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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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.jqwwy -liF-'-" -f f THE COCONINO SUN. homestead rights, and liencc who would not be a quulifled entrymun of land when It wus surveyed, could only ac quire u squatter's right on unsurveyed land, and would be subject to eject ment from a forest reserve." Remarkable Cures of Rheumatism. Vindicator, Hutherfordton, N. C: The editor of the Vindicator has hud occasion to test the ellic.iey of Cham ocrlain's Pain Ualm twice, with the moH remarkable results in each First, with rheumatism in the shoul der, from whioh he suffered oxerutlul ing pain for ten days, which was re lieved with two applications of I'.iln Halm, rubbing the parts alllicted and realizing instant benelit and entire relief in a very short time. Second, in rheumatism in thigh joint, almost prostrating him with severe p.iiu. which was relieved by two applications, rub bing with tliu liniment on retiring at night, and getting up free from pain. For sale by Pioneer Drug Store. A Story Paper. Los Angeles is to be congratulated. We have jut received a copy of the Los Angeles Saturday Post, a family story paper, sixteen pages, published in attractive form, for lifty cents a j ear. Judging from its appearance the Saturday Post, which is now nine weeks old, is getting its share of adver tising patronage. Its editorials are frank and outsoken. Its copyrighted stories uro from the best writers of England and America. The Saturday Post is a splendid weekly and deserves all the success it is bound to get. One of the Shay engines is now in use on the United Veide & Pacific railroad. From a G. Am Rm Man "My attack of miller's Asthma was very bad. I was afraid to Ho down at night for fer r of smothering. I couldu' t get my breath. ho matter it nil tlio doors and windows in tho houso were open, it seemed as it there was no air and that I must surely smother to death. Mr. W.B. Long, of this city, rijN called my attention to Acker s J-.nglisn Remedy for Throat and Lung Trou bles. I thought lit tle of it but bought ahottleinthchopes that it might help me. u little. Itcavo mi1 wonderful re 1 it. r. and the second bottle cured mo cointiletelv. Mvre- cocry is permanent, too, for ever since 1 have not had the slightest return of my old enemy. I consider Acker's Kuglih Remedy by long odds tho best medicine in tho world for hacking toughs, asthma and bronchitis. It completely masters tlioso stubborn dis eases that many pcnnlo wrongly suppose to bo Incurable. If Millerers will just try a sin gle bottle, it will prove every word I have said, and more too." (Signed.) Joii.n V. Elliott, Commander John Megarah Post, No. 132, Fortlaml, Mich. Sold at 25c.. COc. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada: and in Eng land, at Is. 2d 2s. 3d., 4s. Cd. If you ore not satisllml after buying, return tho botllo to yourdruggist,.and get your money back. We aulhorbe the abort guarantee. W. IL HOOKEH Si CO.. JToprkior$, Jftur York. For Sale by W. R. Edwards. A slight touch of tin nil excitement, which has jiii-t now taken po-csion of Southern California is said to have made its appearance in Kingman. Good indications of oil are icpoited near Mellin on the Santa Ko railroad between here and Needle-, and some of our citizens are said lo be investing in oil laud. Mineral Wealth. '- y