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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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lt THE COCONINO SUN. CLARK TO THE TRUSTEES. To the Board of Trustees, Flagstaff School District: Gentlemen: In your "resolution" of December 29, 1899, you stilted that certain charges preferred by mo on December 21 against M. Dimmick con tained gross exaggerations and certain details without foundation in fact. I append hereto for your consideration two atlidavits, and there are others. Hither these allidavits are untrue or jour "resolution" embodies a false hood. I incline to tlio latter opinion. Yours respectfully, K. S. Clahk. Terhitohy of Arizona, I County of Coconino. f Frank h. Heal, first having been duly sworn, on his oath deposes and says: That he is a resident of Flagstaff, Ari zona, and has lived in said town eight een years; that he has a daughter . named Ruth A. Heal, of the age of 1U i years; that for several days prior to tlio 18th day of December, 1899, his , daughter had been ill and continue) to I her home; that on the 18th day of Do- J cember aforesaid she attended the public school in said town of FlagstalT, j where she had been a regular pupil ; I that on the morning of said 18th of I December, an order had been made by j the principal of said school, M. Dim mlck, prohibiting the pupils of said school from throwing snow. That be-1 cause of her sickness the said Ruth! Bcal had not attended chape) on the morning aforesaid, and did not know of said order; that at noon on the said 18th of December, as the children were forming in line to enter the school building, she picked up a little snow and threw it at .John Doyle, another pupil of the said school, being innocent of any intention of breaking any rule. That her action waH observed by the said M. Dimmick, principal, who Is a very large and muscular man, weigh ing nearly if not quite 200 pounds. Ho immediaiely commanded her and her alone, although other pupils were at the same time throwing Know, to step from the ranks. As she ap proached Dimmick he grasped her by both arms and shook her with great violence and brutality, for a consider able lime, injuring her so severely that she has been unable to attend school and lias been coutined to her home nearly all of the time since. That one sleeve of her dress was torn nearly olT during her ''chastisement." That the muscles of her neck, back and arms weie severely strained, so much so that she was conlined to her lied and suffer ed great pain for two days. That her treatment has been characterized as shameful by the physician hom aillant J found it necessary to call on account of her injury. That she has always been an obedient and tractable child and ready to obey any rule or command of which she lias knowledge. That on I lie 19tli day of December, 1899, atllunt informed .1. C. Grim and T. K. Pulliam, trustees of Flagstaff school district, of the occurrence afore said, but that neither of them nor the said board took any action thereon further than to advise him to "see Dimmick," and that judging from the attitude of t lie board and its indiffer ence to the complaint made by affiant, It apparently sanctions the treatment alllaut's daughter has received from the said Dimmick. F. L. Heal. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 10th day of .January, A. D. 1900. My couimissioii expiies Feb. , 11101. SEAL. E. S. CLakk. Notary Public. TEKItlTOKY OK ARIZONA, I County of Coconino. f i Mrs. J. W. Greenleaf, first having 'been duly sworn, on her oath deposes V "PiFSS $