Newspaper Page Text
,S'UV. Usiftfiht fc jrJBM( WsiiW BCtAZsS3S&iM!l &&, JSPlA i i'"' ' 't i kIi ! '.j'1 'ifl. r is1' 1 "it A i k . VM i (-1 . i.! mi i "h t"B ' i i .1 .'', fe '.., K i r.pii,S ai v ' ft I ' -.' ' ,0 in nb fcf.B' rL , 1 . J ( 'J-HBK If SJ The(bconiua jthiUs C. M. Funston. Editob. rilUI(M.Y. JULY 2. 1896. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ono Year 1 109 Six Months JIB Three Months TO AddreMiull communication! and make all remittances to C. M. FuxsTOK, Flagstaff, Aririmn. Ariwrtlstnc rate given upon application. Filtered at the Flagstaff pout office as sec - mid-class matter. Ilclow Ib given the highest and loved point nglstetid by the thermometer In Flagstaff during the u.onlu to Ibis date: JUNE. Pate. Maximum Minimum 1 81 i K 41 I l SS 4 S 8 ..78 .. ..BO .. ...Ill .. ; ..84.. . ftJ ..8J ..84 44 4S 10.. II. u II II 14 Id I 18 1- XV il SM 2.1 ,. 24 M M 2s -a .. .. 3J .M . .... ... ....87 ... ....88 ... ...84 ... .. .87 .. ....NJ ... . .85.. .. W ... ... M ... ....el ... .. .SJ.... ....U ... ....85 ... ..H.... .. .82.... ... .80 . . . .87.... McKinlev's tislt to the coast i. If tin .-ink fur bread egive them a slum-. hen we ask fur water we gel wind. A U'ak uith &p.iiu in possible. Does (iiotti hope in gel elected for a tbitd Ifl 111 In I lie .shuffle? 'Jilt Ei'gln-h laiigtiHge in susceptible of iiuiii tliitiigeg. HiMiimizeil will in flu in u oiipeiscde iliimiimteil. Do we need it wholesale cunflagia lii'ii in imbue tin In pioiide watel? iiliums i-li. -nl.l Iih a u .lining. 1'lAGSTAlF 18 bleeZ chough, an lieu. 'Ihe. CutiiiL'il seal eel ueeds to add to tin iiiihiiIIi nf wind. WiiiTNr.Y en the lice silver ques tion will diMiipt Ihe, Deiuociatic pall. DiHiipl ii? u Ui'po lie doeWl mean diainuril. If CouutTTeiiiib. wutMiulj charged liiut iniih l..i all the adveiiiiiug tbej gei, wLut h ulitf it would be to a mil filing people. Next wuk ilio Chicago convention will lie in sthbion. Biinging wind to tliu U Hid) Cit) i huim than biiuginj; couU lo Neucislle. 'J'UE cluzeus luattucted the Council to tippoiui a tiuworou the 1 lib auu tliu Council complied ou the 29th. "(ileal butlieii mou slow)." 'J he dui of apposing exGovernui MiKmli-y ot liiu iiouiiualion for presi dint detoltcd ou tieuator Thuiblon ol Nibiitskii, ami he did it. well. Will iho Ki publican1' pleiue beai in iniiiil Unit lliift paper U uot tbi Flngsliitr Sun," but l ho L'OCQNINO SL? Ue i mlilHi-e the wluile couu t), huge iih il in. MfCU I line lac bun wanted on dia-cin-hioii of llie water qui li(in, but with voiiiriiliutitl effoit ills (till poiwible to l.iite w uicr woiks erected and an ample mpply forthetowu befoiH tin jiiirisoui. vg4te35.6,.78 9IOIl 4flHl!J!lii!l !!iZO PHl9 20J2I ( 23(24(25 CuoTEKt LtvtLAND han fallen from bin l.ij:h . Btiitc. The limn who will a'jetil Mie mill at the sarue time tnieaten ihoxeHho diff.r in opinion in li'ru liniild hi ?er buve uvcupled tbuputiduiitial chair. """" '" i PROGRESS fi VERY SLOW. The Water Question Drags Its Weary Length Along. AVERY DIFFICULT PROBLEM. After Very Windy Debate the Coun cil Compile With the Instruc tion ot the Citlsen. nd Ap polntn a Surveyor. An adjourned meeting of the Com mnu Council was held on Fiidar la: to cousider the water question. Major Frauds presided and thero weie pies eut Councilmeu Babbitt and Glim. City Attorney Clark, Cit Clerk Smith and Messrs. D. M. Rioidan and V. Carroll. . Tho mayor read a telegram from A. T. Cornish from AlbiiqiieiqiiM an nouncing that a routract bad been made with tho railroad company which was very satisfactory. It was stated that papers bad all heeu made out and ai tides of incor poration drawn up for a stock com pany. 'lhe mayor asked what answer should be sent to Mr. bums. He thought in justice to him they ought to send him ome reply. Mr. Grim thought it would be better to see But what they could do about a stock company. Mr. Babbitt suggested that as Mr. Cornish would be back ou Saturday they could have another meeting ou Mo u day and then send something defi nite to Mr. Burns. An opinion prevailed that as the offer made by the raiiioad company, an shown by the above telegtam, con flicted with the proposition made b Mr. Burns, that geutlemau would with draw bis proposition. Mr. Babbitt said be did not believe it was the lailroad company that was behind Mr. Burns' scheme, but a few of the stockholders. Mr.. Rioidan suggested that if lliet could get the railroad stockholders to organize with them on the present scheme it would be.much better. Ou motion of Mr. Babbitt the fol lowing telegram, drawn up bj Mr. RJnrdan, was dispatched to Mr. Cor uish at Allmqueiqite: 'Terms consid ered satisfactory and organization lieiv ready to close, but consider it wiser to await yotu teturu on Saturday befoie taking final action." After some informal discussion the Council adjourned until Mouclay. The adjt timed meeting con veued on Monday, and in the absence of the major J. A. Vail was appointed to the chair. Mr. Babbitt said they were theie to lake some action with regaul lo the question ar.ked bj Mr. Burns. Mr. Vail said the) should do some thing with Mr. Burns' pioposition lay it over indefinitely or make him some proposition. Mr. Gtim said that in this mallei delay was somewhat dangeious. Some definite action ought to be taken at once. If tho town intended geltiugin the water let. them do it; if not, let Mr. Burns do it. Aflrr some discussion as to the sptings around town drjiug up. Mr Babbitt said if they bad Mr. Burns woiKin conjunction with them the) could guarantee bim 7 per cent on f 60,000, but between themselves the could raise enough to put jn tbewatei. Mr. Grim asked what was his ida of wooden boxes. Mr, Babbitt leplied that he had faith In them, but ft the; ha'd to use power, .is suggested by Mr, Cornish, be thought bat perhaps iron would ha safer, Mt. Keller said he did not see wh ihe couldn't use the wooden pipe and ihe power also. Mr. Babbitt asked if they thought Mr. Burns would consider a proposi tion to glvo the city control of tbfl water works and they to guarantee him the interest. Mr. Vail said he understood Mr. Burnt didn't think much of wooden pipe. Mr. Babbitt atked they should figure ou iron pipe. Mr. Cornish said be know of about 40 miles of li and 8-inch iron pipe that was Ijlng in Chicago and could be laid down here Tor about 66 cents a foot. There was uothlng too good for tbem if they could get il. but if they couldn't vet the 'good one they would have to take the poor one. This It was calculated would post about fJ.000 a against f 1,156 a mile for wooden flume. A Jong dis.JU8ion then arose on the tjme-worn ubjeot of the ldalire meritt of wend and Jron. . fir. unm asked U uy thought it pracilc b o for I lie low ii to pui iu tie walerwolks at the pleaeul time, T did I hey think they would make a suc cess of it. Mr. Cornish replied he believed the could do it if the would pull togethel. Mr. Keller If the don't now the i.eter will. Mr. Cornish But they won't do it. Mr. Clark and Mr. Babbitt believed the people would pull together to get in the water. Mr. Cornish thought it would be well to make a pioposition to Mr. Burns of some kind. Mr. CIhi k said if they got so many matteis pendingtho would he between two tires. They should tie themselves lo Mime one proposition aud go ahead willi it. After some ftnlher discussion Mr. Babbilt r-atil if outside capital knew that this water could ho had for nothing they would be too glad to put it in. A man could go Eat and Hud plenty of men 'who would bo anxious lo hi lug this water to the town If the) could c'l i ne contiacis wntcu tney would offer them. Mr. Vail said h" felt like Mr. Glim, delay miftht be dangerous. Mr. Glim If wt don't get it soon we won't get it at all. Mr. Babbitt You will not get it llits )ear at any late. Mr. Glim said if they were to tell Mr. Bums they had calculated on putting iu this wa'er themselves it would mid ply shut bim off, and he didn't think he would stand iu with the town. Mr. Claik said if they gave Mr. Bui us eucoitiagement the railroad people would say wo didn't kuow what we wanted. Mr. CoruUh said It also put bim iu a bad light. Mr. Babbitt Our telegram to Cor uUh almost binds the town. Mr. Claik That is the way I look at it. We ptactieally answered Utirns by that tclegiam. I believe we hare disposed of Buriu' proposition now. A piopoidtiou was then started by Mr. Babbitt that the money to build the water woiks could be raised iu San Frautisco, and ibis seemed to raett with considerable favor, but he said if nothing else could be done he would go East and he believtd he could get the money. Thev ought to go light ahead on their own bottom, ami when the) found tlomselves knocked out it was time lo go to something else. This was an excellent idea and was appiotcd unanimously, only some thought that befoie going tight ahead it would be as well lo kuow what the weie going ahead on, and accmdingl the clei k was instructed to communi cate with Mr. Vandeiweiker with the view of getting him to go up to the spiingand take such steps as were ucceisat' to Hull out the amount ot water llieiH is Ibeie, and to make a peimnueut suiveyfor putting iu the line aud leseiroir aud getting the water into the town. Mr. Cornish was I inn lifted to see Mr. Bums ami explain lo III til the position of the Council, and it was also decided to consult the engineer as to the adrisa hilil of using wood or iron piping, l'he Council then adjourned subject to ihe call of the iiiatnr. John S. Jones, the Veide Valle ranchman convicted of rape on his stei-daughter, was seutenced to five ears iu the Teiriloiial piison. Bucklen' . rnlca Salve. The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, sail rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, coins aim! hI ski)) eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, nl i nay tentifletl. It is guai auteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price, 26 cents per box. For sale by D. J, Bran nen. Flagstaff. Arizona. Whatever evils there are in our government are mostly clue to the indiffer ence of its citizens. All tea that goes into Great Britain is carefully examined at the custom-house. If it is colored, they confiscate and burn it. Public sentiment in Great Critain won't stand col ored tea. Uut colored tea just pours Into this countr-tbeiis,tio public scntinwnt ' against it. You are indifferent or you don't know. Schilling j Qtf j pure tea, money-back tea. . . No'Wm but coffee In Srkillhft ffej eoffce nanWIs true pf Sehtliinr't But rkaking-ppwder. fpcla. rtce, seasoning, ten ! WMwr 4jAveJCw44ir fufetiriitt Gloom Of HI health, despondency and despair, t.,. mv in ton amichina of hODC. happiness and liealtli, upon taking Hood' Sartaparilla, because it trim renewed lifo aodUulity to the bkod, uul throng n mai-- nerve Urea J gm ,sj aud energy Al ?.& body. neadTC IMiW "Hood'sSar " helped me woodetfauy. changed stokset to fceettk, f ioea totna nine. No peace deterihe waat X eaf fertd. Iwudsaibliie,ta4kkfceae acbet every few daye and tfcoee terrible tired, despondent fetllagt, with feeert 'tronbUt to that I ootid not go up and Sunshine down etalra without eletplaf y over my heart and retting. la fact, It -t,,ih atmaat tek in breath away. X tar fered to I did net eere to live, yet I bad much to lire for. There Is no pleatmre la life U deprived ot health, tor lite beeotaee burden. Hood's SemparlUa dose far more thin advertised. After taking oae bottle, It Is enffleleat to rseotBtacad Itself." Ma. J. B. txm, Belolt, Iowa. Hood's Sarsaparilla It the On True Blood Furiter. All dracttst. It Prepared only by C. I. Hood ft Oo.. Urweu. aw AROUND ARIZONA. With the exception of 8aturdai night all the stores In Phoenix will dose at 7 T. M. until November 1st. By a decision of Judge Baker, de livered In Phoenix on Tuesday last, earl 120,000 of funds now on hand inut be paid out according to th number of the warrant, thus puttlui: i hat amount of money in circulation Senator Langford arrived at Lodi. f'.ti., Saturday morning from Arizona sporting a pair of overalls as the resul' f a thief stealing his pants containing 135 from a Pullman sleeping car Sun day night. MeCoi d ami Colo must resign the! i respective positions on the board o eontiol and state Ireamirership. Th court has upheld the light of the got Hi'iior to remove these gentlemen with out showing cause. WolnVy ami Faiiidi take their places. The United States troops tindei Lieu Is. Ateiill and Yates surprised ai Apache camp iu Sonora, about forlt miles below the line. The Indians, evidently informed by a scout of the presence of the troop, all made theii escape except a ten- ear-old boy who was captured along with the camp out- tit. The troops aie ci iprratiug with a force of Mexican cavalry still in pursuit of ihe disbanded renegades. Tho strike on the Pino Mountain Mining company's properly at l,nx cieek, under Ihe new management, has created a small fin or of excite ment. The company is composed ot Colorado parlies, and the have opened op tlnee additional ore bodies, two of which are milling oter $20 a ton. The oilier shows a value of $74 with con ceiitiates nssa Ing 88. The ore bodice are each two feet iu width. Thodis li let is a gold Held entirely Phil Brannen, who Is making a short visit to Flagstaff, wiites friends here I hat an uniifually large number of summer tourists are arriving for the Giand Can) on and tho town is filling up wiib visitors for the summer. He s Ihe facilities for caring for people have, beep largely increased over those . f lst enr an 'tht the road, lo the caii)on has been placed jp flne condi tion and the stage serrldu greatly improted. There are three relas of hones ami the can on Is reached in ten or twelve bouts. Good accommo dations aie repotted at the can on and en route. The weather Is cool and tine Phoenix Republican. How ThU! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for nny case of Catari li "that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Prop... Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, hate known F. J. Cliene for ihe lasi 16 )ear. and believe him peifecth honorable In all business tiansaetions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their til in. West & Tntax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. Walding, Kinnau & Marvin, Wholesale -Dnifirgists. Toledo,. O. Hall's Catairh Cure is taken; inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous atirfaci-s of the sv-tem. Pijce 76o, per bottle. Sold, by, aJJ dMigslst. TMtlmoQiV fttf, ' BARGAINS! 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT. Cofnmencing M 1st ana conunuing DRY OQODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CApS BOOTS AND SHOES, AT A DISCOUNT OF 25 PER CENT. FOR CASH. H. A. ROGERS. Atlantic & Pacific R, R. am3anBBw fJBSlgoB Condemed Time Table No At. (Effective Hay 31, .'89S.1 WEST. EAST. STATIONS. No. J. No. 1. No. 1 No. 4. 10Z6pLv. Chicago. Arl030p' S26p ....Kansas City... 7 JO a Stop .. .Denver.... U30s.... S 46 a .. Albuquerque Ar 84Sr ... . SISa Wloetr...Lv 4 00- 10a .Gallup 3 Sp U Up ....Holbrook II V a 130p Wlnilow .... 10 '0 .. 40Sp ..Flantaff S60i . .. Slop SSOp Williams. .. Ia38t SSp 7 Up Ar..Ash Fork Lv 664 600i SSOp 46 a Lv.. Ash Fork.. Ai S4fip fiS6. 11 ISp SJOaAr Prescott. L' 4u6p 3 66 646 a 4 16 p Ar.. . Phoenix ..Lv SIS a 7Mp Sttp 7 IS pL v.. Ash Fork. Ar 6&4a 500a tJiallSOpLv. Klncman..Lv 136al035p 7 26 a 130 a ...The Needle. . 11 10 p 7 4Sp t65a 104a Blake. ... 6Sp 610p 110P 7 40a Dafxett. .. 540 p UOp lUptlOaAr .Bantow 820pl235p CC p . Ar ..Mojave t&Oa I SSp Ar Los Angeles Lv 1015 a .. 30p A . San Diego.. Lv 730a 10 16 a . Ai jan FranTcu Lvl 500p Pullman ,Palace Steeping Sars dally 'hrougb between Chicago and 8n Fran cisco and Chicago and Los Angites. Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars daily through between Chicago and Sir Francisco and Chicago and Los Angeles. Personally conducted Tourht cars leave Ian Francisco every Wednesday and Loe tegeles every Thursday, ru mlng through to Kansas City, Chicago and E oston. The Orand Canyon ot the Colorado can be reached only via this line. Ask tor a beautifully illustrated book which will be malted free. DON A. SWEET. General Passenger Agent. Albi querque. N.H. -AND- ' Loan HssQGiallou Of ew ork. HO MEMBERSHIP, ENTRANCE OR ADMISSION FEES. t ijvoain Hiqinwt. uiuiiiu payments. Purely mutual. Absnluto security. Assets Imprefnabts- Practical manage ent. Ex pense limited assuring economy. Stock non-fotfeltable. Persistency rewarded. Per- EqulUbV. . All seeorates deposited In trust. Mort gages non-nirotlable and non-assignable pnviuuiui if, hhi w.oBonvnvs inipos slbl. Securities only first niortgago and stock. , y , ND BONUS. At any Ini6 after alx manUitv n&M,ii.fa have be mad, tt a ssetuber la unable to navdues imugn suvneaf pr loss or wot k. be i Su.nrnaton CsMlflmut tn'r mo. canrecel aonabl lod. allowing; him to resume pay- 'F hi flrf UtnSfcsnfMMa lmnA mont a without istatnlng loss of dividend. The Asaoci won m the Unltod States iO lose Is suatatned ho ln1l.. In wblc borrow on rejected applications for loans. Compou! late e.t. issm a atnrk to uit n klndso ceBtei. Investors. Advanct payments ae- :ludlng poslblltiy ot luturring bacouifi IntAKwt.KAMvik .a W 84 paibtr of pmnu tboreon has been Site -cent per sunuro payahjo balt-jeerlrij-aitowsi) thereon until maturity. It 9M V?me tod It dBltsMfl (ilAeeej U Savings Santa Fe, Prescttt S Railway Company. TIME TABLE. IN EFFF.OT DEC !i lifc. Mountain time Is standard used SOUTH. STATIONS. Ito.31 In o.l 2.00 p 3.02 p 4:13 p 4:50 p 7:00 a 8:48a 8.39 a 8.55 a .45a lv Ash Fork ar inst utip u 001 M 1 till ltock Uutte Del Klo 1 U 3 451 3 JOJ a 0t Jerome Junc'n n.oup rrckcott SOUTH. u'v.;, )fl .Noitni .N( : , .No o No. 41 No. 1 7.00 a 7:33 a l;01a 8.30 a1 1.00 a S.a 11:JJ a 12.30 p 2.33 p 3 00p 3 25p J:45p 8.53 a flo:. a 10.52 a lv Prescott &r 33 p UOp HI p'f 3-Kp Op.f J Ulp 13 p iXf iipl :itp J2d l!Jp 9a II .m iin h Hi 00 j : HH SOaj fil IU) fl Mi till buunult Hamsgate skull Valley KlrkUnd hillside Congress tVlckenburg Peoria Glendale Alhambra r Phoenix I ll:i5s 11:52) 12:311 luui 2.05) 3:28 1 3:JS 3:4. 4.001 Trains 41 and 42 run on alternate days. nformatlon as to what days tame will run 'III be furnished by agents on application No. 1 makes connections at Awh tork !ih i. A P. vestlbuled limited No 3 from tbe eut. .So. I alsoionnecuwlth A. A l.NoSfiom the west. Persons deslrli e to sta) ovir it Ash Fork will find the best ot aauwtuuCi tions at Fred llaney's Hotel No. 2 makes close connections at 0i Fo V with A. P. trains Nos I and I Ail' No.1 reaches San Francisco 10.45 a in wcun4 morning. A. & IN No. 4 Is a veitibuli-d tri n throughout, lighted with Unit li F dining car running through. Los Angeles to tliicico Dining can. under the management uf IN Harvey, with his unexcelled sen In. Larein4 attention to his guests. No. I and 2 connect at Jerome J u"ctJ" with trains of the United Nude .l Railway for Jerome. Connecting at Pre oil with stage lines for all prlntlpal ndnW campsj at Congress with stage llnis for iis" qua llala. Stanton and Varnelli at i'lioenlt with the Maricopa & Phoenix Kallr for points on Southern Pacitic Hallway. The8anU Fe. Prescott& Phoenix P.allBJ is the best route to thi great m t B valley. For Information regarding twi valley and the rich mining section tributary to this road address any banta le routs rep resentative, or. Gxo. M. BAMurr. General Fieight and l'u senger Arent. Prescott R.E.WCLLS. Assistant General Manarw, PrescotL Aril. 8. F. P. A P. Rail ay Gxo. T. Nichouok. Gmeral ItsstnfK Agent. Chicago. J.J. Faxr. General Manager. tblcifO T. S. F. Railway. S. F., P. & P. ....WITn THE Ptf I? S it . .. .. . ...j a. ...I. uniitA in Hen IS tne non ann ymcwp- --. ,. ver. Kansas City. bt. Louis. Chicago " PoiaU East. Tin Scenic Llna of Arizona, Tie Best Route to California, Cily Nerth and South Lino in Arizona- Grand lanyoii of the Colorado. Petrltled torcst. To the Great Piue Forests, Cliff Dwellings. Great halt River alley. And numerous other points uf '"'"T' Beautifully Illustrated book free on anp ii tlon. Through ticket to all points lu " ....j... ... . j ...i. .1 a!i mo vniieaoiuies, uanaua auu ;-ilsI comforts and f a nrsi-v. road, with supero rquiprueni. . ., r.. o iV.rM.-V-i.l Arent I lien ni. Arltona, H. F., P. & P. , ., . -, Oko. M.SAnastiT.oeneralPass.ngerit" H. V.. P. P.. Prescott. Arinina rj, K.CoPLAM. General Agent. A T.i B., Ell'aao, leza. , n.nier OkO. T. Mvmouuik. General l,l Agent. A. T. ft K. K. K. B . ""' - PTIGE TO FREIGHTERS. r : . . . ... ivn LOUOteam wanted to luuitose-."--- d Th'omaa to the town of Globe, A. ' copper back from Globe to rort Th'1"" GILA VALLEY. OWVZ & .vul-Tfc-t- II1IIII1V.II .... ; WU.JAIM. ASP-??"'"" Railway, , ., . ..,..--- -7,. K iiiii"pt4ajiimpp ...wan ii'O (iijiWliHil 5 u l" ,r i