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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
",k ' tr 1 w laiiiili fl IMI -f TUB COCONINO SUN. I BRIEF LOCALS. ewwvvwvwwi.vwwwvt Saturday, Maiicii 10, 11)00. Mrs. C. A. Keller is visiting friends in Williams. T. A. Hiordanand wife left Wednes day on u trii to San Diego, Oil. Mrs. Divisiind Mrs.T. .1. Moyer left Wednesday for Los Angeles. tt. M. Doe spent Thursday in Wil liams consulting will) hi- client1-. K. K. Kllinwood left for Kinsman on Thursday and expects to return today. Hoi n. In Flagstaff, on Maicli U, lo tho wife of .1. L. Daugheity, a daugli tor. Mrs. A. A. Dulton and C. II. Coble returned Wednesday fiom it visit to Los Angeles. Clarence J. Spellmiro left on Thurs day night's llyer for it few weeks isil in southern California. Win. Hicklio, wlio has lieen spend ing tlio winter with itdathcs fn Mis souri, ri'tui nel Monday. P. D. Horry, of tlio Gr.imi View Hotel, Giaiul Canyon, spent soveial days here during the week. Henry D. Hoss, now a I'reseott attorney, hpent several days hciu this week looking after legal business. Hairy Hilil)en left for I'icsciitt Thursday where lie will lie a witness In tlio case of Smith v-. Still touiut. A. P. Koach, who lias been seiidiiig the past six weeks- at his former home in Kansas City, returned Thursday. K. S. Clark and wife returned Wed nesday from an enjoyable trip to Washington, New York and l'ittsburg. SheiilT Johnson appointed C.iss Lew is of Predonia deputy sheriff. Joseph Nicholson is acting principal of the public schools and will remain until a lobular piiucipal can bo se cured. Gilbert State-, son of Ilev. Geo. States. ictiirncd Mond.iy from Yava t.ii county, wheic he has been teach ing school. The Ladies. Aid Society of the M. K. chinch will give at "measiiiing social" next Tuesday oiciihig at the home of Mis. As.i C'huk. Come one, come all. W. M. Miller has lesiued li is po sition us bookkeeper at Gicenlaw Ihosr mill and Huny ilibheti U. is. accepted the position and assumes charge Mon day. Mis. J. II. Hay lis and daughter of Chicago, and who have been spending: tile winter in Califoi uia, an? visiting Mrs. W. A. Cogshall, a daughter of Mrs. Uaylis. Thos. Sayer is hi fiom ills uinge ilk Coconino finest, tk-sius tlut he- never known the country m be so dry, but his sheep, notwithstanding the druuglh, aic doing fail I well. The steel water tank of the Santa Fe 1'acillc railinad at this place I .ibout completed. The tank is -ill foot high and 'lo feel in diameter and will hold for use about 150,000 gallons or water. W. C. Hay less is nursing u black eye this week. The repot t that his optic was placed in mourning by another candidate isiintiue. His injiiiy was mcohvd by an accidental blow fiom a sledge hammer. C. W. Davis of Hellcmout was in town Monday. He has placi-d b.U busi ness at place in the hands of his sister, Miss Lulu, and will take u va cation of suveral months, lirst going lt Los Atiyeles, thou to Chicago. 'W J- brsvw3(r7Pmamt,zi