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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
Hw THE COCONINO SUN. LODGE DIRECTORY. QltAlM TMBE, NO. 8, 1. O. It. M. Meets (in Sleep of 3d Sun. Knch 7 Suns at 7 Uuns, SO llrcaths. Wlitnam. eorner avenue, ami Leroux street. Visiting tribe mem bers welcome. r- A. Uohehty. Sachem. It.H.MAUINCC.Ot It. rM. Hitow.NiMl.C.of W. JJOUNTAIN LODOK, NO. IS, IC. Or I. Meets In Masonlo Hall every Wednesday nltrht. Visltiinr mUhts nro cordially Invited to attend. J. M. Simpson, 0. C. Louis Simbhs, Iv. of It. and S. fOUItT COCONINO, NO. WO. INOKPKND- s-" E.NT OHDKIl Ol' KOIthSrEHH. Meets Tuesday nluhts In Masonic Hall Visit Inir members ltnlUM to attend tint Court meet ine. V. II. Nohman, C. It. Louis Snms, Iteeonler. VIjAOSTAKK I.OIX'.K. No. w. hijnkvo- x LENT AMI PltOTKCTIVK OIUII II of hl.Ks. Meets every Tuesdav nlirht In Itisl Men's Hall. Vlsltlnit brothers are cordially Invited to at tend. C. II. COII MS. K. It (,'. M. Ki'Nstos, Secretary. pi.AOSTAKK 1.01X1 ti. NO. I.I, A. t). l W. Meets eerv Thursday nlitht In Masonic Hall. Vlsltlnit memlers Imltril to attend. A. A. DL'TTO.N. M. W. Cl-UIK Hitt, Iteeonler. pi.AIISTAKr' I.OIX1K NO. 7. I A. M. ltejtulnr meetlmr, on llrst Saturd.iv of each month at !'. and A M. Hall, out city Hall. Vlsltlnir brethren ln Ited to attend I)u. i:. s Mit.l.Eii, Sec. J. A. Mauueii, W. M. CHURCHES. B. HOCK, Stationery and- News Stand. FINE CIGARS, Domestic and Havana. Fresh Fruits and Confectionery. ItAII.KOAD AVllNOK. Lessor's Notice. c HIIItCH OI' TIIK NATIVITY Itev. r.Ullly rector. On Sundays l,on mass , At H o'clock a. in.; hlirh mass at lii.ftin. n Sunday school at 1 1 :3il o'clock a. m. Itnsiirr and benediction of the Most Hlessed Sacrament ill t p. in. On week days, mass at 8 15 a. m. All cordially Invited. rutsT mi:thoiist cauitcn ltev. W. W. Ilriink, pastor. Sabbath sen Ices Sunday-school, til a. m ; pieachlmr service. II n. m.: class ineelliut. MM m.: .Itinfor Leurue .1 p m.: Ilpworth League fl:30 p. rn,: evening -ertlie, 7:30 pm.: weekly prajer inectlmf. Vilnsilny, 7Mn p. in. i:eryono Is cordially M eleome. FIlfST I'ltKSIIYTKHIAN CHUltCII. Itev (leo. I.oitle, II. I) , iastor. Sen Ices; Sunday-school and HIIilo Class, 10 a. m.: morn- Int'senlce. II a. m ; Young 1 plo's meetlnif, OM'i p. in.: eicnln-' service, 7:30 p. m,: prmer ni-eilm.', Wednesday. 7:30 j. in. Vou are cor dially tnltcd Stranirers In ton n are asked to come and make themselves known. To Am. Whom It MV ('om'kiin. Notice Is herein jtiven that thudr.iiid Caiiou mine slnate.1 In I'lne Spring minim; district, Coconino coiiutv, Ail7ona, which is underlease to pirlb'sHorklnu' the same unci that neither the mine nor the owners' thereof will be re sponsible for an labor or debts contracted nor Injuries siistainisl by nu lessees or tin Ir emploes In workliu; said property: ami that no lessee or einphne Is the a enlof the owners for an purpose, and that all (ieratleseiiiratfe in such sen Ice at their own risk, and that no debt, or claim of debt. Is alld aiKilnst said minim.' claim or Its owner. Klnirstiiff. Not ember '-J" s"i. V. II. ItuihMimi. ItlllKMHTII. i aiiif ask your kHIIIEO DRUDQIST... for a descriptive circular regarding Dr. Nutbaum'a German "Health Capsulai" IT WILL INTEREST YOU V' 5 X