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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
...3' --- -imMmr'' 3Ktfi ii THE COCONINO SUN ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION ARIZONA OIL COMPANY. Know nil men by thee presents we, tho undersigned, J. dirown, F. V. Slsson, C. II. Fanchcr. T. K. Pollock, K. S. Gosney, hereby organize a corporation under the laws or tho Territory of Arizona, ami adopt tho following articles of Incorporation: AUTICI.K I. The n imo of the corporation shall he the Arizona Oil t'ompiny, and its place of business shall boat the Town of Flagstaff, County of Coconino, Territory of Arlzon . u Ith ofllcesat such other places as may liodesig nated by the Hoanl of Directors of this com pati). AI'TICI.K II. The general nature of the business to be transacted Is: First To buj, locate or otherwise acquire, sell, hold and leaso mines, mining claims and mineral lands ." eery kind. Including lands containing petroleum coal, brea or deposits of a kindred nature Second To open mines, bore oil or petroleum wells, to operate, manage and control the same, and to market and dlsposo of tho product thereof, and generally to carry on tho business of mining. Including tho mining of coal, breu, petroleum and kindreil ubstances, and the business of refining and reducing the same Into their tarlnus products, and the marketing thereof. Third -To construct, maintain, lease, acquire and operate, manage and control pipe Unci and other conduits for the transportation of oil or water, and to engage In the business of trans portation of oil, by plpo linos or other means, and to acquire and hold tho lands necessary or convenient therefor. Fourth To buy or otherwise acquire, hold, lease, sell or otherwise dispose of, manage and control real and person il property of ei cry kind. Including water, water rights, shares of stoik in other corporations. AUTICU: III. The amount of capital Mock of this corpora tion shall be two hundred thousand dollars (WIO.OOO) tilt Idiil into two hundred thousand shares of thojaco talue of one dollar (1100) eaih, to be paid for at tho mirket price as Issued, and shall bo transferrable only on tho books of this corporation, In accordance with tho prot islons of the bj -law s. auticm: IV. The time of the commencement of this cor poration shall be tho date of tho Hling of these articles of Incorporation In the ofttio of the County llecorder of Coconino County, Terri tory of Arizona, and the term thereof shall bo thirty years thereafter. AIITICLK V. Tho highest amount of indebtedness and lia bility to which this corporation shall at any time subjeil Itself shall bo tho sum of one thousand dollars. The prlt ate property of the oniters and stockholders shall lie exempt from liability for Its corporate debts, and Its stock shall be non-assessable AUTICI.K VI. The number of directors of this corporation shall be lite, but may belnereaseil to any num ber not ex iced In,; ten, In such way and manner as its by-laws shall protide. Tho names of those who aro to constitute tho Hoard of Directors ami to manage the arfalrs of the cor poration until its first regular meeting and election of directors ami officers are: J. C. llronn, F. W. Slsson.C II I'ancher. T. K Pol lock, K. S. Gosney, directors; and J. C. Drown, president: V. Y". Slsson, t Ice-president; K. S. Gosney. secretart : T. K. I'ollock, treasurer; who shall serte until their siiciessors are duly elected In uccordanto with the prot Islons of the by-laws. AUTICI.K VII. The llrst regular meeting of tho Hoard of Directors and stockholders shall lie held at tin Town of Flagstaff at such tlmoas thodlrectors shall tleeni adtlsab'c.and the subsequent meet ings shall lie helil annually thereafter, at suih time and place as shall lie deslgnatetl ami set forth in the by-laws. AUTICI.K VIII. These articles may bo amended or changed by a tote of the majority of the stock Issued at any regular or spedal meeting of the stock holders after written notice of the proposed change In such m inner as the bt-laws shall direct. We, the undersigned, do by these presents severally agrte with each othir, for ourseltcs mid those who may liecomo associated with us ourand their legal represen tallies, that we and thev shall lie tiound, controlled and concluded bv the prot Islons. statements, stlpul illotis and agreements loulalncd, mentioned and set forth in the foregoing certllicate. In witness whereof we, the said Incorpor ators, hate hereunto set our hands and seals this Hill day of April, A. D. llHl. K. si GtlSNKV, C. II. rAMIU.ll, T. K. I'm UK K, r. w. sissuN, J. C. Ilium n. Territory of Arizona, i County of Coconino f lleforeme, T. S. Hunch, a notary public In and for the Countt of Coconino. Terrltorj of Arlrnnu. on this I Ith day of April, I WO, pTsoii ullv appeared T. K. Pollock, C. II. raniher, K. S. Gosney and I'. W. Slsson, known to me tube .S w