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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
MJ aage V THE COCONINO SUN. Santa Fe Pa, R. R. Co, Condensed Time Card No. 10. In effect July 10, 1899. TENT CITY AT W S STATIONS. g 5 10 (JOp l.v. . Chlcnmi . Ar 7 40a 10 60a ... . Kansas City S4Vi 3 9b Denier 10 00a 4Sa Lit Junta. 10 30a 9p .. . Albuquerque 8 30a 2 2Ja Wlnirate I.v JOi iSto - . Gallup... . 3 ooa 5 4.1a Hoi brook I133p 7 U5u Wlnslon- 10 40p 9:i0.i Flagstaff. 8 42p 1112a .Williams. 7 lxp !! 10p Ar .. Ash Fork Ly 8p Biwp Lv Ash Fork Ar S Up 7 50p Ar Jerome Jc r.v 3 25p 8 45p . Present t 2 4"p 11 Wp ConcressJe II Wa 2 3Aa Ar . Phirnlx Iat 8 A'm IJSjp I.v .Ash Fork Ar AMp 2 I4p ... Pcuch Springs r.v 1 40p 3 41p Kingman 1125a f.V)p The Nceillcs 8 33a 7 22p Mnko 7 10a 9 lOp llugdad 4 30a illi Daggett 223a I J Ma Hnrston 1 sou 1 4Vi Kramer l 03a -'40a MoJine I J 15a 7 0ihi Ar r.os Angeles 7 sop 1 Kip .. San Diego 1 S5p 6 (Op Ar . Sun Francisco I.v 9 Ooa Overland Express Pullman Palace and Tourist Sleeping cars to 1 Chicago itally. Personally Conducted Excur. sions with through Tourist 'Sleeping cars to St. ' i.ouis eiery Mommy: m. I'auieien Monday and Sntunlny; and to Iloston cier Thursiluv. Experienced Conductors accompany these cars through to destination, to look after the comfort of passengers. The Santa Fe Route Is the most comfortable wu across the con tinent. Dining Hooms and Dining cars are. mnnaged bv Mr, Freil llnrey, and are perfect In eery detail. Hates, tickets and full Information cheerfully furnished on application to (J. K. Sullivan, Ant., Flagstaff. Wilier consume! s lmvu buen notlticd I iv ilu town council to place meters on their preinlsL-K. Frledlein, the plumb er, is the mini to do 1I10 work. G0R0NAD0 BEACH OPENS JUNE I, 1900 In addition to the peerless iittrac tlons of former Miiiniiier heasons at Coronado Heacli the new and unique .ittiactiotib of u Tent City is provided for those who choose the fieedom of the tent rather than the luxury of the hotel. Excursion Tickets at extremely low rates will be sold by the Santa Fe Route RELIABLE ASSAYS. .$ .so ,m Hold I.1..11I Gold and Slher 75 Gold, SiHer and Copper l.f0 Samples bv mall receive prompt attention Rich Ores and Bullion Bought. OGDEN ASSAY CO., 1429 IfUh St . ' - - Denver, Colo.