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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
THE COCONINO SUN. LODGE DIRECTORY. ixVai o KAIUI TIU11K, NO. 8, 1. O. It. M. Meets (in Sleep of 2d Sun. Each 7 Suns at 7 Huns, 30 Hreatns. Wigwam, corner Railroad ntenue and Leroux street. Visiting tribe mem bers welcome. F. A. DOHEtiTV. Sachem. K.H.MAlUNE,C.of It. F. M. HKOWNlNa.Cof W. M OUNTAIN LODGE, NO. 15, K. OF P. Meets In Masonic Hall every Wednesday night. Visiting mights are cordlnllv Invited to attend. J. M. Simpson, C. C. Louis Spieks, K. of R. and S. "OUItT COCONINO. NO. 890. INDEPEND- -" EST OlIIIEH Or rOHfcSTEIW. Meets Tuesday nights In Masonic Hall. Visit ing members Invited to intend the Court meet ing. W. II. Noiiman, C. R. Louis Spiehs, Recorder. TLAOSTAFF I.ODOE. No. . IiENEVO- - LENT ANII IMtOTECTI VK OIIUEI1 OK M.KS. Meets oer Tuesday night In Red Men's Hall. Visiting brothers tiro cordlallv Invited to at tend. C. II. C'OHLE, E. R. C, M. Fonston, Secretary. F LAQSTAFF LODGE, NO. 13. A. O. U. W. Meets every Thursdav night In Masonic Hall. Visiting members Invited to attend. A. A. Dun on. M. W. CuiiK Hitt, Reconler. pLAOSTAFF LODGE NO. 7, F. & A. M. Regular meeting, on Hrst Saturday of each month at F. and A M. Hall, oitr City Hall. Visiting brethren Invited to attend Dil. K. S. Miixkii. Sec. J. A. Mauiieii, W. M. CHUHCHEf.. c "iniHCH OF TUB NATIVITY, Rev. F.DIUy, rector. On Sundays; Low mass at 8 o'clock a. m.; high mass at 10.30 a. m. Sunday school at 1 1:3) o'clock a. m. Rosury and benediction of the Most lllessed Sacrament at 4 i). m. On week days, mass at 8:15 a. m. All cordially Invited. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Rev. VV. W. Drunk, pastor. Sabbilh services: Sunday-school, in a.m.: preaching service, II a. m.; class meeting, lJ:iw m.: Junior League 3 p.m.: r.pnorth League. rt:3n p. m.: evening service. 7:3n pm.: weekly prater meeting. Wednesday, 7-S) p. in. Every one Is cordially elcome. FIRST P'fESHYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev (leo. I.O'.'le, H. D . pastor. Services: Sunday-school and lllble Class. 10 a. m.: morn ln" service, II a. m.; Young People's meeting, 8:l5p. m : penlnr servlc1. 7:.T p. in.: prnvcr meeting, Wednesday, 7:3' p. m. You are cor dially Invite 1. strmi'rers In town are asked to come anil make themselves known. B. HOCK, VVVVv.nsss Stationery News Stand, FINE CIGARS, Domestic and Havana. Fresh Fruits and Confectionery. RAILROAD AVENUE. Lessor's Notice. To Am. Whom It Mav Concehn: Notice Is hereby ghen that thcQmnil Cuiiyon mine sluated In Pine Spring mining district, Coconino county, Arizona, which Is underlease to parties working the same, and that neither the mine nor the owners' thereof will 1 re sponsible for any labor or debts contracted nor Injuries sustained by any lessees or their emploes In working said property: and that lio lessee or employe Is the nvent of the owners for any puriose, and that all opcrathes engage In such service at their on risk, and thnt no debt, or claim of debt. Is valid against said mining claim or Its owner. Flagstaff, Novemlier 25 1899. W. II. RlliKNotlii. MAUOAUKTH RlllKNOUIl. PATENTS DESIGNS TRADE.MARKS AND COPYRIGHTS OBTAINED ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY ' Notice in " Inventive Age " ' Book "How to obtain 1'atenu" ' Charge! moderate. No fee till patent Is secured. 1 Letters strictly confidential. Address. J G. SIGGERS. Patent Lamer. Washington. B.C. ii a UDIAIHCU FREE HHHHRH!89BUQBHBMMHH91 ms ; s.