Newspaper Page Text
?w , fe. v ' Jti? "A - t?-V-". fr"- .. asjyvy H&nTafiJgaagw. "gT?ST!! 1.,-iTH'iuriinnTiiwBMaawiaaMti -Stf it I :c(otonxnog)xm. '4 C llirUSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1896. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. ,1 contract and bllli for advertising pay a e monthly. Advertising rates given upon application. Business local 10 cents per line (or fint In (.p iion, and 6 cents per line (or each subse , nent Insertion. the Coconino Sim is pleased to contribute In nuMic mailers, oui an nonces oi lesuvais, (, - meetings of societies, suppers, enter t nnients and mention o( marriages, blrtbs aa dciths beyond the regular announce- nt will be charged (or at regular rates. AMUSEMENTS. HA MUTT'S OPERA HOUSE. . i inl'cr 18 Musical Concert, local tnlcnt. .ti mber tl Itecltnl, Miss Mario Anita irger. itrmber SB "June," Lorraine and Bar one, agisted by local talent. Bcucfllt llih School Library (und i iilnrSI Morrison's "Fnut." i i.ibor 29, 30. 31 Wllber's Stock Company, i h.ingo of play nightly. OITY SUNBEAMS, Hotel Ramona, Los Angelei, 50c up. 1) H. Piiine is improving his resi i!t nee .uileil A saddle pony. Apply at i s office. Hood's Pills euro naiuea, sick head ,, lie, indigestiou, biliousness. All . i ujjgists, 25 oeuts. (. .ill at Rogers' mid examiuo the fall -inl rtiutvr millinery, which will be i .ile for oue week. Furnished looms to rent on Kail i .id aipnuc, four blocks west of post- thee. Inquire of J. H. Rcmset. J K. Faiiington received Monday . " head of cattle from the Arizona l it tie Co. The cattle were shipped ' ' Kansas. School books, slates, pencils, tab ,it, ink, pens, heuholders and any thing needed in the schoolroom at D. J liiaiiiieu'a drug store. If ou ant to know all about free sihei go lound to Sykes Bros, and 1 in the "Busy Bees." Also get your id sewiug maehiuo Axed up. K dwelliug owued by Henry Heller aud occupitd by Madame Towniug m burned Tuesday evening. About all the contents weie saved. The loss n.ts aloul $100 on tho building. riio Lowell observatory gave an open night" on Tuesday, and a large i umber of our citizeus availed them- Uves of tho opportunity to look tuiough the new 24-luub, telescope. For Sale for 130060 or 70 head of good hoises. Several span broken; .iveiagc weights, 1,000 to 1,100; $100 i ash, balance on time with good se em it-. Address Mrs. ,L E. Farus oi Hi, Williams, Arizona. . I'm: Ratio. Agents wauled to sell the latest presidential novelty in every 1 icnlity. Easy sale and large profits. A child can handle it and make money. Sand 10 cents for specimen. CiiEitnv & Wejlbur.v, Nashville, Teou. EJ'he announcement of M. J. Keu uulv for the ofHce of Recorder ap peals today. He ia able aud well qualilled to till the office. Should he ho nominated and elected he will make an efficient and accommodating official. i'lie game of baseball Sunday be tween Ihc Woodmen and the Foresters 51 as i on by the former with a score of .'ft to 8. The Woodmen feel that they .no thu champions, and extend a chal lenge to apy of tho fraternal orders to cross bats with them. J. R. Treat announces himself as a candidate for thu office of Recorder, subject to the acliou of tho republican county convention. Ho is an old resi dent of Coconino county, is a tried aud ti no republican, and every one in Ibe uitinty knows that Joe Treat has the ability to fill the office. Kf.WAitD Twenty-live dollars re aid will be paid for the arrest and mm ictiou of the person or persons ho stole a full easy reed arm chair, painted brown, from the Terauda of m house. Five dollars will bo paid for lite return of the chair. C. H. Scuriz. Ticket nru now ou sale for tl e liecitiil to be git en by Miss Marie niin Vu-gir at Babbitt's opera hoiisi n MumliM t-tciiii g, Si'plcinhiM 21.1. Mis YaigiT is :i gi initiate of llnvt- u: the bii ca.slt'iii m'IhhiIs of dimiialit II t, and tonic to us with the higlust Heonnueiiilalious. - l. H. Coblii and T. J. Jliyn- pla c ' ' r.iiidu boaitl nt (ho interdiction ol 'in- Ginnd Canjoii and Tuba CiM iiaiU on . Thu ii'-t is a ineii- i luin one, as Ihe traveler In Hie .timm often look thu Tuba City road without discovering ,tliu mistake until lie had leached the Little Colorado river. J. E. Jones has completed au addi tion to his resldeuce. Notice to Cyclists Dou't ride on the sidewalks, but do have that old bioycle fixed up. Sykes Bros, will do the job. Latest styles in fall and winter mil linery at Rogers'. Now is the tiuio to make your selections, as these goods will be on salo tor one week only, J. L. V. Thomas has purchased the nggs property ou the corner of Sau Francisco street aud Phoenix avenue, and will move to Flngstaff from Oak Creek next month. Feed the nerves upon pure, rich blood and you will uot beuoivous Pure blood comes by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which is thus the great est and best nervo tonic. There will be a children's social at the Methodist parsonage Saturday, September 26th, from 2 to 5. p. m. All the children are invited to attend. Cake aud ice cream, 15 cents a dish. The press of Chicago, St. Louis and many other promiueut cities of the cast have been loud iu the praises of Miss Yaeger's work, and she comes to us fully equipped to present ou Mon day evening next n highly satisfactory and versatile programme. Tno Recital to be given by Miss Mario Auita Yaeger ou Monday cven iug, September 21st, IX Babbitt's opera house, will be a tare treat to the citi zens of Flagstaff. Miss Yaeger is an ejocutiouist of marked ability aud has read with the greatest success In many of the largest cities of tho cast. HERE AND THERE- Movements of Homo Folks and Notes About Visitors. Dave Daze of Williams spent Suu day here. - Walter J. Hill has returned from Waitsville, Vt. George P- Thornton of Williams was in town Wednesday. Mrs. J. 11. Kilpatrick returned from Ottawa, Kansas, Monday. Mrs. Kloslermoycr and children re turned from California Sunday. M. J. Riordan left Sunday for a six weeks tu'p through old Mexico. E. E. Wanu, a promiueut mining mau of Colorado, was iu town this week. T. W. Johnston of Piescott was iu town on legal business several days this week. Alvau G. Clatk and daughter, Miss Theodora, returned Saturday from a trip to thu coast. Mis. Irvine aud Mrs. Chutes, who have bceu enjojiug a Flagstaff sum mer, left for their home iu Phoenix Tuesday. L. R. E. Paulin, formerly editor of the Albuquerque "Democrat," spent Monday in Flagstaff. Hu was on his way to California. Mrs. A. S. Hewitt, daughter aud son, who have been spendiug the sum mer in Flagstaff, left for their home in Phocuix last week. Mrs. M. A. Snmly, who has been visitiug her daughter, Mrs. C. M. Fuuston, for the past five months, left for her borne in St. Louis Tuesday. Mrs. Pollock, w ho has been visiting her son, T. E. Pollock of the Arizoua Central bank, for several weeks past, left for her home in Zcariug, Iowa, yesterday.. Dr. D. J. Branneu returned from a two weeks trip to Los Angeles Friday. The doctor owns a prune orchard near Pomona, Cal., aud brought back with him so mo lino samples of the fruit. Mr. and Mis. Frauk M. Murphy, Mr. aud Mrs. E. B. Gage, Miss Addie Murphy and R. E. Wells of Piescott came iu Sunday evening on a special Santa Fo, Pretcott & Phoenix train, and left for tho Grand Cauyon of the Colorado river Monday. Attention, Good Templars. Ou account of the concert for the benefit of tho Presbyteiian church, tlin Indira meetimr will bo held this week on Saturday night instead of Friday night as usual. Awarded Hlfbwt Honors-World Fair, CREAM BAKING MOST PERFECT MADE. A pun Gripe Cretm of Tartar Powder. Free frwn AmroonU, Alum or any other adulterant. 40 TEARS THE STANDARD. EEPUBLIOAN PRIMABIES. The yarlous Precincts Elect Their Delegates. The Republican primal ies for Flag staff precinct were held Saturday night at 8 o'clock in the G. A. R. hall. When the meeting was called to order by E. S. Clark, chairman of the county central couimhteo, there was standing room only in tho hall. E. S. Clark was elected chairman and C. A. Bush secictaay of the meet ing. Tweuty-one names were placed in nomination for delegates to the county convention to be held in the court house on Saturday, September 19th, and the fifteen receiving the highest number of votes were declared elected delegates to the convention. William Friedleln and W. F. Kisling bury were appointed tellers, and the ballot resulted in following choice: C. M. Funston, C. A. Bush, C. A. Greenlaw, Fred Smith, M. J. Ken uedy, Joso Chaves, H. C. Lockett, N. L. Patterson, A. E. Brown, C. H. Coble, W. H. Anderson, J. D. New man. John Clark, M. J. Riordan aud C. H. McClure. The republicans of Williams held their primaries at 8 o'clock Satuaday night and selected the followiug dele gates to tho county convention here: J. C. Brown, J. M. Dennis, R. B. Burns, E. H. Simpson, E. N. Craw ford, A. G. Rouuseville, David Finnic, Urbano Garcia, W. F. Jeffreys. The county convention meets ou the 19th at 10 a. m. There will be but few proxies, as tho delegates will at tend in person. Your Hoy Wont Live a Month So Mr. Gilmau Brown of 34 Mill street, South Garduer, Mass., was told by the doctors. His sou had Lung trouble, followiug Typhoid Malaria, and ho spent $376 with doctors, who finally gave him up, sayiug: "Your boy won't live a mouth." He tried Dr. King's Now Discovery aud a few bottles restored him to health and enabled him to go to work a perfectly well mau. Ho says he owes his nresent irood health to use of Dr. King's New Dis covery, and knows it to bo the best iu tho world for Lung trouble. Trial bottlo free at D. J. Braunen's drug store. Death of C. D. Tucker. Mr. C. D. Tucker, who came with his wife and sister from California some weeks ago in the hopo that ho might regaiu his health, .died last Thursday night. Ou Friday his re maius were taken to his home in Cali fornia for interment, Although they were in Flagstaff but a short time, yet their many excellent qualities made them many friends, as was attested by the many kindly acts during Mr. Tucker's illness. Card We desire to of Thanks. express to our many friends iu Flagstaff our heartfelt thanks for the assistance rendered and sympathy extended to us iu our late affliction and bereavemeut. Mrs. C. D. Tucker. Jenny E. Tucker. Free nils. Send jour address to H. E. Buck leu & Co., Chicago, aud get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Lite Pills. A trial will convince you -of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles thoy have been proved inval uable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substanco and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their attion, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size, 25c. per box. Sold bj Dr. J. Braunen, druggist. Make the Most of Tourself. It is the duty of every mau to make the most of himself. Whatever his rapacities may be, he ia sure to find somo place where he can bo useful to himself and to others. But he cannot reach his highest usefulness without good health aud he cannot have gord health withotlt good blood. The blood circulates to 'every organ and tissue, and when it is pure, rich and healthy il run ies health to the entire system, but if il is impure it scatters disease whi'icver it flows. Hood's Saisapa 1 HI11 is the one true blood purifier. Il .tires salt rheum, scrofula, catairh, dyspepsia and rheumatism because these diseases have their origin in the blood. The 'Jan Bernardino Steam Laundry does Hi st-class work at reasonable rates. G. H. Coffin is the agent, aud will sond your 'laundry on Monday of each, week aud it will be returned on J Saturdays. Constipation Causes fully half the sickness In the world, retains the digested food too long in the bov.elj and produces billousncs3, torpid liver, hull- Hood's gestlon, bad taste, coated psk tongue, sick headache, in- M I 1 4 Bornnia; etc. Hood's Fills p HIS cureconstlpatlonandalllts W results, easily and thoroughly. 25c. AU druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Fills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salvo in tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt iheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, 01 no pay required. It is guaranteed to give pei feet satis faction or money refunded. Price, 25 ceuts per box. For sale by D. J. Brau non, .Flagstaff, Arizoua. For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothcis for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is tho best remedy for diarrhoea. It will relieve tho poor little sufferer imme diately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Tweut3'-live cents a bottle Beiiire and ask for "Mre. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. , State ok Ohio, City or Toledo, ) Lucas County. s" Frank J. Chcuey makes oath that he is the senior paitner of the linn of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business iu the City of Toledo, county aud state afore said, ami that said linn will pay the sum of one bundled dollars for each and ctery case of c.itarih that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Cntariu Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to beforo me and subscribed in my presence Ihis Cth day of Decem ber, A. D. 188G. seal A. W. Gleao.v, Notary Public. Hall's CatarihCuio is taken internally aud acts direct!' upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Scud for testimonials, free. Address, F. J. CHENLY &0., To ledo, O. . Sold by druggists. 7uc. Hall's Family Pills ale the best. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omen at Phescott, 1 August 18, 1B90. f Notice Is hereby given that tho following named bottler has filed notice of his Intention to muKo ilnnl proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made befoio Clerk of Probate C0111I, at Flagstaff, Ariz.. September 30, 1898. viz., Gus Mudcrsbach, for tho E V, SE !f , NW H SE (, and XE f SW U, Section 3D. Township "1 North, Range 5 East. He names the following witnesses to piovo his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land. Uz.: Thomas Say roof Flag staff, Ariz.; rrauk Ebcrt of Flagstaff, Ari zona; J. H. Newman of Flagstaff, Arizona; Frank L. Ileal of Flagstaff, Ariz. 11. 1). ROSS. Register. First publication August 20, 18M. The Fountain of Life Dimness ot tIsI oil. ino'i before theeycs,losof tlcep, lois of rlror.retles- neis. all glre way to e'ear light, to rot, to strength, when you me the GREAT HUDYAN Hudyan stops the premnturo (O'ulillon ot the body, Huydau cures certain cici of lost man hool. Ilulytncur nervous diblllty, ncrvou aeis, emlMlouv PEBE Circulars and Testimonials. HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE, btockton, Market and Ellis Sirccts, Han rr.iKfisco, Cal. TAKE THE BEST ISSctS., DUCES. 81.00 Bottle. Ono cent a dose. ftMMBM.H It Is sold on a guarantee ay all drug- SndVlJtho beat Cough and Crouo Cure. euros j.ncipicnv uonsumpuoa Wanted-An Idea Who can think of tome simple Protect your Ide&v ther mar brine you wealtn luiDg 10 paienir Writ JOHN WKDDEIUiURN ft CO .Patent Aitor. nen. Washington, D. 0, for their ti.600 prize oiler ana ltit ot tiro hundred InrenUgu wanted. M fU Circulars i'flnL 01"" Iff Ihudyan fl 1 1 . A FREE. SBll'liiW... .viimiKWiSBU IFYOUfRE IN f HURRY For groceries there is alway a wagon at our door ready to bring them to you.. Your order will be filled promptly. We have everything that is best in Groceries. The Monarch brand of Canned Goods the best in the market, are sold by us. Our assortments Table Luxuries embraces lots of dainties not found in ordinary stores. Our prices are no higher than you will pay for inferior grades. FLAGSTAFF COMMERCIAL CO,, KILPATRICK BLOCK Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association. $18,450,000 Paid in Death Claims by the Mutual Life Associ ation from 1881 to 1894. A NEW SYSTEM AND THE BEST. The Strongest and Most Progressive of all the Insurance Companies Extant I Rates Nearly So Per Cent Cheaper than in the Old System Companies. E. S5. CLARK, Agent, FLAGSTAFF, ARIZ. OLDEST BANK IN NORTHERN ARIZONA. Interest Paid on Time and Savings Deposits, Drafts Sold Upor) All oreigr; Gotiqiries. Wo have an Extcnslvo Patronage and Cor respondence throughout Arizona, and Invite your Banking Business upon Liberal and Conservative Terms. B, N, FBEEMAN, President. T. E. POLL00K, Vioe-President. W. S. ROBINSON, Cashier. B. -HOCK, -DEALER IX- Fancy Groceries, Fine Cigars, Tobaccos and Fresh Candies. HAILROAD AVKNUE. NOTICE OF NEW REGISTRATION Of Voters In Coconino County, Arl- r zona. K1 of Bup OTICE IS UEUEBV GIVES THAT AT the icnular mectlne ot the Rnarri of SllDer visors of Coconino count v. Arlrnna the following order was made and duly entered upon the records of said board on I the 7th day of April, 1896: 1110 uoara upon motion orders: mat a notlco be published for at least four months that a new registration of the voten of this county must be had for tho ensuing election, as rcqulrod by Act No. 7 ot the Session Laws of 1839. Territory of Arizona." Registering officers and all concerned will take notice and be governed accordingly. Registration will close twenty days before the day ot olectlon. By order ot the Board of Supervisors of Coconino county. r., . u . . .O.A.BTJSH.Clerk. First publication Anrll 33. 3000 Tons -OF- NATURAL ICE, From the Spring Lakes at Bellemont, . is now ready for de livery. Correspon dence solicited. A. T. CORNISH, FLAGSTAFF, AKIZ. SYKES BROTHERS, General Machinists 1 FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA. Bicycle Repairing a Specialty. n R-I-P-A-N-S u r The modern stand- u ard Family Medi- w cine: Cures the jjj common every-day 2 ills of humanity. I tmdi JI "" ftlHMH Caveats, and Trade-Msrks obtained, and all Pat it buslnoss conducted for Moderate Fees. Our Office Is Opposite U.S. Patent Office, and we can seenre patent In less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not. free ot charge. Our fee not due till potent Is secured. A Pamohlet, "Bow to Obtain Patents," with names of actual clients InyourBtate. county, or town, sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&OO. Oppoafla fttint 0lc, Waahlnjton, 0. C. , iilt H I I