Newspaper Page Text
;'jigmu at. . - -'-1. -AiWiii ,-. iSrfUfifeA-l Jt-i.S-i.i. - - "i-. Ml . 1. M f. 1 1 'i ! ?" f M : 51 1 I : ml Ml M in t.4 . 3 A'S 111 I I I'll f tlitlf; Xhe(&jocomucr Juu. C. M. Funs, ox, Editor. THURSDAY, AUCJUST !0. 1896. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. OuoYcar. $2 00 Six Montb3 .... . . 1 25 Tlnee Months 75 Address nil communications and make all remittances to 0. M. Fukston, flagstaff, Arltona. Advertising rates given upon application. Entered at tho nag'staff post olllce as second-class matter. J3 iSStak REPUBLICAN TERRITORIAL CONVENTION. llEAl)QUAim.Us l.LIM IIT.1l IN THlIillOIU.VI. I CLNTIIAt, COJIMITTII'. I'llor.MX, Allinult. August 10. Ml). ) To tho ltcpubllean i.ter of Ailrona. A convention of lcpicscntatlw- IJepublk-ansc tlio Tcriltoiy will liO held at the city of Phoenix, Arizona, on Tuesday, tho 2l day of September. 1S95. at 10 o'clock a in., f 5i the purpose of nominating a ltepubllcan candi date for Delegate to Congnss', tlio (.election of a Territorial Cential Couimlttcei the selection of a Clialimau and Scciclary of that committee, and for the tiansactlun of such other lulnci as may propel ly como before It. The basis of lepiesciitatlou In this conven tion will bo one delegate fore cry fifty votis, and one. delegate for each fraction of fifty ocr twcutj-Gve, cast for llou. N. O Murphy for Pelrgate to Congress at tho No- ember election of 1S91. The representation of the several counties will therefore be as follows: Apache Cochlso 10 Coconino 0 Gila... 2 Graham. . .. ..' 9 Maricopa. 2? Mohave 2 Navajo t IMma ... ... 13 Pinal.. .. 0 Yavapai uma . . : Total ntimbi.rofdtles.ilcs n Tho delegates are to be sclectid In the mode customary Iu tho several counties, under tho supervision and auspices of tho local central committees. In tho ccnt tho selection Is bv convention the credentials should be authenticated by tho signature of the presiding oflicci and secretary of tho convention, and attested by the signature of the chairman of the Count Central Committee It Is requested that a list of delegates from the several couullisbomit as toon as the arc chosen to tho Secretary of tho Teirl torlal Central Committee. My order of tho Republican Territorial Cen tral Committee. JOS. II KI11ULY, Chairman. It. L., Secretary Cull for ltepiiblicnn County tonvcii tluti unit I'lliuurlcH A convention of tho Republicans of Coco nino county, Arizona. Is hereby called to meet at Flagstaff, Arizona, on Saturday, September 19, ISM, at 10 o'clock a. m. 1. For tho purposo of selecting nlno dele gates to tho Republican Tcrrlloilal Conven tion to bo held In l'hocnU on Tuesday, Sep tember S3, ltVHJ. for the purpose of nominat ing a Delcgato to Congress, the selection of a Territorial Central Committee, and the selic tlon of a Chairman and Secietaiy of that committee. 2. For tho purposo of nominating candi dates for tho arlous county offices. 3. For tho purpose of selecting a County Central Committee totcrve for tho ensuing two years, and tho tiansactlon of such other business as may comobcforotl.u convention. Primaries for tho ptuposc of electing dele gates to said convention will bo held In each of tho precincts named below on Satuiday. Septembct 12, IPX. between the hours of ; p. m. and 9 o'clock p. in. Tho test of the right to vote at such primary shall be affirma tive answer to thc(iiestloii: "Will you sup port tho Republican ticket at the coming No vember election?" The basis of repicsentutlon in thisconuu tionwlll be ono delegate foi uvqiy twenty votes and ono delegate for each fraction of twenty votes over Uftccn cast for li. II. Cam eron for sheriff at the election of Novimbei, 1W1. The number of delegates to which each precinct shall be entitled Is as follovvb: II UMSPSaA K?2?iV iiuiiemoill .... I Canyon Diablo . . . 1 Challcndcr . i Flagstaff is l'redonla . . i Hay Lake. i Mormon Dairy .. i Stone Ranch ... i TubaCity i Wood's Ranch i Williams ' ... 0 Total 10 Pioxifswlllbeadmltttdln the convention only when held by togulaily elected dele gates to such convention. Such provlcsmust bo in writing, signed by tho person glv Ing It. Tho Inspector and Judges of said pilmaiy diction may bo chosen by the Republican vottisof the several picclncls at any time bfoio tho day set for the pilmarles. Ily order of the Republican County Initial Committee of Coconino county. i:. S. Ci,ARK, Clinhnian. O. M. FD.ssio.N.Seciclaiy. "Talk about a SOO-eeiit dollar," sajs Senator 'JhniMon, i curving to ftee silver tn aim's thaigu that Ihe gold dollar lias appiecialid in vlue instead of -IIir tlepieeialiiig; "well, if that is the ease, t, faimeis ale getting eohsideinhh nunc than a dol lar iy IiusIilI fin- their wheat, while Amciiean laboi is gellingnlniost three times iho coinpeiioaiion it did in 187!!, Whtn fcilvei w us di monetized."' The sixteen to cue that suits tho Sun best Is sixteeu paid up subscribers to ouo delinquent. The gold standard Democrats have decided to hold a national convention nl Iudhnapolis on September 2d. It is said by Democrats who know that Mark Smith will be nominated delegate to Congress on tho first ballot. Bryan's speech at Madison Gat den was w holly on tho defensive. He was not the deiiaut orator he was at tho Chicago convention. The Tucson "Stat" is the only Democratic papor iu Alizotu opposed to the nomination of Mark Smith as delegate to Congress. A NEW Spanish paper has Lacn slatted iu 1'hocnix. It is called "La Opinioti PuLlieu" is Democratic in politics, and is published from the "Gazette" olllce. The "Watei melon King" is tho title imposed on a Gila Bend rancher. Ho shipped twenty cat loads of melons, 30,000 in all, this year, and sold them at a proiit of live cents each. A water melon ranch is us good as a gold mine. FREE FOR ONE DAY. Holfiicli ltelcaocd on Iliibeus Corpus, but Arrested AkiiIii. Last week the SUN contained an ac count of the arrest of John D. llel frieh, alias Johu D. Heluine. He was charged with ciuhciling the funds of Elinnio count, Idaho, while assessor and tax collector of that cottuly. Friday a writ of habeas corpus was obtained aad Helfrich v;.s brought befote the com t commissioner, and upon c.aniiuatiou it was decided that he was being illegally held, and his telease was ordered. Helfiicli hid himself with the expec tation of geltiug away on the first op poitttuity. Sheriff Cameron piocutcd a wairaut for his arrest, and Friday night the place where Helfiicli was supposed to be iu hiding was watched by a foice of deputies. About day light Sal m day morning Helfiicli emeiged from hiding and slipped iuto tho aims of Deputy Sheriff Camel on, who placed him in jail Shci iff Oliver of Mountain Home, Idaho, anived on Sunday afternoon and will take Helfiicli to Idaho to-morrow. The downfall of Helfrich was caused by diiul; and gambling. Ho had served ono tctm as deputy assessor and tax collector and proved a com petent and faithful ollicial, and two years ago he was elected to that office. Last December when his accouuts weiu audited ho was shoit nearly 5.000. lie was in Salt Lake City on a vacation, and when infotmed of the matter telegraphed that he would re turn and liv up tho shottagc. He stalled home, and on l caching tho sta tion this side of Mountain Home he disappc.ued, aud was not hcaid from but once until his arrest here. Had Helfrich lettirned his fiieuds would have lixed up the shortage, which really amounts to $2,500. .Suicide ut Congress. Woid was leceived heie this aftei uoon that John Healy, a mining man, well known in this and Mohave coun ties, had committed suicide at Cou giess Junction this morning by shoot ing himself through the head. It is alleged that he had been diinkiug hcavih for seveial days, aud about half-past 3 o'elock tins morning be cnteied tho office of the railroad agent through a warehouse aud it is sup posed piocured a pistol with which ho committed the deed. About 6:30 the landlady of tho lodging-house where he was stopping went to his room to gio him some medicine aud was suipiised as well as shookod to find him dead iu bed, with abullelhule in his head behind his ear. A pistol with ono chamber freshly discharged was 1 ing beside his dead body. Deceased was about 45 years of age, and had been engaged iu miuiug iu Mohavo-and Yavapai counties for sev eral yeais, being tho owner, with his biother, of some piomising mining piopertles iu both counties. His biother, 1'. A. Ileal, was formerly general passenger agent of the S. l, P. & P. railroad and is now general auditor of tho South Carolina aud Geoigia railroad, at Chai lesion, South Caioliiia. Another brother is ntrent if Ihc Santa Fu lailroad at Albu- qtieHjiii1. Jouiual-Miiicr. Ccoigo W. Smaller, the famous Aiuuiicau editor-author, has been gi anted a two months1 ho'.idn by his paper, the London "Times," aud has gnnu ubioatl 011 a special mission for (ho "Ladies' Homo .Journal." He has engaged to prepared n series of ar ticles for that magazluu. HERE AND THERE- Movements of Home Folks und Notes About Visitors. T. L. Bacon, a prominent stockman of Yavapai couuty. 1. E. Purves loft Monday for his old homo iu Sau Fraucisco. Col. M. H. McCord of Phoenix is speuding a few days here. T. . Johnston, and T. A. Norris of Prescott were in town Tuesday. A. T. Cornish and T. S. Bunch spent Sunday iu Williams. Ben K. Coffin and Bert Cameron .11 e at the Grand Canyon this week. J. F. Wallace, editor of iho Win slow "Mail," was iu town Smithy. Editor Jackson of the Needles "K)e" was a tisitor to Flagstaff Satuulav. D. M. Itionlati and Prof. IVinow left Satuiday to attend the .Moijui snake dauce at Oiaibai. Miss Aletha Cullln of Denver, Col , is v. Sailing her sisters. Mrs. P. G. Coi nisli and Mrs. E. S. Clink. TheUoatdof Sapenisois meet to day. They willliv tho rate of lai tiou for 1806 at this meeting. Misses Floi a aud Calla Mills, who have been spending tlio summer lieu-, returned to PhocuK esteidav. Frank M. Muiphy. pirsideiit of the S. F. P. & P. railway, was a passeugi-i on No. 1 Monday on his wa home from Chicago. Rev. J Fieri, Uev. T. M. Connolly, Chas. McGoniglo and W. F. Kisling bury aro visiting the Gland Cannon oj the Colorado. Mr. aud Mrs. W. II. Asian st, Miss Irvine, Mrs. Irvitio aud Mis: M. A. Snody left for a trip to the Grand Ci.uyou Tuesday. C. Kelsey aud son aud J. B. Tappan aud wife returned Tuesday from a six weeks' trip through the mountains south of here. ThoTenitorial Boat d of Equaliza tion raised the valuation of cattle 20 cents per head, making tlio valuation for Coconino county $7 70 per head. C. F. Cox, who has been teaching school at Fredonia, iu the northern part of tho county, for the past tin 00 years, returned to Flagstaff Satuulav. A. P. Walbtidgeof Phoenix, one of the leading temperance woikers of the Territory, attended thu .Sunday sehool convention here, tcturuing to his home Wednesday. Henry Huuing of Show-low, Aii zona, spcut several dnjs hetc this week. Mr. Iluning is one of the lead ing stockmen of Navajo and Apache counties. Gen. A. J. Sampson of Phoenix has been heie dining the week attending tho Sunday school convention. Mr. Sampson is making a tour of inspee tion of tho G. A. R. posts of the Ter ritory and visited Ransom Post 011 Monday night. Rev. J. Fieii, pastor of the Catholic church of this place, has just been offered and has accepted a professoi -ship in St. John Theological Seminar , Boston, Mass. The reverend doctor has resigned his pastorate here ami will leave iu a few tl.ys for his now field of labor. Rev. I. T. WhittemoK! of Floience has been attending the Sunday school convention hero and will leave to-morrow for the East to visit his daughter in Hinsdale, III. He will lemaiii until the meeting of the Pichteiinu synod in Albuquerque iu Noveinbci, and will deliver a series of temperauei lectures before that body. Klectlon of n I'nstor. At the congregational meeting of the First Presbtciiau church of Raton on Tuesday evening Rev. T. C. Moifell was unanimously chosen pastor of that church. Rev. Moffetl has been here for several months, and his miuistiv and character as a gentleman and citi zen has ntrengthcued the clmicli and endeated him to Iho people of Raton, Rev. Menaul, modoiator, of Albu quel que, presided. Col. F. R. Mathews was selected to present the call lo Ihc piosbtciy at Albl'qtieiqtie. Ralon Ramie. Lost 1111 Arm. Tho Los Angeles "Times" of Hu ll Hi sahi Dr. A. Roaiiu Tlioip--, a well-know 11 young denlist of ihi, ml, lost a band to-day by the accidental disehaigu of a shotgun. itb Ui. W. II. Smith he went lo C.ihunga v.ille.v I.. e-l.lK.. .1... ..3 VV'l.!t.. ..1. . .- r IU ouiru,. villi va. II UIIU a.lglilllin; I,) thobiigg Ids gun went uir, slni'iuing his haul ?o badly that it had lo be amputated. A peculiar thing is tlial Thorpe does not, us is hmuI in tu-li cases, remember that he took hold of, the muz.lo of the gun todiuvv il out nf llwl llllirirv. Tt iu v.iiiii,c,..l ,!...! I ... ...w v--f-e -- "''(nOWI vi, c 11,1111- mur caught in the lap lobe aud was discharged when that was cast aside. Cripple Tho iron grasp of scrofula has no mercy upon its victims. This demon of the blood is often not satisfied with causing dreadful sores, but racks tho body with tho pains of lheumalisin until Hood's Sarsaparilla cures. "Nearly four years ego I became, af flicted with scrofula atd rheumatism. Made Running sorc3 broke out on my thighs. Plea of bone came out and an operation wa3 contemplated. I had rheumatism in ray legs, drawn up out of shape. I lost ap petite, could not Bleep. I was a perfect wreck. I continued to grow worso and finally gavo up tho doctor's treatment to Well tako Hood's Sarsaparilln. goon appetite camo back; tho sores commenced to heal. My limbs straightened out and I threw away my crutches. I am now stout and bearty and am farming, whereas four years ago I wni n cripple. I gladly rec ommend Hood's Sarsaparllla." URBAN Hammond, Table Grove, Illinois. Hood's Sarsaparilla Istlio OneTruc Wood Purifier. All druggists. $Cl Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Masf . cure liver Ills, easy to tlOOa S FllIS take, easy to operate. 0. TERRIU0RIAL ASSESSMENT- O11I roil 1- Counties In tlio Territory s-liovv 11 Until In Wealth. Another day or two at the oulside will bit fli co for Iho Tenitoiial Board of Equalization to complete ils labors. 1'ho assessment fiom each county is iu except that of Gila, which is en lonte. Four counties have added to their wealth tho past ear, M.uieopa. Co iliise. Apache aud Graham. 'Ihc others have made no advancement iu wealth. Maiieopt has ileal 1 onc thiid ot tho wealth of tho'IVi litoi, having addid 11t-.11 1 y half a million the past vear. The value of piopuilv, ill iho Tenilorv as a whole has iueieascd uqtiaiterof a million. The following table, exclusive of Gila count, iu 189G, is a-lf.rilaiiatoi- : County, Apache . Cochise Coconino Gila Graham Maricopa Mohave. Navajo I'Ima . . . I'lual Yavapai . Viim.i. Total A pacho Cochise Graham Maricopa Coconino Navajo IMma Pinal Viiui-i lea".. 16M. .0:20 ujai.mea 2.23.1 701 t!) .373.503 CO 2,07J, l."5 07 818.K10 M 1.KJ3WISI 7Vjr.T3'J 10 1,231.0V.) M 1.110,003 07 . 3. 190.171 ta 1 .MO.Ttil C7 3.1GI.U7 W 1.10.V0!-3 7 J27.C1S.322 TO O.V1.V. ).91l,!'Si 1,'m.ili 10 ,v7i,es co J, 032.023 11 3J3),5."9 CO 1 510.037 78 3.1IE1.8I7 00 1,0S3,C0; V0 i 28.28a 40 121.H0 00 KiO.113 03 ttfl.OW 0 513I.170 22 77.137 02 r3.9l5 a i2;m 30 CM 3 .VUlbil 07 'I hu boald milled to this total an assessment for ?10,!)20 for cats owned b the II111I011 block Car Coin pan for "loci, cats leased ami oper.ttcd on Iho M. A: P. & S. R. Vail.' lailioad. The boald lidded 10 pi-i cent lo the value of laud in Vunia counl. Hoises iu Pima and Cochise coun ties wele laisel 10 pur cent Gaelle. Ilow'n 'I Ills! We offer Ouu lluiidud Dollars Re w:ti"l fin .111 ease of Catarih that can not be cm cd b Hall's Calai ill Con-. F. J. Chkni.v & Co., Piop., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cliene foi the last lo )ea'f, ami believe him pcifccth hmioiable iu all bu-.ines tiaiisaelious ami linaneiall able to can- out mi) obligations made b I heir linn. West it Tinas, Wholesale Diuggist, Toltilo. O. Walding, Kinnau v&Marviii, Wholc-itln Diuggiit, Toledn, O. Hall's Calaiih Ctliu is taken inter nall, acting diieeth upon thu blood and mucous suifaees of thu sstem. Pi ice 7.rie. per bottle. Sold bj all diuggisK Testimonials free. Hall's Fiimil Pills aid (he best. .MA lilt li: l. AHKILLs-PU.MMKltS -In 1 llll.uns, August 10, ISM, JIKs Ju It. Soiiimi-rs to Kihv.ud Ai kills. Kov. J. ticilofflcl itliis. Itla rold on a Ruatanteo Ijt all druir- . . . V4V WVHMx kum ViVUV VUXVl I COcts. r.ndJwV rt ffi m si.ooi!ottio.E m a m 7 J Jm I Iha aimI n rltnA rm. f7. Bl H VJ H , - 1'TiMiTii BARGAINS! 25 PER CENT DISCOUIT. m J l iiiay isi ana DRY GOODS, BOOTS ATSITD SHOKH, AT A r xmi nt 111- FOR H. A. ROGERS Atlantic & Pacific H.R. Condrnoed Time Table No. Effective May 31, im. t-t. WEsT. I EAST. !no. sIno. t STATIONS. No. .1. 1 No. 1 I0 25piI.v. Llilcupo ArJOWp'. .. j ip .. .nansas.uny iT.toa . :p! - Itenver .. ill 30a!. -45al Alhiiqucniuc Ar 841p .... 8 15ii(. .Wlueate. Lv lOOpl. ... uiuai .uiiuup. ..3 zap; 1 li i nuiuruuK tuiaa I 30 p Wlnslovr . 10 40 a 4 05 p Flagstaff 8 50 a 9p, . Williams 7 30a 1.1 p Ar AsliJ'nrk V 5 55 a 0 45 a' Lv Ash Fork AH fl 45 p 8 30aAr Prescott I.v,4ti5p 15pAr Pliocnlx l,v' 0 15 a 0 501) 8 45 1 eSOa COO a 8 50 d 11 :'. i! 635a 2 55 a 015a Mp 8 45 p TllnlLv Asli Fork Ari 5Mm' sunn 1 ;a T r, a 8 .V, a I 10 p 1 M p 0 00 p lla)pLv Klnirman Lv' 1 3i a 10 33 p 1 30 a, The Needles . 11 10 n. 7 15 11 3 0.1a Make. . , 9 55p 610p nop I2:i5p 850a iu.1 .. .IMKBL-ll . bip 8 lOnjAr .ISarstow . 820p J Ai ...Mojave I I 2.1 p1 A r L01 A nirclcs Lv 10 15 a 0 30pAr. trail Diego.. Lv' 730a! lAi'J-an Fran'co LV 10 1.1 al 500 p Pullman Palace Sleeping Cais dally through lietvvecn Chicago and ban Fran clico and Chicago and Los Angeles. Pullman TinirNt Sleeping Cars, dally through between Chicago and -an Francisco and Chicago and Los Angeles. Peisonally conducted Tourist cats leave Pan rranclsco every Wednesday and Los Angeles cveiy Thurvl.iy. running through to Kansas Cltv. Chlca-roand llostnn. The tJiand Caii.von of the Coloiadoean he ivaclud only via this line. Ask for a beautifully Illustrated book which will be mailed free. . DON A. SWEET. General L'asonger Agent, Albun.uern.ue, N.M. ic -AND- Loan nssociation Or jNTexr York. NO MEMBERSHIP, ENTRANCE OR ADMISSION FEES. Dctlulto contract. Limited payments. Puiely mutual. Absoluto security. Assets Impregnable. Practical managcu cut. -iwnses limited- assuring economy. Stock iiou-forfeltable. lVislstency icwarded. Per manent. Specific withdrawal privileges. i:qultab!e. b All bccuiltlcs dciiosltid In tiust. .Mort gages non-negotiable and non-us-dsnablc precluding los. Kxua assessnionts Impos slblc. Sicnrlties only flist moitgnge and stock. IN:0 BOiXlLJS. Alany tine after sl muutlilv payments liivcbcen made, if a member Is uuablo to pay duos through sickness or loss of Hoik, lie can I ccelve Suspension C'eiliHcato font lea son iblopjilod. allowing him to resume pay ments after Ills elicuinst-inces Improve, --iLiivniv susiaiiiiug 105S oi uivuiends, Assocl.tloi. li.thornltedPlat.s'MnTipr Tf) CfiElf'SJTCSV ivlilel. no loss is sustain,,! by Unending i $ if 1 1 J T j J rHl 1 1? 1 1 til J irrovveison lejecttd applications for loans. , "' ,UU U ' (-U,! " In borro Compound liite.est. IssUis stock lo suit all iiiiiusoi juicsiors. .vuviiiici- ii.ivni,.,,! ..... ecpted. pieclmlliig nos-lbliliv of inei,r,i..l n....u c,..i. i. .... r. . ,,.,1 mi, 1 tell,' '.,,,,., ,,)V,k, ...... Hied numbur of payments thereon has been inadc;0 per cent per annum iii.iv-.thin i,ir. ycaily)is allowed thereon until matuilty. Iti plan Is unique aud Its dcstlm-H inn-. i manUt. "' t uontinuino 7R pty mi CASH. Santa Fe, Prescott X Phoenix Railway GGmpany. Time Tabic No. R effivtiv Mountain time Is Maial. nl ' bOUTIl. STATION - No.3 No.l 1 . 8MP 6 45 a lv Ahli Fork ar 1, i , , 7 31 1 ltock Huttc f - 8 Si ' Dtlliio ( 8 40 I Jerome Junc'u 4 31 lar Prescott lv, ) , 9 45 lv Pitscott ai i , 10 21 summit i' 10 31 10 47 1135 11 M) I l.'ij.l 115 I 30 I fckullValUy , 133 I 1147 I KlrklaiKl 2 40 12 4.1 p DatcCuik 3 20 122 C'onpics 41 2 05 Wlrkt'iimirg 6 00 1 3 30 Peoria 14 12 i 12 1 11 1" V if u '1 012 3 42 G lend -lie 8 28 ' 3 37 Allumhra fl41ai 115 par Plirciil lv S. F., P. & P. sai .WITH Tlli 1 1 & S. F. Is the Shortest and Quh-ke t P ji ver, Kansas City, t-t Louis 1 1,1 , Points East. The Scenic Line of irizona, The Best Route to California, Cnly North and South Lhe in Arizona. f (iiailll (..HlV'Mliif II, ' - I'etrilii-d 1 ore-t. To the i Cieat Pine I oipst Clill Uivclllngs, IGi-cat b lit ltiver V .1 i And numerous olhu iinis .f Through tickets lo -ill puni United Mute.s, Caiuda and Mei u comfoils and eonveiiitneos cf 1 tii 1 e road, with superb fci.lptiic!it Clo-e connections nude at n 1 t Santa Fe route faa nam-, in i i and west. Trains for (alifoui i . Foik at 7-15 and c t". i u- m I ivnguiea nei .iiieinihiii al l j.i , - I Cisco second morn!-, gal In 15 Parties desiring Ion minion - will Und excellent jn-eoi hihhI -i I I Harvey's hotel. ' I Nos. 1 and 2 enmiis-t at i i i i i with tialns of Hu- 1'nliiil V-i,. Itallnay foi Jerome Coutus iinq I with stage lines foi ail p!lini,i Camps; at Congress nil h stage il-ii-f " qua llala, btantou and Yauieli .ii I i with the si. & P. A. - 15. V 15 ,i i n points on Southern I'ai-Ille Hall . Gro. M. SAnor.Nr. General l" u I scngcr Agent. Prescott P. M. Muupiiy. Picsldcnt and ( m . M agcr, Prescott, Ail. 1. E. WlLrjs. Assistant Oeueril v n ' Prescott. Arlr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. lIlOMLsTEAI) i:xTHY N- I.tNnOrncfc ATPatstoTi i i August J IMi Notice Is heieby given that thf follow named settler lias Hied notice of 1 s a tlon to make final proof In siipp n f claim, and th it said proof will I' " 'J' fore cleik of Probate Court ..t I ' Alloua on Sptemliii 11. Ism ' i u I). Wendoiei for the lots .1 luidt ' ' ' " N'W i Section l,Toiishipa' N n .i I T East. Hoiiainei the followieg vvitm- t I Ills cunllniems lcslili nee iijio i. i'J ' tlon of ,lil land, viz tli nl .- " ITngEl.ilT. Aril.: A. II. Cisso-u i I Ari?.; Meven Piiitviniin, of I ; '. f v John lli,rringtou of 1 lags! ifT V II. 1) l.OS 1 I'll st publication August t ! I.OWle.uiis Miintedlo l.iul i -n. ..... . ., ? .?i..i. I ... 1,,.. , .11,1 .,,, ,,, U,,, Titl copper back from Globe to Fori ' " '" OILA VALLEV, GLOI1E A M't.lil' ' UAILWAYCO., . , By WM.GAitt,A.vD. 1'H's.dcnt. Address: Bowie, a,. T, Br vkjL M S'P W "4