your appetite, complexion and general licalth. rixEst How many suffer torture day af cr day, making lift a b rJen and robbing exigence of all pleasure, owing to tlie secret sulfering from Piles. Yet relief Is ready to ihe hand of almost any one who U use sy-tcmatf-Oil.y the ren edy that has permanently cured thou, sands. Simmons Ltvra Regvlatos is no drastic, violent purge, but a gentle ass slant to nature. CONSTIPATION SHOULD not be regarded as trilling bilment in lact, nature demanJs the utmost regular ty of the bowels, and any deviation from this demand paves the way often to serious danger. It Is quit as necessary to remove Impure accumulations from the bowels as It is to eat or steep, and no health can be expected where a costive habit of body prevails. SICK HEADACHE! This dtresilns affliction occurs most frequently The disturbance of the stomach, arising from IM Imperfectly digested contents, causes a severe pain in the head, accompanied with disagreeable nausea, and this constitutes what is popularly known as Sick Headache, for the relief of which TAKE SlMMOMf Liver Recvxatox or Meoicini. HAhUrACTVSEO ONLY tT J. H. ZEH.1N CO., Philadelphia, Pa. .1 lliiclilrn's) . rnlcu Stilve. The best salve In tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt iheiim, fever Mires, tetter, chapped hauiN, chilblain", corns and all skin eruptions, and pnxi lively cures piles, ol no pay lequired. It is guaranteed to give perfecl satis faction or iimncy refunded. Pi ice. 25 cents per box. For sale by D. J. Jlran ni'ii. Flagstaff. Arizona. ( urd of Tlinnka, We. the untleisigueil, desire to ex piess nill- thanks iu the columns of Mini- paper to the Ariz n:i Laud & Timber Co. for their kindness in ftiriii.b!ug transportation, water and llier coUVcuii-UccK fur the M-llnol children and their friend" on Ihe In-t day of scliool, tu the pleasant picnic rounils south of -.In- city, and to Mr. McGouigle. their kiuil-hearled stipeiiu leuilelll, for his i (Torts to miike every, thing coll veiiieul and pb iimiiiI ami lie traiiuueii for tin- v:iiinu kind none I'ci'iti'd at llieir hand. (Nginl) Teachers, Ti niters :iid Stipi'liulendclil of ScbooN. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE, William D. Powell Plaintiff vs. B. F. PriUli ard. Dcfciidaiit. Under and y tlrluo ot un order of sale, loued iui ot the DistitoK'ourt of the fourth Judicial District of thu Territory of Arlzoim. In and for the Cnun y of ocnnlno. on tlie (nth day of Juno. A. I), lws. In the abov. onil 1 -d action, wl ereln Wllilam D. Poe I thci.buve namid plaintlll. obiulnid u Judg ment and decree against B. I". 1'iltjliard. the above named de endant. on the 28th day ol Match. A. I). 16113. 1 am commanded to sell ah that ce't.iln lot. piece and pinel of land, described as follows, to wit: 'I lie boutlieiint Quaitir E H of Section Ten 10. Township Twenty i2U', Norili Raiii;e KUht iS1. Eust nt thetilla and Salt 1(1 ver and In the County of Coconino Territory of Arlzoua. Or so much thereof u may be necessary to renllzo the amount o slid Judgment, to-wlt: 'J he sum of Two Thousand and Miioiy-two and 1'nemy-fuui ilundredth t2 W.U Dollam. nlth Interest from the said S8ih day of March, A. I), lo'.m upon Four llundicd and Twenty-nine iU2 Dollars thereof at the rale of Twelve (llper cent.) percent, per annum; with Interest up on Nino Hundred and Tntnty-nlno .tU2U Dolluta thereof, fiom tho tald 28th day ol March. A. 1'. 1801. nt tho rato ot Ton (10. per cent pur; with interest upon Seven llundicd and Niiiet'-en and Elahty-nlne Hundredths itlu.83 Dollars thereof, from ihe oald 28th day of Mutch. A.I). 1896. at the rato of Sev. n it per cent.i per cent, per an num, together with tho expense ot running certain mot tgaged cattle. In said judgment and decree mentioned una llxed at. rorty iHi Dollars per mouth, from the oald 21lh day of March. A. I). 18fM; and it the said property be Insumclcnt to realize salU sums, then the following desci Ibi d personal proper ty .to-wlt: About iweixolluuurid i'jji lieiul or cattle moio or less In tho follow lng brands, to-wlt e Bit L-L IT 3 and (I) The said cattle running and ranRlns In the County of Coconino, Territory ot Arizona, and being all ot ihe cattle In said brands, ot so much thereof as may bo necessary to rea lize tho H.lid nUIUS, Now TiieiteFuite. noilco is hereby given, that on Wednesday, the 1st day of July, A. It. ItiiH. lit tttcen the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'llock r. .. tit that day. at the front dooi ot the Court House, In the Town of Flagstaff, In tho County nf Coconino, 1 errltory of Ari zona, I will. In obedience to said order of bale and decree ot foreclosure, sell the above dcscrlntd property, or in ruu h thereof as may bo necessary to hattsfy 1'latntltf's bald iuJBment. together interest, as above -pecificd, costs acurulnir, cobts and said ex penses and accruing to thu ht.bent oldder for cash, flrxt belling In pursuance ot bald order and decree, the said above described real property. K. 11. CAMERON. Sheriff of Coconino County. Arizona Ter ritory. 1'iited Harstaff. Coconino County. Atlzona leruiory, mis luili uay of Juno. A. V. im. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. (Esiatc ot Patrick Curley. Deceased.) Notice Is hereby given by the underl.ned, administrator or tho estate of Patrick t ur ley, decoased. to tho creditors of, and all p rbons having claims ai&lnst the said de ceased, to exhibit them with the nocei-sury vouchors, within ten months after the first publication of this notlce.'to the said admin istiator. at hit place of buslnesa. being the odice of tho Ite-ldent Knglneer ot tho Allan- ,1 Al.rl ln.IA. l .,.. M.H .. ..w ..H w. ,u. iMiuuaui iu mo IU"U wi VMHImns, Coconino cuunly, Arlzsna. the auiv u.-nig wiu ptaco iur tlie transaction oi the business of sa.d estate. l n tiftnv. Administrator of tbo estate of Patrick Cur ley, deceasvd V T TMSfSSr Stl at riMttaff, A.T., Jud s im i ' IFYOUflRE h w.h' IN f HURRY For grpceries there is ixHiy a wagon at our door ready to bring them to yon. Your order will be filled promptly. We have everything that is best in Groceries. The Monarch brand of Canned Goods -the best in the market, are sold by us. Our assortment of Table Luxuries embraces lots of dainties not found in ordinary stores; Our prices are no higher than you will pay for inferior grades. FLAGSTAFF COMMERCIAL CO., KILPATRICK BLOCK. Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association. .j."j l !, $18,450,000 Pajd in Death Claims by the Mutual Life Associ ation from 1 88 1 to 1894. A NEW SYSTEM AND THE BEST. The Strongest and Most Progressive of all ihe Insurance Companies Extant ! Eitis Saarly 5) Pir tint (ksiper thu is thi Old System Coipaiilis. EX $. CLARK, Agent. BOSTON & BROADWAY, TELEPHONE 904 MAIL ORDER To -Insure prompt replies to requests for jroods or samples, stati clearly your requirements. All orders filled the same day as received. Sole Agents for DR. JAEGER'S SANITARY WOOL UNDERWEAR iiiJiniDiiriininiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiniinNiHiiiiiriiiiiinHniiMiJiiiiiiiijn?! Wm GEHTRHL Ml FLAGSTAFF, ARIlt. 3LDEST BANK IN NORTHERN ARIZONA. Interest Paid on Time and Savings Oepostts. Drafts Sold Upotj All Foreigrj GoCiijtries. We have an Extensive Fatronage and Cor respondence throughout Arizona, and Invite your Uanklng Business upjn Liberal and Conservative Terms. B, N. FEEEMAN, President. T. E. POLLOOK, Vioe-President. W. S. B'OBINSON, Cashier. B. HOCK, PEALER 11- Fancy Groceries, Fine Cigars, Tobaccos anil Fresh Candies. BAILROAD AVJSXUE. J )' v OWjIsSSpV' ' , yg-jf,,. UttfllfillltlHiHi STORE Opp. City Hall LOS ANGELES, CAL DEPARTMENT . T H Our Prices In s SHOES Are always the Lowest. IS ODB MOTTO. '4 M. J, BA6NALL Boot and Shoe Co FliAGSTAKF, ATtlZOKA. 3000 Tons OF- NATURAL , ICE, From the Spring: Lakes at Bellemont, is now ready for de livery. Correspond dence solicited. A. T. CORNISH. FLAGSTAFF, A1UZ. mgoom Low Prices m ., N ( i ,.i' !!,! i ,P ,k r VX" .. . Si7rs' "