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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
-liaaSK. ij . V H TUB COCONINO SUN. flWVWWWVWWVWWWWO I BRIEF LOCALS. ewvwwwvwwwwwvwv Satuuday, .Iakuauy Ki, 1UO0. Burton Mossmtin, manager o( the A toe Cuttle Couip.ui, came up from Uolbiook jestoidaj and will leiualna few d.ijs. The Uieket Stoic has many novel and useful ui tides on its counters lit piiei's will induce joti ts become a Tlio Sum emu Omit is in l Pt chaser. session tit Phoenix this week. Gem-re IJiou-rhtoti of 1're-eott, jriand i-omm.inder of the G. A. It., islieio loda for t lie pin pose of Installing the ollici'tsof Unjoin 1'iht G, A. U. The Aiiona Cen- V. U. Coole bruiidud with tliul1"' B. 1J. O. E. hon Tuesday night. The wind sloi in Momla blew down n tilliitlii.t. iif iiluit,i ii. Il.rlit t...!.... ...v.. ...... ....... i. .,h..v ,....,.,.. .... . , t ..1.1 . I II. I UltlK lepiesenis a iiuiimui ' iitr .... ' . .... ..mi .. .:. Kiie iii-ui. nice. Km elopes stiltahlu for ui.iili cabinet photojri uphs for sale at Sun olllou. The Second Hand Stoic selection of dolls and doll right pi iuos. I ...11 .1.1.. . .....i. ml. .a Mill Kill UI ill! Mllll' .1 IVIIIIIIIU Will rim't - - the . , , , . iii-aiiance at the lowest late. has a line i heads When down town diop in the Itackct ... ,inil i.ilin ii limit at the -roods dis- iU, pluji'd on the .. 10. i" and oO cent ii-iiiiiii(!i. 'I'heiuuie bai-'alusonuveij K. V. Smith, who Is now engaged in ,.,.,,., tile dill'' litisiiiufn in Williams, spent ., , . . r , , ,, ss.,,,,1 v T. . i Thuisd.iN 1'iobitu .liulsre Lajton Is- Suuua here. , . ,, . ,, 'siiul a matiiugu license to Howarl L. Piescott and l'hooui. will ou lio , Matillt urell ;, or SeliKiii.m, und i:ui connecled will, a long distance tele- ma ,,,,,,,, llBC,i,of Koulcountx, phone system. Michigan. W. .I.Giegg leases tomonow for a , MU Mlll,illul MrO.wai. has re thieu mouths isit to his foimer Ikiuiu , I10t tlllJ ,,,i ion us teacher of latin In New Yin k. ' huho I'hoe.iU high school and will Ladles' calling cuds, in the couect become a sttidi'iil at the Leliinil Sian bt,les, punted in the lutostcoppui -plate , fol,i Unioisiti. script ut this oflloe. ' i-,r iho e.iot condiiion of thu count Duput U.S. Mm thul T. F. Gi Indell UMnees the SUN lefeis our esteemed has been appointed cleik of the tern- cDiiteinpniai ics, the Gem. mil theNows, tonal Supieiue Conn. The dule or the institution of Ihu -ue of the SUN. Lodge of Klks at Winslow has been1 W. II. ( 'ai loll and changed to Monday, the loth Instant. , Gov. Muiph, who accompanied thu wheie the will spend seoial weeks. Cougiessiouul committee on their tilp Dining their absence the C.uiolltou through the west, letui ned Wednesday . Neal & Gai tin havu engaged in the wood business ami aiu furnishing wood ut the late of $2.A) per coid. Leave oidersat Miidersbach's butcher shop, telephone No. i'l. to Ihu st.ilemeiit published in this is- ifi- t-pect to K'.ivi iioxi week for Los Angeles, house will be closed. The All i Republican ): "Or. 1'ratl has h.iil ln.inv tusof piactical experience in bis line and is known thiuugliDiit the Tei I iloi, . one of thu mot skillful opticians in the west." T 5 X tmmmsan