Newspaper Page Text
4&a Ai w &. u "iSa&x. r:f. W S&tfSSB,, aisssaa arv- --, i. k .-, j!Scimj-1 ihAftMCR- ' i. ifiiNiiiaaiiiittH j .r x . -. , .iii-s n.j.i.. ,.T-pw " m '- J- TOJW' '. C.W.' '.; , i? 73" j. - ,",t . , , J 5. V H"?" , - ""- fc . -, ' l -a J I M rrft t l$k 1.1 s; ! MS i'Hl ,1! !i 1 ir.i m M 1I Mi, IftlOT Sir r 'I DESERVED HONORS. Uecoratlona of Koynlty Which Have Hceu rn'rly Wim. There nrc princes mul princesses who wear among their decorations med als for saving life nt the risk of their own, medals that liavo not been grant ed by way of mere compliment, says tho New York Mercury, but which havo been honestly and honorably earned. Other monarchs whoso courage and presence of mind entitle them to wear this highly-prized bailee are prevented from so doing by reason of tho fact that it falls within their own province to confer it, and they do not wish to bestow it upon themselves. A royal lady decorated with this medal is Dowager Queen Pia of Portugal, who is as magnificent o swimmer as tho qucou regent of Spain or Princess Ilclen of Orleans. Queen Pia, while fully dressed, swam out into the sea at La Grauja somo years ago and rescued two children whose boat had been capsized by a heavy sea. Her son, the present king of Portu gal, ought by rights, to wear one of these- medals as well, having last year personally intervened in :i struggle be tween two men and saved tho life of the wcalcer of the two, in addition to hold ing the would-be murdeier until assist ance could be procured. King Oscar of Svv cden wears a life saving medal, granted him beforo he ascended the throne by Emperor Na poleon III. lie lias tho right to near several medals of tin1, sort, for the net of courage thus recognized by the French ruler is by no means tho only service to humanity rendered by tho royal Analc. Tho feat whioh won him the was the stopping, on tho Corniche road, of a pair of runaway horses which ero on the point of precipitating them selves, aloug with the cai riago and its occupants, over n precipice upon the rocks many hundred feet below. At another time he plunged into tho water to save a boy from drowning at Nice; and while serving in tho Swedish navy ho sprang overboard one very equally night to save a sailor vt ho luid fallen into the sea. His son, Prince (, wears a Swed ish medal for saving tho life of a drown ing man whose boat had been capsized by a sudden puff in the port of Knrls krona. Almost identically the same feat was performed two years ago by the gigan tic Prince George of Greece, who dived from the quarter-deck of a man-of-war anchored in the Bay of Piraus to rescue a sailor. He has likewise been specially decorated by the emperor of Russia for preserving the tsarovitz from dcatli in Japan. FRIGHTENED THE HOODLUMS. A Bnomballlnc Guns: Iu a Cross Street De fcxtcti liy Strntecy. "That was rather a neat way a friend of mine got the better of a hoodlum gang of snow bailers one day recently," &.llrl llnrnlir nf Mm i.liilt npcnwltnif f the Xcvv York Sun. "There were about fifty boys of various sizes and ages, most of them above ten years, and they had taken complete possession of a block on one of the cross streets tin town. Every man who came into that street was snowballed out of it, and tlio drivers and their horses were mer cilessly pelted. Whenever a policeman would come in sight lookouts would notify the gang and they would mote to another block and the reign of ter ror would begin there. If a man de cided to chase one part of the gang tin- others would move up close behind him and make the attack so terrific that i? nine cases out of ten he would be glad t b0t,.s tho child, softens the gums, to flee for his safety. ,, ,, . , ,. , "This friend of mine happened along '""i" "" l,'u"' n,,L'8 wiml c,,li('' !l,ld ," when such a bombardment was going. '" 1,,"!'t remedy for dianhica. It will on, and he saw a man wild with rage relieve tho poor little sufferer imnie escape w-ith hat gene and clothes be- llIlllelv. SoIll by druggists in ever spattered from head to foot. Now it ', , ' , ob was necessary for my friend to go into ' I"" l uf ,1,n wnl1''- 1 wcnty-Iivu cents that street to serve a legal paper. He a bottle He sure and asV for "Miv. haw tho householders crowding to their Winslow's Soothing Srup," and take windows and enjoying the sport almost . ... as much as the boys, and he knew that "n """'r K,n"- when his turn came not only must he run the gauntlet of n terrific fire, but ho must be subjected to tho ridicule and laughter of the spectators. Ho shut his lips tight and went in. He had beon particular to notice a heap of pretty clean snow about ono hundred feet from where tho attack would be! gin. Ilis hat was soon knocked off nnd the&uowballs were pounding him on tho bare head and on his clothes. He made for that heap of clean snow as bteadily as he could, and just as he reached it and just 03 a ball btruck him on tho head near ono of his cars he throw up his hands and fell into that snow as if he had been knocked uncon hcious. "Ho had planned this from the start. There were cries from tho spectators, and shouts that the man had been killed. Instantly every one of those .street Arabs fled, and in tho twlnl'ing of an ovi nnl nun wns tn lw kipn ! was an easy matter for my friend to pull himself together again, and then he went on unmolested." , . --- I A rattlr's Injcnulty. done Enormous business has been lately at French fairs by a man who professed to sell a rat powder that was perfectly harmless and that btruck rats dead on the spot. In order to convince the sitcptical. tlio man. first of nil. nn ,ln,,i n ii.. i , .....l i,..'1...., ..v.. .. O..V.V ui iukhi wun mo sunt, ana ato a piece ot it himself. Then lie put the remainder under a glass ease, in which a rat w as kept in captivity. The tat went to cat the bread and instant ly fell dead. At five pence a box the powder went off like hot rolis, and the lucky proprietor of tlio specific was in n fair way to make a fortune. Hut the police, who in France are very active in protecting tlio pcoplo from fraud, looked into tho matter and found that tho powder was nothing but ordinary biigar. Tlicy also discovered that the was euiiuecictl with a powerful electric battery, and tlio mmnmit t... nttouclifd thn l,v nl .1 ,no'"CIlt the rai lottctica the bread tho current was turned on, and it wits thusliia ,i,.nii. was urougiit about. Tho man was ar- . . .. riHieu ntino air of Albi, and he has ocnteneeu to fifteen days' impris- cunest T VIOO Iteward 1O0. The readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that thero ia at least one dreaded riUcnso that science has been able to euro iu all'its stages, aud iliat is Catauh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is llm only positive cum known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cut o is talon internally, acting dt lectly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of tho system, thereby destroy ing the foundation of the disease, and giving tho patient strength by build ing up tho constitution aud assisting nature in doing its work. The pro pi tutors lmvo so much faith In its cur ulvo powers that tlioy offer Oue IIuii dicd Dollars for any ease that it fails to ciuo. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co , To ledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Tho Los Angeles "Kxnew" says that the Philliarmouleii Hand of Tuc son, now playing at thn seaside resorts, is tlio best musical organization of its kind either iu Aiizouaor Now Mex ico. The Los Angeles Philharmouica Hand g:iu a banquet ami ball iu honor of the visitors from tho ancient pueblo. A Vnlunblo Prescription. Editor Monison of Worthington, Intl., "Sun." wiites: "You have- a valuable prescription In Electric Bit teis, aud 1 can checi fully recommend it for Constipation and Siek Headache, and as a gencial system tonic it lias no equal." Mis. Annie Stehle, 2625 Cottage Giovo Ave., Chie.igo, was all i tin down, could not eat nor digest food, had a b.tclaehu which never left her, and felt tired and weary, but six bottles of Electric Hitteis restored her health ami lencwed her strength. Pi ices 50 cents and $1. Get a bottle it I). J. Hrauiieii'x Drug store. AuibUBhcd the l'ossc. A IlUueu dispatch of the 12th sajs: SherilT Leatherwood lias just nirivVd lieteand reports that the posse headed l3 he and ShelitT Fly while pursuing the Nogales haul robheis were ain btixheil iu Skeleton can on, Stein's I'eak llange. New Mexico, at 4 o'eloek M'steid.iy afternoon. Frank Mob-ton, i Mi-a City go eminent line rider, was shot throu;h tho forehead and lilh'd. alo two horses RoImii) was well and fuvoinbh, known here. Ilis vifc ami family are at Fairbanks. Leatherwood is enlisting additional iieis to eontiuuo tho pursuit. Hi eaves at once, going to San Bernar dino to-night. For Ovor Fifty Vonr. .Mis. Winslow'rt Soothing Syrup has been used for over iifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with pel feet success. i mjjni oi ..-vz. .. i ri m- orJiuarr" );yntor ( derCdi.'oS mj vi iu?a?0. It h. H.-.. - I U KW dorietl by th leadm srlca- k"1 a d Amorica. '$ a0 fbie. ilu iyn "pi rrcrn. tarenomot lb niich aria LOST KtfHOOD. '.m '.ll''HUInl'Jtt .t iu.n. ',- uidmti vt'vt7v vr vj iTatoenliria tenti. I'renn'Hrei s nni Imp't Tl ' t It is t ymi.tun " ie o tad barrenno s It cu to stop by thi ut n dt all Tlisueir dh Tf-f waiinsxl'1 l" '' . t tii i o.i. vltallr-r e'7 porini nit hr.n,i.. in 't- trutio hml! n. e yi. ir.1l i . iup tho oil ..m ii'ni.iy Y et 1r,,m " Hh a Mfrtioi u and el entn. ., - .-, wi t.isgm ii' m ti v".' .Hudson .tikoicai.!" STiTLTit, Htooktno, MHtket and Kl.ta ota., it) FBAIICMCO, CaUlvtUl. rMv''S'iYMf(rtm 14'?ZWkmnWm&.MttSit TTlItST "ijr.Jfift9iei-3s'ifta r MR Cnnit'ptlon, TWE9I dizziiie.F'Hll. HfKgJM Inic n-.. HrV KSJiyTa tlun-,N rrn TBk 1(W:'I3 twi'cli 1 u uBOSCi. 6tJa Olli-1. r . W""H Sl'.,liUi In.i- tS)?A a l tci E4D' f ' ' " ' r.'v "" JLjlKl wriVa ri"ir(. 'hJigMlQlter '"i"i mm WWrTOTV" " ' && . The highest M tobaccos i. "J not as good as Dm ham." Rvcry old smoker V-' knows there i' none just as good a:5 Mad ? n e a amount You 'will find on" cacJitMooiinecl pons ins-Ac cm M - I coupon which bagol IIIjcLw Ir-iI-niLnm. Buy n bag of tins cele brated tobacco and r ad the ' of valuable presents ml how to get C TfV: PKOFKSSIOXAl.. DR.D.J. IlKANNHN, rilYSICIAN AND Sunrcon. rincMan. Arizona. Will n- hponcl promptly to ult c.ills from any point on the Atlantic & Pacific ltitllroad. Olltcu and drug store onposltu tlio depot. i T 8. nODINsON. M. I).. rLAGSTAl'l'. VV Arizona. Ofllco and rcildcnco In tlio I'rcsbyti'ilun pimoniiKO. Teleplionu No. K. EM. SANFORD. ATTOKNEY AT LAW. , l'rcsoott, Arizona. Will practice In all tlio courts of Arizona. "T? M. DOK. ATTOKNEY AT I,AW, P.. OIUco two doors west of tlio Hank hotel, I'lncbtatT, Arizona. ES. CLAHK, ATTOKXnY AT LAW. . Office in the ll.ibbitl building. Flag stutr, Arizona, l'ructico before tlio Land Department a specalty. J OSEPII JOHNSTON, Notauv 1' ASU Justick or tiik I'eaci; Williams, .... Has all the legal blanks in uso In tlio .Ter ritory. SKCUUT SOCIKTIKS. A O. V. W.-FI.AOSTAFP LODGE, No. 13. ". Meets every Thursd.iy nlglit. InO. A. Ft. Hall. Visiting Workmen ale cordially In Wted. I". U. HUUIIDKItlTKIt, M. W. V. M. Funston, ISucuriler. OUKT COCONINO. I. O. 1'.. NO. tin, V '" t every TneMlay eeiiln; In O. A. K b.ill. Visiting brethren cordially Imlledtt. attend. O. M. FUNsION, C. It. LouisSl'lElut, It. S. T7LAGSTAFF 7 ItvKUlar nic rTlt'lit ot each c LODGE. NO. 7. F. A. A. M. meetings on the llrst bnturda) h ctletidar nioiith In AlKsonii Hull. Kllnatrtck bultdliiLr. o1olllllIllk brutlirvn cord. ally Inlted. J. UUTUItli: SAVAGE. W. M T. E. 1'L'I.LIASI. eccretary. FOKESTOAMI'. NO. 1. WOODMEN OFTII I World, meets tlnt and third Wdnednj evenings In each month In .Masonic ll.ill VhltliiBSOverclKns are i-onllullr lnlled t attend. II. U. KISLINUltLUV. Consul C'otninander. C. A. ICcLLEn. Clerk. ' A. K.-HF.GULAK MEETINGS 01 It.. No. i. Dcnart J, Itansnin Tost. O. A ment of Arizona, will bu held in 0. A. It hat on second and last Saturday In each month L. L. UUHN, Commander. E. 11. Ciicsg, l'o,t Adjutant. T O. O. F.-1'LAGSTAl F LODGE. NO. II 1. meets e ery Filday utcnln,; In Ma-oni nail. Vlsltlnj; brethren eonll.ulv lnlled. .1. W. WEAl'IIEItloItt), N. li. Chas. C'r.AiiK, becretary. 7,fOUNTAlN LODGE. NO. iru K. OF 1 ivl miutncterv iiuutHCtvry Wednesday nlsht In tliei 3 hall in li. A. It. hall. All visltln. cumiu hall in li. A. It. hall. brothers lnt lied to attend. W. A. MAYFLOWnit, C. C. 0. II. Codle, K.of U.S. CllUltCIl DIltECTOKY. "ATIIOLIO OHUUCII, KEV. F. FKKK Pailoi. On 6iiiidny: First Mahsat ui.oc u. m.; Keuonit MaotnilJa. m. aundu school ut 11 a. m, btenln terilcu ut f..M t in. On Mut'U days .Man ut 7 u. m. On n. second Sunday of each month prayer mill n.K at Iu u. m. Mindly HChuol at II li. m. A cordially Invited. UMltbT E. OIIITItril, f'OKNEIt Ol d 51. Ilan 1 Chuicli and Laieux btuetb, It lord Pastor. 1'ieaclilinr at It a. in. and 7 n. n Sundays; Sunday hcliool at 10 a. in.. Um'h jiiisuii, BUieiiiiiei.doiit. Llas lueetlii-, . ':lu p. in, i-.pnoiin Ltniiu u.uj p. i iiuyer mietln WcUnesduy einuu at ,:a Evuiybody welcoinu. l'itESIlYTF.KlAN UlIlTniM oith San Francisco htrcei. II. I turner, p.i.Mi,., c.i.. ath set vices': I'ttiuli 11 a m. anil fc p. ui.; Sundav scliooi. I li.; .l'.s. i.. 1.. pi.,yel ineiiliii., .:1 .uiU-wcek coiileiiiuu und piajr.i. We. i. Ujy ueiuiiK at n p. m. Aeuiuiai iiitn.n IseXleiiUed louii. A.P.T.L. The American Protective Tariff League U a national organization advocating "Protection to American Labor and Industry" as explained by its constitu tion, at follows : "Thaohjaotof thli LaagutahaJI bato protast Amarioan labor by a tariff on Import, which ahal tdaquataly aaoura Amarioan InduatrUl produotl aJnat tha compatltlon of foraijn labor." There are no personal or private profits in connection with the organiza tion and it is sustained by memberships, contributions and the distribution of its publications. FIRST: Corraipondanoa la aolloitad ranrdintr J'r Mambarahlp " and " Official Corraapondanta.' '8EC0ND: W naad and walooma eontributionfc' whathar amall or larga, to our cauia. THIRO: Wf publlah a larfa llna of documant eovarlnr all phataa of tha Tariff quaition. Com plttaaatwlll bamallad toanyaddraaafor 60 eanta. FOURTH: Band poatal card raquait for fraa aamnla esov of tha "Amarioan EMmmLi WtbtfVt?rl?,r4lMf, 1 claim for other iiio coupon Jusidc i;,o"ilt icoti- li fo r i.t.ticc iirs n list tnciu. ARIZONA CATTLE CO., liauge, San Francisco Mountains. IJKANIJ: Ear marks, silt In each ear; hoffes and imiliix, Al, tiixht hip; Incieaso, At on right shoulder. 1'. O addross. Flngstiiir, Arizona I'll AMI M. Livi.iimoiik, Ociieial .Manager. , Alfrril ,J. W Fant Ilrandon rljlit tide as In cut ear marks crop off left and silt in K.une; ranKO In ian Francisco mouniains. 2(ta I osltolllcc. 1 lagstaff Ilorso brand. Al' bar. on rlfiht shoulder ARIZONA LUMBER 00 l'bto!ficaat drn,, Flat ttel, ArUana ltunf. Bar Fra nolaoa nonntalnA Van pit Co A.I. HorM,mnlaa ad eattla brandad aj La cat. 0lt B3jnbird oesatcatif ah an lt eLaok aiumiT huoi r-to!9oK adJutt. t'.it tall, sriaomi. ICcito, Cl.rVa Y.1I.7 Mogolli e laontulna Brand na nhoTa est AH ;iii(ttnok brscd J on botb aida, wit wsllow fork and mn dublt ia aach tart alx n tha fi.llowiu Itoot. T. sll ariirlitra li aid' of asi'sal Bout CkMI. ton I i.rnttl rt m rlaataldti i catlja, c n rliat alda; koro rifktaldti ad. CO. rai nr. TAH. Ilasr 9ti,ttt alrht aoil. of Flcntafl Yit tsl oonotr. Iitilr branJd i t al. ieftrlbn; ftrmarki qaa-a cot oa tUh i-nr, itar il. ob lf tat. , ESTi 2-ffiC:-3iijiJl t'natntBr a.t.lrrt Pla( ArtiivnA SEWING MAGHE SUPPLIES! I fimiMi Need lis. Oil, lleltliis. eliuttltv, tc : also all pin and pieces for thirty mo diirereiit kinds of vL.nnS machines leslililirilnr.icenl fortliu iilmtf, I sell the iVorld's famous EELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE, "asli or iiislallmenl.s. Willnfor prlets mid pirtlenl.irs. VV. H. CLARK, -lolb rook, .A. . TT. ifiS. RIPAHS TABULES Are just an old, old remedy In this new sliape. Doctors have always given this prescription in water! We nave them in this shape simply for their handiness. IUPAK3 TADULES era llko an Eaglncer golug oror his blir and powerful matlilnery Rtvlng a Ilttlo nocrtsarjr lubrlratlnK to the noe!rul portal Ifl WJta TADULES do tliia for .YOU. Constipation, Dizziness, Nausea, Dyspepsia and JMal-Nutrltlon oil yield to Rlpans Tabules. At Drnc Stores or Sent by Mall for M Cent. luri' CnnuciiCo., 10 Bpruco s t.Ko-w York wfsm ElS srs HAN) p f2r& ft I (J J9 n't t"l y W MIA: J4iAVV.TEi P7' r tTP -f JS lv mmmf JKJBtgJ iyiirt-5;'3 ill vrjjygy m THE JUSON TYPEWRITER IS fl GOOD JIHIKE. flklSmLirV lliHP lliP sitEwrow."' A HIGH GRADE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. THE fllJJlSOH TYPEWRITER COpIPfttfY, Marxufactuti-ers, SAOSAA WEST LAKE I he Indestructible "Maywood "is Host Molcra, UestQslUUo, yo;t Eurabh AND STRONGEST VHiccl on E&rth. BICYCLE nATrvTi I Feb. 84, 1801 lATL5,IS IMay 17, 1801 A Bicycle constructed of mat;rial that is solill, tough and wiry; that is sirn plo in construction, easily taken apart and put together again, has few parts is of such wiry material that its parts will hold together even in an accident, no hollow material to be crushed in by every contact; a frame that cannot possibly be broken, a frame so simple that its adjusting parts sen e as its connecting parts, aone-piecs crank in place of a dozen parts, always ready to give reliable and rapid transportation. SPECIFICATIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS. FRAME. Improved Double Diamond. What Is a Double Dia mond Frame? Simply a true truss in every direction for strains that occur in Cycles tho outline of two diamonds in its makeup. The frames are constructed of Ji-inch cold rolled steel rods, the toughest and strongest metal for its weight known ind the parts are joined together with steel and aluminum bronze fittings in such a manner that it is impossible to break or any part to work loose A marval of r.oelt simplicity and durability, tho greatest combinationof ingenuity in bic)cle mechanism, to build a frame without brazen joints and tubing, as you know that frames con tinually break and fracture at brazen joints, and tubes when they arc buckled in can not be repaired. AVo guarantee our Double Diamond Frame for three years. You cannot break it. Standard size steering head and wheel base ball bearings both endsof head cl WHEELS. 23-inch front and rear, warranted one-piece wood rims, best qual ity piano wire spokes and brass nipples, large barrel hubs, fitted with ' Arlington-' hose pipe. Morgan & Wright "quick repair." or some other first-class pneumatic tire PATES INTERLOCKED CRANK AXLE CASES AND BEARINGS. Indestructible ball bearings throughout, with 148 hardened steel balls Crank shaft bearings are fitted with our patent ball cases, which are inter locked and support each other and cannot possibly come apart while in uie Are neat and cover the bearings completely It has been an acknowledged fact that crank axle-bearings are susceptible of improvement, as threaded cones or crank axles are continually crowding or working loose. We save this entire nuisance by having no threaded parts whatever, but a clever device in frame for adjustment Our invention is most perfect in simplicity and must be seen to be appreciated The sprocket and chain are on the inside of the frame and ball bearings. Great value is gained b this arrangement, ease of running, double wear saved, positive never loose bearings, free dom from contract with chain and sprocket, smooth outward globular ball bearings, less friction and lost motion, hence greater speed, Then with the jointless "one-piece, crank," feet, ankles and trousers are free from injury ONE-PIECE CRANK. Our great achievement, by its application ve put two cranks, two pedal axles, two keys, six screws, six nuts and four washers all in one piece. From so to loopFr cent, of all trouble to Bicycles is from cranks working loose and pedal axles that break from clamping connections They get loose no mat ter how much pains is taken to key and tighten them. This is caused bj too many parts, and it is entirely saved by our device, which is but ono piece and made from tough rolled steel rods, impossible to break. It has been proven that when ot'ucr cranks break from accident, our one-piece crank will hardly bend But if bent any person can easily straighten it with a large wrench, and without removing it from the frame. CUAIN. Humber block pattern, best quality, hardened SPROCKET WHEELS. Best drop forged steel REACH. Shortest, 28 inches, longest 37 inches. GEAR. 64 or 72, as specified j FRONT FORKS. Indestructible Our fork crowns are sirrr'y a seclicn of gun barrel steel turned up to size, then bored and bent, forming a peiicct fork croun that cannot be surpassed for strength and beauty, also giving a support to our solid cold rolled fork rods that just limit the necessary amount of springiness required in a front fork and which can only bo obtained by the uso of our forks and crown HANDLE BARS. Reversible and adjustable, a marvel of simplicit) readi iy adjusted to any position desired, with best cork or composition handles Inbuving a Bicycle it is always a vexed question whether j ou want dropped or elevated handle bars If you wanted one kind you could not have the other Our handle bar en ables you to have cither at will. Will furnish Ram's Horn handle bars if preferred SADDLES. Gilliam, P & F Reading, or some other first-class make PEDALS. Rat trap or rubber, full ball bearing FINISH. All parts are enameled with our own special enamel, rubbed down and baked, giving it a handsome black, glossy appearance All bright parts are heav ily nickle-plated; these, with the jet black glossy parts, give a handsome appearance which cannot be excelled. ACCESSORIES. Each "Maywood" Bicycle is furnished with leather tool bag. containing pump, wrench and patent oiler. WEIGHT. According to tires, pedals, saddles, etc , from 27 to 30 pounds The "Maywood" has successfully passed through the experimental '.ige During the past three years wo have put out over 5,000 "Mnyuoodh," j-Uosdin the hands of riders of all classes and widely distributed through the countrv r pTt riders and clumsy riders, heavy men and light men, on smooth roads and on rough roads, havo given this wheel every conceivable test, proving it to Ic the best wheel on earth for everyday use, awheel that can be constantly used over the roughest and hardest roads without showing weakness and the constant necessity of repairs Its construction is so simple, its vital parts so strong, that the possibility of breakage is reduced to a minimum A PRICE THAT WILL REACH YOU. Do not imagine because it is not high priced it is not high grade. We do not use expensivejiollovv tubing, besides, we belong to no Combination or Trust. We own every patent, pay no royalties, manufacture the entire wheel ourselves and are satisfied with a reasonable profit, employ no expensive racers, but depend uron the good common sense of the American people to appreciate a good thing when they see it. We can afford to make tho price we do for we expect to sell ten "Maj woods" to one of any individual make sold. We simply say that the "Maywood" is a per feet Bicycle, containing more originality and genuine points of excellence than can bo found in all other machines bunched together. Cami Buyers' Union Evanstov. Ill , January 2c, 1856 Mtssit; In regard so 'MayAVOod" Bicycle, I will say that I have fouud it to answer all purposes as guaranteed. Last summer I rode one from Chicago through Michigan, Canada, and all over western New York and northern Pennsylvania Xot withstanding the fact that I rode it over all kinds of roads and in places where many more expensive wheels would not have stood the test, it h still in good condition C B Seelv, N. W. University PRICES AND TERMS. $40.00 is our Special Wholesale Price. Never before sold for less. To quickly introduce-the 'Maywood" Bicycle, we have decided to make a special coupon offer, giving every reader of this paper a chance to get a strictly first-class wheel at the lowest prico ever offered. On receipt of ,$35.00 and coupon we will ship anywhere, to anyone, the above described Bi cycle, securely packed and crated and guarantee safe delivery Money refunded if not as represented after arrival and examination. We will ship C.-O. D with privilege of examination, for 836 00 nnd coupon, pro vided is 00 is sent with the order as a guarantee of good faith. We send a written binding warranty with each Bicycle. This is a chance of a lifetime and you cannot afford to let the opportunity pass. Address all orders to CASH BUYERS' UNION, U a Wttt Va Vurca Itmt, SPECIAL POINTS. Does the neatest work, costs the least to keep in order, has iuterchangable Steel Type, writes all languages. Its many advantages are too numerous to mention. Ad lress for particulars, STREET. CHICAGO. ILL. THIS $75.00 COM PLETE BICYCLE Oct. 3, 1803 Jan. 1, 1805 Jan. SI, 1K0G Others rending. S2SHSH3H: Conpon Ko. i3 47 g:cd res $5.00 IF SENT WITH ORDER FOR No. s Maywood ...Bicycle... Is mTi CHICAQO, ILL 1 pi W$35 WITH COUPON. SI 111 A t " 1$i vi '?'I' iS,. '' "i-w'-ti mm, i'Jik ?.i&. jw; ijjj