OCR Interpretation

The Coconino sun. (Flagstaff, Ariz.) 1898-1978, April 30, 1898, Image 4

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062055/1898-04-30/ed-1/seq-4/

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Tin: cocoNlNo Sl'N.
Cattle vs. Sheep I settle the question for good, it can be
The following ediurial. from the accomplished to the full satisfaction or
Southwestern Stockman, discusses the ' " " lIll'I- T"u ,1,uul ' the north
present situation in regard to the dlf-i"" to ,,, ullimwl toi-oni.' Htnith to
fereneea between the. sheepmen or the lamb and clip, but the should not pre
northern portion of the territory mid j s"' that hu.v lllive h1 t0 ot:cul.
the cattlemen who live on the line of tnml door.wird of a man who is an
tho trail to the pasture- In the houthern , " -"-'"Id' ' !l immunity. The llook
partof tho territory : master- are intelligent people und ean
The question of rights between the, L'ilsil appreciate ' wrongs they com
eattlemen of Arizona and her lHvk-'mlt in ,llis Wil- A!-,u,n !t is vvv
owners is perhaps tho same here as in ' prob.ible that were t,b attention of tin
other states and territories of the range ' owners of the Mocks railed to tho mat
seetion of the west. Blood wars have lL'r they wm,1(1 "l)l ul,ow wh;lt- '" ,na"
been waged and miny innocent lives ,,iises- t"1.1'" shepherds do unbeknown
lost, and wljen the battle was over and I "' t" owners. The whole hiibject
thousands of dollars in propert wan-' oll5-"t l,u c.uefully canvassed and be
louly destro.xed. the question was no!fo,v the 'fall' drives are eommeneed a
nearer settled than before. Not that I l"'oP01" Mu'dei-liindlng will be arrived
it was one that ean never bo settled. I llt 1ml tlu' whu' l,1'Sf titled. If the
for it ean ; but wo must go about it in a j lu(1 doling is allow eil to grow but one
proper manner We must all reeognie I tI!f l"11" 1'appen. whieh means the loss
the'-'faVt that for tho greater Arizona's of li re. and for whieh rash step there
cattle, and sheep ranges are govern-' c'w xvM 1)l' "" provocation. Let us
nu-nt land; that the trails leading from
the mountain home, or summer range
of the Hooks, tn their valle r.mge and
winter home, are over the government
domain, and they arguo that they have
State Hell Up
Shoiiff Hirehlield was" inforniud by
wire al li p. m., Wednesday that the
Oeronimo and Globe stage had been
by two
an equal -ngot witu me cattlemen to , held up at it o'clock TTm
tho same. Thoy have, in a sense, norj mi;n, flvo miles below Geronimo, near
yet they have not. Where a man has.o. C. May's ranch on the San Carlo-
siiiuwi aim esiaiiusiieu mi- uimseii a reservation,
home, and the broad acres about him Sheriff Biivhlleld telegraphed for a
have beeu his for ears by oceuiunc, poss,. to be road at Geronlmo and he
because of water developed to make left at once for the s-ene of the rob
that occupancy possible, w e sa, he has ,or .
a prior right In tho eyes of all honest. There is a general belief that the
men, even though no law exists on our. robbers.aro a part of "Broncho Bill's"
statute lxK)ks giving him that right., jjang of bandits, as.thev were known to
The matter Is, therefore, not one for' be in tho Black Klver country, to
tho courts to take a hand in. but rather, where the were trailed after tile at
one to be settled as between man and tempted train robben at Grant's
man, and which, wo believe, can be station oir the Santa FV I'aeillc ra'l
dono by arbitration. If the cattlemen I road.
along the route of travel will get t. j u,.llt. co ,,, tll Sa w.ls
gether und make a request for tho notified and he promptly setit a num
sheepmen to do tho same, and meet to I her of Indian trailers to "take the trail

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