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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
1: THK COCONINO SUN. jjll Excursion Rite to the Grand Canyon. Tin; S.mtu l"u & Grand Ciin.nn Kall road is now in operation from WIN liams to Anitas .lutict ion, a dis tance of 47 miles. I'undiiiir tlio com pletion of the road the stajje will meet train at Anitas Junction and carry pissenjfers to lliu hotel near the head of Hrljjht Anel trail. Train leaves William- d.iilj ul 12:.'U p. in., arrivinj; at the Grand Can j on at (i p. m. Stage leaves Grand (.'.tin on daily at 1:110 p. in.: train arrives at William's (i::il) p. in. Uu I trip fiom Flau'stalT. $l:!.."il). NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I-nnil OClcc nt Prcscott, Ariz., May 11. ISHjO. Notice Is hereby kIvcii Unit this following nninvO settler has filet notice of tils Intention to make final proof In support of his rlulm, and that said proof will Ih! made before tlie Clerk of the Probate Court nt Flagstaff, Arizona, on June SI. 1800. viz.. John X Woods of Wlnslow. Arizona, for the SV 'i of NK '(. SK U of StV i. NV H of Si: i and NK of SVV '. See. 1. T.1.1 N'.. It. II K. lie name) fie following wit nesses to prove his continuous icsldencc upon cultivation of s.iid land, viz.: D.uld J, Daze. Chas. Daze, N. S. Illy, It. i:. Crcswell, of Wlnslow-. Arizona. PiiKiiKKlcK A.Thiti.k Jr.. Iteulstcr. First publication Mvy III. 18 w. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office nt Prcscott. Ariz., May II, lioo. Notice Is hereby dven that the fnllojrlnsr named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his clalir, and that said proof will tc made before the( lerk of the Probate Court at Fl.iL'stnlt, Arizona, on June 21, MM. viz.: David John Daze of Win slow. Arizona, for the N V, of NV '( SK of of N V u and NK i of SV 1-4, Sec. :e, T. II) N., It. II K. Ho names the follow I ivt witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of said land, viz.: John X. Woods, Chas. Daze. N. S. Illy, It. K. Crcswell of Wlnslow, Arizona. riiKDEUit'K A. TlllTl.K Jr., HcgLstcr. First publication May 111. WOO. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- Land Office nt Prcscott, Ariz., May 14, l'lOO. i Notice Is hereby given that thefollowlng- I named settler has Hied notice of his Intention 4 to make final proof In support of his claim, and gtbat said proof will be made before the Clerk of tho Probate Court at Flagstaff, Arizona, on June 85, Woo, viz.: Krlck Denver of llellemont. Arizona, for the W 1-2 of SW 1-4 nnd S 1-2 of NW 1-4, Sec. 38, T. 22 N., It. 5 K. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of said land, viz.: Charles Carlson of llellemont, Arizona; George U.ibbltt, Thos. K. Pulliam, Harry C. Illbben, of Flagstaff, Arizona. Fhedeiiick A. Tiutle Jr , Register. First publication May 19, 19J0. DKPAItTMKNT OF THE IN'TKKIOIt. Onlce of U. S. SurvevorUe'ieral, Tucson, Arizona, Mav to. 1800. healed proposals (In duplicate) will lie received at this oltlcc until 12 o'clock noon, on Monday, June 11. Itfou. for running, measuring and marking. In acconlance with of ficial cxhllng revulatlons, and such special In structions as may tie issued by the Surveyor General, the following described Miners, to wit: Sees. 1. 2. S, 4. f and 0. Tp. 27 N., Its. t, 2. I, 4 and fi K., 11 M. subs. & I M. cxtrs. each; total. fi.1 M. subs. &. fi M extrs.; Sees, fi and 0. Tp. 2 N.. It. 0 K.. 4 M. subs. All of Tps. 28 N.. Its. I, 2, 3, 4 and fi K.. t M. subs. & 12 M. ex trs. ea:h : to tal, 3jd M. subs., and 0J M. extrs.; Sees. fi. 0, 7, K. 17. IH, IS, 20. 29. :. 31 & .12. 1 p. 28 N.. It. 8 K.. 22 M.. sulx. and 2 M. extrs. All of Tp. 29.W. Its. I. 2.3 & 4 K (I! M. sulx. &. 12 M. cxtrs. each: to tal, 2(0 M. subs. & 4XM. extrs.; x 13,14. IB, II). 1 1, If, 18,10 21.22.21,21. 2'). 2& 27. 2s. 2 1. 31. :ii.:i.'. :n. iii. :) & m. Tp. 29 n.. it ak., 4t m. subs. & 4 M. extrs.; Sees. If, 18, 19. 2J, 29. 30, 31 & 32. Tn. 2J N.. It. I) K., IB M. sub. Tp. 30 N.. Us. 1. 2&.I.K..00M.subs.nnd l2M.extrs. each; total, 180 M. subs. & :w M. extrs. Tp. 31 N., It. I K., 6 1 M. subs. & 12 M. extrs.: Sec. 5, 28, 27, 28. 2ii. 3D. 31, .1.', 3 1. 34, 31 & 3 1. Tp. 31 N.. it. 2 K.. 22 M. subs, and 2 M. extrs.; Sees. 1. 2. 3. 4. fi Si 6, Tp. 2i N., It. 1, 2. :i & 4 W II M. subs. & l M. extrs.. each: total, 44 M. subs. & 4 M. extras. All of Tps. 2, 28, :tj & 31 N., Its. 1, 2. 3 and 4 IV.. 00 M. sub. Si 12 M. extrs.eich; totil. MJM sub. & 182 M. extrs.; Sees. .11.32 & SLTp. 32 N.. It. 2 W. 0 M. subs. & I M. extrs.; Se;s. 19,20.21. 28, -"..M, 31. 32.33. 31. 3.1 & 3J.Tp. 32 N., 11. 3 W.. 21. jl. subs. & 3 M. extrs.; Sees. 0. 1", IS. 19,20, 21, 22.21.21. 25. 28. 27. 2". 28. 30. 31, :iJ. 3X 34, 3.1 & 38, I'll. 32 X., It.4 W..3HM. subs.,4 M.extia. Total. 2)sH M. I.eral rates of mile iim are 1-2 Um & J;.(Hor to Mishlp lines. Jjmhi an I t.V0 1 for Me llon lines, the JSi.uo and 20.ud rates to lie al lowed only where the lands are mountainous, heavily llmliered or covered with dense unr'er growih. Ilond with approved securities for tte faithful performance of the contract will tie le qulnsl of tho successful bidders. Deputies are requested to bid on all of the work, expressing preference, If anr, for certain adjacent I'ps. No deputy will be awarded more than he can sur vey prior to Dec. 1. 190J, JVA) In the n're:r.ite. The right Is reserved to reject nny or all bids, defects, and to accept any partofnn.1 bid and reject the other part, If the interests of the (Jovernment require It. Pro posals must be submitted in duplicate atstated prices per mile for each class of the above described lines, and transmitted to the under sinned, endorsed on the envelope "Propo-al No. 1 for Executing Public Surveys." The pro posals received will lie opened at time and place stated, and bidders arc invited to lie present. Further Information In rcimrd to the work will be furnished upon application to the under signed. UEOKOKCllltlsT, U. S. Surveyor General for Arizona. IHWPHs'isESTT