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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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H W-. 1 IWWBIMWMll-Jlf ,HM i MsttaitUHCMMIiaa(aaBHNaaaaMnHnMaMMHMHaMMMHMaanBMaMBH ) f THE COCONINO SUN. Elder States' Farewell. Editor Coconino Sun As I am ubout til leave Flagstaff I thought I won hi like to say u few words to tlic people through you i- paper. First. I appreciate the many courtesies shown ue by all the business and professional men of this city. In all my nearly twenty years In the ministry I never was treated butter by the business and pro'es-'lon.U men than in 'thin eity. In the matternf the pledges toourchtireli; in looking over the pledge paper I liu.l that every cent has been promptly p.ilil. 1 tell you that speaks volumes fur our city. Hvery man who has had any experience in soliciting aid f:ir publie buildings, especially ehurcli buildings knows that we always make proper allowance for the plod ges not ptid and calculate in building that we will collect a cert tin per cent. Hut in the i:.te of Flagstaff pledges it was paid one hundred cents to the dollar. A I leave Flagstaff for a no.v and untried Held among strangers I feel from the many expressions of good will have been spoken to me since it was known I was going to leave that I go with the best wishes of the people of our city. Mrs. lies will have charge of the work here for the preont, and the services will be held as heretofore. Elder K. V. Wobiter has been recom mended to come here, and I bespeak for him the same courtesy which lias been shown to me. Trusting that some time it tnav be my lot to see the good people of Flagstaff, 1 bid you all adieu. Elder Geo. o. States. Cleanse the liver, purify the blood. invigorate the body by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers. These famous lit- J tie pills alwats act promptly. Pioneer "" J3rug Store. From a Pastor " I nm the pastor of the Baptist Church at Port Jcrvis, N. V., and sometimes nm called upon to take part in evangelistic work away from Dome, rtoi long ago I went to Sandy Creek, N. Y., which U swept by the damp winds from Lake On tario. Here I contracted a bad cough, and be came so hoarse that I could hardly preach to my congregation. It was not only distressing in a bodily sense, but extremely embarrassingto enter the pulpit in this condi tion. I bad heard of Ack er's English Remedy and, after service, I bought a bottle and began taking it. The r.ezt night my throat was nearly well, and I deliv ered my sermon without difficulty. In a few days I was thoroughly cured. I conceive it to be my dutytto benefit mankind physically as well as spiritually whenever I can, and am glad to write these words in praise of this grand old medicine. Those with sensitive throatsandthosewhocatch cold easily should certainly take Acker's English Remedy." (Signed) Rev. Ezra Tebby Samford. Bold at Sc, Coc and fl a bottle, thronghout the United fitatesand Canada; and In Ensl.ind.ut 1 Sd 2s.8d., ii.8d. If you are not satUfled after buying, return the bottle to your druggist and get your money bad. M'e authorize the ntoir puarantee. W. 11. 1100KKR CO., VroprUton. Jftw York. For Sale by W. R. Edwards. N3 The re.-ult of the election in Jerome Is as follows: James Roberts, marshal; S. Heslet, clerk; Jacob Duff, road com missioner. Council George Beagley, Charles Hooker, E. A. Tovrea, R. Rothermel, M. J. Bradley. Jerome has been Incorporated one year. Envelopes for mailing cabinet photo graphs for sale at the SUN office.