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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
'-'"-" -'-'"" - jV-r'lr!giJriM Ml THE COCONINO SUN. An Astonishing Announcement. j A Poem. v For tho sake of the rector, who is young mid artless, let his ntiino lo un known. Hut the story is trim and it occurred lust week over in Hillsdale county, und eticli woman is busy with its narration. There is an organiza tion In the ehtireli: what its uses are only the mcmbcis know, lint It. is called "The Little Motheis of Hie Cliurcli." Now, tills rector was giving out a notice uhout it the other Sunday, and how a woman could join it. etc. And then made tins announcement, which created a flutter and a gasp: "Any lady wishing to become u Utile Mother cm do so by calling on the lector any Friday in Ills study attached to the church." And a murmeiiug wine, liko a sudden wind in the forest, went over tiio eongi egation. Hudson Gazette. (With apologies to Itiirtjnnl Kipling.) A man tlicro was unit Ills monej lie spent, (Kven us you unit I,) I'or uoods unit dress to others ho sent. To buy on credit liu was ever content; He thought lie not more, but ulwuys not less, (liven us jou mid 1.) uui iiiu ion nu lost mill uiu spou lie iusi, Ami the work of his tii.ul ami liaml. He mivo to the in in (or cools so hluh; Anil poverty pinched mid ho ncicr knew why. And never could understand. Inquii, for the perpetrator of tho foregoing was lniido hi tho cash stnie of P. U. We.uherfoiil fc Co., 1ml with out avail. They simply emlnii-ed the sentiment anil said "let l lie author go unpunished." An Honest Medicine for La Grippe. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to lie generous to the needy and sutTei in),'. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs and colds havegiven away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine, and have the sat isfaction of knowing; it lias absolutely cuicd thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, bionchilis, Ikmisoiio i and all dleeases of diet and lungs are surely cured by it. Call at Pioneer Drug Store and get a free ti lal bottle, nebular si m filta and $1. Kvory bottle guaranteed or price refunded. Sick headache absolutely and per manently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures consti pation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work und happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. ' cts and COcts. W. R. Edwards, druggist. 2 George W. Watt, of South Gardiner. Mo., says: '! have had l he wor-t cough, cold, chills and grip and h.ivo taken lots of trash of no account hut pi oil t to the vendor. ChambeilaiuV Cough Itemed is the only thing that has done any good whatever. I havi used one bottle of It, and the chills, cold and grip have all left me I con gratulate the iiiuniirucliiicii of an hon est medicine." For sale by Piiitn-er Drug stole. The ''Kutiu Nous" will give their annual Easter hop. at the opera house, Monday evening, Api il Kith. This oc casion is always made the clowning alTair of the club and no doubt this season will eclipse all former efforts. Membership is being recruited again and it is hoped that the committees in charge will meet with success. Willi ' out the "Kntie Nous" social life in ' Flagstaff would die a sudden death. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says: "DoWitt's Little Early Risers ate the very best pi lis I over used for cost ive ncss, liver and bowel troubles," Pio neer Drug Store. WHWWMWjgK: l- r