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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
JSSk TIIK COCONINO SUN. Played Out. Dull headache, pains In various parte of the body, sinking at the pit of tliu stumucli. loss of appetite, feverishness, pimples or sores nro nil positive evi dences of Impure blood. No matter how it became no it must be purilieil In order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Rllxlr has never failed to cure scrofulous or syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy, and we nell every bottle on a positive guarantee. W. It. Kd nurds, druggist. 2 It Rained at Globe. After our people had given up hopes of r.iin It came. The ground was thor oughly soaked and the wells are filling up and the miners and prospectors are getting ready to open now Ileitis. Globe was without mail for three da) s, an unavoidable delay as some 40 bridges were more or less damaged. Superin tendent Heal worked night and day to put the road in repair and open com munication, which lie did in a reinm k ably short time. The road to the smel ter was cut out in one place .'100 feet and the dirt washed from many of the piling across the washes. Repairs were fin ished yesterday and trains commenced running to the smelters this morning. Times. Cuts and Bruises Quickly Healed. Chamberlain's Pain Halm applied to a cut, bruise, burn, scald or like injury will instantly allay the pain and will heal the parts In less time than any other treatment. Unless the injury is very sevore it will not leave a scar. Pain Halm also cures rheumatism, sprains, swellings ami lameness. For sale by Pioneer Drug Store. You are sure to find something at the Racket Store you need. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. COUNTY KKCOKDKK. Notice Is hereby Klven that I, Harry C. Hlbben, will bo a candiduto for the office of County Hecordcr t the election to bo heM No- ember t). IWK). subject to tho nomination of the Itepubllcan County Convention to be held nt Flagstaff, I'KOHATK JUDCli:. I, It. II. Jones, hereto- announce myself as a candidate for Probate Judite of Coconino coun ty, subject to the action of the Democratic convention. SIIKKIFF I. f.. S. Drum, hereby announco myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Coconino County at the election to tie held November fl, 1("K), subject to the notion of the Itepubllcan County Convention. FOIt SIIKKIFF. I hereby announce that I am a candidate tor tho office of Sheriff of Coconino County, Ari zona Territory, at the election to be held ember (1, IWrt, subject to the action of the publican County Convention. M. M. FISIIKK. AH- No- Y ilte- FOIt SIIKKIFF. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Coconino County, Ari zona, at the election to beheld Nov ember (!. 11M), subject to the action of the Democratic County Convention. JAMKS A. JOHNSON. FOK TKKASUKKK. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Coconino County. A rl zona, at the election to tie held Nov ember 8. liioo, subject to the action of the Itepubllcan County Convention. It. II. MAKINK. Seashore. Special low rates will be made by tho Santa Fo Route to San Diego, Long Reach, L.os Angeles, Santa Monica and Redondo on Thuisday of each week from May 24 to August .'10. Tickets will be (food for IK) days from date of sale and to stop over at any point west of San Bernard i no. The rale from Flagstaff will be $31 for thu round trip. Hound trip rate to San Kranci i ml trip. tffr sco, $51. -A