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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
WMKMWfmiM-i'iii-irtSS .- &t.ziz. . r THE COCONINO SUN k r day. Mr. Whiiteraore wan largely instrumental in seem Ing tlie $20,000 for Mirvi-js and preliminary work, and had pledge- fi)in senatots for further appropriations. He is well posted on the Indian question, Is tire less, petslstent and enthusiastic. No better man eould be went to present the matter. Florence Tribune. RASH JUDGMENT. Clergjmen who attend condemned mutdereis during their last dajs on earth, are ft equently crit leisod for that act of mercy. Such criticism is gen erally thoughtless. The foundation on which it rests is ustt illy both flippant and un-Chrlstiau. The Arizona Graphic, for exp.imple, taker, to task a priest, who recently baptised a con victt'd tuiiideier a fewd.ijs befote ex ecution at llollitook in that slate. Tlie only leason which the editor advances for this is liis personal beliuf that the diHiiiicd wietch ''us no tnoie a Christ inn when he died than lie been at uny pievious perliKl of his life." No proof or argument is offered in sup iot t of this hast, judgment. "To baptize such a man on the eve of execution and pi oclaim him a eon veit was but making a mockeiyof religion, and the priest who baptized him but desecrated his holy lobes." This bounds uilser.ill Pharisaical, to say the least. Though baptism was administeied only at the hist moment, we happen to know that the convict, who was bi ought up a Piotestant, had been under constant instruction bv the priest for fully thirty days before he received the sacrament. Father Dillj, of Flagstaff, the priest, who was obliged to travel one bundled and fortv miles every time he visited the prisoner, and to pay his own ex penses, cannot be suspected of having any unworthy ulterior end in view in the practice of such zeal. The peni tent, was poor and friendless. The atrocious character of the crime for which he finally paid the forfeit of his lire, deprived hitu of the smallest measure of public sympathy in the community. . He was literally an outcast, when he came under the priest's notice. It Is certainly not reasonable to suppose that the latter acted without sutllcieni ground for his belier In the sincerity of the man's penitence. Chii-t Himself created the prece dents for the chailty exhibited by His minister in this case, which does not differ from tliatdisplajed by all priests under similar circumstances. Father Dilly would have been faithless to his sacred trust had he acted otherwise than he did. To hae turned his back upon tlie sinner in his extremity would have been, indeed, to make a mockery of his holy calling and prove himself unworthy of his sacred robes. No pi lest guaiantees the eternal sal vation of any sinner professing eleventh-hour repentance. That is a matter which lies exclusively within the province of God's powerund mercj. Hut to refuse to minister to the spirit ual needs of even the most grievous ti angressor, on the brink of eternity, would be an act of unspeakable recre ancy to an awful trust, an act for which no true priest would dare to assume tlie responsibility. The Monitor. John Dirr, Poseyville, Ind., says, "I never used anything as good as One Minute Cough Cure. We are never without It." Quickly breaks up coughs and colds. Cures all throat and lung troubles. Its use will prevent consumption. Pleasant to take. Pio neer Drug Store.