Newspaper Page Text
SwSSBSS raiy f i-U -vjt A a vnn T3 an ffVMI .- tttt . VOL. XIV. FLAGSTAFF, ABJZONA, THUBSDAYOCTOBEB 15, 1896. NUMBBB6 ,! wU-' "Ai 'r . triumi -K Jl 4 y Cocunimi IVchln THEARIZONA LUMBER & TIMBER CO., FLftGSTfFF fRIZONf. : oooooooooooo Arc confident we know just as much about who, is, going D be the next President as you do, but we , " ARE not banking so much on our knowledge of politics as we are on our ability to suit you when you want to buy lum ber. This is the time to buy, because we are anxious to turn some of these large piles of lumber into money, and the prices we have will please THE PEOPLE Do you want to figure on a special bill? If so, we are in hhape to do that, for we have a first-class stock and are here to tell you we propose T SELL CHEAP. xxxsooooooooc The Prices Are Right! " (i Irwesimeru ir Knowledge Pays the Best Interest." Fresno Business College, Normal School - AND orjserVafory of JVlGsie THE BEST INSTITUTION in which to make the investment. oooooooooooo Courses: Business, Shorthand and Type writing, Ncrmal, Music, Elocution and Art. Tuition : Twelve months, $75; six months, $50; three months, $30. xxyaooooooooc GOOD BOHRD HND ROOM, $15 PER WONTH. ceoocooooooc For catalogue and particulars address RAMSAY, FAST & RAMSAY, FRESNO, CAL. THE BANK HOTEL THE LEADING HOTEL OF Tourists and commercial travelers will find the above named hotel complete in. alj the modern im provements of the day. The management will spare no pains to cater to the wants of his patrons. Bl THE DAY Also Dining Room attached, where nothing but the best the market affords is served to Guests. T. J. Coalter, Prop. FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA. NEWS .DEPOT 1"HifT A. KBLLER, Proiribtoh. FANCY GROCERIES, CANDIES, NOTINS, TOBACCO, FRESH FRUITS, STATIONERY, - CIGARS, All the Dalicaoies of the Season Fresh from the HforltQd Yon are invited to oall and inspeot 8tpok FLAGSTAFF ARIZONA . . . 'M - NORTHERN ARIZONA. WEEK OR MINTH. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Official Report. - 'Office of the Boabd or, SukbO VISORS OFTHECOUHTT OF CO COtflNO.TEBRITORT OF ARIZONA. Flagstaff, October 12, 1896. The Board' met' at their office on the hbore dato. Present: A. A. Dutton, chairman; C. H. Schulz, member; J. E. Junes, district attorney and C. A. Bnsh, ilerk. Tho fullowlug business was transacted: i It was duly ordered that tbo follow ing agreement be entered into between the Board of Supervisors of Coconino county and tho Flagstaff Electric Light Company of Flagstaff: That three lights shall burn in fCe jail until 9 o'clock, p. m., unless on special occasions; that one light shall burn in the sheriff's office and one in the court house hall until 1 o'clock, n. m.; that lights in the couuty offices shall bo used only when county busi ness makes it ueccssary; that lights in the court room shall be used "ouly wheu district court is in session bv order of the presiding judge. The, rental to be 111 per month. When ever the court room is used for other i.;;:posvs than holding couit there shall be paid the sum of fl per night for the use of the lights. County of ficers and those interested will lake duo notice aud he governed accord ingly. The cleik was ordered to attend to the preparation of the paraphernalia for uso at the different election pre cincts at the election to be held Nov. 3. Board adjourned till October 19. Approved: A. A. Dctto.v, Chairman. Attest: (J. A. Bcsii. Clerk. QUARTERLY REPORT Of '. O. I.ayton, County superin tendent of School. FLAGSTAFF DUTMCT, MO. 1. July 1. to balanco dr.386 89 Sipt. 26, to wt 383, J. 0 Wassnu, teacher's salary 20 00 S-pi. 2G. to wl 384. M ii r lliMiiif ton, trueln'i's H.tUn ... 20 00 S.-pt. 29. to wl 388. (Vra Finnic, teach er's salary 20 00 Sept. 29, to wt 389, Grace C. Dutton, teacher's salary ... 20 00 By apportionment le ceived from bal ances received from districts of couuty, returned to general school fund .86 62 To balance dr 380 37 $466 89 466 89 WILLIAMS DISTRICT, XO. 2. July 1,-bj- balance. . . 20 July 1, to amount re turned to general fund 20 Aug. 6, to wt 377, A. R. Kilgore, freight on supplies 2 75 Sept.2,towt378,Aru. Cent. Bank, repajra on building, 16 95 Sept. 29. to wt 385, Alice Kboades, teacher's- salary ... 25 00 Sept. 29, to wt 386, Florence Howard, teacher's salary... i 25 00 Sept. 29, to wt 387, G. U. Young,, teach cr's salary 25 00 July 1, by amount re ceived from re turned balances and re-apportioned .... 86 52 Sept. 30, to balance . . 38 18 1124 70 124 70 FRISCO DISTRICT, NO. 4. July 1, to balance dr. 5 56 July 1, by amount re ceived from bal ances returned to general school fund flfl 2-J Sept. 30,, by balanoe ou hand. , . . 63 66 $69 21 $69 21 TUBA DISTRICT, NO. 6. June '30, by balance ou baud. 283 90 July 1, to balance re- turned to general fund 282 96 July 2. to wt 372, Cent.Su"pp1y House, " school furniture... . 49 27 July 17, to wt 374, freight on supplies. 2148 July 1, by amount re ceived from re turned balances to general fund 86 53 Sept 30, by balance cr 12 78 $86 53 $86 53 'FflEDONIA DISTRICT, NO. 6. July 1, by balance on baud 113 90 July 1, to balance re turned to general fund 113 90 July 1, by amount ic ccived from re turned balances to general fund 86 52 MOEN AVA DISTRICT, NO. 7. July 1, by balance ou band , 88 46 July 1, to balance re turned to general fund 88 1G " Sept.2,towt 379,Aiiz. Cent. Bank, janitor woik 3 00 July 1, by amount re ceived from re-ap. portioument Sept. 30, by balance cr 66 22 69 22 $69 22 $69 22 CONTINGENT SCHOOL FUND. July 1, by balance. .. 123 01 July 23, to wt 373.N. G. Layton, salary and postage ,- 76 00 July 27, to wt 375, C. M. Funston, print ing report 10 00 July 31 to wt 376, T. J. Ross, stationery . 1 25 Sept. 5, to wt 381. G. U. Young, exniniii-. at ion notice 2 10 S. pt. 18, Kin I 381, X. (i. L.ilon, cxuinin- ci'.t fen 10 00 Sept. 24. to wl 382.J. U'.Roj. examiner's fee 10 00 Spt.30, by balance cr 10 36 . $123 01 $123 01 INSTITUTE FUND. July 1. by balance.. 2 35 Sept. 30, by balance. $2 36 Respectfully submitted, N. G. Lattox. County Superintendent. Presidential Candidates. This is a great year for candidates for President. There arc uow eight sepai ate aud distinct tickets in the field. Perhaps the nominations will end here, aud if so the tickets, revised to date, are as follows; Republican William McKlnlov, of Ohio; Garret Augustus Hobart, of New Jersey. Prohibitionist Joshua Levering, of Maryland; Halo Johuson, of Illinois. National Party Charles E. Be alloy, of Nebraska; James liar wood Southgate, of North Carolina. Socialist-Labor Charles H. Matchett. of New York; Matthew Maguiro, of New Jersey. Democratic party (so called) Wil liam Jennings Bryan, of Nebraska; Arthur Sewall, of Maine. People's party William Jonnings Bryan, of Nebraska; Tom Watson, of Georgia. Silver party William Jennings Bry an, of Nebraska; Arthur Sewall, of Maine. National Democratic party Johu McAuley Palmer, of Illinois; Simou Bolivar Bucknor, of Kentucky. This is the most formidable list of na tional candidates that the people of the United States have ever been called upon to vote for. At the pres ent writing the prospects, are that the McKinlcy and Hobart electors will get more votes than all tho others 'com bined a.ud multiplied by two. F. A. Tritlo, county .recorder, has petitioned Yavapai county b'atf Bo bo allowed twenty cents 'per name for oompillng the great register,, in addi tion to his salary of $2,000 per vcar. The petition was deiiic'd by the board and the question will beUaken to the courts. REPU0LI0AN RALLY, Tha Public Receive Good Repub lican Doctrine. The Republicans of 'Flagstaff held a rousing meeting in the opera bouse on Monday night. The large ball was crowded to its fullest capacity, many la'dies being present. Tbe'speakers of the evening were Hon. A. J. Doran, R. E. Morrison and T. W. Johnson. The speakers were introduced to the assembly by E. S. Clark, the republi can candidate for district attorney. R. E. Morrison was the first speaker of the evening and iu a lucid manner be showed the fallacy of the democratic party on the financial policy that party advocates, hud reviewed the history of the democratic party ou tho the silver question and proving that they were not the friends of silver in the past that they now pretend to be. Mr. Moi rison is a logical and forceful speaker aud his speech was liberally applauded. Hon. A. J. Doran, caudidate for del egate to congress, was the second speaker. He spoko in a plain straight forward manner, which convinced his bearers that he is a mau in whom they can place confidence, and that as dcicgato to cougrcss from Aiizona, he would at all times work for the best interest of his constituents. T. W. Johuson was hcaid bete for the first time in a political speech and be at once made friends with the au dience. Mr. Johuson is botli humor ous aud sarcastic, and made many telling points against the Bryauitcs. The candidates for the vatious coun ty offices were present, but owing to the lateness of the hour at which the GRfND REPUBLICAN BALLT! The People of Flagstaff and vicinity are Invited " to attend a Meeting at BABBITT'S HfLU Ou the Evening of WEDNESDAY. OCT. 28. 1896. The Important Issues of and Clearly Gen. A. J. Ably assisted by other well - THE LflDIBS Are extended a most cordial Invitation to grace 'this meeting with their presence. WHY Be bothtred with Inferior goods hn yon can get a Ant-class article if only you will call for it. LEVI STRAUSS & CO'S CEIEIRATEI Ctmi RIVETtt OVERALLS AND SPRIN6 I0H0M PANTS Are made of the best materials. Sewed with the best threads. Finished in the best style. EYERY GARMENT GUARANTEED. FOR SALS EVinYWHIRI. SEND or A picture of our Factory, we will mail one to you free of charge. WE EMPLOY OYER 600 GIRLS. UNEH: LEVI STRAUSS & CO. san Francisco, California meeting closed nouc made speeches. The meeting was an enthusiastic one and will result in addiug many votes to the Republican side iu the present campaign. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salvo in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, coins and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, oi no pay required. It is guaranteed to give pel feet satis facliou or money rcfuuded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by D. J. Bran ncn, Flagstaff. Arizona the Day will be Logically Discussed by - ' SAMPSON, known and popular Speakers.