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tlje Cwmttnii Ik kit) &tttt Terrif lifci r,'abra0. I VOL. XIV. FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1896 NUMBER 3 A GREAT BIG ? You expect to live five years, ten years, or fifty years, as the case may be. Sit down and figure out the total of your rent for that time and watch the house growing under your pencil. We can show you how to be your own landlord, pay yourself the rent, own a home, and have a few dollars left to bet on the com ing election. xoooooooooo The Prices oooooooooooo THE ARIZONA LUMBER & TIMBER CO., FLfVGSTflFF fRIZONf. "fliv 1 1 vestment iiv Knowledge Fresno Business College, Normal Schoo - AND or)ser)atory of Jvfl&sie THE BEST INSTITUTION in which to make the investment, oooooooooooo Courses: Business, Shorthand and Type writing, Normal, Music, Elocution and Art. Tuition : Twelve months, $75; six months, $50; three months, $30. oooooooooooc GOOD BOHRD HND ROOM, $15 PER MONTH. For catalogue and particulars address RAMSAY, FAST & RAMSAY, FRESNO, CAL. THE BANK HOTEL THE LEADING HOTEL OF Tourists and commercial travelers will find the above named hotel complete in all the modern im provements of the day. The management will spare no pains to cater to the wants of his patrons. ROOMS Bf THE DAY WEEK OD MONTH. Also Dining Room attached, where nothing but the best the market affords is served to Guests. T. J. Coalter, Prop, FLAQ9TAFF. ARIZONA. NEWS DEPOT FANCY GROCERIES, FRESH FRUITS, All the Dalioaoiea of the Season Fresh from the Market, You are invited to oall and inspeot my Stook FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA Are Right! Pays the Best Interest." - NORTHERN AKIZO-.A. .OHAS. A. KIULKR, Popritor. CANDIES, NOTIONS, TOBACCO, STATIONERY, CIGARS, G, 0. P. An Enthusiastic Meeting of the Tried and True, NATIONAL PLATFORM EN DORSED. Full Text of nesolutlons Adopted Tho New County Central Committee Elected List of Nominations Made. Purmiant to notice and regular call, the Republican couuty convention of Coconino County met at. Flagstaff September 19, 1896. The convention was called to order at 10 o'clock a. in. by Mr. E. S. Clark, chairman of tho county central committee. E. S. Clark was made temporary chairman of the convention, and E. N. Crawford temporary secretary. Tho following committees, pursuant to motion, were then appointed by tho chair: Committco on Credentials R. B. Burns, N. Patterson and A. Nebekar. Platform and Resolutions C. M. Funston, F. W. Smith, David Finney, J. M. Dennis and C. II. Coble. Order of Business John Clark, H C. Lockctt and W. F. Jeffrey. Permanent Organization M. J. Kennedy, V. II. Auderson aud 0. A. Bush. After the appointment of the above committes, ttie convention adjourned until 2 p. m. Tho convention assembled at 2 p. in. and the Committee on Credentials reported t lie following delegates en titled to seats in the convention: William Mclutire, Beilemont. F. W. Volz, Canon Diablo. C. M. Fiiiiston, C. A. Greenlaw, Jose Chaves,- W. II. AndeiaoD, John Clarke. II. C. Locketl, A. E. Brown, C. H. McClure. C. A. Bush. M.J. Kennedy by F. W. Smiih, proxy, F. V. Smith, N. L. Patterson, C. II. Coble, J. D. Newman, M. J. Riordau by F. V. Slssou, proxj ; Flagstaff. David Finney, J. M. Demi is, E II. Simpson by W. F. Jeffrey, proxy, V. F. Jeffrey, U. Garcia, J C. Brown by R. B. Burns proxy, R. B. Burns, E. N. Crawford, A. G. Ronnseville by E. N. Crawford proxy, Williams. Tho following precincts entitled to 0'ie delegate each were not reported: Challeuder, Fredouia, Hay Lake, Mor mon Dairy, Stone's Ranch, Wood's Ranch. Mr. Ashlon Nebekar of Tuba City, boing tho duly elected delegato for that precinct, but having failed to bring liis credentials, was admitted to the couventiou by unanimous vote. After the report of thu Committee on Credentials had been accepted, at thu request of Mr. J. A. Marshall Im was admitled'as a delegate to the con vention repieseullng Riordau. The report of the Committee on Organization was read and adopted to the effect that R. B. Burns bo the per manent chairman, and M. J. Riordan, by his proxy F. W. Sisson, bo secre tary of the convention. Mr. Burns took the chair and nddicsscd the con vention in his characteristic forceful manner, to tho hearty approval of tho entire convention. Tho convention then llsteued to the report of the commltteo on platform and resolutions, which was as follows: Bo it resolved that we, the Repub lican! of Coconino County in conven tion assembled, do declare as follows: "That we fully endorse the plat form of the St. Louis convention, and we fully endorse the financial' plank of the Republican platform, and pledge the parly of Coconino County and the nominees of this, convention to the policy therein expressed. "That we announce our adherence to the ptotective policy so ably advo cated by the statesmen of tho past, and to the acceptance of which policy by the Republican party the nation owes all the prosperity which it has enjoyed for the last thirty years. "Tho Republicans of Coconino County congratulate the people of .the country upon tho growth of tbo Re publican sentiment as evidenced by tho signal victories of tho last three yars and recently it. Vermont and Maine, which assures a glorious national triumph in the coming elec tion "We believe in reciprocity that reciprosates, aud which does not yield up to another country a siugle day's labor that belongs to the American worklngman. "We assert Unit Arizona has suffi cient population, intelligence aud patriotism to entitle her to statehood; i.;nl in the name of justice we appeal to tho American Congress to grant us this boon. "The Republicans of Coconino County take great satisfaction in tho approval of the natioual nominees and especially that puro champion of American labor and American indus tries, that soldier-statcsmau of Amer ica, William McKiuley." This r report was unanimously adopted by the convention. The Committee on Order of Busi ness then reported as follows: "We, your Committee on Order of Busiuess, beg to report that tho order of busiuess shall be as follows: First, Report of Committees. "Second. Pei mauent Organization. "Third. Election of nine delegates to tho Republkau Territoiial Conven tion to be held at Phoenix, September 22, 189G, for the purpose of nominat ing a delegate to Cougi ess, the selec tion of a Territoiial Central Commit tee aud other busiuess that may come before said convention. "Fourth. The nomination of can didates for the various county office?, in the following order: Council. Assembly. Sheriff. Probate. Judge. District Attorney. Recorder. Treasurer. JSnrvo)or. Two Members of tho Board of Supervisors. "Fifth. Selecting a County Central Committee of "eighteen members to serto for-tho ensuing two jenra. Sixth. Such other busiuess as may properly come before this couven tiou." Tliis repoit was also adopted. A motion was then carried that delegates to the Republican Terri torial Convention to be held at Phoe nix, September 22. 1890. be placed iu nomination by members of the conven tion, nnd thatfiom these nominations the nine persons receiving the highest number of votes, should be the duly elected delegates to attend the Terri torial convention from Coconino Comity. Tho following delegates were selected: E. H. Simpson, Wil liams; R. B. Burns, Williams; George U. Young, Williams; J. M. Denni, Williams; C. M. Funston, Flagstaff; M. G. Love, Flagstaff; F. U . Smith. Flagstaff; F. W. Sisson. Flagstaff; C. A. Greenlaw, Flagstaff. The convention then proceeded to the nomination of county officers, resulting as follows: Council, A. A. Duttou. Assembly, C. S. McCormiuk. Sheriff, R. II. Cameron. Probate Judge, N. G. Layton. District Attorney, E. S. Clark. Recorder, A. D03I0. Treasurer, J. A. Lamport. Supervisors, James A. Vail aud J. M. Dennis. By motion tho office of surveyor was left vacant, to be filled later by the County Central Committco. A motion was then carried that the County Central Committee consist of nineteen members, distributed as 'fol lows; Flagstaff 9, Williams 6. Beile mont 1, Canon Diablo 1,-Tuba City 1, Cballender 1; and that the committee be empowered to till vacancies and to mako additions to the committo from oilier precincts and to fill vacancies on county ticket. The following persons were then elected as members of tho County Central Committee: Beilemont, William Mclutire. Canon Diablo, F. W. Volz. Challendcr, W. P. Cutting. Flagstaff, C. M. Funston, M, G. Love. F. W. Smith, F. W. Sisson, N. Pattersdn, A. E. Brown, John Clark, O. H. McClnre, E, F. Greenlaw. Williams, A. G. Rotinseville, W. F. Jeffreys, E. N. Crawford, 0. S.'Mc- Cormick, William Crowley, David Finnic. Tuba City, A. Nebekar. After listening, to speeches made by several of the candidates present, the convention adjourned sine die. ARIZONA POLITICS, The Republicans of Apache county placed the following ticket in the field: Councilman, John T. Hogue; assemblyman, George U. Crosby; pro bale judge, Williard Fair; sheriff, Leand.o Ortega; district attorney, W. G. Scott; treasurer, Amb. Gandelaria; recorder, N. Gonzales: supervisors, Benigno Lopez, Joseph Udall, C. O. Howe. The populists of Mohave county have nominated the following ticket For councilman, Keau St. Charles; for assemblyman, James Burrows; for sheriff, Thomas Chidister; for record er, Abe Lefevre; for treasurer, Wilbur Brakeman; for probate judge, Charles Metcalfe; for supervisors, W. F. Grounds, James Smith. Thu Republican convention of Gra ham county have nominated this ticket: For council, Burt Dunlap; for assembly. John Nash Edmore; for treasurer, Ileber Layton; for recorder, Manuel Leon; for probate judge, E. D. Tuttle; for Surveyor, Samuel Logan; for supervisors, N. F. Hagan aud J. II. Nash. No nomination was made for distiict attorney. The republican convention which met in Ilolbrook on Thursday nomi nated the following county ticket: F. T. Aspiuwall, councilman; J. N. Smith, assemblyman: F. J. Wattron, sheriff; James .Scott, treasurer; Jos. Frisby; recorder; C. O. Anderson, distiict attorney; F. M. Zuck, probate judge: J. X. Woods, J. H. Willis, Direlbess, supervisors. The Democrats of Mohave have nominated this ticket: For council man, J. II. Richards; for assembly man, William Morgan; for district attorney, W. H. Burbage; for recorder, O. D. Flake; for treasurer, J. H. Breed; for sheriff, John T. Jones; for probate judge, B. F. Jackson; for sur veyor, Allen Frost; for supervisors, F. T. La Prade, J. W. Boyle, Alof Lar sen. The Republicans of Maricopa county hare placed the following ticket in the field: For councilman, John A. Mar Shall; for assemblyman, Wiulield Scott. Win. E. Mullen, M. II. Caldei wood, M. II McCord; for sheriff, James McMillan; for dUtnct attorney, Jerry Millay; for probate judge, C. W. Crotise; for county recorder, F, W. Sheridan; for county treasurer, Perry Wildmau; for county super visors, F. II. Parker, J. D. Crabb. State of Ohio. Citt or Toledo, ) Lucas Count-. ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is tbo senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, county aud stato afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of one hundred dollars for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me aud subscribed in my presence this 6th day of Decem ber, A. D. 1886. seal A. W. Gleason, Natary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure istakcu internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. Address, F. J. CHENEY &0., To ledo, 0. Sold by druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills arc the best If you want to know all about free silver go round toSjkes Bros, and join the "Busy Bees." Also get your old sewing machine fixed up. For Oyer FlftT Tears. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softons the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer imme diately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottlo Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. WHY Be bothsred with inferior goods when yon can get a first-class article if only you will caU for it. LEVI STRAUSS & CO'S CELEBRATED COPPER R1VETEB OVERALLS AND SPRING BOTTOM PAWS Are made of the best materials. Bowed with tho best threads. Finished in the best style. EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED. FOR OALB KVIRYWHIRI. SEND tot a Piclure ' om factory, we will mall one to you free of charge. WE EMPLOY OYER 600 GIRLS. UDBBS: LEVI STRAUSS & CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Consolidated A. O. U. W. The two A. O. U. W. lodges of Tuc son will consolidate about November 1. The movement toward consolida tion was begun somo tlmo ago, and whilo it encountered no opposition it did not tako tangible shape until recently. A resolution iu favor of consolidation was passed by Arizona Lodge No. 1 at its meeting last Mon day n'ght. A similar resolution was adopted by Apache Lodge No. 8 on Thursday night. The other necessaiy but formal steps toward consolidation will be taken at once. Thfc amalgamated lodge will take the name of Arizona Lodge No. 1 and will have a membership of from 360 to 400, the largest lodge by far in the territory aud among the largest in this jurisdiction. The consolidation will somewhat simply matters regarding tbo management of the proposed new A. O. U. W. building, an enterprise In which the lodges are jointly inter ested. Star. Make the Most of Yourself. It is the duty of every man to make the most of himself. Whatever his rapacities may be, he is sure to find some place where he can be useful to himself aud to others. But he cannot ach his highest usefulness without good health and he cannot havo gocd health without good blood. The blood circulates to every organ and tissue, and when it is pure, rich and healthv it carries health to the entire system, but if it is impure it scatters disease wherever it flows. Hood's Sarsapa i ilia is the one true blood purifier. It owes salt rheum, scrofula, catarrh, dyspepsia and rheumatism because these diseases have their origin in the blood. Licensed to Preach, Tho Albuquerque Citizen of the 19th, in its report of tho proceedings of the Presdyterian synod at that place, contains the followiug: Dining the recess of lbs synod, the Presbytery of the Rio Grande held a meeting and heard the examination of H. P. Corser, candidate for license. He was examined and sustained in all points except the last the popular sermon. This was deferred until the evening. At 7 the Presbytery conveucd with the congregation of the First Presby terian church and listened to an excel lent sermon from the candidate from Romans, 8, 85. Tho examination was sustained in toto, and Mr. Corser licensed to preach. He was granted a letter of dismissal to the Presbytery of Arizona and will supply the church at Flag staff. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her, and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thomas Eggers, 189 Florida street, San Frauctsco, suffered from a dread ful cold, approacblug consumption, tried without result everything else, then bought one bottlo of Dr. King's New Discovery, and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which theso am samples, that prove, tho wonderful emcacv oi mu uicnsmo " w..6" coUR" Free trial bottles at D. J. Brauneu's drug store. Keguiar 60c and 1.0Q. size. nni f T'53?rT.5S!5rf"