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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
. iir.-.- tisiJUBft,-- r- ty THE COCONINO SUN. Will Be No Advance. Tlio Suntii Fe niuruioiiient has posi tively refused to grant theirainmen mi Increase In pay, as dciniuulcd. The grievance committee of this Order of Hallway Conductors and Hrntherhood of Hallway Trainmen are still in Chi cago, and yesterday a conference was being held between the member and the national chiefs of the two oidcis dust what will bo the outcome of the conference is a question. The Santa Fe officers refused the in crease asked for, which amounted to an advance of about 15 per cent, on the grouulthat the Santa Fe trainmen weio now receiving as much, and in some cases more, than the trainmen of other western roads. In taking this stand the executive officers followed General Manager Madge's lead, as Mr. Mudge refused to grant thtj advance at the time of the Mist conference on the same ground. Mr. Mudge said that he belloied the Santa Fe trainmen were loo sensible and too well satislicd with their meut at the bauds of the company to think of a strike. Several concession, in the matter of runs and work, were made by the Santa Fe management, and several question able points of the schedule were do tltlf'fl. Till, ifilliliilltiiis limit lui. .11 in Chicago for the past ten da,s. Topeka I State .lournal. Lewis Dennis, Salem, Ind., say, 'Kodol Dyspepsia Cure did mo more' good than auuhing 1 ever took." It! digests what niieataud cannot help but cure dyspepsia and stomach troub les, l'ioneer Drug Store. I Size doesn't indicate quality. He-1 ware of counterfeit and worthless salve offered for DeWilt's Witch Ha.el Salve. DoWitl's is the only original. J An infallible cure for piles and all skin I diseases. Pioneer Drug Store. ' A specialty is made of Sanitary Plumbing of ;1I kinds. The placing of Hath Tubs, Sinks, fie., is attended to ill the most seieiitilie manner. Tinning, I'millng and Galvanized Iron work can be dune speedily and satisfactorily. Makes connec tions with water mains and can furnish any amount of piping, with necessarj lixtuies. In f.iet, has tin largest slock of llr.iss Goods in this section of the Territory. I'cpilr work piompily attended lo. Hsil inales furnished if desired. William Friedlein, RAILROAD AVENUE. FLAGSTAFF. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartiflciallydlgcststhefoodandaldi Nature in strengthening and recon structing tlie exhausted digestive or gans. It is t he lat est discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relievesand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sicklleadachc.Gasti.tlgla.Cranips.and all other result f inip'Tfect.digpstion. Prepared by E. C. DeWItt A Co.. Chicago. PIONEER DRUG STORE. SANITARY PLUMBING f ?