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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
MMMWm. Cfye Coconino Sun. Vol. XVII. FLAGSTAFF, APRIL 14, 1900. -No. 12 atetaaaaaafflgrmmt tttsntmn " in illiWKIW I'WWB DISTRICT COURT. Report of Grand Jury Court Adjourned to Monday, April 23. Tlio April term of the district court for Coconino county was opened on Monday, Hon. R. K. Sloun presiding. Tliu grand jury was impanelled Mon day and concluded itswnik Wednesday night. Following is the report: To the Honorable Judge R. E. Sloan, Associate Justice and Judge of the Fourth Judicial District of Arizona Sir: Your grand jury impanelled on the fljh day of April, A. D. 1001), beg leave to-jieport as follows: We have examined nineteen eases, iguoied six cases, and returned true bills for thirteen cases. In the investi gation of the above cas.-s we have ex amined fifty witnesses. The grand jury would have finished its labors sooner had it not been fnrtlie extra delay in securing the attendance of necessary witnesses. It works u serious inconvenience to the members of the jury individually, us well as an expense to the taxpayers of the county. The grand jury acknowledges' the courtesy of the sheriff and district attorney, and desires to express lis ap preciation of the kindness and valuable counsel of the court. The, report of the grand jury com mittees, two in number, are hereto attached. Having no further business the grand jury respect fully asks to be discharged. R. H. G'AMEHON. , Foreman of Grand Jurv. GEO. Uamhtt, Secretary. To the Foreman of the Grand Jury: We, your committee appointed to in spect the courthouse, beg leave to re port that we have made an inspection of said building and would recommend that the followlngrepairsund improve ments be made: First That all wood leaks in roof be repaired. Second That all wood and metal work on outside of building be painted. Third That all plastering be re paired and all walls kalsomiued or painted. Fourth That linoleum or rublier matting be placed on the floor within the liar nr inside the railing of court room. Fifth That a steel book rack and tile ease similar to that in the vault of the recorder's ollice be placed in the in the. vault of the clerk of the court. Sixth That hitching posts lie placed on the street in front of building. Seventh That this jury has seen the necessity of having better ventilation In the jury rooms, and would recom mend and urge that ventilators of some description be placed in the ceilingsof said rooms. A. W. .lUKUKN, Chairman. To R. H. Cameron, Foreman We, your committee appointed to inspect the jail and jail yard) of Coconino county, respectfully recommend that the board of supervisors take such steps as will be necessary to protect the jail from possibilities of escape of pris oners, which has been of frequent oc currence recentlv. A. T. CORNISH, Chairman. The follow ingper.suus were admitted to citizenship: Edward Liberty. R. II.