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The Coconino weekly sun. [volume] (Flagstaff, Ariz.) 1891-1896, July 30, 1896, Image 7

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062054/1896-07-30/ed-1/seq-7/

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Tt rWrf CV
rilUltSDAY, JULY 30. 1896.
mitici: to tiik PunLiu.
mi contracts nud bills (or advertising pay
iii, monthly.
ilcrllslns rates flvcn upon application.
iiunness locals 10 cents per lino for first ln
., tlon. and R ceuts per line for each aubse
ut insertion.
nir t ocomso Son Is pleased to contribute
mi'ilic mattcis, but all notices ot festivals,
, , meeting of societies, suppers, enteK
m, nls and mention ot marriages, births
, leaths beyond the regular announco-
n ill be cliarsod for at regular rates.
raniiuc millinery at Rogers'. Great
,, iiution in juices.
jt swine pliigue is still raging in
ne i-alt Hier Valley.
j M Dennis, tho Williams sawmill
n was in town yesterday.
( ,i,.j Cauall left yesterday for a
,,U iait to Los Angeles, Cal.
V ,i inched iooiih to reut Inquire at
, H.snlii ie of E. Attig. ou I'boculx
r0 t'ameioti leturned Tuesday
mi i ni" to the Verde, Jerome and
-. ! It.
1 i,r A iv i. lauroau nave ujieuou
',lei:iph ffeiglit and ticket office
i liletidi't'i and a "ostoffieo will
i, 1 ( idalilUhed there.
boiiihctn I'aeinu eonipany is
A ,i"ing all the Cliollos employed
, .nt und through ArUoua and is
t, t-ieir places with Indians.
P. i ri l'llee c.imo in Tuesday night
( u l'hreuix to enjoy tho breath of
me piues and many other blessings tin
k n in tho Salt River Valley.
li.i- people of Saffotd, Graham
t , n h.iM succeeded in raising a
f,i i $6,000 for tho buildlug of a
Cl,t Jioiise and secuiing the county
.i i
j, ,siee MaV. of Phoenix, has quit
miuiii -andielii mid hot coffee, atid
,5 bUJtili"S'",0Ula',,lb,'CMi'80'
l t.ff He will stay In the north
i, , ui-les begin to bloom.
1 1 , '-an Iteinnidiuo Steam Laundry
il. ,. In -t Hast uoik at icasonable
r, ., (!. II. Collin is the agent, and
i , mucI jour laundry on Monday of
,-uli weik and it will be leturned on
s:i mdat J.
I in inaiigiiiul ball of Ihe Grand
t i nu Hotel promises to be the Social
tvU if the season. The ball will
tk place on the night of August 7th.
i d .jiiod musie and a good time are
i. misi'd
En.imlt Held, the sprlulef, is in
raMaffou a vacation. He sas the
i ail fiotu Phoenix to Flagstaff is
i..'..ii joiigh for rapid traveling, but
tin e who term to know say that he
i.i nit up bj train.
I lie A & P. railroad company are
i,l udiieing their foice of men. At
Wi.liams nineteen men were let out
I ,t week, and a number at Winslow.
2i i nek places the machine shop foicts
limw been reduced.
It is possible that in a short while
oveinmcnt sampling works will be
erected at Nogales at a cost of not less
nan ?10,000. A late appropriation
'. cougtess set aside $45,000 forthrco
(, uiuineui tvoik, one at El Paso and
iln other two ou the northern bound-
It has always been claimed that it
, impossible to Hash heliographic
signals across any stretch of country if
theie was any precipitation between
the two instruments. Sergeant Gor
don of the heliograph station at Bisbee
viceessfully flashed signals to the Sil-
vti Clock langc a few days ago ant
ing a dense rain storm.
Tlio A. & P. railroad is offering
ipdi.il exclusion rates to the coast for
the i.mmr month. The round trip
fniii Flagsfiff. tickets being good for
90 li.ns willi siaj-over privileges at
S..ii lieiii.udiiio, to Los Angolcs,
Kmla Monica, Kodonilo Heach and Sau
WKoisouly$31 OP.
A lumping party of four young fel
low" ai-iived in the city from Phoenix
Mnndaj morning. They are Charles
Richmond, Will Oniie, George Lining
a.nl William iMelhide, well-known
ami populnr liojn In the valley. Tiny
hit out fir nvo hioiiIIh and will take
in all the points of attraction to tour
il. Thi-y left for the Grand Canyon
on Weduenlaj.
I'. G. Noirte. who lias ju-l iit)irucd
from FhigMall', .saja that never during
the tin lire period of his 'residence in
A i.mia has he ieen such a grow Hi of
gffH and other vegetation as theie
his been dining Ihe past few weeks
all out the ii'irtlieru.part of the terri
torj UiiiH Imvu been abtiiidant In
C ii'iiuiiin comity, and stock of all
Kinds U lookiugjvoll.nfJuurnal-Mlnor. l
Henry Ashurst was in from Williams
Sunday. '
Furnished rooms to reut. Applv to
E. S. Clark.
C. T. Lowis and sislor. of Ash Fork,
spent Monday here.
G. W. Glowncr left jestcr'dav for a
two weeks' trip to Los Angeles.
A. F. Potter, treasurer of Apaeho
couuty, was in town Weduesday.
Charlie Mtadows, bottcr known as
"Arizona Charlie," speut Fiiday here.
W. II. Andcrsou returned last week
from a visit to relatives in Rutte, Mon
tana. James Loy returned Sunday 'from
Prescott. where ho had been onjlegal
business. '
-II. Hoxworth andviifo left Sunday
for Ihejferde, where th5y will spend
several weeks.
Walter J. Hill will leave ou August
1 for a month's visit to his old home
in Waltsvillc, Vermont.
Mr. aud Mrs. W. P. SNson, who
have been visiting tho family of thulr
sou, F. W. Sisson, for the past six
weeks, left for their home in Peoria,
III., Tuesday.
P. D. Berry camo in from tho Last
Chaueo miuo ou Sunday and returned
Weduesday. Ho sajs the miuo is look
iug Well aud another shipment will be
made next mouth.
George Miulz, city editor of the
Phoeuix "Daily Herald," was a pas
senger ou No. 2 Tilosday, on his liist
trip east in eleven yeais. Ho will
pass tho time at his old home in Clove
laud, Ohio.
E. E. Eirtuwood, Uuitcd States dis
trict attorney for Arizoua, left Tues
day for the east. Ho will join Mrs.
Elliuwood at Rock Creek, Ohio, and
will visit Washington before he
returns to Arizona.
A. Rediwell, the Phoenix piano
mau, is here on one of his regular
trips. He is tho largest musical instru
ment dealer iu Aiizona, aud notwith
standing the hard times lie sells one or
more pianos here on each visit.
The A. & P. railroad is doing some
effective adei Using calling the atten
tion of tho wheelmen to tho August
run of tho (-oionino Cjeling Club to
the Grand Caiijon ou tlicl'Jlh of, Unit
The inaugural ball of 1 1 it- Gr.iml
Canyon Hotel wilt be giw-o in IS.il
bill's hall )ii Friday night, Augul7th.
Tho affair will bo under the manage
ment of Messrs. Geoige Woods and
Frank Beat. Invitations have boon
issued, aud thoso receiving them-will
present the same at tho door for ad
mission. Tho ico caves twelve miles south
of Flagstaff is olio of tho utlracliona
which is recehing a good deal of
attention from our slimmer lisilois.
It is Ihe only ico cave known to exist
In the territory, and the novelty of
gazing on on immense quantity of
natural ice in midsummer, cannot be
resisted by visitois fiom the w. timer
sections of the territory.
The "Joiirnal-Minei" -of Tuesday
saj-s: There was a beautiful rainbow
last night at 10 o'clock iu Iho western
sky, caused by tho moon's rays shining
through the rain. This phenomenon
is very rare. The moon in the east
wa? about an hour high. The skj was
comparatively clear excepting in the
west at about 40 degrees above the
horizon there was a small eluiiil wh'ch
exteuded north and south. On the
under portion of this was tornied tho
rainbow about two-thirds of a full
bow light and dark graj". Tho colors,
while not eo distinct as in a rainbow
formed from the sun's rajs, were well
defined at one time, during iho exist,
enco of it. Tliis is tho sccotul or third
ono seeu by tho writer, and the sight
is a very beautiful one.
BYKES-In Flagstaff, on July 27. ISM, to the
wife of Godfrey Sykcs, a son. ,
SYKEB-In FlaRktaff. July 23.1S00, Xo tlio
wife of Stanley Sykcs, a hon,
PAYNE-In HeUeinont. on July 15. 1800, to
the wife of rraaa w. rayiio. w uauamvr.
Highest Honors Wortd's Fair,
A pare Gripe Cream of Tartar Powder. Frit
fiW'Awnwm.-Alum or any other adulterant.
C. II. Cable and E. A. Slikcr. made
a trip to tho Grand Canyon this week.
They loft hero Sunday morning at 6
o'clock and reached the Canyon at 7
iu the evening, the recent rains having
ruido tho roads roiijfh. Tho return
trip was made Tuesday iu ten hours,
They measured tho distant fiom
Flagstaff to tho important poiuts along
tho Canyon road with their cj-clometcrs.
Sign posts will bo put up at these
points. The road betweeu this place
and the Canyon will be put in good
condition for tho bicycle run in
Flagstaff Lodge No. 11, 1. O. O. F..
installed tho following ou Saturday
night: J. E. Jones, N. G.: Charles
Claik, V. G.; W. S. Decloss, C.; L.
D. Landers, W.j J. L. Daughetlj-,
secretary; Anton Kline, treasurer; D.
R. Piime, L. Sto. N. G. Disttict
Deputy Grand Master Kil'jore, of
Williams, was tho iustalliug official.
After tho installation a soeii.l meeting
was held, and the members of the
lodge, together (heir families and
ft lends, spent two cnjojahle hour.-i.
Rev. E. R. Foley, of Phoenix, Mr.
and Mrs. 15. M. D.inford, Misses Evi and
Grace Duttnn, Misses Auu-y, Daisy awl
D.mfoid, Miss MeGiatUn, C. Osbnu
aud Will D.iufoul made the liip to the
summit of Sunset peak aud the Black
Crater. Tho party camped at the foot
of tho peak Tuesday night. They had
a delightful lime.
'Ihe survey for tho new pipe line
has been completed. The line is a
little mo to than seventeen miles in
length and a satisfactory one. Mr.
Vanderwciker, tho civil engineer, is
now making up his field notes and
estimates of tho cost of the line and
will make his repot t to the council in
a few days.
Rev. Dr. Coltman, who was the
first minister in charge of tho PtTsbj--teriau
church hcie, is now in charge
of tho Wyoming mission. The doctor
may, however, go to China as a inis-
sionarv so as to be near Ins son Rob
ert, who has been in that country for
the past twelve j ears as physician and
Our Grand Canjou cot respondent
writes tli.it travel over Ihe "Grand
View Trail" has been good during tho
p.ist feu dajs Fiflj-one touiisls have
gone dow'li tho canjon over the trail.
The caves are attracting a great manj
toiiiisH. valcr can bo had at the
C.iuit'ion trail for stock and campeis.
J. O. Dunbar, wife and sou ami
Miss- liruunen of Dciiut came up from
Phoenix Suuilaj and are occupying the
residence of E. E. Elliuwood. They
aie delighted with our cool. Invigotat
ing atmospliero and will probably
remain hero until October 1.
Prof. G. Wharlou James will early
in August leave for Canyon Diablo for
Oii.ib.i to witness tho Moqul snake
daucc. The professor will be gl.id to
conimuuic.ite with parties who would
like to join his paity. His address is
Pasadena, Cal.
Merit wins, and that Is ivhj Hood's
Sarsaparilla holds Iho abiding confi
dence of the public. Hood's Sarsapa
rilla is known bj the cures it has made.
It is the ono tine blood pmilier.
II. R. D.uls, the efficient clerk nt
the A. & P. depot, has taken a lay-off
for tlurtv days. J. E. De Rosier, of
Holbrook, is lilling his place.
Sjkes Bros, have put in a new
stork of tools aud machinery, aud can
uow "make or mend nujlhiiig." Next
door to Coffin Bros.
Gun and bicycle repairing at Sjkes
Bros., who have now Ihe best equipped
repair shop in northern Arizona. Nexi
door to Coffin Bros.
Schilling's Best different from any
other tea.
Rev. B, M, Pauford will preach at
tho M. E. church Sunday morning,
taking for his subject, "Paul, ou Marr
Furnished pnnjis (o runtf on Rail-
uiad avenue, four blocks west of posi
ollice. Inquire of J. H. RuMSkr.
Hood's pills euio liter ills, eoustipu
lion, jatufdice, sick headache, biliotif
nrs. 2.jc.
'--- DidYoii Ever
TO Kloctric-Bitlui-3 ns .1 it,nul, fur
Minr ti-oubliiS?, If nut. not u bottle
j now anil get-reliof. This meilioinu !i:u
bejjn fotiutl to bo peculiarly mlaptoil In
'tho rcliofaiul cmm uf all female onm-
'plnitits, cxoitiug a woniloffiil iliroet
influetico in-giving strength ami tone
to'tho organs. If " liavo los of
1 Annutite. CoiiMip.ilion, Ileailaehe.
Faluting Spells, or aie Nervous Sleep
fless, Excitable. Melanclntl) or troubled
with Ditty Snells, Kloctric Bitters is
the medicine you need. Health and
Strerignf -aifgiiarautced by vits uso.
fFlfty oonta and $1 at U;- JrBranpeu'sj
OrncE or the Hoard of Suprnvisons or
. I
Tho following named persons liming been
notified to appear before tho Hoard ot Equal
ization of Coconino county, mid to Miow
cause, if any, why their assessments or val
uations should not be nddel to, and having
wholly fulled to appear In answer to such
notice, tho Board of Equalization took action
in each case respectively as follows, viz:
Mrs. Susie It. Altmnn, added $300 to value
of furniture.
V. II. Ashurst. added (200 to value of land.
A. A. Allen, added Improvements ou pos
sessory right, SIM.
M. 8. Bcal, added J202 CO to value of per
sonal property.
Ilioyles & Koss, added $100 to value of lot
In Williams.
Chas. Dushucll, added (100 to value of lot In
C. E. Boyce, added 120 to value of horsc3,
II 000 to valuo of stock of goods, JP50 to value
of furniture, SjO to valuo of safe, (300 to
valuo ot lots in Williams. (1,760 to value of
Improvements on lots. 1 saddle (20, 2 billiard
tables (100, CO stock cattle $37C.
J. T. Drojlus, added $580 to value of per
sonal property.
liowers tiros., added J3UO to value oi im
provements on land.
L. 1). Iloucher, added COO sheep valued at
nensley Biothcrs. added COO sheep valued
at (575. 4 work hoiscs valued at (100, t wagon
allied ntjto.
HiiylCss & Dium, added (100 to value of
Abo Caufman, added (150 to value of lm-
piovcmcnts on po3Casory right.
A. D. Craw ford, udded (585 to value of per
sonal property.
Ida C. Clutk, added 1 piano valued at (100,
J3D0 to valuo of lots In flagstaff.
A. M. Conard. added (500 to value of Wil
liams Brewing Co.
Charles Canall, added (50 to value of Jew
J. M. Dennis, udded t!M to vuluc of saw
mill, (5C0 to value of lumber.
T. O. Donahue, added (150 to value of Im-
provomonison lots.
It. M. Francis, added (500 to aluc ot stock
of goods.
T. A. Fleming, added (175 to value of lots
In Williams.
Garland & Hom, added (100 to value of
Grey & Dow ranch.
Fred Ilarvoy, added (COO to value of furni
ture, 0 shouts (7.
William Ilaywurd, added (150 to value of
lots In Williams, (100 to value of lmpiovc
uienls onlols.
II. II. lloxwortu. added J10J to value of lots
In Flagitalf.
lloxwoith & rriedlelu, added stuck of tlu-
waro allied at(J00.
Fred Hochdcrlfer, added (82 to aluo of
personal property.
F. C. IIochderfTcr. added (200 to valuo of
lots in Flagstaff.
George Hoffman, added (135 loiuluo Of lots
In Flagstaff.
K. 1 Howell, added (250 t cm aluc of lots Iu
J. II. Ilu'nlns Sr., added (250 to Willie of
Jos. Johnston, added (103 to value of stock
of good.
J. II. Mnd, added 1 pl.mo valued at $100,
(5J0 to lniproements on lots.
C. S. McConulck. udded tJiHj to value of lui-
lirou'menls uu lots.
Ed l'helan. added (130 to value of lots In
Mrs. I). F. I'liel.ui. udded (leo to laluo of
lots In Willluius
Mrs. L. J. I'attrldgc, added (175 to valuo of
lots Iu Williams.
tf. A. l'lcasauts, added (100 to value of lots
In Williams.
I'olsou Bros., added (1.000 to value of stock
of goods, (200 to value of Improvements on
Mrs. Itountrce, added (159 to value of Im
provements on lots.
F. L. ltogcrs & Co., added (150 to value of
Improvements on lots.
Charles F. Roberts, added (500 to valuq of
stock of goods, (100 to valuo of lots In Wil
liams, (1.050 to aluc of Improt oincnts on
J. W Ross, added (100 to aluc of lot In
F. II. Kothschlld, added (1,000 to value of
Improvements on lots.
Mrs. U. A. Sanderson, added (250 to value of
lots In Flagstaff.
Godfi ey Sy Ues, added Improvements on lots
In Flagstatf, (100.
Thompson, F. II.. added (500 to value of
stock of goods, (COO to aluoof lots In Wil
liams, furniture (50. 1 bicycle (50.
Thornton, Geo. I'., added to original assess
ment 2.500 sheep at (2.875.
James Walsh, added luteresl in possessory
light (250, (200 to value of lots in Williams.
Williams Opera House. Co., added (650 to
Inpiovcmcntson lots.
Any of tho above named persons who were
unable to appear before tho Board of Equal
ization In July may appear and be heard at
tho meeting on Thursday. August 20, 1890,
and tho determination then hud shall be
final. O. A. BUSH. Clerk.
Homestead Entry No. 870.1
Land Office at Pkescott, I
JuneST.lbW. I
Notice Is hereby Riven that tho following
named bottler lias filed notice of his Intention
to niuko final proof In support of Ills claim,
and that said proof will bo made beforo
Clerk ot Probato Court, at Flagstaff, Ariz.,
on August 8. 1SSH), Iz: William II. Taylor, for
tho NK !4, Section 22, Township 22
North, Kango 6 East. Ho names the
following witnesses to piovchis continuous
residence upon and oiiltjvijt on of s,ild land.
vU: II. U, Locked of Vlfti:stuff, ArU.; J. H.
Lockcttof Flagstaff, Arlz.i Anton Kline ot
FlagstalT, Arlz.i J, A. Marshall of Flagstaff.
ArU. H. I). U09S, Kcglster.
Urst imlili'-a tlon July 2, 1800.
I If we spend
thousands of dollars telling
you about a better tea than
what you are drinking, can't
you afford a little time to find
out whether we are right or
Costs you nothing. Ask
your grocer for money-back,
if you don't like Scutliits
Best. '"
Good food, pood life; Schilling l.
Best coffee, baking-powder, soda,
spices, seasoning," flavoring-extracts
pure and money-backed.
A Schilling t& Company San Francisco
For groceries there is alway a wagon at our
door ready to bring them to you. Your order
will be filled promptly. We have everything that
is best in Groceries. The Monarch brand of
Canned Goods the best in the market, are sold by
us. Our assortment of Table Luxuries embraces
lots of dainties not found in ordinary stores.
Our prices are no higher than you will pay for
inferior grades.
Reserve Fund Life Association
$18,450,000 Paid in. Death Claims by the Mutual Life Associ
ation from 1 88 1 to 1894.
The Strongest and Most Progressive of all the Insurance
Companies Extant I
Rates Hearty 5o Per Cent Cheaper than
E. S5. CLA
To Insure prompt replies to requests for goods or samples, state 2
clearly your requirements. All orders
Interest Paid on Time
and Savings Deposits.
Drafts Sold Upoij
All Foreigr; GoCirjiries.
We havo an Extcnslvo Patronage and Cor
respondence throughout Arizona, and Invite
your Banking Business upon Liberal and
Conservative Terms.
B. N. FREEMAN, President,
T. E.POLL0OK, Vice-President.
W. S. KOBINSON, Cashier.
Fancy Groceries,
. , Fine Cigars,
Tobaccos and
Fresh Candies.
Hotel Ramoua, Los Angeles, 50c up.
In the Old System Companies.
- FiK:, Agent,
filled the same day as received.
3000 Tons
From the Spring
Lakes atBelleinont,
is now ready for de
livery. Correspon
dence solicited.
The modern stand
ard Family Medi
cine : Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat
rat business conducted for Moderate Fee.
Our Office Is Oddos fe U. S. Patent Omc,
nd we can "enre patetit In les. time than thoio
remote from Washington. j.-i-
Bend model, drawing or photo., wlthdeicrip
tton We advise. If patentable or not, free of.
CWe OM fee not Sue till patent Is eeenred.
A PamtSlet. "How to-Obtain Patents." with
name, ortctaal client InyonrSUtc. connty.or
town, sent free. Addrc!, .
C. A. SNOW & CO.
Oppsslt Pdent Offlet, Wuhhtglon, 0. C. ,
tfl Kft t
m m 'L
hi Ah k
K Ai
1 '
1 ;Vt .

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