Newspaper Page Text
sJe' ' " i a46pTri sfrrL TSy m'-wf'W4'. Mm :pi- T5! m v " -,h' " il m . r a ftM9"i y. ft! i ca t! f. . B ' t tf fjhc i&oaminxr Juw. C. 31. Funston, Editor. THURSDAY, JULY 9. 189C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ono Year I a 00 Six Months 1 35 Three Months 75 Address all communications and make all remittances to 0. M. Fukstok, FlagttuCT, Arliona. Advertising rates given upon application Entered at tho Flagstaff post office as second-class matter. WKATHElt. Below Is given the highest and lowest polnu registered by the thermometer In Flugstut during the month to this date: , JUNE. Date. Maximum Mln!mui 1 80 .79. .81 , .81. .83 . .83 . .79., TnE River do Flag was liighor on Sunday tbau it b;i6 been for sixteen years. Dave Hill lias got his wish. Tho fight ou silver ha beguu. Wheie will it ond? If the Chicago couvention doesn't make a president it is very likely to make history. Farmers and ranchmen arc nou rejoicing. The rain has come and everything looks lovely. It would now be haul to convince some of the Eastern States that bait ing (he Rocky Mountain bear is either pleasurable or profitable. "C-OR Steve" is the best man tin Democrats could have selected for per manent chairman. He will keep them in order if any one can. The Council did some good work at their meeting la6t Thursday, but it is to be hoped they will not relax their efforts becauso of the rain. "You're another" argument maj do for Billingsgate, but in a deliberate assembly like the Chicago couvention it is somewhat out of place. Doth conventions announce, deep sympathy with Cuba, but befoio any thing practical is done the majotity of tbo Cubans wilt bo past all sympathy. The raius of tho past week were of great value to not only this section, but to all Arizona. It is hard to esti mate tho good done in dollars and cents. Judge Slack is determined to up hold the majesty of tho law in Sau Fran cisco. For pulling their guns in court he fined AttornejB Unruh and Critten den $100 aud $250 respectively. A SrANlSH man-of-war, Alfonso XIII, was reported to bo chasitig an American vessel, the Three Fiiends, a few days since outside Key West. Thero was no truth-in tbo report. Humanity at large will lose by the failure of Flagstaff to establish the School of Science this 'year. Let it" mako the most of the lectures to be given and resolvo that wo shall not again have to bow our diminished heads In shame. We dislike to sen so mat) Arlzonans golhg to Los Angeltis, while to them Arizoua offers so many supeiior locali ties for a summer outing. Gazette. Truo, and when there is so much to Instruct and outcrlaln in the vicinity of Flagstaff it is astonishing how people can bo so blind to thuir own Interests. Ir thero is any virtue in importuuiij Bnckey O'Neill should win. Ho lias now in hand "an act to provide foi the irrigation and reclamation of the arid land belonging to the public domain," to be submitted to 1I10 Irrigation Con gress, which ought to receive tho sup poll of all thinking persons. lCHl 202J22 23 24 25 SILVER'S VICTORY, Senator Kill Made a Strong Effort to Defeat It. ALTGELD IS VERY VITUPERATIVE Vilas and Bussell Mako Stirring Appeals to the Convention! Bryan or Nebraska Concluded the Argument and the Vote In Favor of the White Metal Is Overwhelm ing Wild Commotion at the An nouncement. Monday was a warm day, politically, in Chicago. Against the wishes of a majority of tho silver men on the N Minimi committee, David B. Hill was selected for temporary chairman and the contested delegations from Nebraska and Michigau were decided in favor of the gold party. This was a severe blow to the silverites, but a manifesto from tho Populists to the effect that they would not indorse a in candidate for president who did not sever his alUliatious with the old p ilitlcal parties raised considerable hope in the breasts of the gold bugs and put a further damper on the spirits of tho silverites. Moreover the failure of the silver party to ariive at any decision as to who should bo nom inated, gave rise to many rumors that the party was disorganized and in spired further hope in the gold bugs.- TUESDAY. Ou Tuesday the convention was called to order at 12.50 p. m., aud the silver men being assembled in strong forco the fears of the previous evening were quickly put at rest. On Chairman Harrity of the National committee reporting the name of David B. Hill for temporary chairman a storm was evoked, Claytou of Alabama almost immediately using and substituting tbo name of Daniel of Virginia. This led to a protracted discussion, each side stoutly advocating its own nominee, during which Waller of Con necticut suggested as a compromise, that Hill be nominated for temporary chairmau and Daniel for permauent chairman. The silver party feeliug that they had tho game in their own hands, de clined to accede to this suggestion, whercupou Col. Fellows of New York appealed to them not to violate prece dent and trample ou the rights of tho minority. During his speech he made several references to Cleveland, all of which were received with cheers. A roll of states having been called, the count resulted: For Daniel, 556; Hill, 349. Majority for Daniel, 207. Mr. Dauiul having been escorted to the platform delivered a long and telling speech, makiug soveral compli mentary references to hs opponent, all of which were cheered, after which Senator Hill was called on In speak but declined. A postollicu was established oil the floor of the couvention, which is quito a now departure. The convention adjourned at 4.45 p. m. WEDNESDAY. Tho convention reassembled at 10.50 on Wednesday morning, and whilo tho Committco ou Credentials were delib erating tho convention was addressed by ex-Gov. Hogg, Senator Blackburn, Overmeycr of Kansas, ex-Gov. Alt geld and Williams of Massachusetts. The Credentials' committco reported againit the admissiou of the gold del egates from Michigan and Nebraska, and asked to be allowed further time to consider individual credentials of Michigan but that the Bryan delegates be seated. Ou reassembling at five o'clock, after an adjournment of several hours, the Cicdcntials' committee reported to scat tho four delegates at large from Michigau aud to unseat four gold delegates. This led to h furor of ox citemeut and 11 minority report was presented by John P. Crosby of Mas sachusetts. Then followed un inde scribable sceuu In which pandemonium reigned supremo for a lime. Recrim ination followed quickly 011 the beols of crimination, chaiges and counter charges weru wildly preferred and the language used, if not at all times polite, was exceedingly expressive. Then a vote was'taken amid tho wild eft confusion throughout and resulted: For tho miuority report, 368; agalust, 558. Majority in favor of the silver ites, 190. Senator S. M. Whito of California was appointed permanent chairman, and shortly after taking the chair the convention adjourned until 10 o'clock tills morning. THURSDAY. The contention was called to order at 10.50 this morning, after which Senator Hill presented a minority re port report advocating that all money be kept on a parity with gold and, en dorsing the present administration, which was loudly cheered, many del egates and a large part of the audience risiug to their feet. Senator Tillman offered an amend ment to tho minority report. He referred to the lying newspapers wl o misrepresented him and called him the pitchfork man from South Ca:o liua," and said they were there to inaugurate a war to liberate tho white slaves." They had been hewers of wood and carriers of water to the states of Now York, Connecti cut and New Jersey. This wasfca sectional Issue (cheers and hisses). The hcnator said that hissing was not argument and that the South bore, no ill-will for the wrongs that had been heaped upon her. After a long tirade of abuse of Cleveland and the adminis tration, Senator Tillman was followed by Senator Jones of Aikansav, also in favor of the majority report. Ho de nied it was a sectional matter, and in a short tinio afterwards, amid tho wildest excitement, which tho ushors aud sergeants-at-arms vainly tried to subdue, Senator Hill roso to speak ou the minority report. He said his ambition was not to divido but to build. Ho argued that the party should use gold and silver, and the best thing tho convention could do would bo to declare for international bimetallism. Ho defended the bond issues and reviewed the majority of the platform in an adverso spirit. He was then followed by Senator Vilas, also on the side ot the miuority report, who said they could as easily make the metals equal by law ounce for ounce as by tho tatio of 16 to 1 or any other ratio. Russell of Massachusetts was the next speaker, who said there was nothing left to do but to voice a protest. He saw nothing iu the move ment but defeat and disaster. Then, amid rousing cheers and wild com motion, Bryan of Nobraska took tho platform iu favor of the- majority report. He said that with regard to any motion in favor of or against tho administration a resolution would bo passed to lay it on the table. He said that those favoring the gold standard were iu favor of placing tho govern ment iu the hands of foreigners, aud asked if the gold standard was a good thing why should they advocate inter national bimetallism? At the conclusion of Mr. Bryan's speccii a roll of states was called for, and when Maine was reached the majority against Senator Hill's motion was 232; Massachusetts, 218; New York, 217; Ohio's voto was challenged but it was felt that could not affect the result. Tho total result was 303 in favor of Mr. Hill's motion and 626 against, or a majority of 323 in favor of the original platform as submitted. Tho announcement was received amid wild enthusiasm. The convention then took up Senator Hill's motion endorsing the adminis tration, but it was a foregone conclu sion and it was lost by a large majority. It takes a great deal of public sen. timent to stop an evil. Wc are too "busy." Once upon a time there were no sewers to carry away foul and stagnant water; there was no Board of Health to check disease by vaccination, etc,- etc; and disease ran wild. Then people nude up their minds to choke off these diseases, and they built sewers and hospitals and elected a Board of Health and milk inspectors. Will the people choke off colored tea, or don't they know how harmful this colored tea is that pours into our country from Japan ? But there is an easy way out of it Schillings Best, money -back tea, at your grocer's. Other members of the money-back family : Scnilling's Best coffee, baking powder, soda, spices, seasoning, flavor ing extracts. ASchilling&Gomfxuw So Francisco l Cripple The Iron grasp of scrofula has no mercy upon its victims. This demon of the blood is often not satisfied with causing dreadful sores, but racks tho body with the pains of rheumatism until Hood's Sarsaparilla cures. "Nearly four years ago I became af flicted with scrofula and rheumatism. Made Running sores broke out on my tbif bi. Pieces ot bone came ont and an opexattoa wis contemplated. I bad rheumatism in my legs, drawn np ont of shape. I lost ap petite, conld not sleep. I was a perfect wreck. I continued to grow worse and finally gave up the doctor's treatment to Well take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Soon appetite came back; the sores commenced to heal. My limbs straightened ont and I threw away my cratches. I am now stout and hearty and am farming, whereas four years ago I was a cripple. I gladly rec ommend Hood's Sarsaparilla?' - UKBAK Hammond, Table Grove, Illinois. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Oas True Blood Purifier. AH druggists. t ircparcuonijr vy i. l. nooaavo., Irweu, Has H00d'iPillt,isK2 HERE AND THERE- Movements of Home Flka and Notes About Visitor. John H. Hicks is up from Tempo. E. S. Gosucy returned from Kansas City Sunday. E. N. Crawford of Williams is in town to-day. Hugh Anderson returned yesterday from a trip to Kansas. T. A. Riordau is stopping at tho Na deau Hotel, Los Angeles. James B. May is iu town to-day for the tirst time in several months. United States Attorney Ellinwood came up from Tucson on tho 4th. T. A. Riordau returned yesterday from a business trip to Southern Cali fornia. Rev. J. Fieri returned Saturday from a two weeks' stay in Southern Cali fornia. Mr. aud Mrs. V. P. Sisson of Peoria, III., are visiting the family of their son, F. W. Sisson. Misses Gertrude and Edith Tolfree of tho Grand Canyon spent sevoral dajs here this week. Samuel Fisher of Waxahatchie, Toxas, arrived Friday, aud will spend several Weeks here with his son, M. M. Fisher. J. C. Scarborough, who is studying madlciue at Michigan University, at Anu Arbor, is speuding his vacation with relatives here. Rev. Connolly, who has beeu here for the past two years for the Lcncfit of his health, left for his former home iu Illinois ou Mo u day. Mrs. Joseph H. Kibbey of Phoenix is stopping here for a few days. She accompanied her daughter this far on the latter's journey to the East. Henry A. Schmitt, a brothor-in-law of Hou. J. V. Rhoades, and John J. Goff, a sou of Recorder Goff, both of New York" City, arrived Friday and will spend the summer atthe Al ranch. C. W. Smith, receiver of tho A. & P. railroad, accompanied by his son-in- law Mr. Kelscy, auditor of tbo Cbicaeo 61 Alton railroad, are hero to-day in special car 99. Mr. Kelsey is travel ing for tho benefit of bis health aud may rcmaiu here some weeks. George M. Sargent, general passen ger aud freight agent of the Santa Fe. Prescott & Phoenix railway, and a party of friends are visiting the Grand Canyon this week. This is bis first visit to Coconino couuty and ho is de lighted with our many scenic attrac tions. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo M. Sargent, Mr. aud Mrs. E. B. Gage anil Mr. aud Mrs. Heury Gold water of Prescott, Mr. and Mrs. Gibbon of Tucson, Mr. aud Mrs. Georgo N. Gagu and Mrs. Neil of Tenipe are visitors to tho Graud Can yon of tho Colorado this week. The. party left for tho cauyou on Monday morning after tho arrival of No. 2. .. Uucklcn's . rnlcn Salve. The best silvo iu the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sous, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, 01 110 pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price, 26 cents per box. For sale by D. J. Bran oon, Flagstaff, Arizona. n BARGAINS! 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT CoiTimenclng may 1st anil Continuing Tftirtu Dags, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAJPq, BOOT AND SHOES, AT A DISCOUNT OF 25 PER OEHT. FOR CASH. H. A. ROGERS. Atlantic & Pacific R. R. Condsmed Tltue Tabla No. Effective May 31, 1893. 4. WEST. EAST. STATIONS. No. 3. No. 1, No. 2. No. 10 Up 22&D Lv. Cbicaeo. Ar 10 SOp! ....Kansas City S30p 7911 ... . ueuver .... .. Albuquerque Ar IVinaita 1 ... 1130 a 8 4Sp 4 OOp 3 25p 8 15 a 9 10a ..uallup. .. ....Holbroolt.. .... Wlnlow .. ....Flagstaff. Willi... ai ....,.;.. m. U15p 130p 4 OSp 5 SOp u .a a 10 40 8G0 730a 6 55a SOp 8 1Sp S30a 6 00a i li p Ar..Ash Fork Lv 8 SOp 8 45 a 930a 4 lip Lv..Asb Fork..Ar S4Sp 4 05p 0 15 a fiX5a 265ii 730p 11 p 8 45 a Ar . Prescott. Lv Ar ..Phoenix .Lv 8 4Sp 7 lip 11 SOp Lv..Asb Fork. Ar Lv..Klneraan..Lv 555 a 135a 5 00a 10 35p 7 46p SlOp UOp 12 35p 95011 UH 72&II lUOp 865S 1 10 p lZSp SOOp 1 30 ....The Needles... Blake Oazzett ... 3 OS 7 40 a 8 10 a issp 630p sap S40p 820p Ar...Barstow Ar....MoJave .... Ar LosAnselesLv 1015 Ar ban Diego.. Lv 7 30 a 10 IS a Arsan Fran co Lv 5 OOp Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars dally throueh between Chtcaeo and Nun Frsm. Cisco and Cblcazo and Los Angeles. r unman iuuum aiecpinz uars daily throuzb between Cblcazo and San Francisco and Cblcazo and Los Anpeles. Perfion&llv rnnductd TnnrUt ran t.,.. 8an Francisco every Wednesday and Los Anzeles every Thursday, running through to Kansas City, Chicago and Boston. x ne urana canyon 01 the Colorado can bo reached only via this line. Ask for a beautifully Illustrated book which will be mailed free. nnv a Rirrw General Passenger Agent. Albuquerque. N.5I. -AND- Loan Association Of New Yor-lsr. NO MEMBERSHIP, ENTRANCE OR ADMISSION FEES. kuuuiio contract, lyimitea payments. wioi uiuium. juautuie security. Assets Impregnable. Practical management. Ex- puuarca iiu.ui'u assuring economy, stock non-forfeltablc. Persistency rewarded. Per manent. Speclflc withdrawal privileges. Equitable. All securities deposited In trust. Mort gages non-negotiable and non-assignable rLuuuiiiK ii9. r. a n.i asiw3rauni8 impos sible. Securities only first mortgago and NO BONUS. " j- At any time after slxftnonthly payments have, been mado, If a. member is unablo to pay dues through sickness or loss of woi k. he can receive Suspension C'ertlBcato for a rea sonable period, allowing him to resume pay ments after his clrounntancos "ltnprovu, without sustaining loss of dividends. The only Association In the United States In which no loss Is sustained by Intendln- MrmWAK ftn M.(n.4.wl innllu.U... , 7. . . '.'.--Min,nnvnB iur loans. Compound Intoi est. Issues stock to suit all kinds of Invostors. Advancu payments ac cepted, precluding possibility of Incurring flues. Stock becomes Interest-beurlng after fixed number of payments thereon has been .., v. Fvt o-uiiuiu 1 pay auto nan yoarjrjts allowed thereon until maturity. Hk?bbbbw A.f?'W'. t '' - Santa Fe, Prescclt SI Phoenix Railway Company. time table, in effect dl. i Mountain time U Btaudard u-m ltij. BODTH. l 1) Til STATIONS. ! NO. 31 1 No.l 2:00 D 7:00 a f.ttu. S:39u E:Ma 9:1.1 n lv Afli Fork ar 5 .1 i 1 ulp 3:02 p ltock liuttu 4 in 11 ia ni iti 1 .. n ., :i3p 1:50 p fi:S0p Jerome June'n 1 m .0 j rrefccott " v 1 ,5a SOUTH. in cm Nul.lH iN'o. 41 No. 1 7:00 a" 9:55 a lv Prescott ar Summit Ramgato bkull Valley Klrkland Hillside Coucresj , Wlckenburg Peoria ! Giendale Alba in bra ir 1'tioenlY 1 iVp fi 11 f 1 .), 1 Is lip .p IP . ip 0 Up 1 ' p 1 a 1 111 - a f .ja Xl.i t a 7:33 a; f 10:25 a 8:01a 10:52 a 11:35 a 11:62 11 8:30 a! 8:00a 9:49 a 11:30 a 12:30 p 2:33 p 3:00 p 3:25 p 3:4Sp 12:31 p l i:JT 2:05 J, 3:118 1 z-;a$, 3:47 1 4:Q0p 0 "j 8 51 1 ! II 1 Trains 41 and 42 run on alternai' rtjjs. Information as to what days same run will bo furnished by agents 011 Dpp . .ji No. 1 makes connections at A-.ii 1 . 1 k n nil A.iP. vcstibuletf limited No 3f'o . tlu'M-l No.l also connects with A. & 1' No 2 fiow tho west. Perwns desiring to taj out at Ash Fork will lind the IxM of .ici-oiuaioda-tlons at Fred Harvey's Hotel. No. 2 makes close connections a' A-h Folk with A. & P. trains Nos 1 audi V i 1' Vo 1 reaches 8an Tranclsco 10:15 a m i ond morning. A. A. P. No. 4 Is h ert.buixi una throughout, lighted with Pintch pa. mnn; car running through. Los Angeles to l ln .1:0. Dining cars under the management of l'red Harvey, with his unexcelled service cait aud attention to his guests. Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Jerome Juw'ion with trains of the United Uidc 1'j.ifio Railway for Jerome. Connectius at 1'if-i nt with stage lines for nil principal ininln; camps; at Congress with Mage Ilut-f"r Hi qua Hala, Stanton and Varneil,. it Phoenn with the Maricopa & Phoenix Ilailva for points on Southern Pacific ltailnay Tho Santa Fc, Prescott'A Phoenix.. J Is the best route to tlit gieat ta't l..u valley. For Information lczaid.iiK ihl valley and the rich mining t-ection titulary to this road address any Santa Fe rou't rip resentatlvo. or. Geo. M. SARGENT. General Tieigbt cud Pas senger Aceut, Prescott n. E. Wells, Assistant General V.iwr, Prescott. Ariz, S. F. P. & P. Itaiiwaj Geo. T. NlCnOLio.v, General 1,. r Agent, Chicago. J.J. Fret. Gcneinl Mnn.iircr iki 1.' T. 4 8. F. Knllway. S. F., P. & P. Bail. ....WITH THE.. I, T. k 8. F. Is the Shortest and Quickest Route t I " ver. Kansas City. St. Louis, Chien; "i ''' Points East. The Scenic Line of Arizona, The Best Routs to California, Only North and South Line in Arizona. I Hrund ('mi)oiiof the Col irad'i. IV'trlHivl Tiii-eM. To the Great Pine FoiesM, IcilirDwellliigs, (Gieat Salt Uier Vallr And numcious other poinl 01 1 " ' M ucautllully IHnMrUert book free on ip, tlon. Throuvh tickets to all no ' ' 1 he United States, Canada anil Mrxno M "ll comforts and conx-enitnees f a ( s roaa. with superb equipment. IRA P. Smith. Commercial Ap '' Arizona. S. K, P. A P. Gto. M. Sargent. General Paeii "I x - y h S. V.. P. .x; P.. Prescott. Arl7ona H. Coi'LAsn. General Agent, A 1 It., El 1,'aso, Tcxac OU). T. Niciiolsox. Gwieial 1 Agent- A. T. i S. F. K. 15.. Chl.-iu I !'( NOTIGETO FREIGHTERS. l.OuO teams wanted to b.iul n,U ' '' ' Thomas to the town of Globe. 1 copper back from Globe to For' Tu GILA VALLEY, OLODE & N01U1H RAILWAY CO.. .-. ,,... By VVu. OiatASP. rju,i4u5