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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
rt . uH!iSff NtMfa mMmmgm THE COCONINO SUN. a&i&MttejiimmiL.' '& u. i Mrs. C. P. Wilson of Pomomi, Cal., Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. S. Robinson. . Airs. L. II. Tolfree and daughters, Edith mid Gertrude, left this morning for Williams. Robert Walker lias accepted a posi tion as ollico deputy in the sherilt's oltieo and will assume his duties July 1. Miss Bertha Beeehor, who has been attending the Arizona Normal, le turued to her home in Kingman this morning. Lowell observatory will bo open to tiie public on Thursday evening, July 5. The moon, Jupiter and Saturn may be seen. Gilford Piuehotof the Forestry Bu reau came in from Phoenix Thurda., having completed his tour of inspec tion thiough the Black Mesa forest re serve. In company with E. S. (Josney Mr. Pinchot is making an inspection of the grazing portions of tjiis lesene. Burton Mobsman came up fiom Win slow this morning to meet his cousins, tiie AIUscs Mossmau, who have been spending the whiter in Phoenix, and made I ho trip from that place on horse back with J. F. Daggs mid family. They left for their homo in Missouri this morning. The Aliases Hubbell, who have been stopping with friends hero during the week, left for their homo in Albu queiquo this morning. They are the daughters of Hon. J. L. Hubbell of Apache county, and they graduated last, week from St. Jo-eph's Academy, Prescott. R. It. Coleman, Geo. U. Young, F. O. Poison ami Jake Salzmau of Williams returned this morning from Albu qucique, where they had been conferr ing witli parties interested in the rail road from Williams to the Grand Cun- jon. No agreement was reached which would relievo thellnaueial distress now prevailing among the promoters of that scheme. The SUN trusts that thoso interested may succeed in raising tlio funds wherenith thoy may be able to complete their enterprise. Nativity School Exercises. An audience of about 400 friends and pati oils of the Nativity School gathered at Babbitt's opera house last night to witness I lie closing exercises of tho school. Tho programme of 22 numbois was faithfully carried out. The children rondel ed their selections in a happy manner, and the entertainment was an ai listic success. Space does not permit of individual praise. The Elite Mandolin Club nindu its debut before a FlagstatT audience and established a leputationas a musical oiganizalion that will keep them in popular demand. In the absence of Father Dllly from tlieclt, Father Connolly of Winslow presented medals to tho following pupils of the school: Gold medal, for Christian doctrine, donated by Right Rev. N. C. Natz, D. D., of Denver, Col. Alerited by Alisses Alice Kennedy, Cecelia Thompson, Rosa Crloz and Alasters George Rickel, Raymond Babbitt, Bei train! Babbitt, Joli ti Powell, Edwin Babbitt and Wil liam Dalton. The medal was awarded by lot to George Rlckul. Gold medal, for the highest average. 'donated by the Rev. Father Join ! or winslow, Arizona -Awarueu touay mond Babbitt. Gold medal, for good coudu :t. do nated by Rev. Father Dllly or Flag stalT Awarded by vote to Aliss Alth o Manning Gold medal, for regular attendance, donated by J. T. Klrwlti of Now York Awarded to AIlss Cecelia T.iouipsou.