Newspaper Page Text
'" -. "TTSV , .--isiBWl-A , ..StrTHWMK V "T -y '-ALJ? ytf- ,, 1 'n- -?.f AfflMP- "IW-til. f ! i I i 'jghc Gfoawittjcr Jfan. C. M. Funston, Editoh. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1896. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ono Year 1 1 00 Six Months XIB Three Mouths TS Address all communications and make all remittances to 0. M. Fcxstow, Flagstaff, Arizoua. Advertising rates slvon upon application. Eutercdatthe Flagstaff post office aaseo ond-class matter. Delegate to Congress Hon. A. J. DORAN. For Council A. A. DUTTON. For Assembly c, s. Mccormick. Probate Judge N. G. LAYON. District Attorney E. S. CLARK. For Sheriff R. H. CAMERON. Treasurer J. A. LAMPORT. Recorder AL DOYLE. Board of Supervisors J. M. DENNIS, J. A. VAIL. Justices of the Peace J. A. WILSON, E. S. WILCOX. m Constables M. T. (bain) BLACK. The charges niatle against Chief Justice A. C. Baker by Louis Jordan have been fully investigated by Attor ney General Harmon and the investi gation fully exonerates Judge Baker. What did Mark Smith do for Ari zona timing the eight years he repre sented the territory in congress, that the people should return him to that positiou? The question has often been asked but it still remains unan swered. Tin; Democrats say that Arizoua it the only state or territory in the union that the Bryauitcs and the Populists did not fuse and the reason that fusion did not take place here was that Buckey O'Neill opposed for the sole purpose of defeating Mark Smith. The tight between these would be cham pions of free silver will probably defeat both of them. Tho new owner of the Arizona "Re publican,1' C. C. Randolph, has taken possession of that paper and editorially he says: "It shall be this aim to make this newspaper on which the people of Arizona may rely for the uews of tho day, and which shall accurately reflect the life aud spirit of the terri tory. In politics the paper will be Republican. It will stand squarely onthe St. Louis platform. It will un dertake to show that the policy advo cated by tho Chicago convention is fraught with peril to the country. It will produce evidence that the great Republican party may be trusted to work for the betterment of the country' financial system. In iu treatment of all questions it will strive to be fair. Personal and political op ponents will -not be pilloried in the columns of this paper. As soou as may bo practicable improvements in the appearance aud uews gathering facilities of the 'Republican' will be made. J'o this end the support of the people of Phoenix and the terri tory at largo is respectfully solicited." I r?BSJBnSSJSM The race for delegate to congress Is betweon A. J. Doran and W. O. O'Neill. Mark A. Smith does not seem to cut much of a figure this year. The democrat! of Pima county are not supporting Mark Smith this year and Buckey O'Neill will get the vote of the Pima Bryanitet. The price of wheat it going up and the price of silver is declining. This fact needs an explanation from the followora of Mr. Bryan. The Republican rally at Phoenix, on last Friday, was in it magnitude, a surprise to every body, and the dem ocratic story that there is no sound money sentiment in Arizona reoeired a fatal blow. The great majority of the republicans of the territory stand by the.St. Louis platform. The repub lican demonstration at the capital bad a good effect upon tho voters of Ari zona. It was by far the largest aud most enthusiastic political meeting ever held in the territory. The following is the beautiful dot ing peroration of Hon. Thomas Fitch's speech of Thursday night at Prescott, being addressed to the young men: "Yon are ascending the uplands of life, and the sunlight is in your faces. I am journeying into the shadow, and the roar of the ultimate river is dally growing more and more distinct to my ears. As the gladiators of old panted before tho imperial benches and cried: Hail, Caetar, we who are about to die, salute you,' to this generation, which is passing from the scene of human action, gives you, young Amer icans, its loyal greeting. We give to you the honor, the prosperity, the happiness of the mightiest of earth's nations. We place in your bands the grandest heritage of the ages. Guard it, honor it, protect it, and, as you value the happiness of your children and your children's children, ob, tee that you ditsipate it not!" Now that it has been definitely de termined that both Sewall and Watson shall remain in the field at vice presi dential candidates it is just as well for everybody concerned to understand that neither of them has one chance in one hundred to become rice presi dent, even if Mr. Bryan is elected president. The reason is palpable. Neither of them will have a majority of the electoral college, unless those elected on the Watson ticket shall vote for Sewall or vice versa. While therms it no written law to prevent elector! voting for other than the candidates they were elected to vote for, there it a moral obligation and a atrong public sentiment which makes it improbable that many of them will do so, not withstanding the reported understand ing between prominent populisti and democrats, that if Bryan is elected and Senallaud Watson both fail to get a majority of the electoral college, a new man shall be elected vico presi dent by the electoral college. Vhn Money Waa Cheap. Politicians with a crooked pro gramme bank on the theory that the public has no memory. The Bryan stump speakers catch their dupes with the assurance that with free silver and the demonetization of gold wages will rise, and such prosperity as the world ueversaw will ensue. They do not calculate that their hearers know any thing about the demonetization of gold between 1860 and 1865. During that period commodities "went up", as Bryan says they would under free sil ver. They went up 132 per cent. And did not wages go tip? To be sure tbey did; they went up 48 per cent. Then the workingraan was happy P Well, not exactly. A little figuring showed him that on the entire deal hit net lots was just 36 per cent. Workiograen who remember that period of "plenty of money" and high prices had enough of it. They prefer the gold standard and a dollar of the largest purchasing power. New York Advertiser. C. S. McCormiek the republican candidate for the assembly hat a rec ord ot several yean acceptable ser vice with the A. tc P. railroad. He it a genial gentleman, a representative workiugtnan and as a citizen be it a credit to any community and he will make an excellent record in the legis lature. Forest Camp No. 1, W. 0. W have decided to give a grand masquer, ade ball on Thanksgiving Eve, Nov 25. Masquerade costumes will be rented for this ovent from Lot Angelet. All who attended the last Woodman balj will remember the great success of it, and thii ono will be greater. The bull will be held at Babbitt's opera house and the tickets are within the reach of all, 11.00 a couple, Including supper. THE GBEAT REGISTER. It Will Contain Nearly 1,800 Name, An Increase of 800 Natnea Over 1801. The great register of Coconino county is now in the hands of the printer. It will contain 1.49&- names of electors. The register of 189 1 con tained 1,294 names, and the register of 1896 shows an increase of 202 name;. It has often been said that, the popula tion of Coconino county line) decreased, but tho registration proves to the con trary. Tho county has steadily in crcasee iu population notwithstanding the hard times. The new vole is largely republican and will add to tho maorlty that will bo givon by Coco nino county for that ticket. The registration in tho various pre cincts as shown in the great register is as follows: Flagstaff 731 Williams , M3 Bellemont 3-1 Mormon Dairy is Tuba City , 2fl Fredonla.., 21 Challender 71 Hay Lake 40 Wood's Ranch 2 Apache Maid 1 Pine Springs , 2 Canyon Diablo 17 The increase is in ,tho precincts of Williams, Bellemont, Challender, Flagstaff, Hay Lake, Tuba City and Fredonia. There will be nine election preciucls in the county this year. In some of the former precincts not eneugh roteti were registered to make an election board. The Wllber Stock Company, The Wllber Stock Company, sup porting Alice Roseland, a beautiful and artistic young actress, will play a season of three nights and a Saturday matinee, commencing Thursday night, October 29, at Babbitt's Opera House. The Company also includes La Petito Lillie, a wonderfully clever little lot who does her specialties and songs iu a manner that captivates eveiy body. The repertoire for the three nights include a comedy, a comedy-drama and a melc-drama as follows: Thins day night, "Innocent Bohemia," "The Embassy Ball" and the "Streets of New York, for the Matinee a beautiful pas toral drama entitled The Pearl of Savoy will be given, and as au extra attraction for the ladies and children, a beautiful souvenir will bo given to all who attend. The prices have been made very low. 75c for reserved scats, 50c gen eral admission and at the roatiuee 25c aud 60c will be charged. Seats may be served in advance at Braunen's drug store. CANDIDATES MEETING. A Largo Audience Ureet the Ite publlean Candidates Last Night. Wednesday night tho nominees of the Republican party of Coconino county held their firul campaign meet ing in the opera bouse. Notwith standing the bad weather the house was crowded with people who warmly greeted the candidates. The meeting was called to order by C. A. Bush the chairmau of the county central committee who opened the meeting with a brief and forceful talk. A. A. Dutton was tho first speaker of the evening and put the crowd in good humor. lie was followed by C. S. McCormiek the nominee for tho as sembly, who made a ringing talk. He said that while he u as in tho employ of a railroad company, he was bound to them by no moro tics tliau those which exist between employer and employe, and if he should be elected the peoplo would have no. fear of bi ased legislation on bis part, but that be would at all times work for the iu tcrcit of the people. His speech was rocejved with applause nnd he made a favorable Impression on the minds of tho listeners. N. Xi. Lay ton, J. A. Lamport, R. H. Cameron and Al Doyle each made short and pointed talks. E. S. Clark was the speaker of the evening and in an eloquent manner prcsonted tho individual merits of the candidates on the'ticket. Tho candidates will address the peo ple of Cuallcndor to-night nnd attend the meeting In Williams at which Judgo Sterry speaks to-morrow nljlit, You know coffee is used fresh -roasted. Tea ought to be for the same reason the taste. Ours are the only tea firing works in the United States; Schilling's Best is always fresh-fired when jt leaves, our hands. A Schilling ttCempta tUkIk W Can't This is the complaint of tJM M thousands at this season. "CJ'fr They have no appetite; food i doesnotrelish. Tbey need the toning upot the stomach and digestive organs, which a course of Hood's Barsaparilla will give them. It also purifies and enriches the blood, cures that distress after eating and Internal misery only a dyspeptio can know, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling and builds up and sustains the whole physical system. It so prompt ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptic symp toms and cures nervous headaches, that It teems to have almost " a maglo touch." Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best In (act the One True Blood Purifier. ,, i-,.., are the best after-dinner MOOU S KlllS pills, aid digestion. 250. GLACIER IN ARIZONA- A Moat Curious Phenomena llenson. at Few southern countries cau boast of having glaciers, yet Benson, just now, enjoys that distinction. Arizoua has always from time immemorial been called the land of sunshine, but now must lose all sucii popularity aud an cient fame and for route time, at least, claim kinship to the Alpines. One re sult of the hailstorm at Benson, Thurs day, October 10, ono mile south of town, is as perfect a glacier as ever slid down any of the famed European hillsides. Iu this flat south of Benson tho mass of gallicid. and was washed along till it came to the rail road grade and having no outlet there it lodged. It covers several hundred acres and is all thn way from two to leu feet deep of solid hail aud ice. The professor of the Benson school took his class out there Saturday to giro them an interesting aud instruc ire object lesson on the philosophy of the glacier. Republican. E. S. Wilcox asks for tho first rec oguitiou vby the people of ' Flagstaff pteiiuct. He is one of tho republican candidates for the office of justice of the peace. It can be truthfully said that there is no mnu in the precinct more able to discharge the duties of that office than E. S. Wilcox. A New Telegraph Line. The Bisbee "Democrat" states that Capt. Haie, commanding a detach ment of twelve men passed through Tombstone recently eu route to San Bernardino, from uhieh point a mili tary telegraph line is to be constructed to Bisbee. Sargent Booth has been ordered from Dunlap to Mammoth to relievo Operator Andy who is to super intend the work of a company of the Fifteenth Infantry, from Ft. Hauchuca, in putting up tho line. This liue, when completed, will' be a great advantage to the military arm of the government in its effort to check 'the murderous raids of renegade Apaches, and will also afford prospectors and ranchmcu information of threatened danger. Tho persistent effort of Gen. Miles to cnptiuo or destiny this little band of hostiles on the border should arouse the gratitude of all citizens in the thicatened district. J. A. Vail is probably one of tie most popular citizens of this county. His residence Iieie has been marked by a more than ordinary interest in public affairs, his efforts arc appreci ated and he will undoubtedly poll a large rote for supervisor. The people of Flagstaff now havo an opportunity to place iu the office of justice ot the peaco a man of iulegiity and clean business experience. J. A. Wilson, one of the republican nomi nees for justice of tho peace, is fully qualllletl to If 11 that position and ho should receive tho vote of the people. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh Hint Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy tho senso of smell ami completely derange tho whole system when entering it through the mucous stti faces, bucli articles should never he used except on prescriptions from reputable physi cians, as the tin mnjj;o they do is ten fold to the good you can possibly de rive from I hem. Hall's Catarrh C1110, mannfaetuied hy F. J. Cheney & Co., Toldeo, O., contains no mercury, and is inkVn luteinaliy, acting directly upon tho blood mid mucous sui faces of tho system. In buying Hall's UhIhitIi Cure be sum joti get Ihrt genuine. It is taken internally, aud nude, in To ledo, p., by f. J, Cheney & Co. Tes timonials Sold by Druggists, price bc. per bottle, Atlantic & Pacific R. R. Condensed Time Table No. Effective May 31, 1898.1 4. WEST. EAST. STATIONS. No. 3. No. 1 No. fl. No. 4 10 250 Lv. Chicago. ..Ar 10 80P zzap 830p ....Kansas uuy ... .Deliver... 7 30a 11 SO a a 40 a SUa .. Albuquerque Ar Wlngate...Lv 8p 4 OOp 3 25p 1145 a 10 40 a 860 m 730a 6 65a 10a 13 15 p 1 30p 4 06d ..Qallup.... Holbrook.. Wlnslow... .... Flagstaff. William. OfiOp J45p SSOp 7 JVp 30a SOOa Ar..Ash Fork Lv 8. tOp 11 35 p fl 45 a Lv. Ash Fork.. Ar S45p 40ftp 635a 365a 730p 930a 4 15 p Ar Prescott Lv o 45 a Ar ..PIioenlx..Lv 8 45 p 4 35 a 7 15p USOp Lv.. Ash Fork Ar L v. . Kingman . . Lv 666a SOOa lSfta 1035p 725u i sua 3 06 a 7 40 a SlOa i Kp 630p ...Tne necaies... Blake Daggett. ... Ar .Uarstow Ar....MoJave Ar Los Anreles Lv mop 145P SIOp 110c 801a 1 lDp 135p flOOp 840 p 820p 12 35p VWU 1015 a Ar. 8an Diego.. Lv 730a lft K A 5 OOp Pullman Palace Bleeping Cars dally through between Chicago and 8an Fran cisco and Chicago and Los Angeles. Pullman Tourist Bleeping Cars dally through between Chicago and San Francisco and Chicago and Los Angeles. Tourist fin leave San Francisco every Wednesday and Los Angeles every Thursday, running through i nansas niy. vnicago ana Boston. The Grand Canyon of the Colorado can be reached onl v via this line. Ask for a beautifully Illustrated book which will be mailed free. DON A. SWEET General Passenger Agent, Albuquerque. N.M. ELECTION PROCLAMATION. TgRRiToar or Arizona, I EZECDTtvs Orricc f To all whom It may concern: Wbireas, under an act ot the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona, en titled Elections." approved March 8, 1887, It Is provided that there shall be held through out the Territory, upon the Tuesday after the first Monday In Noxember, A. D. 1883, and every two years thereafter, an election for members of the Legislative Aisembly, and such other officers as may be required bylaw shall be chosen at such election. And Whercas. it Is further provided in said Act that at least thirty days before each general election the Governor mutt Issue an Election Proclamation, under the Great of the Territory, and transmit copies thereof to the Clerks of the Boards ot Supervisors of the counties In which such elections are to bo held. Such proclamation to contain a statement of the t lino of the election and tho offices to bo filled, and the offer of a reward In the form prescribed by said Act. Now, TncRiroRE, I, Benjamin J. Franklin, Governor of Arizona. In pursuance of the duty enjoined upon me. do hereby order a general election to be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday In November, A. I) 1808, and the offices to be filled at such elec tion 1 do hereby designate to be as follows, to-wlt: One Delegate to tho Fifty-fifth Congress of the United States. Twelve members of tho Council of the Legislative Assembly of Arizona and Twenty-four members of tbeUouscof Rep resentatives of the Legislative Assembly of Arizona, apportioned agreeably to existing laws as follows, to-wlt: County Council. Assembly. Apache 1 l Coconino 1 I Cochise l 3 Gila 1 l Giaham .. .... I 2 Maricopa. .... 1 4 Mohave ... 1 1 Navajo 1 I Pima 1 4 Pinal ... 1 2 Yavapai ... l 3 Yuma 1 1 And there shall be elected In each county of tho Territory ono Probate Judge, one District Attorney, ono Sheriff, one Treas urer, one Recorder, one Surveyor, two Mem bers 01 tho Hoard or Supervisors, except In the county of Navajo, where there shall be elected three Members of the Board of Su pervisors; and In each ot the counties where the office of Tax Collector has not been con solidated with the office of Sheriff or Treas urer, one- Tax Collector shall be elected. Also In the several precincts of each county one Justice of the Peace and one Constable, and in such precincts as are entitled to two Justices of the Peace and two Constables, that number thall be elected. And I do hereby offer a reward of 150 for the arrest nnd conviction of any and every person violating any of tho provisions of line 1, rare 1, 01 tne renal code. Iu witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of this Territory to bo hereunto lSEAt.1 affixed, this thirtieth day of Septombcr. A. D.. 1890. Done at Phoenix, the Capita, this thirtieth day of September, 1898. By the Governor: BENJAMIN J. FRANKLIN. Charles M. Bruce, Secretary of Arizona For Over Fifty Veure. Mrs. WinslowV Soothing Syrup ha been used for over lifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children whilo teething, with perfect success. It soothes thn child, softens the minis. allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for dianhcea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer imme diately. Sold by druggists in even part of tho world. Twenty-Are cents a bottle He sure and ask for "Mrs. Winsiow's Soothing Syrup," nnd take no other kind. Rucklen's Arnica Salve. ' The best salve In tbe world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, cbapped hands, chilblains coins nnd nil skiu eruptions, aud posi tively cures piles, 01 no pay reo.uled. It is gnnranteed to give perfect satifr faction or money refunded. Price, 3,' cents per box. For sale by I). J. liran nen. Flagstaff. Arizona. Furnished rooms to rout 011 Rail road, avenue, for bloejts tyest of post ofllce. Inquire of J. H. Ruusty. i Santa Fe, Prescott S Phoenix Railway Company. Time Table No. 18. effective June 9, 1595. Mountain time la standard used. STATIONS. NOKTII, iO. 2 I o. 4 lv Ash Pork ar 6 45 t- 635a 169 3 65 3 42 2 55 2 40 2(8 115 uock Hutte Del Ulo QUU 604 450 405 3 60 312 i 220 1200 143 12 45 12 01 11 2(1 a 1000 1 0 47 , 0 32 It 15 a Jerome Junc'n ar Prescott lv lv Prescott nri Summit SUull Valley Klrkland Date Creek Congress WIckenburg Peoria Glendale Alhatnbra 12 65 II tip 10,0 0 42 815 600 7 4D TMp ar Phoenix lv! S. F.. P. & P. Railway. ....WITH THE .. p.. L & S. r. Icthe Shortest aud Quickest Route to Den ver, Kansas City. Bt. Louis, Chicago and all PolnU East. Tbe Scenic Line of Arizona, The Best Route to California, Only Nortb and South Line in Arizona. Orand Canyon of the Colorado. Petri lied Forest, Great Pine Forests. Cliff Dwellings. To the I Great gait liivcr Valley, And numerous other points of Interest Through tickets to all points In the United States, Canada and Mexico. All the comforts and conveniences rf a first-class road, with superb equipment. Close connections made at Ash Fork with Santa Fe route fast trains to all points eakt and vest. Trains for California leat e Ash Fork at 7:15 and 8:45 p. m., arihlngin Los Angeles next afternoon at 1:25 and ban Fran cisco second morning at 10:15, Parties desiring to remain o er at Ash Fork will find excellent accommodations at Fred Harvey's hotel. Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Jerome Junction with trains of the United Verde A Pacific Railway for Jerome. Connecting at Prc-ott with stage lines for all principal mining camps; at Congress with stage lines for Har qua llala, Stanton and Yarnell: at Phoenix with the M. & P. & . K. V. ItHilway for all points on Southern Pacific Railway. Geo. M. Bahocnt. General Trelght and Pas sender A vent. Prescott F.M.Mcnrnr. President and General Man ager, Prescott, Ariz. R. E. Wells. Assistant General Manager, Prescott. Arlr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Homestead ExTitr No. :oi. Land OrriCE at Pkescott Aniz fceptcnitierSI. 18.M. 1 Notice I heieby given that the following named settler has filed noticeof his inten tion to make final proof In suppoit of Ills claim, and that said proof will be made ' tore clerk of Probate Court at rirctaff Arizoua. on October 30, ISM, lz., Cham-? H McGonlgle for the SE ' Section 1, Township 20 North, Range 7 East. Ho names the following witnesses to proe his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion ot. said land, viz.- William ). Writ dover. Flagstaff, Ariz.; John llarrlnclon of Flagstaff, Ariz.; W. J. Watson, of Flagstaff. Ariz.; J. C. Welch, of Flagstaff, Ariz. H. D. ROsS. Register First publication September 24. 1S90 ic -AND- Loan' Association Of New York, NO MEMBERSHIP, ENTRANCE OR ADMISSION FEES, Dcflulte contract Limited payments Purely mutual. Absolute security Assets Impregnable. Practical manage i.ent -penses limited aurliig economy. Stock non-forfeltable. Persistency tewaidcd Per manent. Specific withdrawal pilvlleges Equitable. All securities deposited In tmt Moit gages nou-negotlahle and non-asIsnabie precluding los. Extra assessment's Impos sible. Securities only first moitgage aid stock. NO BONUS. At any time after six monthly payments have been made. If a member Is unable to pay dues through sickness or los of woik. he can receive Susjwnslon Certificate for a rea sonable period, allowing him to resume 1 iy ments after his circumstances lmproe, without sustaining loss of dividends. The only Assoc! ttton In the United States In which no Iqss Is sustained by Intending borrowers on rejected applications for loans. Compound Interest. Issues stock to suit all kinds of investors. Advance payments ac cepted, precluding possibility of incurring fines. Stock becomes Interest-bearing after fixed number of payments thereon has been made;0 per cent per annum (piy.iblc half yearly) Is allowed thereon tiuttl maturity. Its plan Is unique aud Its destined success Is manifest. NOTICE TO FREIGHTERS, 1,000 teams wanted to haul coko fioai Foit Thomas to the town of Globe. A. T., auJ Copper hack from Globe to Tort Thomas plLA VALLET, GLOBE 4: NOUTIiEUN IfAILWAV CO,, By Wji. Oakland Prf!deni Addresa: Rnwln, A. T. Wanted-An Idea Wno can think of some simple tiling to rtrnl( Protect jour Idwij they may brlacjou wealth nni juhx WUWCKBOBH oo , Patent Attor- SOUTH. "No3 No.l 860 p AM a 9 85 7 31 1081 826 1017 8 40 1185 S30 11 CO 45 1225 a 10 21 11101 115 1130 f W3 1147 2 40 1245 p 320 Zi 4 30 2 05 800 3 DO 8 12 3 42 628 3 67 6 45 a 4 18 p , fo t . -' p, J". I. 'm'..' ... . ... - . V I ."a- -V ' . -ar. !.y . -Qf i j tC j ... 'fttll . ".C ' " " ... . t j '. g JSgHEOmMlMill I "N 6 ..." 3s-