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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
kiUAJto-ujJti jgjjifeiiiiitiyoitBj .iSS&Sa, ;WfTWIWMOTiaf8fflifapBaMaa THE COCOVINO SUN r George McAdatns and wife are up fiom Wolf's tlMdilljr pt. Mi. Kmnia Wilson l.isr week pie scnted each of her numerous friends with handsome lump mats. Uurton Mnssman, manager of the Atoe Cuttle Company, came up fiom hislow .iiid returned this inoniini,'. I. T. Filth, one of the hest teleg raphers in the count rv. isuowmana-'cr of the Postal Telegiuph office in this pl.iee. Good aihcitising is not expensive: It is econoin' Wh itever it cots, if it ineieases juiir net piollts, it U u good investment. Geoige Itlodgct, recently of Hemet, C.ll , openccl u lier, stable lieio. At piu-ont his -Utile is :it the 1. .1 Mi.iniieii 1i.Lt it aeioss the r.iilioid tt.ick. After March 1 lie will nunc to) the Francis eoi X A Sup ti box was sent to the l " hospital li.i Dr. Itouii-mille, lliccountv ' plusiciaii iii Williams Tin' Ihiv Im.'l been siilTei ing from piieiimoniu for ten d i pot and onh lived -a feu hours . .ifter hu was placed in the hospital. M. M. JEMISON & CO., Dealers in FINE CIGARS SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO SMOKERS' ARTICLES CONFECTIONERY AND PERIODICALS W. II. Andeison l picturing to test the siipph of water on his ranch three miles not Ih of town. He believes that thei in a large amount of water under lie ah the pot tion near his Tin in house us the well, ulilcli ns dug foiu teen eus Hjr0, has not heen utTeeted bv the piesent dioulh. What is purported to ho the will of Geoige McDowell, dec-eased, has been offered for Ming in the piobite court. The will was made in 18!lil and he (pieaths all his piopcity to it liulf brother, who is a resident of Texas, and was made while McDowell iv.w on a visit to his old home in that state. The attention of our readers is c tiled ot the udvctltsemcnt of II K. Fox & Co., the well known jeweliy firm of Alliuqueique, N. M who have estib lished a hi .inch at Winslow. 0. II. 13. Denton, the manager, is well and fav orably known to main Flagst iff people and anv otders entrusted lohisearc will teceive his best attention. WEATHERFORD'S OLD STAND, RAILROAD AVENUE, FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA. Ilev. T. M. Connollv. pastor of the Catholic church at Winslow. came up frlclav ami win lemaln over annua. Fred Kendrick left this morning for .leroine, whete he has a position as millvv i ight vv ith one of the new mining companies theie. L. II. Du-liv, representing V. C. Xevin & Co., wholesale confectioner-, Denver, Colo., was here estoiday on his second tiip tin ough Arizona this ear. The time tried F.qultable Life Assur ance Roeietv tells the stoiy of its pros poiitj in this issue. A. A. Fisher is the local agent and he has induced a greit mini of our citizens to take out policies in this liberal and piogressive company. The number of candidates for town office in o increasing und there are still a number who ure studying the situation und if it is favorable to them thej will enter the Held. It may bo that there will be so many can didates in the field for matshal and clerk that the successful candidate will notrequiie more than twentj-five or thirty votes. wmmpmaasssr