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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
l'i l.JlSll ttMW-.l- i-lV t, -s ' THE COCONINO SUN. Forest Reserve Lieu Application. u. S. Land (Mice nt l'rescott. Ariz.. I September 21. I i Notice Is hereby glum that M.iry K. Collin, whose postonlce address Is Duluth, Minnesota, has this day made application to select, under the pro lslons of the act of June 4, 1KIT (SOStnt. 3d), the following' described tracts of unstir vetcd land, each and cerv tract containing 40 ncres, nil situate In Coconino rountr. In l'res eott Land District, Territory of Arlon.i, and containing In nil lfio acres, Wz.' I. "North Lnko" tract, situate In the Iluck skin Mountains, In tho northern part of Coco nino county, Arizona, p irtlculnrlv bounded and described as follows: Commenclnnt the south east corner, or corner No. 1. and running thence north 1.320 feet to corner No. 2; thence west 1,33) feet to corner .no :i; themo south 13.1) feet to corner No. 4, and thence cast 1 320 feet to corner No. 1 the place ( lieglniiln'. Corner No. 4 bears south 41 degrees, urstPtt feet dis tant from the center of the mot northerly lake of the "Three Lukes," so-called, which latter are well known springs, landmarks commonly and widely known by that designation A pine trie II Inihes In diameter bears north ill de crees, llm'n. west 2S feet distant from corner No. I. At each corner of tho tract Is a post two Indies square, set In mound of rocks tlireo feet high, properly marked. 2. "Middle and South Lake" tract, situate. In the Huckskln Mountains In tho northern part of Coconino county. Arizona, particularly bounded and dcscrllied as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner, or (orncr no. I, and running thence north I 3.1) feet to corner No. 2: the ice west 1.320 feet to corner No. 3; thence south 1,321) feet to corner No. 4: thence east 1,320 feet to corner No. 1, the place of begin ning. Corner No. 2 lienrs north OJ deg Cimlll. east. 811 feet distant from the center of the middle lake of the "Three Lako," so-called and north M degrees :ii mln. east, W" feet dis tant from the tenter of the southerly lake of the "Three Lakes," so called, which latter are well-known springs, landmarks widely and commonly known by that designation At each corner of the tract Is n post two inches square set In mound of rocks three feet high, properly marked. 3. "Jacobs Pools" tract, situate In House Rock alley. In the northern pirt of Coconino county, Arizona, more particularly described and bounded as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner, or corner No. I, anil running thence north 1..120 feet to comer No. 2; thence west 1.32" feet to corner No. 3; thence south 1,320 feet to corner No. 4: thence east 1.320 feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. Corner No. I lienrs south 33 degrees jju mln, west i" feet distant from the main or largest pool of "Jacobs Pools," so-called, tho latter being well- know n sprlngs.landmarks w Idely and commonly mlsslonerof tho General Land Ortlcc. At each comer of the tract Is u post two inches square set In a mound of rocks three feet high, prop erly marked. 4 "Soap Creek" tract, situate In House Hock valley, in the northern part of Coconino county, Arizona, more particularly bounded and de scribed as follows: Commencing at the south east comer, or corner No. Land running thence north 1320 feet to corner No. 2; themo west 1.320 feet to corner No. 3; themo south l,320feet tii corner No. 4; thence east 1.3.1) feet to corner No. I, the place of beginning. Comer No. 2 bears south 31 degrees, east 4,17(1 feet from the spring which is thesource of SoapCreek, which latter Is a well-known creek, a landmark widely and commonly designated by that name, now -ini; Into House Hock valley, well-known by that name. At each corner of the tract Is a post two inches square set In a mound of rocks, three feet high, properh marled. Within the next thirty dav from date hereof nrotcsts or contests agalns this selection on the ground that the laud de.crlled. or any por tion thereof. Is more aluible for IlKinlnera than for agricultural purposes, will be nt cited and noted for report to tlu Commissioner of the General Land (Mice ritkiiKiiicK A.'fmn.K Jr., Register. First publication Scp.ember 21). rX Forest Reserve Lieu Application United States Land Gfflce at l'rescott, Ariz., i September 21. 1800. t Notice Is hereby glen that V. A. Ihdo & Co , Incorporated, whose postofllce address Is snn . Praiiclsco, California, ha" this day made uppll-T cation to select, under the provisions of the Act of June 4, X'J7 (W Stat. 3(1), the following dcscrllied tracts of unsuryeted land, each and etery tract containing 40 acres, all sltuite In Coconino county, In l'rescott Land District, Territory of Arizona, and containing In all 160 acres, viz: 1 "House ltock" tract, situate In the House Hock Valley, In the northern part of Coconino county, Arizona, more particularly bounded and described ns follows: Commencing nt the southeast corner, or corner No. 1. md running thence north 1.320 feet to corner No. 2: thence west 1.3.1) feet to corner No 3: thence south 1,320 feet to corner No. 4: thence east 1,3.1) feet to corner No. t, the place of lieglnnlng. Corner no. 1 lM-ars south 7 degrees, cast 8111 feet distant from House ltock spring, a spring which Is a landmark, and widely and commonly us such throughoutCoconlno county and Northern Arizona und Southern Utah. At each corner of the tract Is n post two Inches square, set In a mound of rocks, three feet high properly marked. 2. "Two-Mile" tract, situate In House Hock Valley. In the northern part of Coconino coun ty, Arizona, more partliulurlv bounded and deserlbedusfollows: Commencing at thesouth- known by that designation, and shown upon tho i east corner, orcornor no. Land running thence olllclnl maps Issued and published liv the Com- north 1.320 feet to corner no. 2: thence west