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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
jJMSSMf-r''"iic,'-j&- -,"afl'- c iT. t THE COCONINO SUN. SHERIFF'S SALE. P In the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of the Territory of Arizona, In and for the County of Coconino: C. K. Kojcc, Plolntlff. s. C. P. Slh email and L. II. Silvernnll, Defend ants. NOTICK OF SALE. Under and by virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of the Territory of A rl 7on.i, in and for the County of Coconino, on the 13th day of February, A. D. 1900, In the atone entitled action, wherein C. K. lioyce, the aboic named plaintiff, obtained a judgment and decree of foreclosure of mortgage against C. 1. Slhernall and !. H. Sllicrnall. defendants, on the 12th day of April, A. D. WW, which said decree was on the 17th day of April, A. I). IhW, recorded In Judgment Hook one of said District Court, at page 19(1, 1 am commanded to sell: All of lots numbered six (). seven (7) and eight (8 , of block numbered eighteen (IK), and lots numbered thirteen (IJ) and fourls?n (It), of block numliered twenty-one (ii), all of Wll llams town-site as sun ejed and platted hy II. C. Nutt. trustee for the Atlantic and Pacific Hallroad Company, and being situated In Co conino County, Ar 1 7oii.i: or so much thereof as may Iks necessary to satisfy plaintiffs said Judgment. Notice Is hereby given that on Monday, the K'lh day of March, A.D. 1900. at IU o'clock a. m. of said day. In front of the court house In the town of Flagstaff, County of Cowilno, Terri tory of Arizona, I will, In obedience to said order of s,Ue and decree of Hen. sell thcabote descrlKsl property, or so much thereof us may be necessary to satisfy said plaintiffs Judgment with interest thereon and costs, as in said de cree ordered and adjudged, to the highest and best bidder for cash. In gold coin of the United Mates. Witness my hand this llth day of February, A. D. 1D00. J. A. Johnson, Sheriff of Coconino County, Arizona. I'irst publication Feb. 17. MOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Prescott. Arizona, i January 30. 1900. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the Probate Court, at Flagstaff, Arizona, on March 12, 1900, viz:. James E. McCoy, of Rhoades. Ariz., for the NV ',(, Sec 14. T. 23 N. n. 5 K. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, Iz: D.n Id Tate, Flagstaff, Ariz., Joseph Dixon, Hcllcmont, Ariz., Sidney Secord, Ilellemont, Ariz., Ilarney D. Fletcher, Ithoades, Arizona. Freiikhick A. Thitle, Jit., Keglster. First publication Feb. 3. A, J, GARCIA, - BOOT AND SHOE SHOP ) In the Cook Building on RAILROAD AVENUE. RELIABLE ASSAYS. fiold .R0 Lead M (Sold and Silver 75 Gold, Slh er and Copper 1.S0 Samples by mall receive prompt attention Rich Ores and Bullion Bought. ALL WORK STRICTLY FIRST CLASS. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ijjTnjra Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. nay OGDEN 143) 16th St., ASSAY CO., Denver. Colo, Anyone sending a sketch and description n quickly ascertain our opinion free whether Invention Is probably patentable. Communl r patentable, commanica- ttnnatritlTmnflrtpntiAl. Handbook on Patent ent free. Oldest agency for aecarlng patents. Patents taken through Jlunn & Co. receive tpteUtf notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest cir culation of any sclentlnc Journal. Terms. 3 a year: four months, fL Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN &Co.36,B"-"-'New York Branch Office. 625 F BU Washington. D. C TlM'