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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
m -A THK COCONINO SUN. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. No'.lco Is hereby irfien that I. Harry C. Hlbben. wilt be a canlld.ito for the office or County Itccorder at t!iu clo.-tlon to bo hel I No vember G. I9j0. subjoot to the nomination of the Republican County Convention to bo held nt Fla"taH. Gus Miidersbach returned Monday from Ills mines near Agua Caliente. Hu Is showing soinu rich samples or copper oro from these claims, and ex pects soon to form u company for their development. K. l' Greenlaw and wife or Ls An geles spent several day-, here this week. Air. Greenlaw is superintending the sinking of a well for the Flagstair Oil Company. The well is now down COO feet, with every indication of soon striking oil. A progressive euchre and ice cream social will be held in Babbitts' hall on Wednesday evening, June (i. The pio ceeds will go to the benelit of the Catholic school. Prizes will be given totho winners of the progressive euchre games. The board of supervisors will meet on Friday, June 1, to receive a petition from the taxpayers of Williams asking the board to incorporate that town, a step Williams should have takeu sev eral years ago. Handlers are putting in a largo acre age this season, as it bids fair to be one of the best In several eais. Kains have so far been abundant and fie queut, and should the rains continue the yield of all kinds of crops will be unusually large. J. W. Abshire, the well-known sheep raiser, who has been In a San Francisco hospital for treatment of caueer. sub mitted on Saturday last to the painful operation of having the cancer cut from his face. lie is improving slowly, and the physicians are hopeful of his ulti mate recovery. Governor N. O. Murphy, accompanied by his uncle, J. K. Murphy of Califor nia, spent a few hours here Tuesday. Gov ei nor Murphy accompanied his wife, who was on her way to Wisconsin, as far as tills pla.-e, n turning west on the delated p -icnger train. Fred j. ick S. C villo, botanist of the Agricultural Uop.ii ttiseul. and who Is ! to accompany Gilford I'iurliot, the forester of that, deputmeut, in the in spection of I lie Black Mea forest re serve, arrived lieie Thursda) and left i for Wluslow this morning, the starling point of the parly. While heie Mr. C.ivllle was busy gathering informa tion in regard t the grazing of sheep on this reserve. YesU-rda) he was joined by I he Salt river delegation, Messrs. A. T. Chandler, W. J. Mmpli.v and K. C. Uiinuh who will aceompan x Messis. I'inehot and Civillo on their , trip. It is expected that it will rcquiie three weeks' ti ae to make the inspec tion of the lilac: M a iewre. Mr. Covillo will not eiiu-i. here until Sep tember next, when he will inspjjl the forest range after the sheep have grazed all summer. Envelopes for mailing cabinet photo graphs for sale at the SUN olllee. Your Face Shows the stale of your feelings mid the stale of jour bice as well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pile and sallow complexion, pimples aid skin eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out am) do not have a healthy appearance jou should try Aekei's Mood Klixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap sarsaparillasand so-called purifiers fail. Knowing this, we sell every bottle on a positive guaiaiitee. W. H. Fdwards, druggist. 1 4' )- Igjga iUHMM