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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
isiKwn-s'-aft ..krttui l)e Coconino Sun. Vol. XVII. FLAGSTAFF, MAY 20, 1930. No. 18 V THE CENSUS MAN. Do Not Cel Angry if He Asks You Elunt Questions. On Friday, June 1, the taking nf the census will ht'iii, ami some I hue (hir ing June u in. hi will cull on vim iiiid aslf you ull kinds or questions of :i personal ntitiii'u :is to your uj;u, coml i tioti of health, family rclal inns, liunncial capa bilities mill business status. You m.iy feel like Ifillinr lilm wiili u club, liul ilon'i tin it. lie may be your friend or neitf ihor, but ho is only the ci-'ii-iis enumerator inn is only making jou it part, of the United States renins of-1 !'()(). If ton should commit an :ih s.iull on him your Uncle Sain will lake I liu tunnel' ii)anil your name Is likely to appear up in the ro-ler of u jail. When I liu enumerator calls on urn lie will identify himself liy his olllelal -ehedules anil a luiljje. He will not depend on the evidence of his eyes, hut will a-lc your sex and color, and the fact that you possess a white skin and near ii yuti and -puis won't excuse ton fiom answering the question. He will ask .Mm tlie month ami year of your hlrlli, whether you are married or single, widowed or divorced, how lonjf you hate been mai ried to V our pre-eut better half, how many ehildien you have had, how many are now living whether you are deaf, dumb or blind, and will leqtliic to know these things about eacli member of your family. If you are a unlive of another country ou will In expected to tell when you came to this country, and i lint step-, if any, you have taken to become a The government is intere-ted in your business and wants to know your occu pation. If you have more than one you will be listed under the head of the one from which you derive the most in co'iic. In case you are not sure which one of your occupations is the most remunerative, the one you spend the must time and elTortou will be the one under which you will lie described. Tliu-, if you tend bar during the day and spend ihe evening throwing dice at the crap l. tble you will lu put down as a Imi tender. In o ise you have no income it will not be noted, as the tfov uiumcutis too polite to put you down as a hobo. When the enumerator get through with you he will know things alionl you that yoi.r intimate friends do not, but us soon as you have answered his last question ho is expected t ) leave your piemisjs and immediately forjjet what you have told him. If lie don't forget it, or behave as if lie had, he is subject tja lineof ip,"iOU upon conviction. Ollicially the census begins on June 1, but I he enumerator may nut arrive at your housj until ten days later and li ml that you weiu married on .June ". You will i,ii down as u bachelor anil your wife a- a spinster. You may have died since the "1st of June, but if the census enumerator Muds out that you were alive on that date you are a part of the population of Arizona and you hate a lictitioiis existence in the sum The census does not recognize anything that may happen you between June 1 and the date of the arrival of the censu, enumerator. For the purp ise of taking the census