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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
KjWfa-jL j 1 TUB COCONINO SUN. . jkubLHiAdKuX A CAPTIVE. Brought from Arizona on a Murder Charge. Hanger J. ,V. Mathews brought in mi important prisoner yesterday from 'lioenix, Ariziiim, says iliu El I'.iso Times. The prisoner is Atkins itnr) In wanted for itnmler. He wus recogniz ed by Ills photograph and captured . near I'lioenix. where he was employed on a ranch It Ik said that lie is a member of the formerly notorioii "Black Jack" gang that operated so extensively in Ari zona anil 'New Nexieo. A numlier of u rnhherics and muidur.s are laid to their door. John Ketehum, one of the leaders of tile gang, wus recently shot while resisting ariet in New Mexico. Tlio Times i'UHirter found the pris oner willing to talk, hut he expiesed litter ignorance of why he was wauled. "Tiny say m name i-Atkins" lie remarked, "and thai I killed a man in Islela, New Mexico. I was arrested while winking on a ranch two miles from I'lioenix. 1 went there from i'arker county, Texas. M mother now lives in Hood county, this Mate. J have never stopped in El l'a-o or been to New Mexico. My name Is I,. C. Cutberlh and I have worked on ranches all my life. I never heat d of this man being killed for whose death they claim 1 am tepoiisilile. I am not a lilt worried over my arrest Inn I don't like being held here in jail." The prisoner is a young looking man apparently about i years of age. He lias ntit u pleasing appearance, and talks in an independent kind of style, like a person who had been in similar trouble before. Cuiberth is out on bond for his ap pearance at the April term of District Court In tills county. The charge against him Is being an accessory to the murder of Kodgers and Witiglield at Camp Verdu in July last. IS Acker's Saved Her Life "About two miles from Vasar, Mich., where I keep a drug store, l'' s Mrs. T. M. Uratt. Mien anbury Biek and hopeless willi ronsunipiiiiii. I watched I r ca-e witli intelct after sho began taking Acker's English Remedy for I "mi sumption, Iwnu e Ilindlieardii nun li alioui its wundcrf cures. Wi sir, perh.i y o u w i 1 doubt it, b . wiili iiiyowu eye I saw this wmi an (.it will mid strong nn iliat reincily. In n very short time the c h stopped, her lungs were healed up, In soreness went away, and she began tak ins on flesh. She herself said: ' Mr. llullard, I owe my life to Aeker's English Jteniidy. It is a certain cure.' In Mrs. Iliatt'i ne'ghburliood her recovery has oecaionid much comment, as you can easily under. sUMid. Her ease was one wherjecrybodj thought it was only a question of a Iittl8 while until she would die. I feel it a duly as a druggist to write this letter, so that there need be no more deaths from consumption." (Signed) E. A. Kullabd, Vassar, Mich. Sold at 25c., f)c. and $1 a bottle, througliout the United Flati s and Canada ; and in Eng land, at 1. 2d., 2-. 3d., 4s. 61. If you arc nut satisfied alur bii.Miig, return the bottle td your druggist, and get your money back. We authorize the aboi-e pvnrantee, W. IL IIOOKliii it CO., Vropridart, Xao York. For Sale by W. R. Edwards. I'recott will have free mail delivery after .March 1. "I had dyspepsia for years. No med icine was so effective as Kodol Dys pepsia Cure. It. gave immediate re lief. Two bottles produced marvelous results," writes L. H.Warren, Albany, Wis. It digests what you eat and can not fail to euro. Pioneer Drug Store.