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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
THE COCONINO SUN. r l J scribed to the foregoing Instrument, and ac knowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed. Given under my hand this eleventh day of November, A. D. 1MX. J, M. W, Moohe, Justice of the Peace. U. S. Documentary stamp, 10c, cancelled. Itecorded at request of M. K. Spaulding, No vember so, A. D. 1W9, at 10 o'clock a. m.. In Hook I, pages 2J9 ct seq Hciords of Coconino county, Arizona. T. K. I'uu.iam, County Recorder. First publication December 9. NOTICK OF AMENDMENT -or ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OK THE ARIZONA CENTRAL BANK. Notice Is hereby ultcn, that at a special meeting of tho stockholders of The Arizona Central Hank, held at the office of said corpora tion, in the tow n of Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona Territory, on the S!tli day of December, A. D. 1M1I, due notice thereof having liecn reg ularly glen to all the stockholdcrsof said cor poration, and all the shares of said corporation having been at said meeting represented and all of the requirements of the urtlcles of Incorpo ration and by-laws of said corporation haWng been fully compiled with, the following reso lution was at said meeting unanimously adopted by a vote of all the shares of said corporation there represented: Kcsolved, that the articles of incorporation of The Arizona Central Hank I amended as follows: Article III to In! amended to read as follows: AHTICM? HI. "The capital of this corporation shall lj forty thousand (tlO.oucl) dollars, paid In on or before the 1st day of January, A. D. 1IKK); the shares of stock shall be In the sum of one hun dred (tiui) dollars, each, par value. From time to time the Hoard of Directors may In crease said capital to seenty-IIe thousand (tt3,UJU) dollars;" and that Article VI be amended to read as follows: ARTICLE VI. "Private property of shareholders In this corporation shall be exempt from corporate debts, and the highest nmount of Indebtedness to which this corporation shall at nny time subject Itself, shall be the sum to which the demands, or deposits may reach or may be brought, but the total of such Indebtedness or liability, at any one time, is hereby made for the purpose of definite amount, not to exceed six hundred thousand dollars." C. H. Edwards, Secretary of The Arizona Central Hank and agent for the stockholders of said corporation. I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the proceedings held at a spec ial meeting of Tho Arizona central Bank, a cor poration, held at Its office In the Town of Flag staff. Coconino county, Arizona Territory, on the 88th day of December, A. D. 1K99. c. II. Kdwaiids, Secretary of The Arizona central Bank and agent for the stockholders of said corporation. Ten cent U. S. documentary stamp, cancelled. Tkiikitoky or Akizona, I County of Coconino. f On this day, lcfore me, T. E. Pulllam.n notary public In and for the County of Coco nino, Territory of Arizona, personally appeared C. II. Edwards, known to me to be the secre tary of The Arizona Central Bank, the corpo ration and to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this 5th day of January, A. D. 1900. My commission expires February 6, 1901, seal. T. K. Puixiam, Notary Public Ten cent U. S. documentary stamp, cancelled. TEHKITOllY OK AlIIZONA, I County of Coconino. f I. T. E. Pulllam, county recorder In and for the county and territory aforesaid, hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of articles of incorporation with the orlg nnl notice of amendment, filed and recorded In my office on the Sth day of January, A. D. 1900, in book 1 of articles of Incorporation, at page 239, et seq, and that the same Is a full, true and correct copy of such original, and the whole thereof. Witness my hand and seal of office this 6th day of January, A. D. 1900 T. K. Pclliam, s-kai.1 County Kecorder. Ten cent U. S. documentary stamp, cancelled. First publication Jan. 6th. w, S. ROBINSON, PHYSICIAN AND SUItGKON, Flagstaff. Arizona. Otlcelnl.oy building. Office hours. 10 to II a. in.; 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. U S.CLARK, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. Practice before the Land Department a spe cialty. Office. Babbitt Block. Flagstaff, Arizona. The - Coconino - Sun FINE COMMERCIAL PRINTING Executed with dispatch. New type, new faces, new designs.