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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
1 THE COCONINO SUN . I Dent .& Saycrs shipped their wool clip yesterday. It took two earn to contain the clip. Miss Susie MeGrattan and Master Hugh Weatherford arrived Wednes day from Weatherford, Texas. J. A. Wllbon, who has been a mem ber of the carpenter force of the Santa Fo Pacific for the pant two months, re turned Thursday. Governor N. O. Murphycame in from I'hoenlx yesterday to meet Mrs. Murphy and his son Paul, who tire ex pected from the East Monday. P. C. Roberta, who has been enumer ating the people in the southeast end of the county, has completed his work. He had a largo territory to cover and a sparse population. A Mexican herder in the employ of II. (J. Lockelt last week captured a young mountain sheep. It is quite tame, and Mr. Lockett will keep it at his ranch near town. The new residence of Julius Aubi ueau Is rapidly neari'mr completion. It is a handsome, commodious two-story' nrioK, wuii basement, and is one of the most attractive residences in town, and will cost when completed alsmt j'.",(X)0. Flagstaff now has an abundance of water. The spring is furnishing mine thing over 300,000 gallons of water daily. The Santa Fe Pacific railroad is .muling away thirty carloads daily. P.agstalt is the oi. y town in Northern Ail, ma that has a pien.iful supply or excellent water. C. II. Edwards, cashier of tln Ari zona Central Rank, has chargo of the Williams agency during the absence of Harry Pyle, who is enjoying hi? wed ding tour. Mr. Pyle was married on Wednesday in Pasadena to Miss .lanio Carnes of that city. The happy couple will return to Williams about July U. Mrs. M. E. Hagerman Is ill with pneumonia, J. M. Dennis of the Dennis Lumber Company spent yesterday here. The Rev. T. C. Moffett, formerly pastor of the congregation, will preach in the Presbyterian church to-morrow. July 1, ut tne 11 o'clock service. All are invited. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed at the same service. It is reported that six Apacho In dians died at their camp near Camp Verde last week. They moved their camp, when three more deaths oc curred. Then the Indians moved their camp to the mountains, the dead being left where they died. Flagstaff Lodge. No. 13, A. O. U. W., Thursday night elected the following otliccrs for the ensuing ter.n: W. H. Norman, master workman; Clark Ilitt, foreman; A. Alvord, overseer; A. S. Roberts, recorder; J. C. Grim, liuau cier: W. S'leliiinelz, receiver. Mis. M. G. LobJell, representing the Boston Dry Goods Stole of Los An KeloR, will be In PJugslnlT soon, date to be announced later. She will carry a full line of everything in summer wear for ladies. Nothing but the latest styles shown. The house pays all ex press charges on orders. It will be to the interest of the ladies to reserve onleis for Mrs. Lolxlell. I B. Hunt) a. superintendent of the forest reserves of New Mexico and Ari.ona, was here this week, leaving for Santa Fo yesterday. He is making his lirst ofHcial visit to the reserves under his supervision, and the present trip wasa hurried one. On hisnext visit here he expects to remain some time. He was accompanied by his son Harry, recently ranger in the Prescott reserves. "W!?P"