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- m& t&JSt&jSiBt!11 n THIS COCONINO SUN. (Site ocouiiti? m. Entered In Hie Postofflco at Flah'stafT as second class matter. Issued etcry Saturday. Subscription prlco, two dollars a jear, in advance. Kiery paper Is stopped at the explnitlonof the tlmo paid (or C. M. FUNSTON, Editor. Saturday, Januaiiy 13, liHX). A WARNING TO THE "LAMBS." The recent collapse in copper stocks, and the unexpected stringency of the money market in the east, are warning which cannot safely he left unheeded. Only one of two causes could have 'boomed" these stocks to the perilous height attained; either a tremendous conspiracy to blackmail the manufac turing interest, or an even more infa mous attempt to "bleed the lambs," that is, the unfortunate and innocent individual investors. This must be the The curious situation in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where the government claims; to be the real owner of all the land in the city, will be put an end to if a hill introduced by Delegate Perea becomes a law. Under this, the gov etnment quitclaims four square miles of land to the city in trust for the pres ent holders. Government buildings and ro.ei vations are excepted from the grant. Mr. I'erea also Introduced a bill making the Santa Fe P.icillc road, including the whole of its prop el t. in Now Mexico, suhjeettotaxatlon under the territorial laws. ease, because there was no adequate in-1 crease In the demand lor copper to warrant the rice in the price of say electrolytic copper from ten cents a pound in 1899, to twenty cents in 18!)!. The same may be said of the greatly increased prices of iron and steel, lum ber, leather, paper and other "con trolled" staples. Tho stocks issued and bought on tho basis of present prices and profits, cannot be safe in vestments, because the manufacturer, builder, consumer and exporter cannot use thera largely at a profit, or saving to himself. It may bo that tho lesson will he learned in time, that no jug glery can make four out of two, or even make thera appear to bo so for any length of time. From the January number of the National Magazine. THE statement of the count affairs dining the ear 18!)!). published in this issue, shows a reduction of a goodly sum in tho floating indebtedness over the previous ear, and should be grati flng to all tapaers. The reduction is due to two reasons, first, there lias been no undue expenditures during tho ivj.r, and second, the present Hoard of Supervisors had the good judgment to raise the tax rate and to equalize tho assessments. With the same action by the boaid for this ear, the end of tho ear will seu the floating indebted ness wiped out. THE Lite distinguished Union gon ei ill, John C. Newton, after careful in vestigation, declared that more great battles were fought, more men engag ed, and more execution done on the famous battlefields in Spotts.ilvuniii county, Virginia, known as Fredericks burg, Salem Church, Chaneelloisville, the Wilderness, and Spottsylvania Court House, than on any torriioi of similar aiea in the world. For this reason, Mr. Hrosius of IVnns.Wvanlii, has intioduced a bill appropriating $100,000 for the purpose of acquiring and suitably marking this tenltory and transforming it into a national park. & !"3PS52wtel