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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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t A THE COCONINO SUN. THE COMING COPPER CAMP. The Dos Cabezas Consolidated Mines Company's Properties Give Continued Assurance of Developing into Veritable Bonanzas. Ah previously until hi need in these columns, l lie stockholders' meeting of the Dos Cube1119 Consolidated Mines Company was held in Willcox yester day afternoon, the following directors belli,' elected: .1. V. A. Oir, .1. D. Salkey, J. Schroder, II. .1. Woollucott, T. E. GlblHHi, A. Prenzlaucr, and P. H. McCabe. There were in attendance at the meeting from a distance .1. V. A. Off, cashier Statu Dank and Trust company, Los Angeles, Cal., who Is president of of the company; F. V. Thompson, ret ivsentative at Los Angeles of the Rock Island; Count" A. Tuicur, a millionaire capitalist, late of Cleveland, Ohio; Henry Luub, the wealthy distiller of . Louisville, Ky.; .1. D. Salkey, of Los ' Angeles, who is the treasurer of the company and now general manager of the mines; C. F. Emerson, also of Los Angeles; .lames A. Vail of Flagstaff, Mr. Drown of Hiverside, Cal. Several local stockholders were u1m present. Prior to the meeting the stockhold ers visited the scene of active opera tions and made a thorough Inspection of the properties. Important measures in the line of development were also determined upon. Doth the Roberts mine, recently purchased fiomC. M. Roberts and associates for $50,000, and the Oregon make a splendid showing. In each a depth of 150 feet or more has been attained, with results highly gratifying to the investors. The road to the mine has been completed and will enable teams to load at the ore chutes, which are to be immediately constructed at the mines. The man agement has ordered air compressors to run three power drills, with a view to accelerating development work. A steam hoist has also been ordered for the Oregon shaft. A tunnel 1,500 feet long will be run to tap the ledge 700 feet below the surface. A large amount of ore has been taken out and shipments will begin next week. The new town site is to be surveyed in a week or two und the wealthy stock holders are indulging in much cheer ful bantering as to which should build the lirst line residence in "Laub City." The visitors were naturally gratified at the splendid showing made by their properties and left for the coast, yes torday in high spirits. Range News. Bismarck's Iron Nerve. Was the result of hissplendld health. Indomitable will and tremendous ener gy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and towels are out of order. If von want these qualities and thesuc eess they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c ut Pio neer Drug Store. The Pinal mountains are covered with snow, the lirst of any consequence that has fallen this winter. "After doctors failed to cure me of pneumonia I used One Minute Cough Cure and three bottles of it cured me. It is also the best remedy on earth for whooping cough. It cured ray grand children of the worst cases," writes .Ino. Hurry, Loganton, Pa. It is the only harmless remedy jhut gives im mediate results. Cures coughs, colds, croup and throat and lung troubles. It prevents consumption. Children al ways like it. Mothers endorse It. Pio neer Drug Store, ".