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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
-. THB COCONINO SUN. ,( THE ONLY" Strictly FlrstCIuss GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS HOUSE. Neckwear Novelties, Knox Hats, Shawknit Hose, Coodyear Rubbers and Overshoes, Oregon and California Mills Clothing and Blankets. An Elegant line of Shoes, fine and medium grades. American, English and French Underwear. Trunks, Valises and Traveling Bags. R.H. MARINE & CO. DONAHUE BLOCK. There will lie special services in the Adventist church, beginning Sunil.t night, .March 11, iitid ever) night (lur ing the neck, 1 Klder Geo. States, agisted 1 SI is. W. I,. Ik-H. All peo ple are invited. The services will lie more in the Hue of Itlhle study th:in preaching. A. M. Heal, a well known conductor on the Santa Fe I'.teilie and a first class railroad man, has been a))pointe(l sup erintendent of the Gila Valley and Northern The many friends of Sir. Ileal, along the lino of the Santa Fe Pacific, will he pleased to learn of hi nonunion. (J. II. Schul. returned .Monday from Phoenix wheie he heen wintering 111- hand of sheep. The ratine in the Salt Ilher valley Is about all diied up and the sheep men have about reached the conclusion they will be compelled to ship their hheep either to California or to some eastern ratine. Superintendent of Public Schools N. G. Layton and the board of teachers' examiners were busy Slonday and Tuesday with applicants who appeared for examination as teachers. Sliss Lulu Hunter was granted a first grade cjrtilieatu and SIis. Carol) d Austin and Sliss Alice Slclutire second grade certificates. F. A. Doherty has a large number of friends who believe that he would make a lirst-class town clerk. He is an ac countant, slenogiapher and typewriter of ability and ossesses the qualifica tions to competently fill the olllce which he seeks. His announcement as a candidate for towti clerk will be found in this issue. Prof. K. B. Ellsworth, of the Ameri can Association Slasters of Dancing, is organizing a school in dancing here. He is said by those who know that he an expert in the profession. He is meeting with success here and has a large iiuinl or of pupils. He has iccently closed successful classes at Kingman and Needles George Hlodget. the livery man, has moved his stable to the Francis coi ral, corner of Heaver street and llirch avenue. He ha- fine driving and sad dle stock and good rigs, and is pre paied to make long or short trips to all parts of northern Arizona. His prices are reasonable and those desiring rigs are invited to give him a call. The business in the olllce of the county recoider is increasing. The number of documents tiled for record in that olllce from January 1 to March 1, 1!HK, was 3J. During the same time last jear there were 152 instru ments filed, showing an increase for this)earof 21". Yet some people say