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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
(J Tin: coconino sun. Santa Fe Pa, R. R, Co Condensed Time Card No. 8. In elicit Nor. , IKWi.J - ; - .t- WIST. AHT. STATIONS. No I No. J No 2. No. 4. Hi imp Ruopr.v C'hlc.iwi Ar mmp .'lip 10 .Ml i I) (HP i Kansas ritv 7.10i 2 41 120-1 .Mmi Denier I Simp ftp 425iHI4dp r.iJunU IJ Jil l II All IMi'ip II n.i AllmtUiriU)- 1 1 1 (dp 1 1 (p .'.'111 Wlinmtn l.i S.I7i 2 Ma 4 ltp (Jllllup S ISp 8 20p "im Holhrook I. lip 7 IJT l 7 Up Wlllsloll 112 tip .Mlli 9 SKI imp rllvstnlT '111.17a 12 Kip II I. i II imp miliums HSOilHoi I.' 1'ip II Mp Ar Ash. I'ork l.i, Himnl'iaa li.tsp l.i Ash I'nrlc Ar "mil J .Up Ar Jerome Jc l.i 4Vii 3 1 Op l'resiott SHI i I lp f'oni' I 1 l.i V 4 Pn Ar l'liienlx l.i " mp I: tip it Mp l.i Ash I'ork r . .ti in 2Tp 2 liipl I lc i. h Sprltus r.i .1 .VI i II Tip 2 .Till Kln-rmin . Il.ll .Mill MHip 4 l"i, The Needles lii Pip 2 101 7i.'p I iiiii.u i mnp I'.I.'P I 111 BSip I lll.'i1 Daei-ett 4IWt VI J Ml (1401 ll.irto , 3-MlplOIOp XI Mi Kriimcr '12 Hip I I'n I Mo in- 10 liii HSl I ."sip Ar (,s Aiurli-s III llll A I lip I inp nop Sin Die 'ii ; Him I 4iip il nji' n 4 i Ar s m I'r im-lx n l.i n.tiip skid California Limited Santa Fe Route I.v l.os Amrolos fluiptn Tues Thus Sit Sun lus i.iena l - pin Ar IVnier 4i Ml pm Ihur Sit Moi Tues " KnnsiisC'ltr 2l."nmlTl Sun Tues Wd ' rhlraio Slipm " " New York il 20 pm Sat Mon Wed Tliur ENTIRELY NCW AND LUXURIOUS EQUIPMENT. EVERYTHING TO MAKE VOU COMFORTABLE. AND THC FASTEST TIME EVER MADE Overland Express Pullman Palace unil Tourist Sleeping Cars to Chlc.-ini iiaiu. Personally Conducted Eicir sionswlth through Tourist sleeping" nrs lo M Louis cierv Momlui: St. I'uul cieri Mondn and Situnlai ; anil to Hoston ew r Thursiliv. Experienced Conductors necompiny these inrs through to ilestlnatlon. to look after the tninfort of passengers The Santa Fe Route Js the most comfortablewav across tno con tinent. Dlnluir Uooms nnil Dlnlnu Tars are muniuri d bv Mr. Fieil Hnriey. and arc perfect In eierv detail llates tickets anil full Information cheerfully furnished on application to O. 13. siti.mvan. AL't.. flagstaff. SYKES BROS., MACHINISTS and MENDERS of any old thing. SYKES BLOCK. ft FLAGSTAFF, - ARIZONA. ' j p ,, " J " ?" A POSITIVK AND I'KKMANKNT CUHK Is Guaranteed at the Albuquerque Keeley Institute Tor all who arc Miflerln? from I.lqnor and Morphine Diseases, Cocaine, Chloral and Drui; Addictions. 4ii coil men and women haie been positively nnil nerm inontli cured of alcohol momhlne llami ilruur slaieri by the Keeley Treatment. The time necessary to work tnereioiuiion is four weeks for liquor and from four to six weeks for morphine and other druu's. Women will betrcitod at home, or outside the Insti tute, If desired. The treatment Is Identically thchimcas thituiien nt the pirent Institute, and thephislcianlncharire Is a graduate there from, and has had years of experience In hand line this iliss of cases. All nerious afflictions are treated. The records shoT that reason has Imh'H restored to m.ini considered hopelessly Insane by the Keeley Treatment. Why be a slaio when miii can be free AH eorrespond- nee and Interviews will be held strictly confi dential, and none need hesitate to place them seliesln tommuntcatlon with the Institute. Tor further particulars and terms, or for private Interviews, address THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, 523 N. Second St., Albuquerque.