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::v HI r Ar1" " " ', ' ' ,' x - - ,', , rinVWMl WMWWW Yfr .a-- -tV., - '" SfaUt .iu'E i K .S ,E Mi hcCocoutu0Juu. GOOD TEMPLAR'S' COLUMN. Cdlted nnd Managed Under the Aus pices of FlnEStan Lodge, I. O. O. T. Contribution ot an appropriate nature are solicited for this column, and should be ad dressed to Box Ul, Flagstaff. All such con- trlbutlons. however, are subject to approval by the editors. Lodgo meets every Friday evening at G. A. R. Hall, up-stalrs, at 8 o'clock. Visiting members Invited to attend. F. 0. RtiD, Chief Templar. IThe editor of Tns Sum li not responsible for anything that may appear In this cot umn.1 Theio are a good many question which arc Just now engrossing the at tention of our people, many of them questions of vital impel tauce. Take, tho water problem, for ex ample. It is most essential that a suf ficient and peimanent water supply should be provided for our little town if uo expert it to flourish and pro giess. Lack of water means tho cur tailing of the i'tisliiess of sawmill and stone quai ry, consequent reduction of railroad shipments, consequent falling off in consumption of agricultural pro ducts and of meichandise, and loss ot population. But then there's the whisky ques tion! Too much whisky means loss of productive power in its consumers, the diveiting of money fiom the legitimate channels of trade, and, as a tesult, a loss in production and of consumption in the community. Ever body is interested in the water question nnd lsstiiving by all means to aid in obtaining sufficient water and to do what can be done to solve the ptoblem. That is light. Every citi zen should do his part in a matter so ltal to the common welfare. The common welfare is somewhat at stake lu the whisky matter, too. Com mcicially our town is suffering on ac count of the traffic in intoxicants. Its reputation is suffering from the same cause witness the article in Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly" for June entitled 'Jhe Grand Canyon of the Colin ;i(U." in which the worst features of our eiiviinnmeuts here are set foith veiy strongly. The character and effectiveues of our citizenship is Buf feting fiom this business. The moral (ii ill of our tm8 and even of our gills is endatigeted. Hence, every body nuiPt he inteiested in doing away with this business as much as lu ob taining watei? Ah, well that is to mj tliut's differeut, don't jou see? So it One affects business matters onlj; the other touches all tho depait mt'iits of our community life. Then theie is the tariff. The sheep men ate hoping for a reslotatiou of the MtKinlo taiiff, and a consequent tlse in the pi ice of wool to the place it held in '92. Undoubtedly this would bo a gieal blessing to them, financially speaking. Sheep taisiug would again become a piolitahle business, and the benefits of the improvement would not stop with this one industry, but would make themselves felt in every branch of Hade in this regiou. Hut then the (piactical) free trade" in whisky is doing considerable injury to Miuiti sheepmen am! a good many other men in this commuuity finan cial iujuiy, social injury, moral injur, sphiiual injuiy. Wouldn't it be well tn arouse a Ifttle in taking this matter in hand and pulling a stop to the leak age which it entails? Foieigu wool, under a free trade policy, has. about ruined the sheep iudustry. The "for eign" whisky that's been coming iuto Fliigstiiif ever since it has had uu ex istence has absolutely t uiued a good man pel sons aud pattly i uiued a good man uioio iu body, mind and soul. We'iu going to try to have this free trade polic changed, aud are sboutiug for JliKiule aud pra(ug for his eluo tlou so this may coiuo to pass. . Of couise we're doing all we can to change the whisky policy too. Well, hardly. That's a diffeieut case, don't you see? A good many of our people are er-suadi-d that free silver is what we are ueeding most. We need moro money, and then pi ices will be higher, wages belter and ever body more prosperous. That ma be a fact, aud there seems a good deal of reason to believe i is. More money would be a good thlugfir aiiv of us If we make good use of It, and it's what-a-good-mftnruf fiVato Milting aftei most of us, in fact. But i lien If the thousands of dollars that annually go over the counters of the FlagsiHff saloons and across the faro t.,1.1, 8 weie to he saved ordiverted Income us.fulilm,,,,,.! it might help ,0,i' v"-1 "Mime we will have to wait for Hi- ft-,.,. (.()Mllg(. f ahn might add t ,U, v,mvnhy ,tt ,he 1.1m.'-s ho a, ,lim. spending them In this wax. and so increase the general P'pei!ty. Mine money in this com tuuuil Is only M good thing when It means n moiM,. for each individual of ifcu community. But a good many of us would havo nioro individual wealth If Vo just cut off the drink habit or the gambling habit, or both. Wimldult it be well to try thn effects of this polioy while wo are waiting for a majority of tho citizens of our coun try to como around to our views on tho silver matter? In short, while we are shouting and laboring and counseling over matters which aro of great commercial impor tance, and trying by these different means to improve the industrial con ditions in our community; and while our fellow oitizens all over the land are similarly engaged, it might be well it we and they would give a little consideration to a branch of business which entails a cost of over a billion of dollars upon tho country at largo each year without making any return; which is annually sending thousands of our citizens into druukards' graves and converting thousands more into paupets, lunatics aud criminals; which is ruining thousands of lives and blighting thousands of homes; which is one of the greatest enemies to politi cal purity aud public morals that is known to tho world; and which is en tailing on our community its propor of all these ills. Hero are the facts, what are you doing to oppose this evil? Ifou cau't do more, you might at least ally yourself with the Older of Good Templars and throw your influ ence to Hint extent toward reform. Try it. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Johnson of Junction City, III., was told by her doctois she had consumption aud that there was no hopo for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her, and she snys it saved her life. Mr. Thomas Eggers. 139 Florida street, San Francisco, suffered from a dread ful cold, opproachiug consumption, tried without result everything else, then bought ouo bottlo of Dr. King's New Discovery, aud in two weeks was cured. He is uaturally thaukful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this measure in coughs aud colds. Free trial bottles at D. J. Branueu's drug store. Regular size, 50c and $1 00. Mintmni inai win brine rrrtt bi slow of spolnoft to jon. By it you will n how ft nm and vluroo your now wak bodv ran 14 made Hndiiulsforman. Tneara.t lliidyn 2i,.."Hd.""F 'l0n1' Hndnon lelt at In stltuu. Tali wouderlul d icuverr wa- mti U Ir,'?". ,,,t, ' lhe 'd "oua IIikIsod Hfdleairistll'ile. It li thaatroiie- a'llmoi pnwBrfut vltii Iter male. It li n no r(i 1 ihi It la ii'npli f,n terful how b.rin'ca It la V JfTiF. , ' "",ar ''" from His In hot .v.. ium.:i-i nnisur cirtu'anaii I I, inn mlali Ikls extraorll isry Renv?na'or I tn mo. I WOnaar.ttl dl.Ctirarv of i li an lih.. t....H ur.c.i uf ne icauinf arieniini' mea i sad Xm-rira --- '- "j " . - i. 'i.i urn hurop MCOVAN It purely e-etaMir Hl'DVAM top prematiiri-!!Mo 'h'illi ..ii " 'T'lays cure r.M r n.t n HOOD. ( oiitlja Inn, d ulimi,, in ao-i-a iIoim, uervoui twitching of ,h rv u her r a. S n-nfhent, lnrltnra'ea a id ion t itlra sy-ti It l at elieap h a i o n r 1 HtDVAN ur.-a dthl i r. r? it, tnli'iin an I d it lopi a 1 1 re'i t i r fana. I'i i In thebiek. Jo e li stoopoil q ilcUly. Or j ID) p I a e 1 1 .r a men'j. ITematurenota mi-'i lmio n l, n'I'ii State. It li u i)in)inra of o him w -.. ji and b r inen. It an V a iu a t i -a y aatahr thaiiuof Mm nu II i ) 1 1 r..m uo ss thm anvnihrrr me ( 8 n ' for'lrpiir" in m i'jN TAINTI'IIIIIOIU!- i , i.. toajri'iia im i Hon ' r r y iDf itdIi'c i c e 'i r I II. . plmi' lorl" nrM o . old r.M o iiUt; Hi r. ' .it i to ll'H -).ri'i i ifri- r r i h- o I ti irfr in if i fi ifiiB:N -u-: ; .iUi. tit-Tf, W. i -11 NOTICE TO CREDITORS, (Estate of Patrick Curlcy, Deceased.) Notice Is boinby given by tbo undersigned, administrator of the estate of Patrick Pur. ley, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons bavin? claims azalnst the said de ceased, to exhibit them with tho necessary Touchers, within ten -months after the first publication cf this notice, to tho said admin istrator, at hU placo of business, being tbo office of the 11 istdent Englnoer of tho Atlan tic and I'acllc railroad. In tbe ton of Williams, Coconino county, Arizona, tho Same being tha place for tho transaction of tbe business o( said estate. . , . . B. II. BURNS. Admlntstratot of the estate of Patrick Cur. -ley. deceased Dated i.t Flaf.tair. A.T.. June 4. IWrt. NOTICE OF HEW RE8ISTBATI0M Of Voters In Uoouiilno County. Arl- zona. TOTICE li HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT of Mupervlsnriof focunlno county, Arizona. 1 lite ramlm tnontliii nf till, Hn.itvl mo luiiiinn K nruor was mua" ann nuiy entered udoj the tecords of said board on the 7th day of lprll.1803: ( Thu Itoullj linnn fnntlnn nrHnru Tlint. n notice be published for at least four months that n new roi:Istratlnn nti Mm vntHN nf h iu county must I a had for tho ensuing election, a; required I.; Act No. 7 of the Hosslou Laws Of 18S1I. TerrlUiri-lf Arlrnna " uegisienni; fincors.and allconcorned-wilH n i i J . ... "',ernea accoramgiy. Reglstratiot will close twenty days bVfore tbedayof clo tlon. AtWOOWtJN' Bard f SUPrVlS0W 0f gooaoaooofac4oooooococ $250,000 rt rK- HaMWOaaKBjlVavSM i SImhSI I ivLf y Tho Best ! SmokingTobacco Mado 0OOO0000O00009000O0C&OtiC0OOaOO0OOO000O0OOM lMtOKESSIONAti, DR. D.J. nitANNEN, PHYSICIAN AND Kurgcou, KlugstilT, Arizona. Will re spond promptly to tilt culls from any point on tho Athinti; & Pucltic Railroad. Office and drug store opposite tbe depot. W8. ROBINSON. M. D.. rLAOSTAFF. , Arizona. Ofllco and retldonca In tbo Presbyteilun pur.sonaKO. Tclupliono No. 42. Tr M. SANFORD. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ij. l'rescott. Arizona. Will practlco In all tho courts of Arizona. r? m. II,. omi noiel, Fla; DOE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OITlco two doors west of tbo Bank staff, Arizona. E8. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. . Office In the Babbitt bulldlnir. Klae- staff, Arizona. I'mctlce before the Land Department a bpecalty. J OSEPH JOHNSTON. DOTARY I'UUUO AND Justice or the Peace, Williams. ... - Abizoka. Has all tho legal blanks in use la the Ter ritory. SKCItET SOClEHKrt. A O. O. W.-FLAOSTAl'F LODOE, No 13, jr, Mei-t every Tliursdiiy ingbu InO. A. It. Ii.ill. Visiting Workmen are cordially In vited. J A. WILSON, M.W. P. R. WEATnenroao, Recorder. COURT COCONINO. I. O. K NO. h9U, meet', en ry I'uvsday ficnliiK In O. A. R. Ii.ill. Vlslilng brethren coidlally Invited to attend. O. il. I UNSION. O. U. J. M. ci.AnK. R. e. F'LAOSTAKK LODGE. NO 7, F. & A. M.-ReKUl-ir meetings on the lirat Saturday inj-'lit uf each calendar month In Matonlc Hull, Kllpatrlck building. bojournlug brethren cord ally Invited, J. UOTHKIE SAVAGE, W. M. T. E. I'I'i.lum. becretary. FOREbTCAMP.NO.I.WOODMENOrTHE World, meets tlintand third Widnesday utrnlngH In encb tnuntli In Masonic Hull. Visiting sovereigns aro cordially Invited to attend. 11. U. KI3LINUUUKV, Consul Commander. C. A. Keller. Clerk. GA. It -REGULAR MEETINGS OK . KuiiMim Post. G. A. It.. No. 4, Depart ment of Arizona, will beheld In a. A. It.inill on second and lust Satuia.iy In each month. ij. l,, iiuu.s.-'. eoninianuer, E. II. Cncss, Post Adjutant. f O. (). F.-I'LAGbTAl-F LODGE. NO. II. L, lueelsciery Kilday eeiilng In Masonic i.iu. isitingiiretliren cordially United. .1. W. WEATHLRKoRD, N. O. CllAS. Clabk. Secretary. TiTOUNTAI.N LODGE. NO. IK. K. OP P. 1V1 tmolscierv Wednesil.iv mi eu ei cry U'ednesd.iy night In their j hull In li A. It. hull. All vUltln,- cum lo hall In U A. it. hull. brothers Invited to attend. It W. BELL, C. C. C. II. ronuE. K. of R S. (JUUItCII DIUECTOIIY. CATHOLIC CHURCH. REV. F. FRERI. Pisior. On funduys: First Muss at 8 ui oc u sttccond Mass at 10 a. m. Sunday bchiMii ut II u. in. Evening service at 7:30 d. in. Un week (lavs Muss ut 7 a. m. Drill,.. second Juiuliy of each month prayer nieot- i. , . . unuitjr seiiuui ui. u a. m. All curuitiiiy inviieu. jr tin ford Pu IRST M. E. CHURCH. CORNER OF hurch anil Lareux Streets, B M. Dan- 'usuir. rreiLciiini? hi. ii n. m nnri r n . Bunaiiys; Sunday school at 10 n. m.. Oscar pilmon. dupcrlntuiidcnt. Class meeting at ,. ,. in, r.inuriu iOUgno o:ju p. in. Piaycr meeting Wednosduy evening at 7:30 Every body nelcomo. THIRST PitESBVTERIAN CHURCH. JL North Sun Francisco streot, Thomas C. MolTett, pastor. Kubuath services: Preaching 11 a. pi. und 8:Kp. m.; Sunday school. 10 a. Mil Y l : 8 '. E- Pycr meeting. 7:15 p. m. tlld-ycil: rouferciico und prayer, Thursday oveniiiB. Ac&idijjJ Jnvltution is extended to Danger Signals Mon tlin balf tit vifffms of conswnp' tt'pn do not know (bey ban if. Hre)ja(ft of symptoms by which consumption can certainly be detected :. Cotigb, one or two slleht sffortj OS rislnt:. occurrinjf durinr thedtyand fr4 quenlly durin? the rifglit. " . Sbort br fatting after exertion. Tigbtiuss of tit cbett. Qmck pulu. especially noticeable In tltf evening and after a full meal CbtliiiKss in the evening, followed by Sltgbtfeur. Ptrtptratwii toward morning and Taltfaet and languid in the morning. Loss of vitality. If you have these iymptom$,.or tny of them, do not delay. There are many preparations which claim to be cures, but Br. Hekcr's Cnaliio Rratay for Consumption has the highest endorsements, ana has stood the test of years. It will arrest con sumption in its earlier, stages, and drive away tne symptoms namea. it is rnanu. factured by the Acker Medicine Co; 16 and 18 Chambers St. New York.ltfd (old by all reputable druggists. " I Wanted-An Idea TOoeaothlaH ?', joma aimpiai illlntf tn m olsel K -..- U-?JT'T'V?" im w AuuiLtiaiLi kh m nn . . ...k rr x.-rrjrjcxjFX. rs7vi waaua &ww&ws'&ri i vros. oooooootaoooaooooonwoo ToB Given Away tin's year in valuable articles to smokers of BEackwell's Genuine yrham Tobacco You v;ill find one coupon in Fide csdi 2-ouncc bag, and two coupons inside each 4-ounce b.ig. Hoy n bag, read the coupon r.n 1 s.c how to get your chare. AKIZONA CATTLE CO., Rango, San Francisco Mountains. BRAND: Ear marks, silt In each ear; horses and mules, Al, right hip; Increase, AI on rlrht shoulder. P.O. address-. Flagstaff. Arizona. Prank M. Livehmobb, General Manager. Alfred J. W Kant! Brand on right side as In cut ear niarke crop off left and slit in same; range In ian Francisco mountains. Posltoffice, Flagstaff Arzona. Horse, brand. AF bar. on right shoulder &RIZ0NA LUMBER 00. inm, Flar auff, AUssm. Baai. Ha Fraaeise ajaa.aamls rasUtsi as U tn. CtaMU aaabtraal MtUfly UU ABBITT BllOa. Faatealo adaVeas. flat && TaBfK netollia aaoasrUias Braad as abare oai All 7aat atoek brum. d ea both aldas, WttS wallow terk aa4 aa. darfett aa taoh ean sis WD Ul fnUuWIBi Boot. T, SII, amrwhsw Bit oaMlo, road Mead W ho of .aabmar Boot oakla. road Mtfd W rUja tstdei ToatUo. oos oa rUht Slioihosw liM. t TAIL. BsIMbbbbbb. onthoaot ol FlagaaaaT It.? ipai ooaaty. (ttU htaadad 1 1 oa lafl ribs: oar Barks sqaare otit oa tuhf oar, ofor siofw oa tall oar. PostoBfaa vklraaa. 1'lariUf. Ariaoaa SEWING MA CHE SUPPLIES! I furnish Needles, Oil, Belting, Shuttles, etc.: also all parts and pieces for'thirty ono different kinds of sewing machines. Bosldcs being agent for the above, I sell the World's famous WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE, Cash or Installment, Write for prices and particulars. W. H. CLARK, -folbroolc, A.. T. RIPAW S TABULES Are Just an old. oM remedy In this new shape; oo Doctors have always given this prescription In water 1 We have them In this shape simply for their handineis. BWU TABUljm IN km ta j Httfilniiar anlB m (m. hla M ajut DarlaV mi3btatT ciHo. m ! iiwppbppix luoru 'Btf&i ror ntTtftaa Tatmie. mssosssssssaifist JA MSB M w THE IUDKSOU TYPEWBITEB IS fl GOOD innGHIHE. aftaBBBBBBBBin2FCjV',1 A HIGH GRADE Address for particulars STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. v drs' THE fllHlSOlf TYPEWRITER COtfPflHY, leixatj.Ftacttj.r-ear, 340-244 WEST LAKE file Indestructible "Maywood'7 TbtlbttlbdeTai VottSnrtUt ANO TRONCEST Wheel on lartlt. PATENTS JR-'?:! I ,f bbbvx I aVLW r aaaBi i I ?fcfc , 1891 , 101 A Bicycle conrtracted of material that is solid, tongli and wirv; that is tic. plo in construction, easily taken apart and put. together again, has few parts, is eJ such wiry material that itJ parti will hold together even in an accident, no hollow material to be crushed in by every contact; a frame- that cannot possibly be LroLec a frame so simple that Its adjusting parts seneaa its connecting parts, acse-riec crank in place of a doten parts, alwaj ready to givo raliabls and rapid trtnsportstien, SPECIFICATIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS. Fit ABIE. Improved Double Diamond. Wliat is a Doublo Dia. moral Frame? Simply a trim truss in every direction for strains that occur in Cyclesthe outline of two diamonds in its makatip. The frames are constructed cf f-inch cold rolled steel rods, the toughest and strongest raetal for its weight known, and tbe parts are Joined together with steel and aluminum bronre fittings in such a manner that it is impossible to break or any part to work loose. A marval of novelty, simplicity and durability, tho greatest combination of ingenuity in bicycle mechanism, to build a frame without brazen joints and tubing, as ycu knew that frames con tinnatly break and fracture at bra7en Joints, and tubes when they are buckled in can not be repaired. Wo guarantee our Double Diamond Frame for tliree rears. You canuot break it. Standard site steering head and wheel bass, ball bearings both ends of head. j WHI3BLS. 28-lnch front and rear, warranted one-piece wood rimi, best qual ity piano wire spokes and brass nipples, large barrel bubs, fitted with "Arlton" hose pipe. Morgan & Wright "quick repair." or some other first-class pneumatic lira. PATENT INTEKLOUKED CRANK AXLE CASES AND BEAKING3. Indestructible ball bearings throoghont, with 148 hardened steel balls Crank shaft bearings are fitted with our patent ball cases, which are inter locked and support each other and cannot possibly come apart while in use Aro neat and cover the bearings completely It has been an acknowledged fact that crack axle bearings are susceptible of improvement, as threaded cones or crank axles ere continually crowding or working loose. We save this entire nuisance by hating no threaded parts whatever, but a clever device In frame for adjustment. Our invention is most perfect in simplicity and must be seen to be appreciated. The sprocket and chain are on tbe inside of the frame and ball bearings. Great value is gained b) tbu arrangement, ease of running, double wear saved, positive never loose bearing, free dom from contract with chain and sprocket, smooth outward globular ball beariDgt, less friction and lost motion, hence greater speed. Then with the jointless "one-piece crank." feet, ankles and trousers are free from injury. ONE-PIECE CRANK. Our great achievement; by its application we put two cranks, two pedal axles, two keys, six screws, six nuts and fonr washirs all in one pie;e. From 50 to 100 per cent, of all trouble to Bicvcles is from cranks ttorkicg I om and pedal axles tbit break from clamping connections. They get loose no mat it how much pains is taken to key and tighten them. This is caused I y loo many urts, and it is entirely saved by onr device, which is but one piece and made frcro .ough rolled steel rods, impossible to break. It has been proven that when oiucf ;ranka break from accident, our one-piece crank will hardly bend. But if bent any oerson can easily straighten it with a large wrench, and without reraovirg it from the frame. CHAIN. Humber block pattern, best quality, hardened. " SPROCKET WHEELS. Best drop forged steel. REACH. Shortest, sS inches, longest 37 inches. GEAR. 64 or 71, as specified. 1 'x FRONT FORKS. Indestructible. Our fork crowds are simply a section cf gun barrel steel turned up to site, then bored and bent, forming a perfect fork crown that cannot be surpassed for strength and beauty, also giving a support 10 our eolid cold rolled fork rods that just limit tbe necessary amount of springiness required in s front fork and which can only be obtained by the use of our forks and crown HANDLE BAR8. Reversible and adjuetable, a marvel of simplicity, readi y adjusted to any position desired, with best cork or composition handles. In buying a. Bicycle it is always a vexed question whether you want dropped or elevated handls bars. If you wanted one kind you could not have the other. Our handle bar en ables yoa to hive either at will. Will furnish Ram's Hern handle bars if preferred SADDLES. Gilliam. P. A F., Reading, or 6ome other first-class make rut trap or rubber, full ball bearing, FINISH. All parts are enameled with our own special enamel, rubbed down and baked, giving it a handsome black, glossy appearance. All bright parts are hear ly nickle-plated; these, with the Jet black glossy parts, give a handsome appearance which cannot be excelled. . ACCESSORIES. Each ."MayMPod" Bicycle Is furnished witb-leatber tool bag. containingpump, wreneh'ajtd patent oiler.- S EIGHT. According to.'tires, pedals,. sapd!." etc.. from' 27 to 30 pounds , "Baysvoo4" has . sncceasfally' pasted- through the experiniertal stags During inepast three years we have put ouborers.oooMa5aToods,"p'1Celi,' the Jtandsof riders of all classes and widely distributed through the country. Expert riders and clumsy riders, heavy men and light men, on smooth roads and on rough roads, have glveq this wheel tvtty conceivable test, proving it to be tho Uf st wheel on earth for every day use, a wheel that can be constantly used over tbe roughest and hardest roads without showing weakness and the constant necessity of repairs. Its construction is so simple, its vital parts so strong, that the possibility cf breakage It reduced to a minimum. " A. PRICE THAT WILL REACH YOU. Do not Imagine because it Is not high priced It U not high grade. We do net use expensive hollow tubing, besides, we belong to no Combination, pr Trust. W own every patent, pay no royalties, manufacture the entire wheel ourselves and at satisfied wtth a reasonable profit, employ no expensive racers, bot depend upon th pod common sence of the American, people to appreciate a"good-'ih1ng' when they se . it. We can afford a raak the price we do for wa expect to sail ten Slat-woods"' to oneiof any individual make sold." Wa'aimnlv "aavihat thW&smroocl" is a eer feet Bicycle, containing more originality and genuine points of excellence than cm 113 found In all other machines .bunched together. C.t Boys'' Union. Evanstoj, Itx., January 20, 1896. tVeiirt, In regard so '(MayW0Od" Bicycle, I will say that I have found it la inswer all purposes it guaranteed.. Last summer I.rode one from Chicago through Michigan, Canada, and all oyer western New York and northern Pennsylvania Nof tit'istanding the fact that I rode it over all kinds ot roads and jn places where rainy more expensive wheels "would not have stood the test, it is still in good condition. ; , ?& - C. B. 3m$.v, N. W. University. r lICCt AND TERMS. 940.00 is onr special WttolMftle Price. j$Z Never bftfnrn aiM far Imu" Tn nn!r-lrf. tnt-,, !. fiF "MaxwooU" Bicycle, ve harp decided spctai coupon oBqr, giying every reader ihance 10 get a strictly first-class ,wbee price ever offered. On receipt of 133,00 will ship anywhere, to anyone, the abpye cycle, securely .packed and; crated and delivery. Money refunded JKnot .as -represented' after ......... uuu Euuuuaiivu, itV WI1)BU1)J .V..-U. U, VVIU privilege of examination, for (3600 and coupon, pro vided 5.00 is sent withthe larder nt a guarantee of good faltb. We send a written binding warranty with each Bicycle. This is a chance of a lifetime and you cannot afford to let the opportunity pass SPECIAL. POINTS. f Does thejaeatestwork, costs the least to keep in order has interchangable Steel Type, writes all languages. Its many-advantages are too numerous to mention STREET. OHIOAqo, ILL. BICYCLE JSgfa&S": $35 Oct, 3. 1893 Jan. 1, 189S Jan. Si, 1893 Otbera Pending. to make a ffl ConponKo. 1347 of, this paper a at the lowest and conpon.we" tfl 'described Bi $5.0U guarantee safe ir atNt with 4SOROCR FOR No. s Maywood Bicycle... with coupon. I Mbm ill orders to CASH BUYERS' UNION, fl5T1vsJfrtl,tJB,JlJv.