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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
THIS COCONINO SUN. CAPITOL NEARLY COMPLETED. Comparatively Little More Work on the Territorial Building. Despite the IiIikIimiiccs in the way of its completion the capitol is nearly Mnislicd. In f.iut several (if the rooms, nottbly the executive olllcc. arc ready for use at once, the $ l. 'tl, 01)0 building been formally ac cepted by thu lio.inl of o.mimi-sioner-, and were the territorial otllcers in a hurry to get in their new home. I'raetieally all of the exterior work is completed. The ronllng was lluis lied last week, and all that remains is the placing on the top of the dome the zinc statue of Justice, which will arrive this week from Ohio. The wood Moors are all laid, and o.i tile lirst Moor the tiling in the rotunda Wall down and p.utlally no in the cor ridor''. The kalsomiuiug is all com pleted, and tin: piloting uf the wood uoikis ended ou the llrt lloor and pirlly Mui-hcd on tlie -ei-ond. 'J'hc molding in the top of the rotunda is a dillicult piece of work and will be Mu lshed in a few day-. Thu plastering. Ical-omitiing and painting throughout the building is p.irticttl.uly good, and in fact ail the work is noticeable for excellence and tliu evidence of close attention to details. The wood is cpee!ally line and was gathered fiom live slates ami terri tories: Texan, Oregon, Arkansas, Ari zona and California. Thu oak is all quarter sawed, and shows especially well in tile balustrades to be placed iuouikI the rotunda. According toCoutraelor Thos. Lovell the greatest obstacle which hu has had ti overcome has been a .-eaieity of ma terial and of good mechanics, especially stone masons. Since the beginning of tlio building, over a year ago. prices of mateiials have in somu itibtancesalmostdoubled. In fact the rl-o has been so great tliut the builders aver that they will make nothing on their contract. Mr. Lovell he will easily finish his work within five weeks, and as all the wires are in place the 210 light- can be placed in a few hour.", and all that will be neces-ary will lie the laving of carpets and moving in the furniture. Itepubl lean. Town Treasurer' Report. Following Is Town Treasurer Quin's statement of the lin.inces of Flag' -talT fro n April il to May 22. l'.MHI: OhSFIlAI, FUND. Itecelpts Sidewalk collection, I I). Landi-r-Mcen-e taxes Property taxes . .. . Cash on bnml April 9 . . . I 21 M . sgi ai wis Di-bur-cmrnt- -Oeneral warrants paid oil I'o-tatrestauipH V. C. Has lo. April salary I.. V. Qulnlan. part April -alary (i. V. (Jlonner, attorney, April -alary C.i-h In Arizona Central Hanlt May ! . Cusli on hand May 2i . .. . WATER FtJJD. Jlecolpts Hcntals Taps Ca-h on hand April 9 .... U.070 3 .. . m h i m n m SI M 1 (O ji,o: : i Ml 15 SS (1) . 7 II Dl.bur-ements Interest on Warrant ?i7 A Warrants paid In April l-'reltfht on meter- . .. , Salary superintendent for April. . . Part -alary of clerk for April ltelmte on taps Telegram- . Work at re-ervolr Ca-h In Arizona Central Uanlt May Si Ca-h on hand May Si Jl,3i51 SJ . I 7S 85 25 (IS . 125 CO 50 () 4 (10 I 81 . 40 M 1,014 SO " OH 1 1,361 SU Ladies' calling cards,' in tlie correct styles, printed in thu latestcopper-plate script at this office.