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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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V THE COCONINO SUN. li v . ) Resolutions of Respect. At the meeting of Flagstaff L'idge, No. 13, A. O. U. W., held May 17, tlio following resolutions of respect wore adopted: WliniiUAS, lite Supreme Hitler of the of mourning friends accompanied the remains to their lust, renting plnce. Muss was said over the body In Flag btulT last Friday, anil it is reported that his death was more widely mourned and the services had u larger attend ance than ever held in Flagstaff. Mass was slid here for the repose of the soul Universe, to whose will we humbly bow, lias in his inllnilc wisdom seen i of the deceased last Tuesday morning. lit lo call to his eternal home our bo- It is sad (hat such u oungand strong loved brother, August Meyer; therefore- lie it Resolved, That iuhisdeath Flagstaff Lodge, No. Ill, A. O. U. W., has sus. man should be so suddenly stricken down in the pride of youth and vigor, but serves to emphasize the fact that I f i .a Lie I est is uncertain, und death taiued an Irreparable loss, in ho ' i jivr near a Land. We extend our was a true and devoted member of our sincere sympathy lo the bereaved rel.i- oideraud was always found at his pot lives. of duty; and lie it further ' ,. . , c ., . . . ,, , , , I Memorial Day Exercises. lEcsohed, lliat while we deeply de-1 ploie hisdeilh we shall over endeawirl Following is the programme of exet to keep green in our memories the I eisos for Memorial Day. May 30. Every many noble ' one is invited lo assemble at the court lie was known, and will consider it our j house at lit a. in. sharp. Tlio pioee- iluty to emulate the example he lias ' sjot) will form immediately after the given ii by his life and comlnet; and ' exercises at the courthouse: be it further ltesolved, That a copy of theo reso lutions he sent, to the official paper of this jurisdiction and published in out local papers, that they lie spread on our minutes and that a cony he win to the telatives of our deceased brother. J. C. Wir.r.iAMs. A. S. ItOUKItTS, .1. K. Kains. Committee. August Meyer's Funeral. From the St. Mary's (Kansas) Star. Tlie funeral here last Sunday after noon over the reiuainsof August Meyer of Flagstaff was largely attended. The body arrived here on the train Saturday and was transferred to the residence of John Erbaeher. At 2:30 p. m. Sunday the corp-e was taken lo the church, where simple services were performed. A large concourse druggist. I 1 Meetliu called to order liy Chairman. 2 Openlwr exercises O. A. It., reading Ken- eral orders ly Adjutant. I 3 l'rncr, ttev. Father D.ily. 1 4 Music. I fi Address, l'rof. Taylor. 6 Music. 7 Declamation, M s. C. K. A 4 itin. 8 Music. 1 9 Declamation, Miss I. lluN. Hunter. 10 Music. I 11 Decoration of monument to the unknown I dead, liy tho children. 1! March to Greenwood Oem-tery. lrocs- I slon -Headed by FlaastafI Hand, the I schools, tiring squad, civic orders, lire dc- I partment, citizens, cuin.eiof t le late I Spanish war. Confederate and Union sol diers. I 13 Decorntlon it TiveiundU. A it. ritual. 1 11 I'raer, Hev. (125--3 . i,'ie. 15 Salute. ttrlmr squad. 10 Taps, Huxicr Fred Hull Acker's Dyspepsia Tablet are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart burn, raising of t le i.i .l, Ui-civsj, eating or any for.n iT p-4i i. One little tablet gives imnediate relief. -. cts and 0 ets. V. U. Ed wards,